Mobile Industrial Robots Robot interface Reference Guide

Reference Guide (en)
Date: 02/2021 Revision: v.2.2
Copyright and disclaimer
All rights reserved. No parts of this document may be reproduced in any form without the express written permission of Mobile Industrial Robots A/S (MiR). MiR makes no warranties, expressed or implied, in respect of this document or its contents. In addition, the contents of the document are subject to change without prior notice. Every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this document. Nevertheless, MiR assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions or any damages resulting from the use of the information contained.
Copyright © 2017-2021 by Mobile Industrial Robots A/S.
Contact the manufacturer:
Mobile Industrial Robots A/S Emil Neckelmanns Vej 15F DK-5220 Odense SØ
Phone: +45 20 377 577 Email:
CVR: 35251235
MiRrobot Reference Guide (en) 02/2021-v.2.2 ©Copyright 2017-2021: Mob ileIndustrial Ro bots A/S. 2
Table of contents
1. About this document 6
1.1 Where to find more information 6
1.2 Version history 6
2. MiRrobot interface 10
2.1 Signing in 10
2.2 Navigating the MiRrobot interface 13
3. Dashboards 15
3.1 Dashboards 16
3.2 Widgets 19
4. Setup 27
4.1 Missions 27
4.2 Maps 64
4.3 Sounds 88
4.4 Transitions 90
4.5 I/O modules 93
4.6 Paths 94
4.7 Path guides 96
4.8 Marker types 99
4.9 Footprints 104
4.10 Users 108
4.11 User groups 111
5. Monitoring 116
5.1 Analytics 117
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5.2 System log 118
5.3 Error logs 119
5.4 Hardware health 120
5.5 Safety system 121
5.6 Mission log 123
6. System 126
6.1 Settings 127
6.2 Processes 147
6.3 PLC registers 151
6.4 Software versions 155
6.5 Backups 157
6.6 Robot setup 158
6.7 Triggers 160
7. Help 164
7.1 Robot information 164
7.2 API documentation 165
7.3 Remote access 166
7.4 Service book 167
7.5 Manual 168
8. Hook 169
8.1 Controlling MiR Hook 170
8.2 Carts 173
8.3 Settings 180
8.4 Setup 181
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9. Modbus register reference 183
9.1 Status messages 183
9.2 PLC triggers 184
9.3 Mission triggers 184
9.4 Action commands 184
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1. About this document

1. About this document
This document describes the MiRrobot interface and is intended for administrators of the system and users responsible for updating the system regularly.

1.1 Where to find more information

At the MiR website, you can find the following resources under the Manuals tab on each product page:
Quick starts describe how you start operating MiR robots quickly. It comes in print in the
box with the robots. Quick starts are available in multiple languages.
User guides provide all the information you need to operate and maintain MiR robots and
how to set up and use top modules and accessories, such as charging stations, hooks, shelf lifts, and pallet lifts. User guides are available in multiple languages.
Operating guides describe how to set up and use MiR accessories or supported functions
that are mainly hardware-based, such as charging stations and shelf functions.
Getting started guides describe how to set up MiR accessories that are mainly software-
based, such as MiRFleet.
Reference guides contain descriptions of all the elements of the robot interface and
MiRFleet interface. Reference guides are available in multiple languages.
Best practice guides specify how much space MiR robots need to execute common
REST API references for MiR robots, MiR hooks, and MiRFleet. HTTP requests can be
used to control robots, hooks, and MiRFleet.
MiR network and WiFi guide specifies the performance requirements of your network
and how you must configure it for MiR robots and MiRFleet to operate successfully.

