................................................................................................................................... 121 How it Works
Part V Getting Started
................................................................................................................................... 141 Turn the System On
................................................................................................................................... 173 Turn the System Off
Part VI Routine System Tasks
................................................................................................................................... 181 Monitoring Tag Status
................................................................................................................................... 202 Attaching a Tag
................................................................................................................................... 223 Charging a Tag
................................................................................................................................... 234 Dimming LED Display Intensity
................................................................................................................................... 245 Confirm GPS Chart Plotter Data Status
Part VII Managing Alarms
................................................................................................................................... 251 Man Overboard Alarms
................................................................................................................................... 381 Removing a Tag from the System
................................................................................................................................... 392 Adding a Tag to the System
................................................................................................................................... 413 Replacing Tag Batteries
................................................................................................................................... 414 Adding a Router to the System
................................................................................................................................... 672 Declaration of Conformity
WARNING: No system can be 100% fail-safe. Installation faults and
operator error will always introduce the possibility of undetected man
overboard (MOB) events, as can circumstances and events beyond the
equipment’s design criteria. Crewsafe should never be relied upon as the
only source of man overboard notification. The skipper and crew must
exercise common prudence and good seamanship. Installation and
operation of a Crewsafe system in no way reduces the responsibility of the
skipper and crew who have the primary responsibility for safety on board a
WARNING: Global Positioning System. (GPS) Crewsafe systems can be
integrated with an external GPS receiver to define the location of a man
overboard and provide track-back information to the user. This
configuration can only be as accurate as the positional data it receives.
The Global Positioning System is managed and maintained by the US
Government who can from time to time alter its effective accuracy. In
addition, equipment errors or faults and operator errors can also result in
misleading information being displayed by Crewsafe systems. Mariners
must always use alternative means to confirm the location of a man
overboard if the accuracy of the system is ever in doubt.
WARNING: Crewsafe systems can only facilitate the recording of the initial
position of where a man overboard event occurred into third party devices.
In some areas, drift will take a man overboard away from the location of the
original position indicated by the Crewsafe system.
WARNING: The Crewsafe system uses a small amount of low voltage DC
power. However, accidental short-circuiting of any of the product’s cabling
system’s may cause sparks which in turn could ignite combustible gases
or petrol vapors. Make sure that electrical circuits are isolated before
making any changes to the system’s cables.
The Crewsafe system emits radio waves that can affect the operation of
nearby electronics, including cardiac pacemakers. Do not wear Crewsafe
Tags within 9 inches of a pacemaker. If you have a pacemaker or other
4DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
1Warnings & Safety Information
Note: This installation and operation guide contains important information that must be
adhered to for reliable use of the product. It is the owner’s sole responsibility to make the
effort to read this documentation, ensure that the installation is carried out to specification
and understand the equipment’s operation and limitations.
Location and recovery of a man overboard is beyond the product’s capability and if
necessary must be accomplished by alternative means. Mobilarm recommends that all
crew members carry a Mobilarm V100 VPIRB (or Personal Locator Beacon) that can be
activated as an aid for post-MOB location.
implanted medical device, please do not wear a Crewsafe Tag without first
consulting your physician, or the manufacturer of your medical device.
Observe and follow all regulations and rules regarding the use of wireless
devices in locations such as hospitals and on aircraft. Operation in those
locations may interfere with, or cause malfunctions of equipment, with
resulting injuries to persons or damage to property.
1. Never attempt to charge a Tag using any device other than a Mobilarm
Power Dock.
2. A new rechargeable battery's full performance is achieved after 2-3
complete charge and discharge cycles.
3. A Tag will not recharge if the battery temperature is greater than 45
degrees. If a Tag is hot because of environmental factors, let it cool
down and reinsert it into the charger.
4. Never short-circuit a Power Dock bay by placing metallic objects in the
bays (e.g. paper clips, coins or pens).
