MELSEC is registered trademark of Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.
Other company and product names that appear in this manual are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective company.
These specifications are the programming manual used when creating the sequence
program for the EZMotion-NC E60/E68 with the onboard PLC development tool or PLC
development software.
The PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is largely divided into the basic commands,
function commands and exclusive commands, and ample command types are available.
The commands can be used according to the purpose and application such as the PLC
support function used when supporting the user PLCs.
Details described in this manual
For items described in "Restrictions" or "Usable State", the instruction manual
issued by the machine maker takes precedence over this manual.
Items not described in this manual must be interpreted as "not possible".
This manual is written on the assumption that all option functions are added.
Refer to the specifications issued by the machine maker before starting use.
Refer to the Instruction Manual issued by each machine maker for details in each
machine tool.
Some screens and functions may differ or may not be usable depending on the
NC version.
General precautions
(1) This Instruction Manual does not explain the operation procedures for programming
the sequence program with onboard or personal computer. Refer to the related
material listed below for details.
EZMotion-NC E60/E68 PLC Development Software Manual
(MELSEC Tool Section)
..... IB-1500177(ENG)
Precautions for Safety
Always read the specifications issued by the machine maker, this manual, related
manuals and attached documents before installation, operation, programming,
maintenance or inspection to ensure correct use.
Understand this numerical controller, safety items and cautions before using the unit.
This manual ranks the safety precautions into "DANGER", "WARNING" and "CAUTION".
When there is a great risk that the user could be subject to
Note that even items ranked as " CAUTION", may lead to major results depending
on the situation. In any case, important information that must always be observed is
fatalities or serious injuries if handling is mistaken.
When the user could be subject to fatalities or serious injuries
if handling is mistaken.
When the user could be subject to injuries or when physical
damage could occur if handling is mistaken.
Not applicable in this manual.
Not applicable in this manual.
1. Items related to product and manual
For items described as "Restrictions" or "Usable State" in this manual, the instruction
manual issued by the machine maker takes precedence over this manual.
An effort has been made to describe special handling of this machine, but items that are
not described must be interpreted as "not possible".
This manual is written on the assumption that all option functions are added. Refer to
the specifications issued by the machine maker before starting use.
Refer to the Instruction Manual issued by each machine maker for details on each
machine tool.
Some screens and functions may differ or some functions may not be usable
depending on the NC version.
2. Items related to start up and maintenance
Read this manual carefully and confirm the safety enough before executing the
operation of the program change, forced output, RUN, STOP, etc. during operation.
Operation mistakes may cause damage of the machine and accidents.
1. System Configuration .................................................................................... 1
1.1 System Configuration for PLC Development ............................................. 1
1.2 User PLC (Ladder) Development Procedure.............................................. 2
2. PLC Processing Program .............................................................................. 3
2.1 PLC Processing Program Level and Operation ......................................... 3
2.2 User Memory Area Configuration .............................................................. 3
12.1 Example of Faulty Circuit ......................................................................... 299
1. System Configuration
1.1 System Configuration for PLC Development
The system configuration for PLC development is shown below.
1. System Configuration
Ladder editing, ladder monitor
and PLC RUN/STOP, etc.
A new development is possible
with the personal computer.
Setting and Display Unit
Base I/O Unit
To connector RS-232C
Up/downloading is carried out with
the personal computer's development
The ladder is developed using
the setting and display unit.
(Onboard development)
Personal computer
Used for ladder development,
creating message, ladder monitor
and saving data.
General printe
(Note) Refer to the "PLC Onboard Instruction Manual" (IB-1500179) for edition using the setting and
display unit (onboard edition), and the "PLC Development Software Manual (MELSEC Tool
Section)" (IB-1500177) for development using the personal computer.
- 1 -
1. System Configuration
1.2 User PLC (Ladder) Development Procedure
The procedure for creating the user PLC, used to control the control target (machine) built into the
control unit, is shown below.
