produced by Model Technology Incorporated. Unauthorized copying, duplication, or
other reproduction is prohibited without the written consent of Model Technology.
The information in this manual is subject to change without notice and does not
represent a commitment on the part of Model Technology. The program described in
this manual is fu rnished under a license agreement and may not be used or copied
except in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The online documentation
provided with this product may be printed by the end-user. The number or copies that
may be printed is limited to the number of licenses purchased.
is a trademark of Model Technology Incorporated. PostScript is a registered
trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated. UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T in
the USA and other countries. FLEXlm is a trademark of Globetrotter Software, Inc. IBM,
AT, and PC are registered trademarks, AIX and RISC System/6000 are trademarks of
International Business Machines Corporation. Windows, Microsoft, and MS-DOS are
registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. OSF /Motif is a trademark of the Open
Software Foundation, Inc. in the USA and other countries. SPARC is a registered
trademark and SPARCstation is a trademark of SPARC International, Inc. Sun
Microsystems is a registered trademark, and Sun, SunOS and OpenWindows are
trademarks of Sun Microsystems, I nc. All ot her trademarks and registered trademarks
are the properties of their respective holders.
Copyright (c) 1990-1998, Model Technology Incorporated.
All rights reserved. Confidential. Online documentation may be printed by licensed
customers of Model Technology Incorporated for internal business purposes only.
Published: November 1998
EE Start Here - Part # M16500 US$50
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This document
Elite Edition Simulators for UNIX and Windows
(Language-Neutral Licensing )
If you have quest ions a bout the product yo u have purc hase d here are a few
sources of information:
• "Locating Documentation" (p21)
• "Tech Support , Updates & Licensing" (p25)
• "Online References" (p32)
In this document you will find information on Model
documentati on for our Elite Edi tion (EE) simulators . You will also find
sections on tech support , licensing, and EDA industr y references. If you are
using this document online (the bes t way to use it), links for
cross-references, email and the web are available - just
click on
the blue text.
- for VHDL simulation only
- for Verilog simulation only
- for
- for single-langua ge, or mixed VHDL/Verilog simula tion
VHDL, or Verilog simulation
installation and
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Table of Contents
EE Installation - 6
System requirements for ModelSim EE - 6
Installation - UNIX platforms - 7
Installation - Windows platforms - 10
Installing the FLEXid security key - 10
Installation and setup for a PC server - 10
Troubleshootin g PC server setu p - 12
Setup for a UNIX serv er - 12
Windows platform installation details - 12
Licensing - 12
How to find the security key ID - 13
Regenerat ing your design libraries - 13
Installed directories and files - 13
Platform-specific directories - 19
Locating Documentation - 21
Online documentation - 21
Getting the most current PDF manuals - 22
Getting pa per manuals - 22
EE documentation - 22
Using ModelSim’s PDF documentation - 23
Getting the Acrobat Reader - 23
Sear ching PDF files - 23
Requirements for Acrobat Search - 24
Doc files for ModelSim EE - 24
Copy and Past e from PDF files - 24
Tech Support, Updates & Licensing - 25
ModelSim contact matrix - 25
Technical support - by telephone - 25
Mentor Graphics customers In North America - 25
Mentor Graphics customers outside North America - 26
Model Technology customers worldwide - 26
Technical s upport - electronic support services - 26
Ment or G raphics cus to m er s - 26
Model Technology customers - 27
Technical support - other channels - 28
Updates - 28
Mentor customers: getting the latest version via FTP - 28
Model Technology customers: getting the latest version via FTP - 29
Licenses - ModelSim EE - 29
Wher e to obtain your license - 29
If you have trouble with licensing - 29
All cu stomers: ModelS im EE lice nsing - 29
All customers: maintenance renewals and EE licenses - 32
All customers: license tra nsfers and server changes - 32
Online References - 32
Book s an d pu bli c at i on s - 32
Partners - 32
Training partners - 32
Resources - 32
Model Tec h nology
License Agreement - 33
Softw a re Lic e ns e A gre ement - 33
Model Technology Software License - 33
Important Notice - 34
Limited Warranty - 34
file example - 29
Table of Contents
EE Installation
System requirements for Model
PlatformOperating system &
SPARCstationSunOS 4.1 &
Solaris 2.4, 2.5, 2.6 & OSF/
Motif , OpenWindows, or
HP 700HP-UX 9x through 11. 0 &
X86network-ready (s ee note)
AIX 4.1, 4.2 & OSF/Motif
HP VUE , OSF/Motif, or
Windows NT 4.0 or 95/98
MemoryStora ge
32 Mb
scales with
size of
circu i t med to
large gate
may need
256 Mb)
hard disk
with at
least 35
Mb spare
Platf o rm- s pe c if ic in s truc tions
Select your platform for installation instr uctions.
