Mitsubishi LDT323V User Manual

Eng lish-1
Features ............................ .. ... ..... ............................................ ..... ......................................................................................... ...Engl ish-2
Declaration ........................................ ...... ............................................. ...... ............................................. .................................English-5
Safety Precautions, Ma int enan ce & Recomm ended Use ............................................................................ .... ..... . .................E nglish-6
Contents ......................................................................................... ...... ...... ..............................................................................English-7
Part s Name and Functions .......................... .............................................. ..... ...... ............................................... ... ... ...............E nglish-8
Buttons, Switch, and Indi cator ......................................................... ...... ..... ............................................ .... ...... ........English-8
Connectors an d Terminals ............................................................... .........................................................................English-9
Wireless Remote Control .... ............ ........... ........... ...... ........... ............ ........... ...... ........... ..... .......... ...... .... ... ...............English-10
How to Use the Wireless Remote Cont rol ............................................................... ..... ...... ......................................English-11
Prepar ation for use .. ..... ............................................... ................................................ ............................................................Engli sh - 12
Fl ow of preparation ..... ...... ............................................... ...... ............................................ .......................................English-12
[P-1] Pr eparation for installati on . ...... ....... ................................................. ...... ...... ............................................ ... ... ...............E nglish-13
Determine the installat ion location .............................................................. ...... ...... ................................... ...... ...... ...English-13
Ventil ation requi rements for enclosure mounting ............................................................... ....... ...............................English-13
[P-2] Installing the monitor .....................................................................................................................................................English-14
Installing and removing the stands ........... ...... ...... ................................................. ...... .............................................English-14
Installing the main switch cove r ........................................................................ ........................................................English-14
Using the wall mount or ceiling moun t ................................................... ..... .......................................... .. ... ...............E nglish-14
Installing in the portrait position .......................... ...... ..... .............................................. ....................................... ......English-15
[P-3] Installing the speakers .................................................................. ....... ............................................. ...... .... ..................Engli sh - 16
[P-4] Connection procedur e .................................. ..... ............................................. ...... ....................................... .... ...... .......English-17
Wiring diagram ............. ...... ..... ............................................. ...... ...... .........................................................................English-17
Prevention of disconnection of HD MI cable ................................................................. ........................................ ....English-17
Connecti ng with a computer (analog connection) .............. ............................................... ...... ...... ...........................En glish-18
Connecti ng with a computer (digital connection) ........................... ............................................... .. .........................English-19
Connecti ng a video device (component video/H DMI device) ..................................................................................English-20
Connecti ng a video device (composite video/S video device)/stereo ampli er ............................................. ...
......E nglish-21
[P-5] Connecting the power cord to the m onitor .......................... .......................................... ..... .........................................English-22
Connecti ng the power source ................................................................................................ ...................................English-22
How to Use ........................................................... ........... ...... ........... ........... ............ ..... ............................................................E nglish-23
Fl ow of How to Using .................................. ............................................... ...... ..................................... ... ... ..............E nglish-23
[U-1] Turning on all the connected devices ................................................................................................... ........................English-24
Turning on external devices ................................ ...... .......................................... ..... ..... ...... .... ..................................English-24
Turning on the monitor . ...... ...... ............................................. ...... ......................................... .....................................English-24
Power Mana gement Function ..................................................................... ..... ........................................ ....... ...... ....Engl ish-24
[U-2] Selecting the video input ............................................................................. ....................................... ..........................English-25
[U-3] Controlling the external devices ............................................. ...... ............................................. ...... .............................English-26
[U-4] Auto-setup ....................................................................................................................................................................Engli sh-26
[U-5] Selecting the picture mode ............................................................. ....... ........................................ ...... .........................English-26
[U-6] Screen adjustm ent ............................................................. ...... ............................................. ........................................English-27
