Safety instructions
For qualified staff only
This manual is only intended for use by properly trained and qualified electrical technicians who
are fully acquainted with automation technology safety standards. All work with the hardware
described, including system design, installation, set-up, maintenance, service and testing, may
only be performed by trained electricaltechnicians withapproved qualifications who arefully ac
quainted with the applicable automation technology safety standards and regulations. Any oper
ations or modifications of the hardware and/or software of our products not specifically
described in this manual may only be performed by authorised Mitsubishi staff.
Proper use of equipment
The devices of the FR-E series are only intended for the specific applications explicitly
described in this manual. Please take care to observe all the installation and operating parame
ters specified in the manual. The design, manufacturing, testing and documentation of these
products have all beencarried out instrict accordance with the relevant safety standards. Under
normal circumstances the products described here do not constitute a potential source of injury
to persons or property provided that you precisely observe the instructions and safety informa
tion provided for proper system design, installation and operation. However, unqualified modifi
cation of the hardware or software or failure to observe the warnings on the product and in this
manual can result in serious personal injury and/or damage to property. Only accessories
specifically approved by MITSUBISHI ELECTRIC may be used with the frequency inverters
FR-E 520S EC and FR-E 540 EC. Any other use or application of the products is deemed to be
Relevant safety regulations
All safety and accident prevention regulations relevant to your specific application must be observed in the system design, installation, setup, maintenance, servicing and testing of these
The regulations listed below are particularly important. This list does not claim to be complete;
however, you are responsible for knowing and applying the regulations applicable to you.
VDE/EN Standards
VDE 0100
(Regulations for electrical installations with rated voltages up to 1,000V)
VDE 0105
(Operation of electrical installations)
VDE 0113
(Electrical systems with electronic equipment)
EN 50178
(Configuration of electrical systems and electrical equipment)
Fire prevention regulations
Accident prevention regulations
VBG No. 4 (electrical systems and equipment)