Modern 6012AR Users Guide

1220 East Oak Street
Louisville, Kentucky 40204
No Sound?
Software Notes
 If you cant get any sound to play through the software, you need to make
sure you have selected the USB input for the recording device. This setting is found under preferences.
 If you can see the music play on the screen but cant hear it, make sure the
Playback Device is set to the internal soundcard.
 If you cant hear any sound as the record is playing, click on the microphone
and select Monitor Input.
Poor Sound Quality?
 If your recording sound is distorted or unclear, try adjusting the Input Level
to a lower level.
 Inspect the needle to make sure it is correctly positioned on the tone arm.
Audacity is free software, distributed under the General Public License (GPL). More information, as well as open source code, can be found on the included CD or on the web at
Audacity works on both Windows (98 and greater) as well as Mac OS (X and 9.2+).
For more information, visit
For help and tutorials, visit
Dividing Recordings Into Tracks
Set Up for Vista
Manually Splitting Your Recording Into Tracks:
1. Select the SKIP TO START button.
2. This will ensure the beginning of the recording will be the actual starting location.
3. Select PROJECT.
5. This will set the first track to its starting point.
6. Type in the name of the first track.
7. To separate the tracks, click one time on the line between the cluster (clusters represent audio).
8. A line will appear where the selection was clicked.
9. Repeat steps 4-7 until all tracks have been labeled and clicked for separation.
NOTE: Any track name that is circled can be added or edited.
- Zooming in to select the track/tracks separation may be necessary
- The space bar will allow you to start and stop playback of the tracks
before adding a label.
- Track names can be edited once they have been exported from Audacity.
- Make sure to SAVE your file regularly.
1. Make sure your open programs on your computer are closed before continuing.
2. On the button left of your screen, select the START menu.
3. Select SETTINGS
5. Once the window appears double-click the SOUND control pane. (If the SOUND option is not available, choose Switch to Classic View located on the left panel of the window).
6. Select the RECORDING tab located at the top of the Sound Control Panel.
7. Choose Microphone - USB Audio CODEC as the default recording device. (USB Audio CODEC represents the turntable.)
8. Select the SET DEFAULT button to confirm selections.
Dividing Recordings Into Tracks
Before dividing your newly recorded album into separate tracks, all editing (cleaning, audio removal, etc.) needs to be complete.
1. Select FIT PROJECT IN WINDOW icon (magnifying glass with horizontal line below it.)
- This will magnify the view so all tracks
can be seen. The separation breaks will appear as skinny lines between the clusters (clusters represent audio).
Splitting tracks can be done automatically or manually. Automatically is rec­ommended if the record is in good condition and there is a distinct silence break between the songs. Another option would be to manually separate. This is recommended if the record is in poor condition or does not have dis­tinct silence breaks between the songs.
Automatically Splitting Your Recording Into Tracks
1. Select EDIT.
2. Select SELECT ALL.
3. Select ANALYZE located on the menu bar at the top.
Set Up for XP
1. Make sure your open programs on your computer are closed before continuing.
2. Open the START menu located at the bottom left of the screen.
3. Select SETTINGS.
5. Once the window appears, double-click the SOUNDS and AUDIO DEVICES option. (If the Sound and
Audio Device is not available, choose the switch to Classic View option on the left panel of the window).
6. Select the VOICE tab located at the top of the Sounds and Audio Devices control panel.
7. Under VOICE PLAYBACK, choose the internal sound card as the default device.
USB Audio CODEC (USB turntable). Modem, or Microsoft Sound Mapper should not be selected.
8. Under VOICE RECORDING, select USB Audio CODEC as the default device.
NOTE: Silence Finder will attempt to detect the silence breaks between the songs.
5. Type 15 into the SILENCE LEVEL (in Silence Finder table).
6. Select OK
This will begin the analyzing process.
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