[U-7] Picture adjustment ............................................................................... ..... ............................................. ..... . ...... ...........English-27
[U-8] Volume cont rol ..... .... .. ............................................. ...... ........................................... .....................................................English-28
[U-9] Schedule setting ................................................................................................................................... ...... . ..... ............English-28
How to set up schedule ................................ ..... .............................................. ..... .................................... ... ..... .........English-29
[U-10] Remot e contr ol ... ...... ........... ............ ..... ............ ........... ........... ...... ........... ............ .... ....... ...............................................English-30
RS-232C Remote cont rol .......................................... ..... ...... ............................................. ........................................English-30
gurati on and basic operati on of OSD scr een ..................................................... ........... ............ ...... .... ...........................English-32
guration of OSD scr een ................................................................................................. ...................................English-32
Basic operation of OSD ................................................... ............................................. .............................................English-33
OSD scr een functions ......................................................... ...... ...... .................................................................................. .......English-34
Ot her functi ons .................................................................... ...... ....................................... .......................................................English-42
Picture size ...................................................................................................................................................... ...... ....English-42
Picture mode .......................................................................................................................................... ...................E nglish-42
A udio input change ....................... ...... ............................................. ...... ...... .............................................................English-42
OSD information .................................................................................................. ...... ..................................... ...... .....English-42
Control Lock mode .................................................... ..... ...... .................................................................................. ...Engl ish-42
PIP, P OP function .. ...... ............ ............ ............ ..... ............ ............ ............ ...... ........... .... .......... ...... ............................English-43
Troubleshooting ................................................................ ...... ............................................ .....................................................English-44
cat ions .......................... ...... ............ ........... ............ ...... ............ ........... ............ ...... ... .... ...... ...........................................English-45
Pin Assignment .............................................................. ..... ...... .................................................................................... ...........English-46
Eng lish-2
Wide-range Color Temperature A djustment Page 34 T he display color temperatures can be adjusted from 2,600 K to 10 ,000 K. Such a wide range adjustment is important for indu stri es such as broadcasters and food retailers where color accuracy and esh tones are critical.
Tiling Capability with Frame co mpensation Page 39 Up to 25 panels (5 wide x 5 high) can be combined to create a single large image (i.e., video wall) or oth er high-im pa ct signage. A fram e compesation function i s i ncorporated to compensate the width of panel bezels so that images are displayed with the utmost accuracy.
PiP, PoP and Side-by-side Pages 37 and 43 Picture-in-Picture and Pic ture- out-of-Picture are available when you want to display video c ontent from a video input source in the sub picture and display the PC input source in the main picture, and vi ce versa. T he native resolution a s high as 1
x can displ ay these two input sources in the Side-by-si de mode, ideal for broadcastin g
and video-confer encing appli cations.
Programmable Scheduling F unction Pages 28, 29 and 38 The monitor s operating schedule can be programmed for up to seven different sc heduled time intervals by time, day of the week and input port. This allows video content from different inputs to be displayed on certain monito rs within the same installation ac cording to the sc hedule, and extends the mo nitor s life and saves the power by turning it off during those hours or days it i
s n ot in
Screen-saver F unctions Page 40 To reduce image persist ence and maximize the pan el life in demand ing signage applications, th e LDT Series is equ ipped wi th f our screen -saver functions. GAMMA COOLING FAN BRIGHTNES S MOTION
Side Bo rder Co lor Selec t Page 40 When the 4: 3 screen is displayed, the side border color can be selected from black, gr ay and whi te.
Power-on Delay Page 39 For installatio ns employing numerous monito rs, the power-on delay function c an power up the monitors sequentially with delay between 2-50 seconds af ter the power is applied. Usin g this funct ion can prev ent inrush current probl ems and reduce the overall electrical loa d requirements when a s ingle power supp ly is used.
Flexible Landsc ape & Portrait Positioning Page 15 Designed to enhanc e for heat dissipation and long-term reliability in both landscape (ho rizontal) and portrait (vertic al) positio ns.
Closed Caption Page 39 You can display captions . When closed-caption video sign a ls are input, you can select to display or hide the captions on the screen. This monitor is compliant with EIA -608- A.
Eng lish- 3
This device c omplies with Part 15 of FCC Rules. Operation is subjec t to the following two c o nditio ns. (1) This devic e may no t cause harmful interference, and (2) this devic e must accept any interferenc e rec eived, inc luding interferenc e that may c ause undesired operation. U.S. Responsible Party: Mitsubishi Digital Electronics Americ a, Inc. Address: 9351 Jeronimo Road, Irvine, California 92618 U.S.A. Tel. No.: +1 - (949) 465-6000 Type of Product: Computer M onitor Equipment Classi
cation: Class B Peripheral
Model: LDT323V (BH030)
Win dows is a registered trademark of Mi crosoft Corporation. All other brands and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective own ers. HDMI, the HDMI lo g o and High- De
nition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing
Canadian Department of Communications Compliance Statement DOC: This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations. C-UL: Bears the C-UL Mark and is in compliance with Canadian Safety Regulati ons according to CAN/CSA C22.2
No. 60950-1.
