Mitsubishi DX-PC3 Instruction Manual

Instruction Manual
PC Playback and Communication Software Digital Recorder Option Model
DX-PC3 (ver.1.0.5)
For Windows R 98SE For Windows R 2000 For Windows R Me
Microsoft and Windows are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation in the US and other regions. (The official name of Windows is Microsoft Windows Operating System.) IntelliMouse is a trademark of the Microsoft Corporation in the US and other regions. This software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. All other company and product names appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.
- Windows 98SE is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition.
- Windows 2000 is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.
- Windows Me is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition.
End User Software License Agreement
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the third party as original development company reserves all intellectual property rights to this Software for DX-PC3("Software") and its associated instruction manual ("Instruction Manual")
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation grants user("User) a limited non-exclusive licence and right under this Agreement("Agreement") to use this Software.
The User may not reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble this Software, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by this Agreement and applicable law.
Unauthorized total or partial reproductions, copying, sale, import, export, use, or leasing of either this Software or it's Instruction Manual by User is strictly prohibited by this agreement and Copyright Law.
Software specifications, software design, and the contents of this Instruction Manual are subject to change without notice to User.
This Software is designed to playback, display, copy and save digitally recorded audio and video data.Unauthorized copying by User of copyright protected audio and video data is not permitted under this Agreement or Copyright Law.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for privacy violation or copyright infringement or any intellectual property violation by User incurred from the Users transfer of audio or video data during the use of this Software.
Mitsubishi Electric corporation assumes no responsibility or liability to User for damage, or demands of any kind, incurred during the use of this Software.
1 Overview
1.1 Product Features
1.2 Operating Environment
1.3 Compatible Digital Recorders
2 Installation
2.1 Installation Method
2.2 Uninstalling DX-PC3
2.3 Starting/Ending a Session
3 Main Window: Display & Operation
3.1 Main Image Field
3.2 Operation Panel (Bottom)
3.3 Information Panel (Right)
3.4 Status Bar
3.5 Shortcuts Menu
3.6 Hint Display
4 File Menu
4.1 Media… Command
4.2 Save As… Command
4.3 Print Command
5 Edit Menu
5.1 Copy Command
6 Network Menu
6.1 Connect Command
6.2 Disconnect Command
6.3 Add recorder… Command
6.4 Recorder list… Command
6.5 Renew Info Command
7 Search Menu
7.1 Comment…/Find Next Command
7.2 Previous Alarm/Next Alarm Commands
7.3 Alarm List... Command
7.4 Time… Command
7.5 Block… Command
8 Operation Menu
8.1 Eject Command
8.2 Skip mode Command
9 Bookmarks Menu
9.1 Save with bookmark Command
9.2 Bookmarks (1 – 0) Command
9.3 Bookmarks A, B Command
9.4 Repeat between A and B Command
10 View Menu
10.1 Operation Panel/Status Bar/Information Panel Commands
10.2 Quick Zoom Command
10.3 Zoom Command
10.4 Options… Command
10.5 Smoothing Command
10.6 Audio Command
10.7 Camera Command
11 Help Menu
11.1 Help Command
11.2 About… Command
12 Appendices
12.1 Restrictions
12.2 Connection to Networks
1 Overview
The DX-PC3 is a Network and playback application software designed for use with Microsoft R Windows R 98SE, Windows 2000, and Windows Me. In combination with the Mitsubishi DX-TL1600 Series Digital Video Recorder and an Ethernet LAN, it can be used to acquire recorded images and live images captured with the DVR. Also, playback from SCSI devices are supported for both DX-TL1600U and DX-TL960U.
1.1 Product Features
- Recording date/time display
- Time search, alarm search, alarm list display
- Zoom display of still images
- Printing via Windows-compatible printers
- Zoom/scroll using Microsoft IntelliMouse TM
- Bookmarking and Repeat AB Interval playback
- Audio playback (except some conditions)
- Camera switching capability
- Multi-screen display (4-camera, 9-camera, 16-camera display)
- Simultaneous recording and
- Live image acquisition
1.2 Operating Environment
- IBM PC/AT-compatible with Intel Pentium series or Intel Celeron series CPU
(400MHz or faster)
- Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows 2000, or Windows Me
- RAM: 128MB or more
- Display resolution: 800 pixels x 600 lines (minimum), 1024 pixels x 768 lines or
more (recommended). Use a video card and monitor capable of displaying 32,000 or more colors.
- Free HD space: 200MB or more
- SCSI adapter : Adaptec AHA-2940 Series, SlimSCSI etc. compatible with
WINASPI32 and SCSI-2 (when SCSI-connected peripheral devices are used)Under Windows 2000, WinASPI must be installed in advance for the playback of SCSI-connected devices. Please read the instruction manual for Adaptec SCSI board for the installation of WinASPI.
- Sound adapter : Windows-compatible type; SoundBlaster etc.
