Mocomtech SLM-5650 User Manual

Satellite Modem
Installation and O
IMPORTANT NOTE: The information contained in this document supersedes all previously published information regarding this product. This manual is subject to chan
e without prior notice.
Part Number MN/SLM5650.IOM Revision 2
peration Manual

Errata A

Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Date: Original Manual Part Number/Rev: Errata Number:
Agile Document ID
Change Specifics:
This information will be incorporated into the next revision.
Front Cover – Removed “Prelimin
B.4 Basic Protocol
Changes to Front Cover and Section B.4, Basic Protocol
October 15, 2007 MN/SLM5650.IOM Rev 2
Agile CO Number
Whether in EIA-232 or EIA-485 mode, all data is transmitted as asynchronous serial characters, suitable for transmission and reception by a UART. In this case, the asynchronous character format is 8N1. The baud rate may vary between 2400 and 57,600 baud.
This page is intentionally blank.
Subject: Date:

Errata B

Comtech EF Data Documentation Update
Changes to Chapter 2. Installation October 9, 2008
Original Manual Part Number/Rev:
Agile Document ID
Agile CO Number
Rev 2
Change Specifics:
In Chapter 2. INSTALLATION, Sect. 2.3.8 Auxiliary Connector (J9), Page 2-9: Revise the pinout table for the 15-pin connector as follows:
From: To:
This information will be incorporated into the next manual revision.
This page is intentionally blank.
Satellite Modem
Installation and Operation Manual
Comtech EF Data is an ISO 9001
gistered Company.
Part Number MN/SLM5650.IOM
Revision 2
August 19, 2006
Comtech EF Data, 2114 West 7th Street, Tempe, Arizona 85281 USA, 480.333.2200, FAX: 480.333.2161.
Copyright © Comtech EF Data, 2006. All rights reserved. Printed in the USA.

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1. To return a Comtech EF Data product (in-warranty and out-of-warranty) for repair or replacement:
2. Request a Return Material Authorization (RMA) number from the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department.
3. Be prepared to supply the Customer Support representative with the model number, serial number, and a description of the problem.
4. To ensure that the product is not damaged during shipping, pack the product in its original shipping carton/packaging.
5. Ship the product back to Comtech EF Data. (Shipping charges should be prepaid.)
For more information regarding the warranty policies, see Warranty Policy, p. xiii.

Table of Contents

CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................1–1
1.1 Introduction 1–1
1.1.1 Features....................................................................................................................................1–2
1.1.2 Options......................................................................................................................................1–3
1.2 Modem Design 1–3
1.3 Modem Description 1–3
1.4 Operating Modes 1–5
1.4.1 Closed Networks.......................................................................................................................1–5
1.4.2 Open Networks (INTELSAT) ....................................................................................................1–5
1.4.3 OM-73.......................................................................................................................................1–5
1.5 Data Interfaces 1–5
1.5.1 TIA/EIA-530..............................................................................................................................1–6
1.5.2 TIA/EIA-613 (HSSI)...................................................................................................................1–6
1.5.3 Gigabit Ethernet........................................................................................................................1–6
1.6 Independent Tx and Rx Function 1–6
1.7 Interoperability 1–7
1.7.1 Interoperability with Legacy Modems.......................................................................................1–7
1.7.2 Protection Switches..................................................................................................................1–7
1.8 Summary of Specifications 1–8
1.8.1 Performance...........................................................................................................................1–10
1.8.2 Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements ..............................................................1–10
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
1.8.3 Data Quality Performance......................................................................................................1–11 OM-73 Compatible Mode Performance..................................................................1–11 MIL-STD-188-165A Compatible Mode Performance..............................................1–11 IESS-308 Compatible Mode Performance..............................................................1–12 IESS-309 Compatible Mode Performance..............................................................1–12 IESS-310 Compatible Mode Performance..............................................................1–12 16-QAM Coding Mode Performance.......................................................................1–12 Turbo Coding Mode Performance...........................................................................1–12 BER.........................................................................................................................1–13 BPSK/QPSK/Offset QPSK BER Performance, Veterbi Decoding.............1–13 BPSK/QPSK/Offset QPSK BER Performance, Veterbi Decoding and Reed- ..
