1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................................2
2 ID and Tooling Design ................................................................................................................4
3 Hardware Requirements ...........................................................................................................5
3.1 Basic Hardware Requirements .........................................................................................5
3.2 Basic RF Performance Requirements................................................................................7
3.3 Certification and Safety Requirements.............................................................................9
4 Software Requirements...........................................................................................................10
4.1 Basic Software Requirements .........................................................................................10
4.2 Remote Update...............................................................................................................10
4.2.1 Auto Execute ..............................................................................................................10
4.3 Power Modes..................................................................................................................10
4.4 AT Command ..................................................................................................................11
4.5 Report.............................................................................................................................13
4.6 Reset ...............................................................................................................................13
4.6.1 Context Preservation ..................................................................................................13
4.7 Startup Banner ...............................................................................................................13
5 Test Plan ..................................................................................................................................14
5.1 Hardware Test.................................................................................................................14
5.2 Software Test ..................................................................................................................14
1 Introduction
The APOLLO series (including models CDMA/CDMA-B/CDMA-BA/CDMA-G/CDMA-BG/CDMA-BA-G) are self-contained vehicle tracking devices that combine GPS location with
CDMA connectivity.
Logically, the APOLLO appears to a user or a server application as a single endpoint device. It
can be queried, updated and configured either through a serial connection, an over the air
CDMA IP connection, or through SMS messaging. The APOLLO series present themselves
over these connections as an enhanced cellular modem with attached functional elements.
These elements include:
GPS location engine
2 Ge ne ral Purpose Bidirectional I/ O (GPIO) pins
1 Re lay drive pin out put
Serial UART port
Input volt age monitor (optional)
Tim e rs
Wat chdog lockup prot e ct ion (Dedicated watchdog circuit is optional)
□ Fact ory load option for motion detection
Access to these elements and general purpose interfaces is done through an extended AT
command set as defined herein.
Application diagram:
This product is designed based on the VIA CBP8.2 CDMA 1X 800M&1900M Baseband chip,
which includes GPS functionality, ARM CPU and CDMA protocol. This Baseband chip is
connected to 256M serial flash, CDMA 800M/1900M/GPS RF Transceiver, and RF Front
end circuit.
The device includes one dual band antenna( CDMA800&CDMA1900)and one dedicate
GPS antenna.
Product Design Requirement
Cost: Entry Level
Marketing Information
2 ID and Tooling Design
The product appearance is shown as follows:
Serial Flash 256Mb
PSRAM 128Mb/64Mb (optional)
CDMA2000 1x: 800MHz,1900MHz
Internal Antenna(800M&1900M)
Dedicate high performance ceramic antenna
No-UIM mode, UIM card connector optional
Relay Drive (12V Output ,500mA current)
internal analog input scaled (Optional)
Required (Dedicate Watchdog is Optional)
2 LED required
2 LEDs (one is RED,one is Green)
Build in battery(80MAH Lion)
Power Cable connector type
3 Hardware Requirements
3.1 Basic Hardware Requirements
The Apollo series provides support for specialized hardware features through extended AT
commands. The features supported include the following:
The major functionality of the GPS module is to compute the correlation results between the
incoming signal and the selected PRN code based on certain Carrier Doppler Frequency, Code
Doppler Frequency, code phase, carrier phase, and the particular satellite the module is
tracking or acquiring.
On: GPS satellites acquired and
Flash Slow: GPS satellite search is in progress
Off: No power or GPS subsystem fault
On: Indicates CDMA connection is made
Flash Slow: CDMA subsystem initialization in
Flash Fast: CDMA initialization but no data
connection available
Off: No power or CDMA
subsystem fault
Two GPIO pins, GP1 and GP2, are presented to the external environment on the main
connector. They are general purpose, bidirectional lines capable of providing system
interrupts to generate a report or drive logic levels to external devices. These lines are 2.8V
logic level and are 15V tolerant. These pins default to input. GP1 is pulled down representing 0
when disconnected; GP2 is pulled up representing logical 1 when disconnected. They
should be asserted to a known value if used. GP1 is intended to use for Ignition Sensing.
Two LED status indicators are provided to verify correct installation and operation. The
status LEDs are color coded and directly convey the status of the CDMA and GPS
subsystems as described in the table below. Their valid operation also indicates operational
status and power.
The APOLLO provides user control allowing the LEDs to be extinguished once installation is
verified. This feature reduces power and further conceals the APOLLO Tracker from untrained
parties wishing to defeat its operation.
A UART port is provided for AT command and data interaction and optionally for application
specific control. When in power down mode, a character must be sent to the UART first to
wake it up. The port will stay awake for 5 seconds after any character received.
Relay Driver
A 500mA sink capable output pin is provided. This pin is meant to drive a relay coil indented to
interrupt the starter solenoid relay for the ignition circuit to a car.
Battery Monitor
The battery monitor is internal analog input scaled such that the DC value of the power input
pin to the APOLLO system is measured. This value is scaled to span the most significant 8 bits
of the A/D and consequently covers a scale from 0 to 25.5 Volts.