5. Never use a Power Dock or battery that is damaged.
6. Do not place Crewsafe Tags near a radar set or expose them to
radiation or damage may occur. Please do not clean them with
detergents or solvents that may damage the integrity of the device.
Seals may be damaged by many cleaning devices. If the components
require cleaning, use warm soapy water and wipe with a damp, not wet,
cloth. Be sure to clean a Tag when it is switched off, or it may be
activated by the moisture.
CAUTION: The high intensity strobe light on a Crewsafe Tag or router may
cause discomfort if viewed - avoid staring directly at the strobe when it is
5Warnings & Safety Information
Regular Testing
Your Crewsafe system should be checked regularly. We recommend testing the
system on a regular basis to ensure that alarms are audible and that the system is in
good working order generally.
Each employee carries a small transceiver Tag,
which remains connected to the network via
Crewsafe wireless routers. The network immediately
detects any break in the signal and automatically
raises an alarm if the connection is not reestablished within a few seconds. Therefore, if a
crew member goes overboard, the signal is lost and
an alarm is raised. Each Tag also features a duress
button that can be manually activated if an employee
is in distress onboard a vessel.
8DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
4Overview of Mobilarm Crewsafe
Mobilarm Crewsafe is a wireless safety network designed to improve the workplace
safety of commercial mariners by keeping track of the crew at work at all times. A
'meshed' series of wireless routers automatically detects emergencies involving
personnel and can initiate a full-scale alert within seconds of an incident such as a man
overboard event occurring.
Any break in a Tag's signal, for any reason, raises an alarm. If a Tag is damaged, its
battery dies or if a person moves out of range of the network, an alarm is raised. This
ensures that co-workers are immediately aware of a possible emergency and employees
are not be left unprotected.
When installed on vessels, Crewsafe can interface with existing chart plotter navigation
systems and GPS devices. In a man overboard (MOB) emergency, your Crewsafe
system can automatically send a waypoint position of where an incident occurs to your
vessel’s chart plotter. This provides essential track back navigation data. The system can
report and track multiple events, but will always prioritise the more serious risk of man
overboard over other emergencies.
Following is an introduction to the various elements of the Crewsafe system.
Every Crewsafe network requires a Display
Console, which is responsible for the
management and control of the Crewsafe
system. The Display Console can be used to
configure and control the system and it displays
the status of all Tags connected to it. The
Display Console has a high-intensity STROBE
warning light, an inbuilt PIEZO and a ROUTER
STATUS LED for displaying its wireless network
connection status. It also has 12 TAG STATUS
LEDs for monitoring the safety of crew
members on a vessel.
The purpose of the Internal Router is to expand the
wireless network footprint to cover all internal areas
on a vessel. Additional Internal Routers can be added
to a network as required. Each Internal Router has a
high-intensity STROBE warning light, an inbuilt PIEZO
and a ROUTER STATUS LED for displaying its
wireless network connection status.
A Display Console can:
· Monitor crew Tag status (up to 12 Tags);
· Monitor system network status;
· Monitor GPS/chart plotter connection status;
· Provide audible and visual alarms for man overboard events, duress alarms,
manual and general network alarms;
· Be attached to external alarms and other warning devices; and
· Initiate general network alarms.
9Overview of Mobilarm Crewsafe
Internal Router
An Internal Router can:
· Provide audible and visual alarms for man overboard events, duress alarms,
manual and general network alarms;
· Accept signals from an external warning device via its input (e.g. emergency
button or bilge alarm);
· Send signals to an external warning device (e.g. emergency light or siren); and
An External Router is installed on the exterior of a vessel
and as such it is designed to be exposed to the full force
of nature at sea. An External Router has no built-in
manual network alarm function, but it has one relay output
that can be connected to the External Router's switched
input if required. Each External Router has a high intensity
STROBE warning light and a ROUTER STATUS LED for
displaying its wireless network connection status.