ProcedurePersonal ComputerCNC Unit
Determinat ion of
Determinat ion of
specific at ion s
Determination of th e
num ber s of I /O points
Assi gn m e n t of I/O
Assignment of
internal relays
Comm erci ally avai lable
spre adsh eet too l
X0X -O TX-axis OT
X1Y-OTY-axis OT
X2Z -O TZ- axis O T
GX Developer
The data created with the
commercially available
spreadsheet tool can be
used as ladder comment
Use GX Developer for
After completion, download
the data through RS-232C.
Debug gi n g operation
Program correction
Is debugging
Test op era ti on by
CNC unit
Is test operation
GX Developer
GX Developer
BACKUP s cr een
DATA IN/OUT screen
#1 BACKUP #######
#2 RESTORE #########
#( ) ( )
PARAM 3.2 / 2
Perform monitoring/correction
with GX Developer's online
function or onboard function.
Printout to a commercial
printer connected with the
personal computer from GX
Excute the ROM backup
operation on the BACKUP
Excute the binary data output
on the DATA IN/OUT screen.
Data save
Comp let i on
Program dat a
Memory cassette
- 2 -
Binary data
Program data:
Saved using GX Developer
Binary data:
Saved using DATA IN/OUT
2. PLC Processing Program
2. PLC Processing Program
2.1 PLC Processing Program Level and Operation
Table 2.1-1 explains the contents of users PLC processing level and Fig. 2.1-1 shows the timing chart.
Table 2.1-1 PLC processing level
Program name Description (frequency, level, etc.)
High-speed processing
Main processing
program (ladder)
This program starts periodically with a time interval of 7.1ms.
This program has the highest level as a program that starts periodically.
It is used in signal processing where high-speed processing is required.
Processing time of this program shall not exceed 0.5ms.
Application example:
Position count control of turret and ATC magazine
This program runs constantly. When one ladder has been executed from
the head to END, the cycle starts again at the head.
Main processing
This section is used by the controller.
(Note 1)
(Note 1) The section from the END command to the next scan is done immediately as shown with
the X section. Note that the min. scan time will be 14.2ms.
Fig. 2.1-1 PLC processing program operation timing chart
2.2 User Memory Area Configuration
The user memory area approximate configuration and size are shown below.
User PL C
code ar ea
Control information
Message data
comment data
High-speed processing
Internal information table of User PLC
(The table is automatically generated.)
Data excepting the ladder program
Alarm messages
Operator messages
PLC switches
Load meter
Contact coil comment data, etc.
(Each of them can be stored in two languages.)
Total 127Kbyte
Program with the ladder language
Programs excepting the main processing are
Main Processing
Max. 256Kbyte from control
information to messages.
not necessary.
The program order of initial, high-speed and main
processing is random.
Total 4000 steps
- 3 -
3. Input/Output Signals
3. Input/Output Signals
3.1 Input/Output Signal Types and Processing
The input/output signals handled in user PLC are as follows:
(1) Input/output from/to controller
(2) Input/output from/to operation board (Note 1)(3) Input/output from/to machine
The user PLC does not directly input or output these signals from or to hardware or controller; it inputs
or outputs the signals from or to input/output image memory. For the reading and writing with the
hardware or controller, the controller will perform the input/output according to the level of the main
process or high-speed process.
Input/output image
(device X, Y)
User PLC
(Note 1) The operation board here refers to when the remote I/O unit is installed on the communication
Fig. 3.1-1 Concept of input/output processing
High-speed processing
The con troller reads th e
high-s peed in pu t
designation input, and
sets in the image memory.
User PLC high-speed
proces sin g
Main processing
The controller reads the
input other than th e h igh-speed
input designation,
and s ets in the im age memor y.
User PLC main
proces sin g
The con tr oller outputs
the high-speed output
design ation output from
the im age m emory to the
Fig. 3.1-2 Input/output processing conforming to program level
- 4 -
The controller outputs
the output other than the
high-speed output
designation f rom the
ima g e memory to the m a c h i n e.