Solomon......................................................................................................1–13 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder.................................................1–14 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder and Reed-Solomon.................1–14 16-QAM BER Performance, Viterbi Decoder and Reed-Solomon.............1–14 BER Performance, Turbo Products Code Decoding..................................1–15
1.8.4 BER Performance with Symmetrical Adjacent Carriers..........................................................1–16
1.8.5 BER Performance with Asymmetrical Adjacent Carriers........................................................1–17
1.9 Dimensional Envelope 1–18
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION..............................................................................................................2–1
2.1 Unpacking 2–1
2.2 Installation 2–2
2.2.1 Optional Installation of Side-Railings........................................................................................ 2–2
2.2.2 Optional Installation Using a Typical Customer Rack...............................................................2–3
2.3 External Connections 2–4
2.3.1 External Reference, (J1)..........................................................................................................2–5
2.3.2 70 / 140 IF Interface Connectors.............................................................................................. 2–5
2.3.3 L-Band IF Interface Connectors................................................................................................2–5
2.3.4 Ethernet Remote Cont rol Connector, (J5)................................................................................2–5
2.3.5 EIA-530 Connector, (J6)...........................................................................................................2–6
2.3.6 HSSI Connector, (J7)................................................................................................................2–7
2.3.7 Alarms Connector, (J8)............................................................................................................. 2–8
2.3.8 Auxiliary Connector, (J9)..........................................................................................................2–8
2.3.9 Remote Connector, (J10).........................................................................................................2–9
2.3.10 Overhead Data, (P1)...............................................................................................................2–10
2.4 AC Power Connector 2–11
2.5 Ground Connector (GND) 2–11
2.6 Gigabit Ethernet 2–11
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
CHAPTER 3. CONFIGURATION..........................................................................................................3–1
3.1 Modes 3–1
3.2 Clocking Options 3–11
3.2.1 IDR/IBS G.703 Master/Master................................................................................................3–11
3.2.2 IDR/IBS G.703 Master/Slave..................................................................................................3–11
3.3 Buffering 3–14
3.4 Doppler 3–17
3.5 Plesiochronous 3–18
3.6 Frame/Multiframe Length 3–19
3.6.1 Multiples of the Frame Length................................................................................................ 3–19
3.6.2 Total Buffer Length.................................................................................................................3–19
3.6.3 Converting B etween Bits and Seco nds..................................................................................3–19
CHAPTER 4. FRONT PANEL OPERATION........................................................................................4–1
4.1 Front Panel 4–1
4.1.1 LED Indicators..........................................................................................................................4–2
4.1.2 Front Panel Keypad..................................................................................................................4–4
4.1.3 Menu Matrix..............................................................................................................................4–5
4.2 Opening Screen 4–6
4.3 Main Menu 4–6
4.3.1 Select: Config............................................................................................................................4–7 Select: CONFIG: Transmit ........................................................................................4–8 Select: CONFIG: Receive .......................................................................................4–11 Select: CONFIG: Mode ...........................................................................................4–16 Select: Configuration: AUPC: Local........................................................................4–17 Select: CONFIG: Ref...............................................................................................4–18 Select: CONFIG: Mask............................................................................................4–18 Select: CONFIG: Reset...........................................................................................4–19 Select: CONFIG: Remote........................................................................................4–19
4.3.2 Select: Monitor........................................................................................................................4–21 Select: Monitor: Alarms...........................................................................................4–22 Select: Monitor: Event-Log......................................................................................4–24 Select: Monitor: Rx-Params....................................................................................4–25 Select: Monitor: Statistics........................................................................................4–25 Select: Monitor: GigaBit I/F Statistics......................................................................4–26
4.3.3 Select: Test.............................................................................................................................4–26
4.3.3 Select: Save/Load...................................................................................................................4–28
4.3.4 Select: Utility...........................................................................................................................4–28 Select: Utility: Firmware...........................................................................................4–29 Select: Utility: FAST ................................................................................................4–31 Display Screen Saver Status...................................................................................4–32
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
CHAPTER 5. MAINTENANCE..............................................................................................................5–1
5.1 System Checkout 5–1
5.1.1 Checkout...................................................................................................................................5–2
5.1.2 Interface Checkout....................................................................................................................5–2
5.1.3 Modulator Checkout..................................................................................................................5–3
5.2 Demodulator Checkout 5–6
5.3 Fault Isolation 5–9
5.4 System Faults/Alarms 5–10
APPENDIX A. OPTIONS......................................................................................................................A–1
