Modine Manufacturing GLW, GLW660S, GLW330S, GLW660, GLW330 Service Manual

March, 2002
TTyyppee GGLLWW LLooww WWaatteerr TTeemmppeerraattuurree
GGrreeeennhhoouussee HHeeaattiinngg aanndd VVeennttiillaattiinngg UUnniittss
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IInnssppeeccttiioonn oonn AArrrriivvaall
1. Inspect unit upon arrival. In case of damage, report immediately to transportation company and your local Modine sales representative.
2. Check rating plate on unit and motor to verify that power supply and motor specification requirements meet available electric power at the point of installation.
3. Inspect unit received for conformance with description of product ordered (including specifications where applicable).
GGeenneerraall IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn
The heat exchanger is warranted for operation at hot water pressures up to 300 lbs. per sq. in. gauge, and/or temperatures up to 180°F.
SSppeecciiaall PPrreeccaauuttiioonnss
1. Disconnect power supply before making wiring connections to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage. All units must be wired strictly in accordance with wiring diagram furnished with unit.
2. Units should not be installed in atmospheres where corrosive fumes or sprays are present.
3. Units with power codes 01, 02, 03, 04, or 05 must not be installed in potentially explosive or flammable atmospheres.
4. Be sure no obstructions block air intake or air discharge of unit.
LLooccaattiinngg GGLLWW UUnniittss
In locating units consider the general heating and ventilating requirements of the greenhouse. Arranging units to simplify piping and electrical supply systems should also be given consideration.
IInnssttaalllliinngg GGLLWW UUnniittss
Because of their weight it is generally not feasible to suspend a GLW unit from the roof supports of a greenhouse. No provision for overhead suspension is provided on GLW660S units. Brackets to facilitate overhead suspension of model GLW330S units can be provided. Normal practice is to place this GLW unit on a field fabricated stand or platform that is fastened to the floor. Be sure the means of support is adequate to suppor t the weight of the unit. For proper operation the unit must be installed in a level horizontal position.
Proper operation of the GLW greenhouse heating unit is dependent on correct arrangement of unit piping.The points listed below generally outline the areas which must be considered. For more complete coverage on the subject of piping, reference should be made to a reputable engineer’s handbook or the ASHRAE guide.
1. Piping should be sized to properly handle the required flow (GPM) of water.
2. In the absence of engineered data on an individual application, piping the full size of the GLW unit connections should be used. Supply and return runouts must be the same size.The inlet is on the bottom. Inlet and outlet connections are clearly marked on each GLW unit.
3. Air must be continuously eliminated from the GLW unit to secure rated performance and avoid premature coil failure.
All wiring must be done in accordance with the National Electric Code and applicable local codes. In Canada, wiring must conform to the Canadian Electric Code. Power supply
As Modine Manufacturing Company has a continuous product improvement program, it reserves the right to
change design and specifications without notice.
Disconnect power supply before making wiring connections to prevent electrical shock and equipment damage. All units must be wired strictly in accordance with wiring diagram furnished with this unit.
to these unit heaters must be protected by a fused disconnect switch. It is recommended that all wiring be adequately grounded.
Electric wiring must be sized to carry the full load amp draw of the motor, starter, and any controls that are used with the unit heater.All units with power codes 04, 05, 08, or 09 (polyphase motors) must be provided with suitable overcurrent protection in circuit supplying heater at installation. Overcurrent protectors should be sized based on motor current rating shown on motor rating plate, and applicable national electric code procedures.
All units are provided with electrical junction boxes.The GLW660 may be field wired from either junction box.Any damage to or failure of Modine units caused by incorrect wiring of the units is not covered by Modine’s standard warranty.See Page 4.
PPrriioorr ttoo OOppeerraattiioonn
1. Make sure fuses are installed in fused disconnect switches.
2. Check all electrical connections to assure they are secure.
3. Check rigidity of unit mounting.Tighten all fasteners, if necessary.
4. Inspect piping, strainers, fittings, etc.
IInniittiiaall SSttaarrtt--UUpp
1. Set thermostat to lowest position.
2. Turn on power supply to unit.
3. Open return gate valve, and then open supply gate valve to unit.
4. Raise thermostat setting to desired position.
5. To insure proper sequence of operation, cycle unit on and off a few times by raising and lowering thermostat setting.
6. Check for proper rotation of fan. All fans must rotate in a counter-clockwise direction when viewed from the back of the GLW unit.Do not attach polytubes to GLW unit until proper rotation of fans is assured.
IInnssttaallllaattiioonn ooff PPoollyyeetthhyylleennee AAiirr DDiissttrriibbuuttiinngg TTuubbee ((PPoollyyttuubbee))
TTuubbee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn The polyethylene tube providing air distribution throughout the
greenhouse, is simply and directly connected to the heater outlet transition with a gasket and a clamp.The clamp and gasket are shipped attached to the unit.To install:
1. Remove clamp.
2. Thread a tube end through the clamp about 2 to 4 inches.
3. Orient the tube so that the distribution holes are in the desired position.
4. Fit tube end clamp over the gasketed outlet transition and secure clamp with a screwdriver.
5. Unroll tube to length desired and tie up opposite end.
6. Add air distribution holes as needed if polytube has been shortened from standard length.
7. A minimum number of 100-3" diameter holes are required for a 24" diameter polytube.
TTuubbee SSuussppeennssiioonn For optimum air distribution the tube should be suspended
about 7 to 9 feet above the floor with the hoops and key rings supplied.The tube must be hung without sharp bends or twists.The hoops supplied are special straps of cross­laminated plastic for durability that include eyelets at each end for clipping into key ring.The key rings, with strap and tube, may be clipped onto either a long lead wire or an eyebolt in the truss construction of the greenhouse. Because of the variety of greenhouse constructions, no further provisions for suspension are provided other than the hoops and key rings.
Recommended tube suspension with hoops is approximately eight feet apart, which will be adequate for polytube weight (12 lbs. per 100 feet) and sufficient to dampen out snapping action when the tube is initially inflated. For wire suspension, make sure the key rings are properly anchored, i.e., either tied, taped, or looped into the wire to prevent shifting.While the tube is inflated, stretch tube slightly and tie end to greenhouse frame.This will reduce the chance of tube flutter and increase the life of the tube.
RReeppllaacceemmeenntt PPaarrttss
All replacement parts and controls are proprietar y in that all have been designed, tested, and approved for the particular application to insure both physical and electrical fit and performance. Any substitution of parts or controls not approved by Modine will be at customer’s risk.
Modine Manufacturing Company reserves the right
to substitute parts of advanced design and to change specifications or prices without advance notice or without incurring obligations.
Replacement parts can be obtained by submitting the model number, power code control code and serial number shown on the rating plate attached to the unit, along with a description of the part, to the Service Dept., Modine Manufacturing Company, West Kingston, Rhode Island 02892.
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