• Installation - UNIX platforms (p7)
• Installation - Windows platforms (p10)
TCP/IP or IPX/SPX. If you are installing on an NT machine, make sure
you are logged in as "administrator" when running th e ins tallation
Start Here for ModelSim EE
Any PC client or server must be connected to a network with
Installation - UNIX platforms
Before you begin a new Model
make sure you have a Globetro tter licen se data file (
need the file to run Mode l
EE installat ion on a UNIX machine,
license. dat
file); you ’ll
. If you don’t have a license file see
"Licenses - ModelSim EE" (p29).
Your workstation’s identificat ion is required for a lice ns e; here are the
commands that r eturn the ID :
/etc/la nscanHP 700
uname -mRISC/6000
The commands used to i nstall Model
are cas e - sen s i ti v e, so they m u st
be entered exactly as shown in the following steps. (Note that neither the
prompt nor the <Retu r n> at the end of a line is shown in the exa mpl es .)
you are installing it in the
can be installed in any directory. T hes e instructions as s ume that
directory. You can change to the desired
installation directory by entering one of the following commands:
cd /usr
cd <pathname>
From a mounted Model
following syntax (this creates the top-level directory
tar xf /<CD-ROM>/WORKSTATION/install/<filename.tar>
CD, extract the file for your platform with the
where the <filename.tar> is:
All platformsbase.tar (extract for all platforms)
Sun OS-4/Solaris 1.xsun4.tar
Sun OS-5/Solaris 2.xsunos5.tar
EE Installation
All platformsdocs.tar ( Model
In addition to the platform-specific file you need to extract
(common Model
For HP installation using HP-UX version 9.x only: either the device /dev/
lan0 must be writable by the userID that starts the server, or the lmgrd
daemon and the lmhos tid utilit y must be made “setuid root”. The
commands to do this are:
Start the license manager daemon by entering the following commands:
cd /usr/modeltech/<platform>
where <platform> can be sun4, sunos5, hp700, rs6000.
If your system runs other appl ications that use Globetrotter Software’s
FLEXlm, a complete user’s manual for FLEXlm is availa b le at
Globetrotte r S oftware’s home page:
You may delete the executables you don’t want. Fo r example, if you don’t
need Model
cd /usr/modeltech/
rm -rf hp700
for HP machines:
EE Installation
Installati on - Windows platforms
IP or IPX/SPX. If you are installing on an NT machine, make sure you are
logged in as "admi nistrator" when running the inst allation program.
one of the following:
Installing the FLEXid security key
Attach the FLEXid security key (FLEXid is printed on the key) to the
parallel port of the PC server or stand-alone PC (key dri vers are loaded
during installation). If a printe r or other device is using the paral lel port,
install the security key on the port f ir st, then attach that device to the key.
The security key will not interfere with normal device operations.
Any PC client or server must be connected to a network with TCP/
EE requires a server for proper installation. Your server can be
• A stand-alone PC with a FLEXlm security key attached. (The PC acts
as both server and client.)
• A Windows server (95/98/NT) with a security key attache d. (The client
has no security key.)
• A UNIX server . (The client nor server have a security key; th e server’s
hostID provi des the same locking function as the security key.)
Please remember to protect your security key; Model Technology will
replace a defective key, but not one that is lost or stolen.
Installation and setup for a PC server
Follow this proc ess to set up a floating lice nse server on a PC. If you are
installing Model
floating license. If you are using a UNIX server see: "Set u p for a U NIX
server" (p12).