APPENDIX B. REMOTE CONTROL....................................................................................................B–1
APPENDIX C. FLASH UPGRADING ...................................................................................................C–1
APPENDIX D. ETHERNET MANAGEMENT........................................................................................D–1
APPENDIX E. CDI-70 GIGABIT ETHERNET INTERFACE.................................................................E–1
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface


Figure 1-1. SLM-5650..............................................................................................................................1–1
Figure 1-2. SLM-5650 Block Diagram......................................................................................................1–4
Figure 1-3. Dimensional Envelope.........................................................................................................1–18
Figure 2-1. Typical Installation of Side-Railings, FP/SL0006...................................................................2–2
Figure 2-2. Typical Customized Rack......................................................................................................2–3
Figure 2-3. Rear Panel.............................................................................................................................2–4
Figure 3-1. IDR/IBS G.703 Master/Master Clocking Diagram...............................................................3–12
Figure 3-2. IDR/IBS G.703 Master/Slave Clocking Diagram.................................................................3–13
Figure 3-3. Clock Slip.............................................................................................................................3–15
Figure 3-4. Doppler Shift........................................................................................................................3–16
Figure 4-1. Modem Front Panel...............................................................................................................4–1
Figure 4-2. Keypad...................................................................................................................................4–4
Figure E-1 10/100/1000 Base-T (GbE) Interface.....................................................................................E–1
Figure E-2. GbE Interface Optional Board................................................................................................E–4
Figure E-3. 1000 Base-T Ethernet (GbE) Card .......................................................................................E–5
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface


Table 1-1. Summary of Specification.......................................................................................................1–8
Table 1-2. Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements ............................................................1–10
Table 1-3. Doppler Requirements..........................................................................................................1–11
Table 1-4. Viterbi Decoder BER.............................................................................................................1–13
Table 1-5. Viterbi Decoder with Reed-Solomon BER............................................................................1–13
Table 1-6. 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder...........................................................................1–14
Table 1-7. 8-PSK BER Performance, Trellis Decoder with Reed-Solomon .........................................1–14
Table 1-8. 16-QAM BER Performance, Viterbi Decoder with Reed-Solomon......................................1–14
Table 1-9. BER Performance, TPC Decoding .......................................................................................1–15
Table 1-10. Acceptable ACI Degradation with Spacing Factor of 1.2 ...................................................1–16
Table 3-1. OM-73 Mode............................................................................................................................3–1
Table 3-2. MIL-STD-188-165A Mode.......................................................................................................3–2
Table 3-3. IESS-308 Mode – Standard Higher Rates..............................................................................3–3
Table 3-4. IESS-308 Mode - Extended....................................................................................................3–6
Table 3-5. IESS-309 Mode – Extended (Closed Network)......................................................................3–8
Table 3-6. IESS-310 Mode – Extended Rates.........................................................................................3–9
Table 3-7. Turbo Code Mode...................................................................................................................3–9
Table 3-8. 16-QAM Mode.......................................................................................................................3–10
Table A-1. Viterbi Decoding Summary.....................................................................................................A–2
Table A-2. Open Network Modes.............................................................................................................A–4
Table A-3. Concatenated RS Coding Summary......................................................................................A–5
Table A-4. 8-PSK/TCM Coding Summary ...............................................................................................A–6
Table A-5. Available TPC Modes.............................................................................................................A–6
Table E-1. Interface Specifications..........................................................................................................E–2
Table E-2. Connector Pinout....................................................................................................................E–4
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
About this Manual
This manual describes the installation and operation for the Comtech EF Data SLM-5650 Satellite Modem. This is a technical document intended for earth station engineers, technicians, and operators responsible for the operation and maintenance of the SLM-5650.
Related Documents
The following documents are referenced in this manual:
Department of Defense (DOD) MIL-STD-188-114A, Electrical Characteristics of Digital Interface Circuits
Comtech EF Data Specification SP/11226
INTELSAT Earth Station Standards 308 and 309
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
Conventions and References
Cautions and Warnings
CAUTION indicates a hazardous situation that, if not avoided, may result in minor or moderate injury. CAUTION may also be used to indicate other
unsafe practices or risks of property damage.
WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation that, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
IMPORTANT indicates a statement that is associated with the task being performed.
Examples of Multi-Hazard
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
Metric Conversion
Metric conversion information is located on the inside back cover of this manual. This information is provided to assist the operator in cross-referencing English to Metric conversions.
Recommended Standard Designations
Recommended Standard (RS) Designations are equivalent to the designation of the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). Comtech EF Data will reference only one designator throughout the manual.