FCC Info rmation
1 . Use the attached speci ed cables with this equipment so as not to interfere with radio and television reception.
(1) T he power supply cord you use must have been approved by and comply wit h the safety standards of U.S.A., (2) Please use the supplied s hielded video signal cable. Use of ot her cables and a dapter s may caus e interference with radio and
television rec eption.
T his equipment has been tested and found to compl y with the limits for a Class B di gital device, pursu ant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and c an radiate radio frequenc y energy, and, if not installed and used in ac cordance with the instru ctions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no g uarantee that interference will not oc cur in a particular installation. If this equipment do es c ause harmful interferenc e to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and o n, the user is enc ouraged to try to co rrect the interferenc e by one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relo c ate the rec eiving antenna. Increase the separat ion between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connec ted. Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/ TV technician for help.
You are cautioned that ch anges o r mod i cat ions not expressly approved by the party resp onsible for compliance could void your authority to operate the equipment.
Impo rtant Info rmation
Eng lish- 4
Important Information (continued)
This symbol warns user that uninsulated voltage within the unit may have suf
cient m agn itude to cause electric shock .
Therefore, it is dangerous to make any kind of contac t with any part inside this unit. This symbol alerts the user that important literature c oncerning the operation and maintenance of this unit has been
included. Therefore, it sho uld be read c arefully in o rder to avoid any problems.
This LCD Monitor uses a lamp that contains me rcury. Disposal of the lamp or the LCD Monitor with the lamp may be regulated due to environmental c onsiderations. For dispo sal or recycling informatio n, please c ontac t your local authorities or the Electro nic Industries Allianc e.
Eng lish- 5
W e h ereby cert ify t hat the color monitor LDT323V (BH030) is in compliance with Council Directive 2006/95/EC: EN 60950-1 Council Directive 2004/108/EC: EN 55022 EN 61000-3-2 EN 61000-3-3 EN 55024
and marked wit h
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation
2-7-3, Marunouchi,
Chiyoda-K u
Tokyo 100-8310, Japan
Declaration of the Manufacturer
Warning This is a Class A product. In a domestic environment this pr oduct may cause radio interference, in which case the
user may be required to take adequate measures.
Eng lish- 6
DO NOT REMOVE MO NITOR BACK COVER. There are n o user serviceable parts inside and open ing or removing covers may expose you to dangerous shock hazards or other risks.
Refer all servic ing to quali
ed service personnel.
Do not spill any liquids into the c abinet or use your monito r
near water.
Do not insert objects of any kind in to the cabinet slots,
as they may touc h dangerous voltage points, which can be harmful or fatal or may c aus e ele ctric sho ck,
re o r
equ ipment f ailure. Do not place any heavy objects on the power cord. Damage to the c ord may c ause shock or re. Do not place this prod uct on a s loping or unstable cart,
stand or table, as the monitor may fall, causing serious
damage to the mo nito r. When operating th e LCD monitor, use the power supply
cord provided with the m onitor. If no power cord is supplied with this equipment, please
contact your suppli er. For all other cases, use a power c o rd that matc hes the AC
voltage of the power outl et and has been approved by and
complies with the safety standard of your particular country. Do not plac e any objects onto the monitor and do no t use
the mo nitor outdoors. The inside o f the
uorescent tube lo cated within the LCD monitor contains mercury. Please follow the bylaws or r ul es of your munic ipality to dispose o f the tube properly.
Do not bend power co rd. Do not use monito r in high temperature, humid, dusty, o r
oily areas.
If monitor or glass is broken, do not come in contact with
the liquid c rystal and handle with c are.
If the LCD monitor is dama ged and the liquid crystal leaks
out, do not inhale or swallow it.
Allow adequate ventilation around t he moni tor, so that heat
can properly dissipa te. Do not block vent ilated open ings or place the monitor near a radiat or or other heat sour ces.
Do not put anything on top of the monito r. The power cabl e connector is the pri mary means of
detaching the system from the power supply. The monitor should be installed close to a power outlet, which is easily accessible.
Handle with care wh en t ransporting. Save packaging for
Please clean the holes of back ca bi net to reject dirt and
dust at least once a year because of set reliability.
If using the c oo ling fan c ontinuously, it s rec ommended to
wipe holes a minimum of once a month.