1.2 Version history

This table shows current and previous versions of this document.
1.0 2017-03-02 First edition 2.0
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1. About this document
1.1 2017-10-30 Updated to SW version 2.0.2
New features in the robot interface:
Continue/Pause button added to top bar.
Pause action added to Missions
Corrections and improvements throughout the
1.2 2017-12-06 Updated to SW version 2.0.14
New features in the robot interface:
New widgets, improved mapping editor.
Jumping from 2.0.2 to 2.0.14 to align with old
webinterface versions 1.8.14/1.9.14.
1.3 2018-01-26 Updated to SW version 2.0.15
New features in the robot interface:
Redesigned Dashboard with flexible widgets
and new options, for example, control of Bluetooth functions
New feature: Path guides for precise control
of robots´ paths between two positions
New mapping method: Cartographer
Positions & Mapping section removed and
fully integrated in Mapping section
1.4 2018-04-19 Updated to SW version 2.0.17
New features in the robot interface:
New Hook widget: Hook widget described in
chapter 3 Dashboard
Modbus: a section, Triggers, is added to
chapter 6 System, and a new chapter, 11 Modbus registers, has been added
1.5 2018-05-24 Updated to SW version 2.0.18 2.0.18
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1. About this document
New features in the robot interface:
New section, Mission log, has been added to
the Monitoring menu
A WiFi watchdog parameter has been added
to the Advanced settings section
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
1.6 2018-06-18 Updated to SW version 2.1.0
New features in the robot interface:
The Directional zones functionality is added to
section 4.3 Maps
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
1.7 2018-07-20 Updated to SW version 2.2.0
New features in the robot interface:
I/O module feature replaces Bluetooth
feature. Changes to chapters 3. Dashboards,
4.2 Missions, and 4.3 Maps. Chapter 4.9 I/O modules replaces 4.9 Bluetooth relays
Sound feature has been updated. Changes to
chapters 4.2 Missions, and 4.3 Maps
1.8 2018-10-01 Updated to SW version 2.3.0.
New features in the robot interface:
A speed control functionality is added to the
Mission editor
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
1.9 2019-03-06 Updated to SW version 2.6.0. 2.6.0
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1. About this document
New features in the robot interface:
Map zones have been reconstructed and new
zone settings are available
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
2.0 2020-03-30 Updated to SW version 2.8.0
New features in the robot interface:
Marker types, used for robots driving with
shelves, has been added to the Setup section
A graphic Footprint editor has been added to
the Setup section
2.1 2020-09-11 Updated to SW 2.10.0
New features in the robot interface:
Changes in cart calibrations for MiR hooks
Removed default users
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
2.2 2021-02-09 Updated to SW version
New features in the robot interface:
Turn off TOP FUSE feature added
References to how to-guides added.
Proximity sensors settings added
Minor corrections and improvements
throughout the document
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2. MiRrobot interface
2. MiRrobot interface
This section gives a quick overview of the MiRrobot interface.
The interface is responsive and automatically adapts to your use of smartphone, tablet, or PC.

2.1 Signing in

The interface comes with three default access levels:
Distributor - the MiR distributor
Administrator - the end-customer’s production engineer with technical responsibility for
the robot
User - the daily operator(s) of the robot
There are two ways in which you can sign in to the MiRrobot interface:
Username and password
PIN code
MiRrobot Reference Guide (en) 02/2021 - v.2.2 ©Cop yright 2017-2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S. 10
2. MiRrobot interface
System permissions are handled per user group whereas login credentials are handled per individual user. Read more in the sections Users on page 108 and User groups on page 111.
If necessary, contact your distributor for the guide How to improve IT security of MiR products.
Accessing the interface
The user interface is accessed by connecting to the robot's WiFi and opening your preferred web browser. Enter the IPaddress of robot or enter in the browser's address bar.
The interface can be accessed via Google Chrome, Apple Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge.
Username and password
Enter your username and password to sign in to the robot interface.
After signing in the first time, we recommend to change the passwords of the default users: Distributor, Administrator, and User. See Users on page 108 to change the passwords.
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2. MiRrobot interface
The original username and password for the robot’s web interface are in the document Getting the robot online.
The unique password for the WiFi access point is in the Passwords document.
Both documents are in the box with the product.
PIN code
Select the PIN code tab and enter a four-digit PIN code. This PIN code will now function as an access code to the interface. There is no preconfigured PIN code.
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2. MiRrobot interface
2.2 Navigating the MiRrobot interface
To access a section in the MiRrobot interface, first select an item on the main menu, then select the relevant sub-menu. The section appears in the main window.
For example, to go to the Sounds section, select Setup on the main menu, then select
Sounds on the submenu bar.
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2. MiRrobot interface
Top bar
The top bar shows information on the current state of the robot, and you can start and pause the robot by selecting the button.
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3. Dashboards