Military Standards
References to “MIL-STD-188” apply to the 114A series (i.e., MIL-STD-188-114A), which provides electrical and functional characteristics of the unbalanced and balanced voltage digital interface circuits applicable to both long haul and tactical communications. Specifically, these references apply to the MIL-STD-188-114A electrical characteristics for a balanced voltage digital interface circuit, Type 1 generator, for the full range of data rates. For more information, refer to the Department of Defense (DOD) MIL-STD-188-114A, Electrical Characteristics of Digital Interface Circuits.
Product names mentioned in this manual may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and are hereby acknowledged.
Revision 2 Highlights
Incorporated engineering changes throughout the manual.
Revised Chapter 4, Front Panel Operation.
Revised Appendix D, Ethernet Management.
Revised Appendix E. 10/100/1000 Base-T (GbE) Interface
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
European EMC Directive
In order to meet the European Electro-Magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive (EN55022, EN50082-1), properly shielded cables for DATA I/O are required. More specifically, these cables must be shielded from end-to-end, ensuring a continuous ground shield.
The following information is applicable for the European Low Voltage Directive (EN60950):
<HAR> Type of power cord required for use in the European Community.
CAUTION: Double-pole/Neutral Fusing
International Symbols:
ACHTUNG: Zweipolige bzw. Neutralleiter-Sicherung
Alternating Current.
Fuse. Safety Ground.
Chassis Ground.
Note: For additional symbols, refer to “Cautions and Warnings” listed earlier in this preface.
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
Warranty Policy
This Comtech EF Data product is warranted against defects in material and workmanship for a period of one year from the date of shipment. During the warranty period, Comtech EF Data will, at its option, repair or replace products that prove to be defective.
For equipment under warranty, the customer is responsible for freight to Comtech EF Data and all related custom, taxes, tariffs, insurance, etc. Comtech EF Data is responsible for the freight charges only for return of the equipment from the factory to the customer. Comtech EF Data will return the equipment by the same method (i.e., Air, Express, Surface) as the equipment was sent to Comtech EF Data.
Limitations of Warranty
The foregoing warranty shall not apply to defects resulting from improper installation or maintenance, abuse, unauthorized modification, or operation outside of environmental specifications for the product, or, for damages that occur due to improper repackaging of equipment for return to Comtech EF Data.
No other warranty is expressed or implied. Comtech EF Data specifically disclaims the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for particular purpose.
Exclusive Remedies
The remedies provided herein are the buyer's sole and exclusive remedies. Comtech EF Data shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential damages, whether based on contract, tort, or any other legal theory.
Comtech EF Data has reviewed this manual thoroughly in order that it will be an easy-to-use guide to your equipment. All statements, technical information, and recommendations in this manual and in any guides or related documents are believed reliable, but the accuracy and completeness thereof are not guaranteed or warranted, and they are not intended to be, nor should they be understood to be, representations or warranties concerning the products described. Further, Comtech EF Data reserves the right to make changes in the specifications of the products described in this manual at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes.
If you have any questions regarding your equipment or the information in this manual, please contact the Comtech EF Data Customer Support Department.
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Preface
______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________
This chapter describes an overview of the SLM-5650 Satellite Modem, referred to in this manual as “the modem” (Figure 1-1).
1.1 Introduction
The SLM-5650 satisfies the requirements for applications that require state-of-the-art modulation and coding techniques to optimize satellite transponder bandwidth usage while retaining backward compatibility in government and military communications systems. The initial release of the modem supports base-band data rates up to 51.840 Mbps, and its flexible modulation and Forward Error Correction (FEC) capabilities ensure that the throughput and BER over the satellite is optimized.

Chapter 1. Introduction

Figure 1-1. SLM-5650
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.1.1 Features
The modem incorporates the following:
MIL-STD-188-165A compliant (Types A, B, D, E, F)
Intel-Sat IESS-308, -309, -310, and -315
64 kbps to 52 Mbps (Modulation, code rate, and interface dependent)
Selectable 70/140 MHz or 950 to 2000 MHz IF interfaces
Adaptive Equalizer for high order modulation types
FEC Rates: 5/16, 1/2, 2/3, 3/4, 5/6, 7/8, 17/18 and 1/1
Viterbi and Reed-Solomon Codec
Turbo Product Codec (Optional)
EIA-530/422 Data Interface (built in, to 20 Mbps)
EIA-613/HSSI Data Interface (built in, to 52 Mbps)
Optional Plug in Data Interface supports Gigabit Ethernet and others
Data Source Bit Synchronization (Clock recovery for input data without an
associated transmit clock)
Asymmetrical Loop Timing
Full featured, built-in BER test-set
Electrical and Ethernet Rx constellation monitor
EIA-485 and EIA-232 interface for remote control
Ethernet interface for remote control using HTTP, Telnet, and SNMP
Flash upgrade capability
The modem is compliant with the provisions of MIL-STD-188-165A, DoD Standard, Interoperability of SHF Satellite Communications PSK Modems (Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA) Operation).
