Model 07205
Rubber Connector
Tank Connector
Always read instructions carefully before use.
Instructions for Setup:
1.Connect the reservoir tank connector of the Brake Bleeding Kit to the reservoir tank of the Fluid Evacuator.
2. Fluid Evacuators with an attached main suction tube will need to have the tube capped to allow a
3.Turn the flow control valve to the “OFF” position. (Handle of valve will be turned 90 degrees from hose).
4. Develop a vacuum in the Fluid Evacuator reservoir tank, consult your Fluid Evacuator Manual for
Control Valve
Brake Bleeding Adapter
Bleeding Brakes with the Fluid Evacuator
Using the Fluid Evacuator and the Brake Bleeding Accessories Kit provides a simple, clean and quick
method for bleeding air from brake systems. The creation of vacuum in the reservoir tank of the Fluid
Evacuator causes brake fluid to be drawn into the reservoir tank. Usually one or two applications are
sufficient at each wheel to ensure that all air is evacuated.
The following brake bleeding procedure is recommended:
1. Ensure master cylinder reservoir is full of the specified fluid and new, clean fluid is available to top off
the reservoir during bleeding procedure. Ensure all bleeder fittings are clean at the start of the bleeding
NOTE: Keep master cylinder full.
2. Bleed system in the following order:
A . Master cylinder (if equipped). See the Bench Bleeding Procedure below if a new or rebuilt master
cylinder is being installed.
B. Bleeder screw on combination valve (if equipped).
C. Wheel cylinders and calipers in succession beginning with the wheel closest to the master cylinder
and working to the farthest one.
3. Place wrench on the nut of the bleeder screw.
4. Connect the brake bleeding adapter onto the bleeder screw.
5. Open the flow control valve by turning it to the “OPEN” position.
6. Open the bleeder ‘screw slightly , only enough to cause fluid to flow into the bleeder hose and continue
into the Fluid Evacuator (usually 1/4 to 1/2 turn).
7. After evacuating, approximately 1/4 of the master cylinder reservoir’s capacity , tighten nut of bleeder
screw. Refill the master cylinder, and proceed to the next wheel. Repeat all previous steps on all of the
remaining wheels.
NOTE:A tiny stream of bubbles may be noted in the bleeder hose after the bleeding procedure. This is
caused by air seeping around the threads of the loosened bleeder screw and is drawn through the
fitting by the suction created by the Fluid Evacuator. Once the air has been removed from the
system these tiny air bubbles
present at the external surface of the bleeder fitting and not in the system. If desired, bleeder-fitting
threads may be sealed with Teflon® tape to help eliminate this condition.
DO NOT jeopardize the bleeding operation since they are only
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Bleeding Anti-Lock Brake Systems
Always refer to the vehicle’s owner manual or the appropriate service manual for manufacturer’s brake
bleeding procedure. The front brakes on most anti-lock brake systems may be bled in the conventional
manner. Most hydraulic pump/pressure accumulator units are fitted with a bleeder valve, which must be
bled when the system has lost fluid or is being replaced. Some vehicles require that the system be
pressurized when the rear brakes are bled. Acura, Ford and General Motors require a bleeding
procedure, which uses specialized equipment.
Bench Bleeding System
Whenever a master cylinder has been removed from a vehicle or a new one is being installed, the
master cylinder must be bench bled. Failure to bench bleed is the main reason for unsuccessful master
cylinder replacement. Bench bleeding greatly decreases the chance that any air will be caught in the
cylinder upon reinstallation. Most manufacturers include a bench bleeding kit with new or remanufactured
master cylinders. If this kit was not included with the replacement part to be installed, consult with your
retailer prior to installing the new or rebuilt master cylinder on the vehicle.
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St. Louis, MO 63120-1578
Phone +1.314.679.4200
Fax +1.800.424.5359
Item Description Part No
1 Brak e B l eeding A dapt er * 822559
2 Plast i c Adapt er 822597
* Consists of three adapters
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D-69183 Walldorf
Phone +49.6227.33.0
Fax +49.6227.33.259
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