An External Router can:
· Provide visual alarms for man overboard events,
duress alarms, manual and general network alarms;
· Accept signals from an external warning device via
its input (e.g. emergency button or bilge alarm); and
· Send signals to an external warning device (e.g.
emergency light or siren).
Crew members wear a small Crewsafe Tag (a personal
transceiver) which, if disconnected from the network
through submersion in water or distance from the network,
will set off the Crewsafe alarm enabling a speedy recovery.
A manually activated duress alarm can also be initiated by
pressing and holding the button on a Tag.
Each Tag vibrates during each system alarm or paging
state. It also has a high intensity STROBE warning light and
a TAG STATUS LED for displaying its wireless network
connection status.
Tags can be used to configure other Tags or routers when
they are used in 'wand' mode. In wand mode a Tag sends
serial infrared data to another Tag or router to configure it for
the system.
The Power Dock is an essential element of Crewsafe,
providing both stowage and charging capabilities for
Crewsafe Tags.
Crew members place the Tags into Power Dock charging
bays after use to recharge them; the Tag status LED
provides the current charge state of the Tag. The charge
status of all active Tags in charging bays is relayed
wirelessly to the Display Console, and the Crewsafe
Management System if it is installed.
Each Power Dock is capable of charging up to four Tags
simultaneously and Tags that have been fully discharged
will be recharged within four hours.
If more than four Tags need to be charged and stowed on a
vessel then the design of the Power Dock allows them to be
mounted next to each other, either horizontally or vertically.
11Overview of Mobilarm Crewsafe
Crewsafe Management System
Mobilarm Crewsafe is best managed using the Windows®-based Crewsafe
Management System. This provides an enhanced level of personnel safety and
security through crew location monitoring and management, system alarms,
individual paging and individual duress alarms. In addition, the system provides
database management of rescue assets, safety equipment and personnel.
The Crewsafe Management System is a multi-function program that runs on a
dedicated Mobilarm touch-screen tablet. It controls all aspects of the Crewsafe
network from a single point of command. Smaller vessels can use the stand-alone
Crewsafe Display Console. Please see the Crewsafe Management System User
Manual for more information.
1. Onboard monitoring is provided by each crew member wearing a robust, compact and
lightweight Tag, which is individually registered to a reliable and dependable wireless
network installed on the boat. Tags continuously transmit a ‘safe’ signal to the network,
which consists of one or more wireless routers ‘meshed’ together to provide a
wireless onboard monitoring system. A Display Console displays the status of all
Tags on a vessel at all times.
2. A Tag is unable to transmit through water and an alarm is automatically triggered if a
person falls off a vessel and a Tag’s connection to the network is broken. This may be
the result of a flat battery, a Tag going out of range or being damaged - or a man
overboard event. This provides peace of mind that the system is working properly at all
times and won’t let you down should you come to rely on it in an emergency*.
3. Within four seconds of a person going overboard and their Tag being disconnected
from the network, the system automatically logs a waypoint. The Display Console can
send this waypoint to a NMEA 0183 compatible chart plotter or GPS. If connected, the
boat’s chart plotter or GPS can display essential track back information to the man
overboard waypoint to enable a quick and effective rescue. Multiple man overboard
events can be tracked simultaneously.
4. A man overboard alarm sounds four seconds later if a Tag’s signal is not reestablished. (This ensures that the occasional rogue wave washing over the deck
does not inadvertently set off the alarm.) Unlike some other Personal Locator Beacons
and Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs), Crewsafe Tags
automatically activate an alarm. This is important in the event that a person is knocked
unconscious, incapacitated or incapable of activating an alarm when they go
overboard. When an alarm sounds all Tags connected to the network vibrate and flash
and all internal and external routers flash. The Display Console and any other Internal
Routers also sound an audible alarm.