The modem is fully interoperable with legacy OM-73 modems and other Government owned Commercial off-the-Shelf (COTS) and International Telecommunications Satellite Organization (INTELSAT) compatible PSK modems.
The modem can be controlled and monitored from a variety of platforms, including its own front panel controls and indicators, a co-located Personal Computer (PC) and remote control systems such as the Comtech Monitor and Control System (CMCS) and the Vipersat Network
anagement System (VNMS).
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.1.2 Options
How Enabled Option
FAST Variable data rates from 64 kbps to 5, 10, 20, or 52 Mbps FAST 8-PSK and 16-QAM FAST Turbo Data Rates to 5, 10, 20, and 52 Mbps FAST Automatic Uplink Power Control (AUPC) Hardware Turbo FEC (Card) Hardware Gigabit Ethernet Interface (Card)
1.2 Modem Design
The modem was designed to accommodate a wide range of currently required features and to be able to support both near term and far term advances in both software defined radio technology as well as advances in FEC technology.
The user has the ability to:
Add or change modular data interfaces and FEC assemblies
Utilize an extensive array of built in test capabilities
Be able to easily upgrade the modems capability in the field
Be able to easily upgrade the modems software in the field
Have a wide range of flexible remote control options
The user can expect:
A highly reliable modem
Low weight and low power dissipation
A rugged, one-rack unit enclosure that defines state of the art.
The modem is designed for installation in fixed or mobile Earth Terminal (ET) facilities (sites) using Defense Satellite Communications System III (DSCS III), DSCS III/Satellite Life Enhancement Program (SLEP), Wideband Gap filler System (WGS), and commercial satellites.
1.3 Modem Description
The modem accepts signals from a selected digital signal source and modulates either a 70/140 MHz or L-Band Intermediate Frequency (IF) carrier with these signals. The demodulator will receive (Rx) a signal from either a 70/140 MHz or L-Band IF input interface, then demodulate the IF carrier. Clock and data are recovered and output on a selected data interface. The transmit and receive functions are independent with respect to coding, interleaving, overhead, and scrambling. The modem will not allow simplex operation in the 70/140 and simplex operation in the L-Band IF interfaces at the same time. The modem will allow duplex operation in either one of the two IF interfaces.
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
64 kbps to 20 Mbps
64 kbps to 52 Mbps
Optional Interface Gigabit Interface
Remote Port
Data Interface
Data Interface
Data Interface
Optional Slot
Overhaul Data
EIA-232 EIA-485
10/100 BaseT
Bit Error Test Set
Bypass Bypass
Power Supply
Optional FEC Slot
Slot#1 Turbo Tx/Rx
Slot#2 LDPC (Future)
Nyquist Filtering
Nyquist Filtering
Rx Synth
Figure 1-2. SLM-5650 Block Diagram
RX Synth
IF Sections
Power Control
Tx Synth
Tx 70/140 MHz
Tx L-Band
Rx L-Band
RX 70/140 MHz
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.4 Operating Modes
The modem supports Closed Network, Open Network and OM-73 modes of operation described as follows.
1.4.1 Closed Networks
Closed networks refer to private networks with modem operational parameters that do not need to interoperate with modems developed for commercial open networks, as specified under the IESS­308, IESS-309, and IESS-310.
The modem, however, is capable of operating in such closed networks over commercial satellites IAW INTELSAT requirements for closed network operation.
A Comtech EF Data overhead channel is provided for use during Closed Network operation.
1.4.2 Open Networks (INTELSAT)
Open networks refer to networks that must meet INTELSAT specified Effective Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP), EIRP stability, spurious emissions, intermodulation products, adjacent
carrier interference, frequency tolerance, equalization, and modem parameters such as modulation, FEC, and scrambling.
