Chapter 1
Fire and explosions .............................1-1
Keep flames away............................................ 1-1
Keep engine surrounding area tidy and clean.. 1-1
Care for fuel, oil and exhaust gas leakage....... 1-1
Use explosion-proof lighting apparatus............ 1-1
Prevent electrical wires from short-circuiting.... 1-1
Keep fire extinguishers and a first-aid kit
handy ............................................................... 1-1
Stay clear of all rotating and moving
parts ....................................................1-2
Install protective covers around rotating
parts ................................................................. 1-2
Check work area for safety .............................. 1-2
Stay clear of moving parts while engine is
running ............................................................. 1-2
Lockout and tagout .......................................... 1-2
Keep engine stopped during servicing............. 1-2
Always restore engine turning tools after use .. 1-2
Changing the engine speed setting is
prohibited ......................................................... 1-2
Be careful of exhaust fume
poisoning .............................................1-3
Operate engine in a well-ventilated area.......... 1-3
Be careful of falling down ....................1-3
Lift engine carefully .......................................... 1-3
Do not climb onto the engine ........................... 1-3
Always prepare stable scaffold ........................ 1-3
Protect ears from noise .......................1-4
Wear ear plugs................................................. 1-4
Be careful of burns ..............................1-4
Do not touch the engine during or immediately
after operation .................................................. 1-4
Do not open the radiator filler cap when the
engine is hot..................................................... 1-4
Do not touch high pressure injection fuel ......... 1-4
Refill coolant only after the coolant
temperature dropped........................................ 1-4
Be careful when handling fuel, engine
oil or LLC .............................................1-5
Use only specified fuel, engine oil and LLC ..... 1-5
Handle LLC carefully........................................ 1-5
Proper disposal of waste oil, LLC and
coolant ............................................................. 1-5
When abnormality occurs....................1-5
Do not add coolant immediately after a sudden
stop due to overheating.................................... 1-5
Avoid immediate restart after abnormal stop.... 1-5
Avoid continuous engine operation at low oil
pressure ........................................................... 1-5
If belt breaks, stop engine immediately ............ 1-5
Service battery .................................... 1-6
Handle the battery correctly ............................. 1-6
Other cautions..................................... 1-7
Never modify engine ........................................ 1-7
Observe safety rules at work site ..................... 1-7
Work clothing and protective gear.................... 1-7
Never break seals ............................................ 1-7
Perform all specified pre-operation inspections
and periodic inspections................................... 1-7
Break-in the engine .......................................... 1-7
Warm up the engine before use....................... 1-7
Never operate the engine in an overloaded
condition........................................................... 1-7
Conduct cooling operation before stopping the
engine .............................................................. 1-8
Protection of the engine against water entry.... 1-8
Properly maintain the air cleaner and
pre-cleaner ....................................................... 1-8
Use of tools optimum for each work................. 1-8
Avoidance of prolonged time of starter
operation .......................................................... 1-8
Do not turn off the battery switch during
operation .......................................................... 1-8
Cautionary instructions for transporting the
engine .............................................................. 1-8
Chapter 2
Engine external diagrams ................... 2-1
Equipment and instrument .................. 2-8
Starter switch ................................................... 2-8
Preheat indicator .............................................. 2-8
Water temperature meter and thermo unit ....... 2-9
Ammeter........................................................... 2-9
Hour meter ....................................................... 2-9
Stop solenoid ................................................. 2-10
Engine protection devices................. 2-11
Oil pressure switch ......................................... 2-11
Thermo switch ................................................ 2-11
Air cleaner indicator ....................................... 2-11