Wh en insta ll ing the remote control batteries;
- Align the batteries acco rding to the (+) and (-) indic ations
inside the case.
- Align the (-) indication of the batteries rst inside the
CAUTION: Immediately unplug your monitor from the wall outlet and refer servicing to quali
ed servic e perso nnel under the fo llowing conditions: When the power supply cord or plug i s damaged. If liquid has been spilled, o r objec ts have fallen into the
monitor. I f the monitor has been exposed to rain or water. If the monitor has been dropped or t he cabinet damaged. I f the monitor does not operate normally by following
operating instructio ns. Rec ommend Use CAUTION:
For optimum performanc e, allow 20 minutes for warm-up. Rest your eyes periodically by focusing on an object at least
5 feet away. Bl ink often. Position the monitor at a 90 angle to windows and other
light sources to minimize glare and re ect ions. Clean the LCD monitor surfac e with a lint-free, non-abrasive
cloth. Avoid using any cleaning solution or glass cleaner! Adjust the monitor s brightness, contrast , and sharpness
controls to enhance readability. Avoid displaying
xed patterns o n the monito r for long periods o f time to avoid image persistenc e (after image effects).
Ge t regular eye c hec kups . Ergono mic s
To realize the maximum ergonomic bene
ts, we recommend the following: Use the preset Size and Position contr ols with standa rd
signals. Use t he pr eset Color Setting. Use non-interlaced signals. Do not use pri m ary color blue on a dark background, as
it is dif cult to see and may produce eye f ati gue due t o
cient contrast.
Safety Precautions, Maintenance & Recommended Use
Eng lish-7
31.5" LCD Display Monitor
Power Cord
Vide o Signal Cab le
(Mini D-SUB 15-pin to
Mini D-SUB 15-pin Cable)
Clamper x 2
(To prevent from fallin g)
Screw (3x6) x 2
x Main switc h c over)
Main switch cover
Cable Holder
Wireless Remote
Control an d AAA
Your LCD monitor (LDT323V) comes with the following:
The following components are supplied as option. Exte rna l S p ea kers Stands
Screw (M4x8) x 2
(For Clamper)
Clamper x 2
(For sec uring the power
cord and HDMI cab le)
LCD Mo nito r
Use r s Manual
Eng lish- 8
INP UT b u t t o n
Displays the OSD menu to switch the video input. You can select [RGB1], [RGB 2], [RGB3], [RG B4], [DVD/HD], [V IDEO<S>], or [VIDEO] using th e UP (
) or DOWN ( ) button.
6 PL US (+) button
A cts as (+) button to increase the adjustment in t he OSD men u. Increases the audio output level when the OSD menu is off.
MINUS (-) butto n
Acts as (-) button to decrease the adjustment in the OSD menu. Dec reases the audio output level when the OSD menu is off.
8 UP ( ) button
Acts as button to move the highlighted ar ea up to select an adjustment item in the OSD menu.
9 DO WN ( ) button
Acts as butto n to move the highlighted area down to selec t an adjustment item in the OSD menu.
EXIT b u tto n
Activates the OSD menu wh en the OSD menu is off. Acts as EXIT button t o go back to the previous OSD men u.
(Reference) Control L ock mode
You can lock the operation buttons. See page 42.
Main Power Switc h
Swit ches the main power on/off.
2 Remote control sensor and Power indicator
Remote control sensor: Receiv es the si gnal from t he wireless
remote c o ntro l.
Power indic ato r: Indicates the state of the LCD monitor.
Stead y green: The power is on . Stead y red: The power is off. Some operati ons such as power-on
are possible.
Stead y green an d red: The LCD monitor is in the sleep
mode. Off: The main power is off. Stead y red and blinking green: The LCD monit or is in the
schedule standby mode.
Blinking red: The LCD monitor has an error
(detected by the self- diagnostic
3 POWER b utto n ( )
Swit ches the power on/off. This button do esn t wo rk when the po wer indic ator is off. Turn on the main power . (See page 24.)
4 MUTE b ut ton
Switches t he audio mute on/off.
Butt ons, Swit ch, a nd Indicator
Button Location
Parts Name and Functions
NOTE: For details about the OSD menu operation usi ng the buttons, see Basic operation of OSD. (See page 33.)
Eng lish- 9
1 AC IN (3-pin, with earth terminal)
Connect s wit h the supplied power cord.
Con nects with the special stereo speaker s (option).