The modem meets INTELSAT certification requirements and is capable of operating in such open networks over commercial satellites IAW IESS-308, IESS-309, and IESS-310 requirements for open network operation.
In order to be fully compatible with commercial modems complying with IESS-308, IESS-309, and IESS-310, the modem supports the overhead framing integral to those modems. It is important to note that no access to the overhead channel data or alarms is provided.
1.4.3 OM-73
OM-73 mode allows the SLM-5650 to be compatible with Linkabit’s original OM-73 modem. This modem and it’s operational capabilities have become a defacto standard when operating over DSCS satellites. All OM-73 modes listed in MIL-STD-188-165A are supported.
1.5 Data Interfaces
The SLM-5650 supports two native data interfaces as well as a option slot for an additional modular data interface. The two native interfaces are TIA/EIA-530/422 and TIA/EIA-613 (HSSI). The option interface available at this time is the Gigabit Ethernet. The modem will currently support only one interface at a time.
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.5.1 TIA/EIA-530
The TIA/EIA-530 interface supports the physical layer requirements for TIA/EIA-530. It also supports the TIA/EIA-422 electrical interface specification. This interface operates in duplex from 64 kbps to 20 Mbps.
1.5.2 TIA/EIA-613 (HSSI)
The TIA/EIA-613 interface supports the physical layer requirements for TIA/EIA-613. It also supports the TIA/EIA-612 electrical interface specification. This interface operates in duplex from 64 kbps to 51.84 Mbps.
1.5.3 Gigabit Ethernet
In the SLM-5650, the GBEI-5650 performs a simple bridge function and passes IP packets, unaltered, in each direction between the LAN (10/100/1000Base-T interface) and WAN (SLM­5650 modulator/demodulator). IP packet traffic is framed via HDLC encapsulation by the GBE­5650 logic, and the GBEI-5650 is both the origination and termination point for HDLC encapsulation. HDLC CRC-16 verification is performed on all received (from WAN) HDLC frames.
1.6 Independent Tx and Rx Function
The Tx (modulator) and Rx (demodulator) sides of the modem are functionally independent and separately controllable. The baseband Tx and Rx sides of a communications channel passing through the modem are independently configurable, including the ability to select different parameters (to include data rate, modulation, and coding) in support of asymmetrical operation.
Note: Data interfaces and IF interfaces are not independent.
Example: If the TIA/EIA-530 interface is selected DO NOT USE TIA/EIA-530 to transmit and a HSSI interface to receive. The same principle applies to the IF interfaces if 70/140 is selected DO NOT USE 70/140 to transmit and the L-Band interface to receive.
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.7 Interoperability
1.7.1 Interoperability with Legacy Modems
The modem is fully compatible and interoperable with all specified modes of operation of the following legacy modems:
a. OM-73 (V) b. MD-1352 (P)/U (BEM-7650) c. MD-1340 (OM-73 interoperable mode only; orderwire not required) d. MD-1030B
e. SLM-3650
f. SLM-8650
Note: The remote control protocol will not be backwards compatible.
1.7.2 Protection Switches
Redundancy switching is accommodated with the following protection switches.
Compatible Non-Compatible
CRS-300, 1:10 redundancy switch SMS-300 CRS-311, 1:1 redundancy switch SMS-450
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.8 Summary of Specifications
Table 1-1. Summary of Specification
Parameter Specification
Operating Frequency Range 52 to 88, 104 to 176, 950 to 2000 MHz,
in 100 Hz steps Modulation Types BPSK, QPSK, OQPSK, 8-PSK, 16-QAM Digital Data Rates 64 kbps to 5 Mbps, in 1 bps steps (EIA-530, EIA-613)
64 kbps to 10 Mbps, in 1 bps steps (EIA-530, EIA-613)
64 kbps to 20 Mbps, in 1 bps steps (EIA-530, EIA-613)
64 kbps to 51.840 Mbps, in 1 bps steps (EIA-613) Symbol Rate Range 32 KS/S TO 30 MS/S EXT REF Input TNC Connector, 1, 5, or 10 MHz selectable INT REF Stability 1 x 10-7 Scrambling V.35, OM-73, and Synchronous IDR/IBS Framing Compatibility Support for IBS and IDR framing. Allows basic IBS/IDR Open
Network capable operation. Built-in Test (BIT) Fault and status reporting, BER performance monitoring, IF
Loop-back, programmable test modes, built in Fireberd
emulation with all comprehensive BER measurements. Summary Faults Reported via Front Panel LEDs, 9-pin D sub Alarm connector,
relay contacts for Tx, Rx, Common equipment faults, and Tx
and RX alarms. Open collector faults on the 15-pin D sub Aux
connector. Both data interfaces have open collector faults
available. Monitor and Control EIA-485, EIA-232, 10/100 BASET Ethernet with HTTP, Telnet,
and SNMP.