3. Input/Output Signals
Table 3.1-1 lists whether or not high-speed input/output, interrupt input and initial processing can be
Table 3.1-1 Whether or not high-speed input/output, interrupt input and initial
can be performed
High-speed input
Input signal from control unit
Output signal to control unit
Input signal from machine
Output signal to machine
Input signal from operation board
Output signal to operation board
x x
x x
(2-byte units) x
x x
x x
: Possible x : Not possible
The operation board in Table 3.1-1 is applied when control is performed by operation board
input/output card that can be added as NC option.
High-speed output
(2-byte units)
3.2 Handling of Input Signals Designated for High-Speed Input
The input/output signals used in user PLC are input/output for each program level as shown in
Fig. 3.1-2.
In high-speed processing, input/output signal for which high-speed input or output designation
(parameter) is made is input or output each time the high-speed processing program runs. In main
processing, signals other than interrupt input signals or high-speed input/output designation are
When high-speed input designation signal is used in main processing, the input signal may change
within one scan because high-speed processing whose level is higher than main processing
interrupts. Input signal which must not change within one scan should be saved in temporary memory
(M), etc., at the head of main processing and the temporary memory should be used in the main
program, for example.
Input im age memory
(1) Set at th e h ead of mai n p r ocessin g.
PLC on e s c an
(2) S e t at t h e h e ad of high -speed pr oc e ss i n g.
The hatched area is high-speed input designation part. Whenever the high-speed processing
program runs, data is reset in the hatched area. Thus, the signal in the hatched area may change in
main processing (A) and (B) because the high-speed process interrupts between (A) and (B) and
re-reads the input signal in the hatched area.
- 5 -
3. Input/Output Signals
3.3 High-Speed Input/output Designation Method
High-speed input/output is designated by setting the corresponding bit of the bit selection parameter
as shown below.
(1) High-speed input designation
(2) High-speed output designation
· As listed above, one bit corresponds to two bytes (16 points).
· Input or output in which 1 is set in the table is not performed at the main processing program
· Although the number of bits set to 1 is not limited, set only necessary ones from viewpoint of
· High-speed input/output designation corresponds to the bit selection parameter and can be
set in the parameter. However, it is recommended to set in a sequence program to prevent a
parameter setting error, etc.
Example: —[MOV H3 R2928]— ..... To designate X00~X0F, X10~X1F (bit 0 and 1 for H3)
- 6 -
3. Input/Output Signals
3.4 Limits for Using High Speed Processing Program
3.4.1 Separation of Main Processing and High Speed Processing Bit Operation Areas
(1) Bit operation area
When using high speed processing, the bit operation range such as the temporary memory is
separated from the main process.
(Method 1) When using the same M or G code, the bit operation area for high speed processing
and the bit operation area for main processing are separated by 64 points or more
and used.
For example, the following is used
M0 to M4735 for main processing Separate by 64 points or more
M4800 to M5120 for high speed processing (M4736 to M4799 are not used)
(Method 2) M is used for the main processing temporary memory and G is used for the high
speed processing temporary memory.
(Note 1) The output devices handled with high speed processing must be limited to M or Y, D
and R.
(Note 2) These limits apply not only to the OUT command, but also to the PLF, PLS, SET, RST
and MOV command, etc., outputs. The devices apply to all devices including M, F, L,
SM, T and C.
- 7 -
Output to NC
Separated by 64 points or mpre during the MOV
3. Input/Output Signals
(2) Data area
Even with commands that handle data (numerical values) during the MOV command, etc., the bit
area must be separated by 64 points or more and the data register (D) and file register (R)
separated by four registers or more.
Example) Use D0 to D896 for main processing
Use D900 to D1023 for high speed processing
Separate by four registers or more
3.4.2 Separation of Remote I/O Output
When handling high speed output during the high speed process, the main processing output and
high speed processing output cannot be used together in the same remote I/O unit (32 points in
channel No. setting rotary switch). A separate 32 points for high speed processing output or a
16-point remote I/O unit will be required.
MOV commands, etc., that extend over differing remote I/O units must not be enforced during either
main processing or high speed processing. If these must be enforced, the channel No. setting rotary
switch for the output unit used in the main processing and the output unit used for the high speed
processing must be set 1 or more apart.