5. The other benefit of all Mobilarm man overboard systems over other Personal Locator
Beacons is the immediate notification to crew on a vessel of a man overboard
emergency as soon as it occurs. EPIRB signals, for example, are routed to onshore
locations and these distress signals need to be confirmed before the information is
then relayed to vessels in the vicinity. This can add precious minutes or hours to the
length of time a man overboard is in the water before a rescue is initiated.
6. With Crewsafe, after a man overboard has been recovered and is back onboard the
vessel, the system automatically detects the signal from the retrieved mariner’s Tag.
This automatically cancels the alarm and the system resumes normal operation.
7. A duress alarm can be manually triggered by a person pressing and holding the button
on a Tag for 3 seconds. The Tag sending an alarm is identified on the Display Console
and a system-wide alert is sent to warn that this crew member is in distress. Duress
alarms provide the ability for a crew member to manually initiate an alarm if they are in
distress for some reason.
8. A general alarm can be initiated by pressing the alarm button on the Display Console
CAUTION: No system can be 100% fail-safe. Installation faults and
operator error will always introduce the possibility of undetected man
overboard (MOB) events as can circumstances and events beyond the
equipment's design criteria. Mobilarm man overboard systems should
never be relied on as the only source of man overboard notification. The
skipper and crew must exercise common prudence and good seamanship.
Installation and operation of a Mobilarm man overboard system in no way
reduces the responsibility of the skipper and crew, who have the primary
responsibility for safety onboard a vessel.
13Overview of Mobilarm Crewsafe
for 3 seconds. When an alarm sounds all Tags connected to the network vibrate and
flash and all internal and external routers flash. The Display Console and any other
Internal Routers also sound an audible alarm.
Note: A network comprises a Display Console and at least one other active
device (Tag or router). If only a Display Console is installed on a vessel, the
NETWORK STATUS LED will display long blue flashes until a Tag is switched
Display Console and Router Network Status
When the Display Console POWER button is pressed, the NETWORK STATUS
INDICATOR LED on it and any Internal and External Routers will:
1. Flash blue while the network is being established, and
2. Display as solid blue once the network is established.
If a router's NETWORK STATUS LED does not remain solid blue 20 seconds
after being switched on and starts to flash, please see the troubleshooting guide
to diagnose the problem.
· The Tag STATUS INDICATOR LED displays fast red flashes briefly.
Once the Tag has joined the network successfully, the Tag's STATUS INDICATOR
LED flashes green every two seconds. If the Tag's status LED does not turn green
after several seconds it may not be correctly configured for the network. Please see
the troubleshooting guide for help.
Turning Tags Off
Tags are automatically turned OFF during a system shutdown, but they can also be
turned off in the following ways:
1. Place Tags into a Power Dock and then press and hold the BUTTON on the
Tag for 3 seconds.
2. If a Tag has triggered a false man overboard alarm, press and hold the Tag
BUTTON for 10 seconds to turn it OFF.
As the Tag turns off, it vibrates and the strobe light flashes for several seconds.
See False Alarms for ways to cancel a variety of false alarms.
CAUTION: Please ensure the system is turned off before power to the
system is disconnected - otherwise Tags may go into an alarm state. If the
system loses power briefly and unintentionally for some reason, once
power is returned to the system it should operate again normally.
Press and hold the POWER button on the Display Console for 5 seconds. This will turn
the Display Console off and turn off all routers and Tags connected to it.
Display Console Indications
When the POWER button is pressed:
· The Display Console will produce down-ramping audio tones.
· TAG STATUS LEDs flash sequentially and the strobe light will flash.
· All LED and strobe indications cease when the Display Console has been
switched off.
17Getting Started
Tag Indications
A Tag is turned off during a normal system shutdown. During this process it vibrates
and the strobe light flashes for several seconds.
6Routine System Tasks
The following sections explain basic Crewsafe system functionality in relation to:
Tag is OFF; no Tag is assigned to the TAG STATUS LED on the
display console; or a Tag has been removed by canceling a man
overboard alarm.