Modulator Specification
Output Power +10 – 40 dBm, adjustable in 0.1 dB steps Output Return Loss -14 dB (70/140 MHz)
-9 dB (L-Band) Output Impedance Spurious
Harmonics From Carrier (CW) to the greater of the 12th harmonic or
Tx Clock Source Rx, INT, Tx Terrestrial, and Data Source Sync Output Connections TNC for 52 to 88, 104 to 176 MHz
Modulation Timing Jitter Modulation Phase Error Modulator Spectral Inversion Modem can invert the modulated spectrum Transmit Clock and Data
50 Ω From Carrier
10 kHz bandwidth)
4000 MHz –60 dBc
Type N for 950 to 2000 MHz < 3 % of the modulation symbol period. < 2 °
Modem can invert the Tx clock and data independently of each other. (EIA-530, EIA-613)
± TX SR TO 500 MHZ –51 dBc (measured in a
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
Table 1-1. System Specification (Continued)
Demodulator Specification
Input Power:
Desired Carrier
Maximum Composite Input Impedance Input Connectors TNC for 52 to 88, 104 to 176
Carrier Acquisition Range Input Return Loss -14 dB (70/140 MHz)
Buffer Clock INT, Tx Terrestrial, Rx Satellite Doppler Buffer 32 to 4,194,304 bits, selectable in bits or mSec
Coding Options
Uncoded 1/1 Viterbi K=7, 1/2, 3/4, and 7/8 rates Viterbi + Reed-Solomon Closed Network, per IESS-308, and IESS-309 Trellis IESS-310 Trellis + Reed-Solomon IESS-310 Turbo Turbo Product Coding (TPC), per IESS-315
Open Network Options
IDR INTELSAT IESS-308 (Framing only)
IBS INTELSAT IESS-310 (Framing only)
+10 to –55 dBm +20 dBm or +40 dBc
50 Ω
Type N for 950 to 2000 MHz
30 kHz, selectable
-9 dB (L-Band)
INTELSAT IESS-310 (Framing only)
INTELSAT IESS-309 (Framing only)
SLM-5650 Satellite Modem Revision 2 Introduction MN/SLM5650.IOM
1.8.1 Performance
1.8.2 Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements
Note: The following reference Eb/No is defined as the required Eb/No corresponding to a BER of IE-3 with R-S FEC not enabled.
Table 1-2. Acquisition and Timing Performance Requirements
Parameter Specification
Initial Acquisition
Reacquisition Reacquisition is achieved, as follows, after a period of up to 15 minutes of the
BCI With Tx and Rx random data, the mean time to loss of BCI due to falsely adding or
System Retention Synchronization and BCI are mainta ined for all Eb/N0 above the reference Eb/N0
Receive Timing Jitter Doppler The modem meets the requirements with a Doppler shift, rate of change, and
The modem achieves initial acquisition within the times as specified within ± 30 kHz at the reference Eb/No
For baseband data rates between 64 kbps and 128 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is 500 seconds.
For Baseband data rates between 128kbps and 1544 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is 30 seconds.
For baseband data rates > 1544 kbps, the maximum initial acquisition time is
1.5 seconds.
absence of signal when the carrier returns to within 500 Hz of its original frequency.
For baseband data rates between 64 kbps and 128 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 45 seconds.
For baseband data rates between 128 kbps and 1544 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 20 seconds.
For baseband data rates greater than 1544 kbps, the maximum reacquisition time shall be 1 second.
deleting bits is at least 3 days at the reference E maintains BCI over 50 consecutive bits of all ones or zeros, which occur no more than once in 10,000 bits, without employing data scra mbl ing .
(BPSK/QPSK/OQPSK/8-PSK) for signal loss of up to 50 modulation symbol periods, with a probability of at least 90 percent.
The Rx output clock peak timing jitter cannot exceed ± 5 percent at the reference E
when the modulated signal meets the modulation timing jitter requirement.
acceleration for satellite inclination up to ± 7° as presented in Table A-6, and an additional 0.5 dB added to the reference E
. In addition, the modem
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