- 8 -
3. Input/Output Signals
(Usage example 1) Avoid interference with the main process by assigning 7 (last channel) for the
channel No. rotary switch for high speed processing output.
For example, use YE0 to YFF (for 32-point DO-L) or YE0 to YEF (for 16-point
DO-R) as the high speed processing output.
(Refer to <Usage examples 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3> below.)
(Usage example 2) Assign Y0 to Y1F (32-point) for high speed processing, and use Y20 and
following for the main process.
(Refer to <Usage example 2> below.)
(Usage example 3) Assign the device after the device used for main processing for the high speed
For example, if the devices up to Y2D are used for the main process, use Y40 to
Y5F (channel No. setting rotary switch No.: 2) for the high speed process.
(Refer to <Usage example 3> below.)
Relation of channel No. setting switch and device No.
(Devices are YE0
and following)
DX35*/45* DX100 DX100
<Usage example 1-2><Usage example 1-1>
Usage examples 1-2 show the
assignment for the 16-poi nt unit
as the No. of high speed output
points is relatively low.
DX35*/45* DX110/120DX35*/45* DX100
<Usage example 3><Usage example 2>
DX35*/45* DX100
- 9 -
4. Parameters
4. Parameters
4.1 PLC Constants
The parameters that can be used in user PLC include PLC constants set in the data type.
Set up data is stored in a file register and is backed up. In contrast, if data is stored in the file register
corresponding to PLC constant by using sequence program MOV instruction, etc., it is backed up.
However, display remains unchanged. Display another screen once and then select the screen
48 PLC constants are set (the setting range is ±8 digits). (Signed 4-byte binary data)
The correspondence between the PLC constants and file registers is listed below. The setting and
The parameters that can be used in user PLC include bit selection parameters set in the bit type.
Set up data is stored in a file register and is backed up.
For use in bit operation in a sequence program, the file register contents are transferred to temporary
memory (M) using the MOV command. In contrast, if data is stored in the file register corresponding
to bit selection by using the MOV command etc., it is backed up. However, display remains
unchanged. Once display another screen and again select screen.
The corresponding between the bit selection parameters and file registers is listed below. The setting
Bit selection parameter
#6449~#6496 are PLC
operation selection
parameters used by the
machine manufacturer
contents are fixed.
- 11 -
Bit selection screen
4. Parameters
- 12 -
Contents of bit selection parameters #6449~#6496
4. Parameters
R2924 L
R2924 H
R2925 L
R2925 H
R2926 L
R2926 H
R2927 L
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
NC card
alarm on
display unit
alarm on
- -
- - - - -
- - - - - - - -
communication on
Full screen
display of
Counter C
timer T
editing not
PLC counter
program on
1 0
systemF system
Equivalent of
remote I/O 2ch
PLC timer
program on
message on
- Onboard on
change code
R2927 H
R2928 L
R2928 H
R2929 L
R2929 H
R2930 L
R2930 H
R2931 L
- - - - - - - -
High-speed input specification 1
High-speed input specification 2
High-speed input specification 3 (Spare)
High-speed input specification 4 (Spare)
High-speed output specification 1
High-speed output specification 2
High-speed output specification 3 (Spare)
R2931 H
High-speed output specification 4 (Spare)
- 13 -
R2932 L
R2932 H
R2933 L
R2933 H
R2934 L
R2934 H
R2935 L
R2935 H
R2936 L
R2936 H
R2937 L
R2937 H
R2938 L
R2938 H
R2939 L
R2939 H
4. Parameters
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
Standard PLC
MC alarm 4
output off
(Note 1) Be sure to set the bits indicated - and blanks to 0.
(Note 2) Parameters #6481 to #6496 are reserved for debugging by Mitsubishi.
- 14 -
5. Explanation of Devices
5. Explanation of Devices
5.1 Devices and Device Numbers
The devices are address symbols to identify signals handled in PLC. The device numbers are serial
numbers assigned to the devices. The device numbers of devices X, Y and H are represented in
hexadecimal notation. The device numbers of other devices are represented in decimal notation.
