MV2458 Router
User Manual
For Technical Assistance, please call (800) 638-3600,
or visit www.magnadyne.com

Establish a WiFi Connection
Pair MV2400
Set Login Password
Restore Factory Settings
Upgrade Firmware
Connection History
Set Date & Time

Establish a WiFi Connection
To access the internet using the MV2458 a WiFi connection must be established with the host WiFi.
Step 1
Press power button on the MV2458 to
power up the Router and wait until all
lights are blue and flashing
(approximately 2 min).
Step 2
Go to the WiFi setting on your device
(phone, tablet, laptop, etc., make sure
your WiFi is turned on) and click on the
MV2458-2.4G Network. If avaliable, you
can also choose to connect to the
MV2458-5.4G Network.
Step 3
In the Password field type in the
password MV2458WiFi and click the
Join button.
Password: MV2458WiFi
*Case Sensitive
Step 4
Wait until your device is connected to the
MV2458-2.4G Network.
Step 5
Go to your web browser and in the
address field type in and
click Go or hit Enter.
Step 6
The Login screen will open. In the
Password field type in the password
admin and click the Login button.
Password: admin
*Case Sensitive

Establish a WiFi Connection
Step 7
Wait until the scanning countdown has completed.
The Available WiFi List screen will appear. Click on the
WiFi Network that you would like the Router to connect
to. (If the scroll bar isn’t showing and you are using a
Mac Computer, move the cursor up and down over the
SSID names and the scroll bar should appear.)
If scanning does not happen automatically you may need
to complete the “Reboot” instructions on Page 12.
Step 8
The password pop-up window will appear.
Type in the password for the chosen WiFi
host and click on the Connect button.
Please acquire password from WiFi Host
at your location.
If previously connected, the password will
refresh automatically from your
connection history.
Step 9
Wait until the connecting countdown
has completed.
If the unit will not connect at this
step, it may not have finished it’s 2
minute boot cycle. Start again from
Step 1 and wait 2 minutes for boot
cycle to complete.
Step 10
The Login screen will open. In the
Password field type in the password admin
and click the Login button. If login is
successful, unit will proceed to Step 12.
Password: admin
*Case Sensitive
Step 11
If the password was not typed correctly
a pop-up window will appear stating that
the connection to the Network failed.
Click the OK button. The unit will return
to Step 7 and scan again.
Double check that you are typing the
correct Network password in.
Step 12
The Status Screen will appear showing
the connected Network under the title
MV2400 (Outside) Information.
Congratulations, Setup Complete.