Co nnects with the audio output connec tor of external equipment such as a comp uter, VCR, and DV D player. (a) AUD IO1: 3.5 stereo mini-jack connector (b) AUDIO2: RCA connector (c) AUDIO3: RCA connector
Outputs the signal that is supplied to the selec ted AUDIO IN co nnector. Connec ts with an external audio ampli er, etc.
5 VIDEO INPUT/OUTPUT (BNC/S c o nnec tor)
Connects with video equipment. S VIDEO IN: S-video input connect or (MINI DIN 4 -pin) VIDEO IN: BNC c onnec to r VIDEO OUT: BNC connector
Conn ectors and Term inals
Cr/Pr Cb/Pb
1 2 3
5 6 7
6 RS-232C connector (D-SUB 9-pin)
IN connector: Co nnects with the RS-232C OUT connec to r of a computer or other connected LDT323V. OUT connector: Co nnects with the RS-232C IN connec tor of other connected LDT323V.
Co nnects with the digital video output of a c omputer, DVD player, etc.
8 RGB OUT (MINI D- SUB 15- pin)
Outputs the signal that i s supplied to the RGB3 or RGB4 IN connector.
Connects w ith the digital v ideo output of a computer, etc.
RGB3 IN (MINI D-SUB 1 5-pin)
Connects wi th t he ana log video output of a computer, etc.
Conne cts w ith the a nalog video output of a computer or t he component vi deo output of a DVD player, etc.
Parts Name and Functions (continued)
Eng lish-10
1 POWER butto n
Switches the power on/off. * When the Power indic ato r is not glowing, no contro ls will
2 IN P UT b u t t on s
Selec t the input signal from [RGB1] (HDMI), [RGB2] (DVI -D), [RGB3] (D-SUB), [RGB4] (BNC), [DVD/HD] (YPbPr), [VIDEO<S>], and [V IDEO].
NOTE: The [CAT5] and [DISPLAY PORT] b utto ns do n t wo rk.
3 PICTUR E MODE b utto n
Selects the picture mode from [HIGHBRIGHT], [STANDA RD] , [sR GB], and [CINEMA]. See page 26. HIGHBRI GHT: The brightness is maximized. STANDARD: Factory default setting. sRGB: Suitable for color matc hing with sRGB-
compliant devices .
CINEMA: Suitable for viewing movies.
DISPLAY b utto n
Displays the screen information. See page 42. When the remote control mode is LOCK, you can set it back to NORMAL by holding down the DISPLAY button for at least 5 seco nds (see page 39).
5 SET button
Acc epts the settings made in the OSD menu.
6 MINUS button (-)
Acts as (-) button to decrease the adjustment in the OSD menu. When the PIP mode is ac tive, this button moves the sub picture to the left.
Displays t he auto setup menu. See pages 26 and 35.
8 AUDIO INPUT butto ns
Select the audio input from [AU DIO1], [AUDIO2], [AUDIO3], and [HDMI]. Ho wever, note that [VIDEO<S>] and [VIDEO] use common settings. Y ou can sel ect [HDMI ] only when the video input source is [RGB1].
9 PIP (Picture-in-Picture) buttons
ON/OFF button: Switches the PIP or POP mode on/off. INPUT button: Selects video to be displayed in the su b
pic ture.
CHANGE button: Changes the main picture with the sub
pic ture.
[Description] PIP: Pictur e-in-Pictur e
The sub picture is di splayed wit hin the main picture.
POP: Picture-out-Picture
The sub pic ture is displayed to the bottom right of the main pic ture.
The main picture and the sub picture are d isplayed si de by side.
NOTE: When the screen size is [C USTOM] or [REAL], the PIP and POP modes don t work.
STILL button
ON/OFF button: Switc hes the s till pic ture mode on/o ff. CAPTU RE button: Captures the new picture.
SIZ E button
Selects the picture size f rom [FULL], [NORMAL] , [CUSTOM], [DYNAMIC], and [REAL]. See page 42.
MENU b utto n
Swit ches the OSD men u mode on/off.
UP button ( )
Acts as button to move the highlighted area up to selec t an adjustment item in the OSD menu. When the PIP mode is active, this button moves the sub picture up.
PLUS button (+)
A cts as (+) button to increase the adjustment in t he OSD men u. When the PIP mode is ac tive, this button moves the sub picture to the right.
EXIT b u tto n
Displays the previous OSD menu.