Run the Model
Install from the CD -
you can click on the CD icon.
Install from an FTP file
The password-protected Model
and documentation file ( are available within th e versionnumbered directories at:
ftp.model .com/pub/EE/
Place the unzipped documentation files in the
after Model
on a stand-alone PC, the license is sti ll a considered
instal l wil l auto- r un when you ins er t the CD, or
- run the installation executa ble as noted
installati o n exe cu table (mti52 e e .ex e)
is installed.
Start Here for ModelSim EE
During installation you will be asked to choose a Sentinel driver for your
specific FLEXid s ecurity key. The number on your FLEX id s ecurity key
(something like 7-xxxxxxxx, or 8-xxxxxxxx) rel ate s to the driver you will
purchased Model
specific Mode l
into th e
(the license file you received by email when you
) to
pathname if different. Pasting the text from the email
, or to your
file is the safest way to create a valid license file.
See "A lic en se.dat f il e ex ample" (p29) for details on the structur e of a
licen se file.
Verify your hostname (the server’s computer name) via the Windows
Control Panel with either FLEXlm > Advance d > Diagnostics, or with
Network > Identific ation.
Edit the
file and make the f ollowing changes:
• Replac e "hostna me" with t h e server co mputer n ame.
• Change the "1650" port value only if this port is already used. If
uncertain, do not change.
• Change the DAEMON path to corres pond with the full pathname of
the modeltech daemon. For example,
DAEMON modeltech C:\modelsim\win32\modeltech
Set the environment variable for LM_LICENSE_FILE.
• For
Win dows NT
go to Control Panel > System > Environment and
add LM_LICENSE_FILE wit h an initial value of 1650@MYPC,
where MYPC is the hostnam e.
• For
Windows 95/98
edit the
and add the following line:
where MYPC is your hostna me.
Note that the c hanges m ade to y our
file are reflec ted i n the port #
(1650) and the hostname (MYPC) that you set for LM_LICENSE_FILE.
If the LM_LICENSE_FILE vari able is al ready defined, you can add
a second value by separating the two values with a semi-colon ( ; ). For
example: LM_LICENS E_FILE=1650@MYPC;c: \renoir\li ce nse.dat
For Windows 95/98, reboot your machine; no reboot is needed for NT.
EE Installation
Go to the FLE Xlm License Ma nager locate d in your Control Panel . Choose
the Setup tab and add the pathnames for the lmgrd.exe, license.dat, and
debug.log. Make sure the pathnames and exten sions are correct, then save
the setup. Ty pical entries mi ght look like this:
Next choose the FLEXlm Control tab. Press the start button. Wait a
moment, then press t he status button. The serve r shoul d be up . If the s erver
does not start, try the following troubleshooting procedures.
Troubleshooting PC server setup
Open a DOS window and go to the appropriate
For example, C:\modelsim\ win32. Enter t h e comman d :
lmutil lmdiag
This allows you to veri fy ea ch fe ature independently.
From a DOS window, and the same
lmutil lmstat -a
directory, enter the following:
This shows you all licenses that are available.
Go to the
debug.l og
inside the
directory. This may pr ovide other
infor mation about the source of the lice n se server problems.
Setup for a UNIX server
Check with your system administra tor for the server’s hostna me and port#,
then follow the installation instructions above (steps 5 through 7) to set the
LM_LICENSE_FILE variabl e for your platform.
Windows platform installation details
Globetrott er Software. In a Windows-only en vironment, a FLEXid sec urity
key is installed that identifies the machine as the license server (a standalone PC acts as server
the license server, and requires no security key because FLEXlm uses the
UNIX server’s hostID as the identifier.
licensing is handled by the FLEXlm license manager from
client). A UNIX machine may also be used as
The license file (
or host ID), and is obtained from either Model Technology or Mentor
Graph ic s. ( See "Lic ense s - ModelS im EE" (p29) if y ou need a license file.)
Start Here for ModelSim EE
) is ba s ed on the s erver identifier ( the FLEXid,
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