and install the unit at the specified place.
- Improper in stal lati on may cause th e unit to to pple and re sult in
• Always use an air c leaner, humidi fie r, electric hea ter, and other
accessories specified by Mitsubishi Electric.
- Ask an authorized technician to install the accessories. Improper
installati on by th e user may re sult in water leakag e, el ectric shoc k,
or fire.
• Never repair the uni t. If the air con dit ion er must be rep air ed,
consult the dealer.
- If the unit is repaired improperly, water leakage , electric shoc k, or
fire may result.
• Do not touch the heat exchanger fins.
- Improper handling may result in injury.
• If refrigerant gas leaks during installation work, ventilate the
- If the refrigerant gas comes into contact with a flame, poisonous
gases will be released.
• Install the ai r cond itio ner ac cor ding to th is In stalla tion Man ual.
- If the unit is installed improperly, water leakage , electric shoc k, or
fire may result.
• Have all electr ic w ork don e b y a lic ensed ele ctrici an accor din g
to “Electric Facility Engineering Standard” and “Interior Wire
Regulations”and the instructions given in this manual and always use a special circuit.
- If the power source capacity is inadequa te or ele ctric work is per-
formed improperly, electric shock and fire may result.
• Securely install the cover of control box and the panel.
- If the cov er and pan el are not ins tal led pro perly,dust or w ate r may
enter the outdoor unit and fire or electric shock may result.
• When installi ng an d mo ving the air co ndit ione r to anot her si te,
do not charge the it with a refrigerant differen t fr om the refr igerant (R22) specified on the unit.
- If a different refriger ant or air is mixed wit h the original refriger ant,
the refrigerant cycle may malfunction and the unit may be damaged.
• If the air conditioner is installed in a small room, measures
must be take n to pr event th e re fr ig er ant co ncen tr at ion from
exceeding the safety limit even if the refrigerant should leak.
- Consult the de aler rega rdin g the ap propr ia te me asures to pre-
vent the safety limit from being exceeded. Should the refrigerant
leak and cause th e safety limi t to be exceed ed, ha za rds du e to
lack of oxygen in the room could result.
• When moving and reinstalling the air conditioner, consult the
dealer or an authorized technician.
- If the air conditioner is installed improperly, water leakage, elec-
tric shock, or fire may result.
• After completing installation work, make sure that refrigerant
gas is not leaking.
- If the refrigerant gas leaks and is exposed to a fan heater, stove,
oven, or other heat source, it may generate noxious gases.
• Do not re cons tr uc t or chan g e th e se ttin gs of the prote ct ion
- If the pressure switch, thermal switch, or other protection device
is shorted an d op erat ed f orci bly, or parts ot her th an th ose spec ified
by Mitsubishi Electric are used, fire or explosion may result.
1. Befor e instal lati on and elec tric work
s Before installing the unit, make sure you read all the
“Safety precautions”.
s The “Safety precautions” provide ver y important
points regarding safety. Make sure you follow them.
s This equipment may cause the adverse effect on the
same supply system.
s Please report to or take consent by the supply au-
thority before connection to the system.
Symbols used in the text
Describes precautions that should be observed to prevent danger
of injury or death to the user.
Describes pr ecau tion s that shou ld be obse rved to pre vent dama ge
to the unit.
Symbols used in the illustrations
: Indicates an action that must be avoided.
: Indicates that important instructions must be followed.
: Indicates a part which must be grounded.
: Indicates tha t cau tion should be taken wit h rot ati ng parts. (This
symbol is displayed on the main unit label.) <Color: Yellow>
: Beware of electric shock (This sym bol is dis played on the main
unit label.) <Color: Yellow>
Carefully read the labels affixed to the main unit.
• Ask the dealer or an authorized tec hni cian to ins tall the air conditioner.
- Improper installatio n b y the use r ma y res ult in water leak age , elec -
tric shock, or fire.
• Install the air unit at a place that can withstand its weight.
- Inadequate str eng th may cause the uni t to fall down, res ult ing in
• Use the specified cables for wiring. Make the connections securely so th at th e ou tsid e f or ce of th e ca ble is no t ap plie d to the
- Inadequa te co nnec tion and f as teni ng ma y ge nera te he at an d caus e
a fire.
• Prepare for typhoons and other strong winds and earthquakes