DOWN butto n ( )
Acts as butto n to move the highlighted area down to selec t an adjustment item in the OSD menu. When the PIP mode is active, this button moves the sub picture down.
MUTE b utto n
Switches the mute function on/off.
VO LU ME b ut t o n s ( VO L)
Pressing the plus (+) side inc reases the audio output level. Pressing the minus (-) side decreases the audio output level.
Parts Name and Functions (continued)
Wireless Remote Control
3 4
5 6
11 12
13 14
15 16
17 18
Eng lish-11
Op e ra ting Ra ng e o f th e Wire le s s Re mo te Control
Point the wireless remo te control toward the LCD mo nitor s remote c o ntro l sens or during b utto n o pe ratio n. Use the wireless remote control within a distanc e of about 7 m from the front of the LCD monitor s remote c ontrol sensor and at a horizontal and vertical angle of withi n 30 within a distance of about 3.5 m.
30 30
CAUTION: The remot e control system may not function when direct sunli ght or strong ill umination stri kes the remote control sensor of the LCD monitor, or when there is an object in the path.
Handling the wireless remo te control
* Do not subject to strong shoc k. * Do not allow water or other liquid to splash o n the wireless
remote c o ntrol. If the wire less remote c o ntrol gets wet, wipe
it dry immediately. * Avoid ex posure to heat and steam. * Other than to install the batteries, do not open the wireless
remote c o ntro l.
Parts Name and Functions (continued)
Ins tal ling th e Wire le s s re mot e c o nt ro l batteries
The wirele ss remote c o ntro l is powered by 1.5 V AAA batte rie s.
1. Un lock and pull up th e cov er in the arrow s directi on.
2. Align th e batteries according t o the (+) and (-) indications inside the case.
3. Replace the cover.
CAUTION: Incorrect use of batteries can result in leaks or explosion. Be careful especially about the following points. Place AAA batteries m atching the (+) and (-) signs on each
battery to the (+) and (-) signs o f battery c ompartment.
Do not mix battery types. Do not combine new batteries with used ones. It causes
shorter batter y li fe or leaka ge of batteries.
Remove dead ba tteries imm ediately t o prevent battery
liquid from leaking into the battery c ompartment. Do n t touch exposed batt ery acid because it causes damage to your skin.
NOTE: If you do not use the wireless remote co ntrol for a long period, remove the batteries.
How to Use the Wir eless Remote Con trol
Eng lish-12
Flow of pr epar ation
Preparatio n for installatio n
- Determine the installation lo cation
- Ventilation requirements for enclosure mounting
Page 13
Carry ou t as necessary
Carry ou t as necessary
Installing the speakers
I nstalling the monitor
- Installing and r emoving the stands (Th e stands are optionally availa ble.)
- Installing the main switch cover
- Using the wall mo unt or c eiling mount
- Installing in the po rtrait po sition
Pages 14 to 15
Page 16
Pages 17 to 21
Page 22
Page 23
Conn ection procedure
- Wiring diagram
- Prevention of disconnection of HDMI cable
- Connecting with a computer (analog connection)
- Connecting with a computer (digital connection)
- Conn ecting a video device (componen t video/HD MI device)
- Conn ecting a video device ( composite video/S video device)/stereo ampli
Connecting the power cord to the monitor
- Co nnecting the power source
The mo nito r is ready fo r use.
How to Us e
Prepar ation for use
Eng lish-13
P-1 Preparation for installation
This LCD has a temperature sensor and cooling fan. If the LCD bec o mes hot, the co oling fan will turn o n auto matic ally. If the LCD becomes overheated, the Caution menu will appear. If the Caution menu appears, stop using the monitor and all ow it t o cool. When the LCD monitor i s used in an enclosure or with prot ection on LCD surface, please check the in side temperatur e of the monitor by HEAT STATUS (See page 40). If the temperature is higher than the normal level, set COOLING FAN to ON using the SCREEN SAVER func tio n (See pag e 40).
To avoid the monitor from falling When installing the mo nitor using the tabletop stands (o ptional), take measures to prevent the monitor from falling over in case of an eart hquake or other disaster to lessen the p robability of injury and damage r esulting from the fall. As shown in the
gure, se c ure the monitor to a solid wall o r pillar using rope (co mmercially available) strong eno ugh to bear the weight of the monitor. [LDT323V: approximatel y 14.5 kg ( with the optional stands)] Use of screw hooks (with opening) i s recommended.