5.2 Device List
Device Device No. Unit Details
X* X0~XABF (2752 points) 1 bit Input signal to PLC. Machine input, etc.
Y* Y0~YDEF (3584 points) 1 bit Output signal from PLC.
Machine output, etc.
M M0~M8191 (8192 points) 1 bit Temporary memory
F F0~F127(128 points) 1 bit Temporary memory, alarm message
L L0~L255(256 points) 1 bit Latch relay (backup memory)
SM* SM0~SM127 (128 points) 1 bit Special relay
T T0~T15(16 points) 1 bit or 16 bits 10ms unit timer
T16~T95(80 points) 1 bit or 16 bits 100ms unit timer
T96~T103 (8 points) 1 bit or 16 bits 100ms unit integrating timer
C C0~C23(24 points) 1 bit or 16 bits Counter
D D0~D1023 (1024 points) 16 bits or 32 bits Data register for arithmetic operation
R* R0~R8191 (8192 points) 16 bits or 32 bits File register. R500 to R549 and R1900 to
R2799 are released to the user for interface
between the PLC and controller. R1900 to
R2799 are backed up by the battery.
Z Z0~Z1(2 points) 16 bits Index of D or R address (±n)
N N0~N7(8 points) — Master control nesting level
P* P0~P255(256 points) — Label for conditional jump and subroutine
K K-32768~K32767 — Decimal constant for 16-bit command
H H0~HFFFF — Hexadecimal constant for 16-bit command
H0~HFFFFFFFF — Hexadecimal constant for 32-bit command
(Note 1) The applications of the devices having a * in the device column are separately determined.
Do not use the undefined device Nos., even if they are open.
(Note 2) When using temporary memory such as M device, separate READ and WRITE every 8bits.
— Decimal constant for 32-bit command
- 15 -
5. Explanation of Devices
5.3 Detailed Explanation of Devices
5.3.1 Input/output X, Y
Input/output X and Y are a window for executing communication with the PLC and external device or
Input X
(a) This issued commands or data from an external device such as a push-button, changeover
switch, limit switch or digital switch to the PLC.
(b) Assuming that there is a hypothetical relay Xn built-in the PLC per input point, the program
uses the "A" contact and "B" contact of that Xn.
(c) There is no limit to the No. of "A" contacts and "B" contacts of the input Xn that can be used in
the program.
Hypothetical relay
Input circuit
(d) The input No. is expressed with a hexadecimal.
Output Y
(a) This outputs the results of the program control to the solenoid, magnetic switch, signal lamp or
digital indicator, etc.
(b) The output can be retrieved with the equivalent of one "A" contact.
(c) There is no limit to the No. of "A" contacts and "B" contacts of the output Yn that can be used in
the program.
(d) The output No. is expressed with a hexadecimal.
- 16 -
Output circuit
5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.2 Internal Relays M and F, Latch Relay L
The internal relay and latch relay are auxiliary relays in the PLC that cannot directly output to an
external source.
Internal relays M
(a) These relays are cleared when the power is turned OFF.
(b) There is no limit to the No. of "A" contacts and "B" contacts of the internal relays that can be
used in the program.
(c) The internal relay No. is expressed with a decimal.
Internal relay F
Internal relay F is an interface for the alarm message display.
Use the bit selection parameter to determine whether to use this relay for the alarm message
interface. The target will be F0 to F127. This internal relay can be used in the same manner as the
internal relay M when not used as the alarm message interface.
Latch relay L
(a) The original state is held even when the power is turned OFF.
(b) There is no limit to the No. of "A" contacts and "B" contacts of the latch relay that can be used
in the program.
(c) The latch No. is expressed with a decimal.
5.3.3 Special Relays SM
The special relays are relays having fixed applications such as the carrier flag for operation results
and the display request signal to the setting and display unit. Even the relays of SM0 to SM127 that
are not currently used must not be used as temporary memory.
Special relays SM
(a) This relay is cleared when the power is turned OFF.
(b) There is no limit to the No. of "A" contacts and "B" contacts of the special relays that can be
used in the program.
(c) The special relay No. is expressed with a decimal.
