February 2013
(866) WTR-SENS (987-7367)
Most of us know we can save water if
teeth (as much as 3,000 gallons per year!), but did you know that there are
products that will help save water when you turn on the tap too? WaterSense
labeled faucets and faucet accessories (
save money on water bills.
WaterSense labeled bathroom faucets and aerators can
save the average family 700 gallons of water per year
WaterSense® Labeled
Bathroom Sink
Faucets & Accessories
we turn off the tap while brushing our
e.g., aerators) are high-performing,
-efficient fixtures that will help you reduce water use in your home and
WaterSense labeled bathroom sink faucets and
accessories that use a maximum of 1.5 gallons per
minute can reduce a sink’s water flow by 30 percent or
more from the standard flow of 2.2 gallons per minute
without sacrificing performance. We could save billions
of gallons nationwide each year by retrofitting bathroom
sink faucets with WaterSense labeled models.
All products bearing the WaterSense label complete a
third-party certification process to ensure they meet
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) criteria.
Faucets and faucet accessories—products that can be
attached easily to existing faucets to save water—that
obtain the WaterSense label have demonstrated both
water efficiency and the ability to provide ample flow.
Replacing old, inefficient faucets and aerators with
WaterSense labeled models can save the average
family 700 gallons of water per year, equal to the
amount of water needed to take 40 showers. Since
these water savings reduce demands on water heaters,
households will also save enough energy to run a
hairdryer 10 minutes a day for a year. Achieving these
savings can be as easy as twisting on a WaterSense
labeled aerator, which can cost as little as a few
dollars. If every home in the United States replaced
existing faucets and aerators with WaterSense labeled
models, we could save nearly $1.2 billion in water and
energy costs and 64 billion gallons of water across the
country annually—equivalent to the annual household
water needs of more than 680,000 American homes.
Whether replacing an older,
inefficient faucet, or looking to
reduce water in your bathroom,
choose a WaterSense labeled
sink faucet or faucet accessory.
WaterSense labeled models are
available at a wide variety of
price points and styles. In many areas, utilities offer
rebates and vouchers that can lower the price further.
For more information or a list of WaterSense labeled
products, visit www.epa.gov/watersense.