360 mm
CAUTION: The effect of the fall prevention substa ntially depends
on the strength of brackets and base to which the fall prevention dev ices is attached. When you cannot ensure suf
cient strength, provide adequate reinfo rc ement.
Though the recommen ded fall prevention is intended to
lessen the probability of injury a nd dama ge, it doesn t assure its effectiveness against any kind of earthquake or disaster.
Do not sleep where the monitor may topple o ver or fall in
case of an earthquake or other disaster.
Befo re moving the mo nitor, remo ve the rope that is
securing the monitor. Failure to do so may result in injury or breakdown of the monitor.
Screw holes
Screw hook, etc. commercial ly available
Clam per
Rope, etc. co mmerc ially available
Install the mo nito r o n a at, level, stable surface where the screen is easy to view. (For install ation using the option stand.)
Determine the installation location
CAUTION: DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INSTALL THE LCD MONITOR BY YOURSELF . Installing your LCD monitor must be done by a quali
technician. Contact your dealer for more information. CAUTION:
MOVING OR INSTALLING THE LCD MONITOR MUST BE DONE BY TWO OR MORE PEOPLE. Failure to follow this c aution may result in injury if the LCD monitor falls.
CAUTION: Do no t mount or operate the mo nitor upside do wn, fac e up, or face down.
IMPORTANT: Lay the protective sheet , wh ich was wrapped around the LCD m onitor when it was packaged, ben eath th e LCD monitor so as not to scratc h the panel.
Vent ilation requirem ents for enclosu re mounting
To allow heat t o disperse, leave space around the moni tor as sh own in the
gu re below .
CAUTION: The upper limit of the operation guaranteed tem perature range
ensure adequate ventilation to keep the temperature inside
holes in the case.
Eng lish-14
P-2 Installing the monitor
Car ry out as necessary
I nstalling and removing the stands
The stands are a vai lable as option. Refer to the user s manual of the stand for more informat ion.
How to install th e stands
1. Turn the monitor off.
2. Fasten screws on both s ides of the monitor. NOTE:
Install the stands so that their longer portions come to the front. How to re mo ve the s tands
1. Spread th e protective sheet on a
at surface, such as a
2. Plac e the monitor on the protective sheet.
3. Re mo ve the screws with a sc re wdrive r and plac e them in a safe place for reuse.
I nstalling the main switc h cover
T o prevent unautho rized operatio n of the main power switc h, attach the ma in switch cover, which is supplied as an accessory.
NOTE: With the main power switch cover in pl ace, the main power swi tch cannot be turned off. Remove t he main power switch cove r in o rde r to s witch o ff the mo nitor.
Screw x 4 ( Accessor ies of the option stand)
Opti on stand x 2
(Longer portion c omes to the front.)
Screw x 2 (Acc esso ry)
Main switch cover (Acc esso ry)
Using the wall mount or ceiling mount
Lay the screen face down Lay the protective sheet on a table, which was wrapped around the monitor when it was packaged, beneath the screen surface so as not to scratch the screen surface. This devic e c annot be used o r installed without the Tabletop Stand or other mounting ac cesso ry. Failure to follow the c orrec t mounting procedures can result in damage to the equipment or injury to the user or inst a ller. Pr oduct warranty does not cover damage caused by improper installation. Failure to follow these reco mmendations can vo id your warranty . Use M6 screws (having a length 10 mm l onger t han t he thickness of the mo unting bracket) and tighten them securely. Prevent the screw s from loosening using spring washers, etc. MITSUBISHI ELE CTRIC recommends using mounting interfac e that comply w ith T V-GS and/or UL1678 standar d in North America.
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CAUTION: For preventing the monitor from falling. Install the monitor with metal brackets fo r wall or
ceiling installation (commercially available) on y our own responsibility. For detailed pro c edure s o f installatio n, re fer to the instructions of the metal brackets.
To lessen the probability of inj ury and damage result ing
fro m fall o f the monitor in case of earthquake o r other disaster, be sure to consult the bracket manufacturer for installatio n loc ation.
To lessen the risk of falling of t he monitor, thread
commercially available rope through the handles at the right and left of the mo nitor and sec ure the ro pe to the wall mount brackets or ceiling mount brac kets.
Do not sleep where the monitor may topple o ver or fall in
case of an earthquake or other disaster.
Protective Sheet
Tab le to p S tand
Tab le
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