- 17 -
5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.4 Timer T
(1) The 100ms timer, 10ms timer and 100ms integrated timer are available for this count-up type
100ms Timer T
(a) When the input conditions are set, the count starts. When the set value is counted, that timer
contact will turn ON.
(b) If the input conditions are turned OFF, the 100ms timer count value will be set to 0, and the
contact will turn OFF.
Input conditions
T57 K 5 0
100ms timer
T57 coll OFF
T57 c ontact OFF
5 seconds
(c) When #6449 bit0=1, the value is set with a decimal (Kn), and can be designated from 1 to
32767 (0.1 to 3276.7 s). The data register (D) data can also be used as the setting value. File
register (R) cannot be used.
10ms Timer T
(a) When the input conditions are set, the count starts. When the set value is counted, that timer
contact will turn ON.
(b) If the input conditions are turned OFF, the 10ms timer count value will be set to 0, and the
contact will turn OFF.
T1 K500
Input conditions
10ms timer
T1 coll OFF
T1 contact OFF
5 seconds
(c) When #6449 bit0=1, the value is set with a decimal (Kn), and can be designated from 1 to
32767 (0.01 to 327.67 s). The data register (D) data can also be used as the setting value. File
register (R) cannot be used.
- 18 -
5. Explanation of Devices
100ms integrated timer T
(a) When the input conditions are set, the count starts. When the set value is counted, that timer contact
will turn ON.
(b) Even the input conditions are turned OFF, the 100ms integrated timer current value (count value)
will be held, and the contact state will not change.
(c) The 100ms integrated timer count value will be set to 0 and the contact will turn OFF when the RST
command is executed.
Input conditions
100ms cumulative timer
T233 K100
RST T233
9 seconds
1.5 seconds
6 seconds
Reset input
T233 reset command
T233 coll OFF
T233 contact OFF
T233 current value
9 seconds
1 seconds
0 1 90 91 100 0 1 60
6 seconds
(d) When #6449 bit0=1, the value is set with a decimal (Kn), and can be designated from 1 to 32767
(0.1 to 3267.7 s). The data register (D) data can also be used as the setting value. File register (R)
cannot be used.
(e) When the bit selection parameter (#6449 bit2=1) is set, the 100ms integrated timer current value
(count value) will be held even when the power is turned OFF.
(2) With the device T, the contact • coil is handled as bit device, and the current value is handled as
word device. In the function commands described after, the word device T indicates the current
value even if there is no description about it.
(3) When #6449 bit0=0 is set, timer value can be specified with the parameter set in the setting and
display unit. At this time, the relationship between timer device and parameter is as shown below.
Device Parameter
T0 to T15
T56 to T135
T232 to T239
#6000 to #6015
#6016 to #6095
#6096 to #6103
(Note 1) T16 to T55, T136 to T231, and T240 to T255 are specified with a program (Kn) regardless of
#6449 bit0.
(Note2) Even when #6449 bit0=0, Kn is required for a sequence program. Note that, however, the Kn
value is invalid.
(Note 3) When the data register (D) is used as setting value, the data register (D) details will be the
setting value regardless of #6449 bit0.
- 19 -
5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.5 Counter C
(1) The counter counts up and detects the rising edge of the input conditions. Thus, the count will not
take place when the input conditions are ON.
Counter C
(a) The value is set with a decimal, and can be designated from 1 to 32767. The data register (D)
data can also be used as the setting value. File register (R) cannot be used.
(b) The counter count value will not be cleared even if the input conditions turn OFF. The counter
count value must be cleared with the RST command.
(c) When the bit selection parameter is set, the counter current value (count value) will be held
even when the power is turned OFF. Note that some can not be held depending on the version
of CNC.
(2) With the device C, the contact • coil is handled as bit device, and the current value (counter
value) is handled as word device. In the function commands described after, the word device C
indicates the current value (counter value) even if there is no description about it.