Solid Green
Tag is ON and is safe
Short Orange
A factory reset is in Progress
Long Orange
Tag is ON and the battery is low
Solid Orange
Tag is being charged in a Power Dock
Short Fast Red
Tag has entered the man overboard warning state prior to an
alarm and a man overboard waypoint is logged
Long Red Flashes
A man overboard or duress alarm has been muted
Solid Red
Tag has entered an active man overboard alarm state, or a duress
alarm has been activated
Illuminated Red for 5
Signifies canceling of any active alarms
Example of Tags in Safe and Alarm States
18DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
6.1Monitoring Tag Status
A Tag's status is monitored by the Display Console and displayed by the TAG STATUS
LEDs. Following is a list of the TAG STATUS LED states that can appear on the Display
Tag is connected to the network and the battery is low
Short Red Flashes
Tag is not configured with a network ID
Long Red Flashes
Tag is switched on and configured with an incorrect network
Short Fast Red Flashes
Tag has been switched on and is attempting to join the
Tag LED display when
charging in Power
Dock and turned on
Solid Green
Tag is fully charged
Solid Orange
Tag is charging
Solid Red
Tag charging fault
Tag LED States
A Tag's status is also displayed on the Tag itself. The following table describes the
possible states of the LED on a Tag when it is in use or being charged.
Crewsafe Tags are small enough to be worn at all
times in all marine environments. Tags are designed
to be attached to clothing, lifejackets or harnesses
that include:
· Belts.
· Harnesses or webbing.
· Life jacket straps.
· Pockets/lanyards*/safety chains to avoid the
loss of a Tag over the side of a vessel.
*Lanyards are not recommended as the best
method of attachment.
Mobilarm recommends that Tags
are worn at waist level, both for
comfort and to ensure a man
overboard alarm is activated in an
20DOC-0132 Crewsafe User Manual v.1.2
6.2Attaching a Tag
Attaching a Tag
There are two different clips that can be used to attach a Tag. To attach a Tag with a
mini-clip to a crew member it is necessary to thread a harness or webbing through
the gap between the Tag and clip. The large Tag clip is able to slide directly onto a
belt or strap and is much simpler to attach.
Attaching a Clip
To attach either of the two different Tag clips to a Tag, slide it onto the Tag until it
locks firmly into place. To remove it from the Tag, push the TAG LOCKING CLIP
away from body of the Tag and then slide it upwards to remove it. Note: If you are
using the large Tag clip then it needs to be removed before placing the Tag into a
Power Dock for charging.
Crewsafe Tags are factory fitted with rechargeable batteries that have been fully charged
prior to shipping. However, Tags should be placed in the Power Dock and charged for at
least 4 hours prior to first use.
A fully charged Tag should last for up to 48 hours of normal operation in a non-alarm
state. The STATUS LED on a Tag flashes orange when the battery charge is getting low.
If the battery is in good condition it should last in a non-alarm state for approximately 10
hours after the low battery warning is first indicated.
Charging a Tag
A Tag can be fully recharged in four hours.
1. Place the Tag into an empty Power Dock bay so that the button is facing
outwards. Note: If a large Tag clip is attached to a Tag then it needs to be
removed before placing it into the Power Dock.
2. Check that the TAG STATUS LED indicates that it is charging. If a Tag's
battery charge level has dropped below 90 percent, the TAG STATUS LED
while charging is solid orange.
3. When a Tag's battery is 90 percent charged or higher its TAG STATUS LED
turns solid green. A Tag will continue to trickle charge after turning green until
it is 100 percent charged.
During normal daily use it is not necessary to turn Tags off when they are charging in
the Power Dock. However, you may wish to turn off a Tag in the Power Dock if it is a
spare Tag. If a Tag is switched off and placed into the Power Dock the Tag's LED will
illuminate green briefly to confirm charging has commenced. The Tag must be turned
on before next use.
Tags continue to be charged when the system is turned off via the Display Console,
as long the Power Dock is still connected to ship's power.