3. Dashboards
This section describes the items in the Dashboards menu.
The Dashboards menu displays all dashboards currently available on the robot.
In the subsection Dashboards, you can create new dashboards and edit existing ones. Select
Dashboards to open the list of dashboards, and select the Create dashboard button to open
the dashboard designer.
The Dashboards menu contains the following items:
3.1 Dashboards 16
3.2 Widgets 19
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3. Dashboards

3.1 Dashboards

Dashboards are an easy way for different user groups to control the robot giving direct access to the individual key functions. A dashboard is made up of a number of widgets, each representing a feature in the system, such as a particular mission, the map the robot is running in, or the current mission queue.
Create dashboard
Enter a name in the Name field to create a new dashboard. Select Create dashboard to continue to the design section. Design the dashboard by adding widgets that represent the features you want to assign to the dashboard.
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3. Dashboards
Dashboard designer
Design the dashboard by selecting widgets from the menus in the top bar. Resize the widgets by pulling the arrow in the lower right corner and rearrange their order by selecting and dragging them. Some widgets require further settings. For example, you must select a particular mission for mission buttons. To do this, select the pen icon in the lower left corner and select the wanted action.
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3. Dashboards
Edit dashboard
The dashboard design can be edited and widgets added or removed.
Select Edit next to the dashboard you want to edit.
You can change the name of the dashboard and select Design to make changes in the dashboard widgets.
Delete dashboard
You can delete all dashboards that are created by you or another member of the user group you belong to.
Select Delete next to the dashboard you want to delete. In the next dialog, select Delete
dashboard to delete the dashboard.
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3.2 Widgets

This section describes the dashboard widgets.
3. Dashboards
Locked map
A Locked robot map widget makes the active map of the selected robot visible on the dashboard. The robot is always shown in the middle of a locked map. Select the robot you want shown on the dashboard.
A Map widget makes the active map visible on the dashboard. You can add and edit positions and markers in the widget and adjust the robot's position.
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3. Dashboards
Mission button
You can start a mission from the dashboard by adding a Mission button widget and selecting a predefined mission.
Pause/Continue button
The Pause/Continue button functions the same way as the pause/continue icon on the top bar of the robot interface, but may be inserted as wizard if you want it in a larger size.
Mission queue
You can have the mission queue displayed on the dashboard by selecting a Mission queue widget.
Mission action log
The Mission action log widget displays the individual actions being performed during the execution of a mission.
MiRrobot Reference Guide (en) 02/2021 - v.2.2 ©Cop yright 2017-2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S. 20
3. Dashboards
Mission group
You can select a mission group and have all missions from that group displayed on the dashboard by adding a Mission group widget.
PLC registers
PLC button/display
Get easy access to PLC functions from the dashboard. A PLC widget can be designed as a button, for example, to shift between two stages, or a display button, for example, for monitoring read-out values.
I/O module
I/O configuration
The I/O configuration widget lets you program one or more actions that you want the I/O module to perform when the outputs are in a certain state and when you select the button. Add states to the widget and configure the conditions that trigger the state and the outputs that the robot sets on the I/O module when you select the widget. Use the Reset section to configure a default output configuration.
I/O module
The I/O module widget lets you connect and disconnect I/O modules from the dashboard.
I/O status
The I/O status widget shows the current status of the selected I/O module.
MiRrobot Reference Guide (en) 02/2021 - v.2.2 ©Cop yright 2017-2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S. 21
3. Dashboards
Cart actions
This widget lets you queue the following missions: Pick up cart, Place cart.
Use the check boxes to define which missions are available in the widget. You must select at least one option (either Pick up cart or Place cart).
When you select the widget, the robot adds the mission shown in the widget to the mission queue. In the Place cart mission, the robot releases the gripper, lowers the hook, and leaves the cart in the current position. In the Pick up cart mission, the robot tries to find a cart within the hook camera's sight and pick it up. For the Pick up cart mission to work, it is necessary that the hook camera detects the QR code or AprilTag at the robot's current position.
MiRrobot Reference Guide (en) 02/2021 - v.2.2 ©Cop yright 2017-2021: Mobile Industrial Robots A/S. 22
3. Dashboards
Hook brake
This widget lets you activate and deactivate the hook brake manually. The text in the widget shows the action that it executes when you select it and changes depending on the state of the hook brake. For example, if the brake is active (the arm is locked), the widget reads
Deactivate hook brake, and selecting the widget deactivates the brake.
After you select the widget, it shows the current action and you have an option to undo the action until it is over. For example, if the brake is active and you select the widget, it shows
Deactivating... Click to undo.
Hook gripper control
This widget lets you open and close the hook gripper. This widget shows the current action (closing or opening) and lets you undo it during execution.
Hook height
This widget lets you set the height of the hook manually. Use the arrows to change the value.
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Selecting the height value opens the following dialog:
Hook information
This widget shows the following information about the hook:
Hook brake state
Hook gripper state
Hook height
Hook angle
3. Dashboards
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3. Dashboards
This widget shows information about the distributor if any distributor data has been entered in the Distributor data section under System > Settings.
Error log button
The Error log button allows you to get an error log via the dashboard. The error log is a list of all detected system errors. Each entry is shown with a description, an indication of which module is affected, and the time when the error occurred.
Make one or more joysticks available directly on the dashboard. Different speeds can be selected for the joysticks; slow, medium or fast. The standard joystick in the top bar is fast, except when mapping where it runs medium speed.
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3. Dashboards
Log-out button
The Log-out button allows you to log off via the dashboard.
Pause/Continue button
The Pause/Continue button functions the same way as the pause/continue icon on the top bar of the robot interface, but may be inserted as wizard if you want it in a larger size.
Robot summary
The Robot summary widget makes it possible to have information about the robot on the dashboard: name, serial no., battery percentage, remaining battery time, uptime, and moved distance.
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4. Setup