(3) The counter setting value can be set with the setting and display unit using device C. (Variable
Whether the setting value (Kn) programmed with the sequence program or the setting value set
from the setting and display unit is valid is selected with the bit selection parameters. The
changeover is made in a group for C0 to C23. Even when set from the setting and display unit,
the setting value (Kn) program will be required in the sequence program. However, the Kn value
will be ignored. When the data register (D) is used for the setting value, the data register (D)
details will be used as the setting value regardless of the parameter.
(Note) The setting value for device C24 to C127 of counter C cannot be set from the setting and
display unit.
5.3.6 Data Register D
(1) The data register is the memory that stores the data in the PLC.
(2) The data register has a 1-point 16-bit configuration, and can be read and written in 16-bit units.
To handle 32-bit data, two points must be used. The data register No. designated with the 32-bit
command will be the low-order 16-bit, and the designated data register No. +1 will be the
high-order 16-bit.
Circuit example
Data storage
Higth-order 16 -bit
(X1F X10)
Low-order 16-bit
(XF X0)
The X0 to 1F data is
stored in D0,1.
(3) The data that is stored once in the sequence program is held until other data is stored.
(4) The data stored in the data register is cleared when the power is turned OFF.
(5) Values that can be stored: Decimal -32768 to 32767For 16-bit command
Hexadecimal 0 to FFFF
Decimal -2147483648 to 2147483647For 32-bit command
Hexadecimal 0 to FFFFFFFF
(Using Dn)
(Using Dn+1, Dn)
(6) Data registers D0 to D1023 are all user release data registers.
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5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.7 File Register R
(1) As with the data registers, the file registers are memories used to store data. However, there are
some that have fixed applications, and those that are released.
(2) The file register has a 1-point 16-bit configuration, and can be read and written in 16-bit units.
To handle 32-bit data, two points must be used. The file register No. designated with the 32-bit
command will be the low-order 16-bit, and the designated file register No. +1 will be the
high-order 16-bit.
(Example) Use of the DMOV command is shown below.
Circuit example
Data storage
Higth-order 16 -bit
Low-order 16-bit
The X0 to 1F data is
stored in R0,1.
(3) The data that is stored once in the sequence program is held until other data is stored.
(4) With the file registers, the following registers are the user release.
R500 to R549, R1900 to R2799
The following registers of the registers above are not cleared when the power is turned OFF.
R1900 to R2799
The other file registers have fixed applications such as interface of the PLC and CNC, parameter
interface, etc.
(5) Values that can be stored: Decimal -32768 to 32767For 16-bit command
Hexadecimal 0 to FFFF
Decimal -2147483648 to 2147483647For 32-bit command
Hexadecimal 0 to FFFFFFFF
(Using Dn)
(Using Dn+1, Dn)
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5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.8 Index Registers Z
(1) The index registers are used as ornaments for the device (T, C, D, R).
D5Z0 Indicates D (5+Z) = D8
(2) The index register has a 1-point 16-bit configuration, and can be read and written in 16-bit units.
(3) The data stored in the index register is cleared when the power is turned OFF.
(4) Values that can be stored: Decimal -32768 to 32767
Hexadecimal 0 to FFFF
(Note) The CRT display of the index registers Z is as shown below.
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5. Explanation of Devices
5.3.9 Nesting N
(1) This indicates the master control nesting structure.
(2) The master control nesting (N) is used in order from smallest number.
MC N0 M15
Execute when A conditions are set.
Execute when A,B conditions are set.
Execute when A,B,C conditions are set.
Reset MC2 to 7
Execute when A,B conditions are set.
Reset MC1 to 7
Execute when A conditions are set.
Reset MC0 to 7
Execute regardless of A,B,C conditions.
MC N1 M16
MC N2 M17
(a) The conditions for each master control to turn ON are as follow.
MC N0 M15 .......... ON when condition A is ON
MC N1 M16 .......... ON when conditions A, B are ON
MC N2 M17 .......... ON when conditions A, B, C are ON
(b) The timer and counter when the master control is OFF is as follows.
· 100ms timer, 10ms timer : The count value is set to 0.
· 100ms integrated timer : The current count value is retained.
· Counter : The current counter value is retained.
· OUT command : All turn OFF.
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