Division of Mittler Corp.
P.O. Box 110 Foristell, Missouri
10 Cooperative Way Wright City,
MO 63390
(636) 745-7757
Fax: (636) 745-2874
Honda Linkage Kit
Thank you for your purchase of the complete Honda
engine linkage kit. This kit is designed to fit both the 120
&160 engine platforms. The only difference you will find
between the 120 and the 160 engine is the direction the
Throttle Stop
cable adjustment block is installed on the engine block.
Linkage Arm
1. Remove the stamped factory linkage plate and related hardware.
2. Check your carburetor and confirm the throttle arm (black plastic molded arm on the top of the throttle shaft)
is in good working condition.
3. Install the Linkage Bridge to your engine using the two supplied metric socket head bolts. A drop of thread
locking compound on each bolt is recommended to prevent bolts from coming loose from vibration and
4. Install the Cable Adjustment Block to the engine using the factory bolt that was removed in step 1.
5. Bolt the Linkage Arm to the Linkage Bridge using the supplied Shoulder Bolt. Use a small drop of thread
locking compound on the threads.
6. The Throttle Stop Eccentric can now be bolted to the Linkage Bridge using the supplied button head bolt.
Do Not fully tighten the bolt until the final step. This eccentric is used as a throttle stop to prevent broken or
worn carburetor parts as well as to set wide open throttle to the best performance position.
7. Bend your Linkage Rod to fit from the Linkage Arm to the throttle arm on the carburetor. It is important this
fits proper to prevent linkage failure. We have formed one end of the linkage rod to fit the Linkage Arm. Each
application is slightly different and will require the user to complete the bending on the throttle arm end.
8. Now that the Linkage Rod is installed you can rotate the Throttle Stop Eccentric and tighten at wide open
throttle or your desired throttle position.
\\Mbserver01\Engineering\Product\Product Documentation\TANNER\Honda Throttle Linkage Kit Instructions 3.doc Rev1 1-17-2006