This section describes the items in the Setup menu.
The Setup menu contains the following items:
4.1 Missions 27
4.2 Maps 64
4.3 Sounds 88
4.4 Transitions 90
4.5 I/O modules 93
4.6 Paths 94
4. Setup
4.7 Path guides 96
4.8 Marker types 99
4.9 Footprints 104
4.10 Users 108
4.11 User groups 111

4.1 Missions

A mission is a predefined series of actions that the robot can be set to perform. A mission can be a simple transportation task between defined positions or a more complex job that includes both moving between positions and performing actions, such as unloading a pallet, moving to a charging station when the battery is low, or sending an email on arrival at a position.
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4. Setup
Missions are started by adding a given mission to the mission queue. The robot will perform the missions in the order they are added, and an operator may rearrange the queued missions if needed.
In MiRFleet, missions are controlled in the Scheduler. The Scheduler makes it possible to prioritize missions in queue and to set a start time.
Start mission
You can enqueue a mission in one of the following ways:
From a dashboard
You can configure a Mission button widget on a dashboard.
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From the Missions menu
To enqueue a mission in the Missions menu, select Queue mission for the mission you want to add to the robot's mission queue.
4. Setup
If there are variable parameters in a mission, for example a variable position, you will be asked to select the position when adding the mission to the queue.
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4. Setup
The selected parameters are shown in blue text.
Creating a mission
MiR robots function through missions that you create. A mission is made up of actions, such as: move actions, logic actions, docking actions, and sounds, which can be put together to form a mission with as many actions as needed. Missions themselves can also be embedded into other missions.
Most actions have adjustable parameters, for example, which position to go to. Most actions can also use variables, enabling the user to choose the value of a parameter each time the mission is used. This can be practical in cases where the robot performs the same series of actions in different areas of the site that require different parameter settings in the mission actions.
When you create a mission, you can save it in the default Missions group, or you can choose to save it in any of the available actions groups. The actions groups are found in the top bar of the mission editor window, and you can distinguish missions from actions by the small icons shown next to their names: missions have a target icon , and actions have a running­man icon .
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