- Installed browser: MS Internet Explorer 4.01 Service Pack 1 or later
- Network interface card compatible with the environment described above
Note: Operation is not guaranteed for all environments conforming to the above description.
1.3 Compatible Digital Recorders DX-TL1600Series
- When the Digital Recorder is in its communication
mode operation via the recorder’s front panel or its RS-232C terminal is not possible while the recorder is in this mode. (Please note this restriction when operating the recorder using its RS-232C interface.) The communication mode can be cancelled by pressing the disconnect. ( “REMOTE” LED will be turned off. )
- If the DX-PC3 software cannot be exited normally (due to PC Lockup, interruption
in the communication line, or other causes), the digital recorder will operate in the following way.
1. The connection indicator stays illuminated for 3
minutes. During this time, the recorder cannot accept most operation commands or new communication requests.
2. When the recorder is in the above state, a press of the COMMUNICATION button will turn off the connection indicator light, but the recorder will not accept any operation commands. You must wait 3minutes or press the rear panel “RESET”switch.
When the DVR’s hardware is reset, the DVR’s time and date will also be reset. Please re-enter the correct time and date after turning on the DVR. After this, connection to the DVR via the LAN connection can be done.
2 Installation
2.1 Installation Method To install DX-PC3, first start up SETUP.EXE on the provided CD. Follow the series of instructions that appear on-screen, and the software will be installed automatically. The default directory for the installation is C:¥Program Files¥DX-PC3 For details on how to connect the digital recorder(s) to the PC, please refer to Section
12.2 (Connection to Networks).
2.2 Uninstalling DX-PC3 To uninstall DX-PC3, open the Install/Remove Applications dialog box in the Operation Panel and select DX-PC3 for removal. Alternatively, select the Uninstall DX-PC3 command from the Start menu, and follow the series of instructions that appear on-screen to complete the procedure.
2.3 Starting/Ending a Session DX-PC3 is included on the Start menu following installation. To start a session, select DX-PC3 from the Start menu, and the windows shown in Figure 2.3 will appear on-screen.
Figure 2.3 Main window
To end a session, go to the File menu and select Exit.
3 Main Window: Display & Operation
3.1 Main Image Field The main image field, in its multi-screen display mode, is shown in Figure 3.1-1.
Figure 3.1-1
In the multi-screen display, the camera number changes from green to yellow to indicate the most recently updated field. By clicking the primary mouse button (“left clicking” in the standard setting) within any of the displayed image fields, the multi-screen display can be changed to a single-screen display. Alternatively, by clicking the secondary mouse button (“right clicking” in the standard setting) within any of the displayed fields, the following menu can be accessed (Figure 3.1-2).
Figure 3.1-2
By selecting its number from the Assign list, any camera can be assigned to the field position you have selected. The assigned camera number gets saved in the registry, and will appear in that position at the start of the next session.
Note: If the same camera number is assigned to more than one field in the display, these fields will be updated at the same time and will show identical images.
3.2 Operation Panel (Bottom) The bottom portion of the Operation Panel is shown in Figure 3.2.
Figure 3.2 Operation Panel (bottom portion)
Position slider (*1)
Each of the buttons appearing in the bottom portion of the Operation Panel has a different function as described below. The Renew Info function can also be accessed from the Network menu, and the other buttons canbe accessed using commands found in the Operation menu.
Rewind (Jump to Starting Position) Moves to the beginning of a recording segment on the current connected DVR
Reverse Search Starts search playback in the reverse direction. Search playback speed can be adjusted through repeated clicks of this button. (1X -> 2X
-> 4X -> 8X -> 1X…)
Reverse Playback Starts playback in the reverse direction. Also, starts skip reverse playback when Skip Playback has been selected in the Operation menu.
Field Reverse Moves to the previous field and stops.
Stop Stops playback. If the audio command is ON, audio playback continues after image playback has stopped. (Audio playback does not occur when Stop is used during playback in communication mode.)
Field Advance Moves to the next field and stops.
Playback Begins playback in the normal direction. Also, starts skip playback when Skip Playback has been selected in the Operation menu.This button is also used to activate the PC playback software feature.
Forward Search Starts search playback in the normal direction. Search playback speed can be adjusted through repeated clicks of this button. (1X -> 2X
-> 4X -> 8X -> 1X…)
Live Acquires the newest image from the operation camera during communication mode operation.
Renew Info Acquires the newest information regarding alarm, camera operation and other factors during communication mode operation. (Information is automatically renewed approximately every 3 minutes even if this button is not pressed.)
Position slider Appears when SCSI-connected devices are played back. (This slider does not appear when starting this software.) By dragging the mouse on the slider, the playback image is mo ved to the designated position of the medium. This slider is corresponding to the block number of the medium but not to the time.
1 – 16 Specifies a camera for single-camera display. For clicking multiple buttons, Press Ctrl and click on desired camera’s number(s) (1 – 16) at same time. Clicking multiple buttons will initiate sequential display. During live communication (i.e., when acquiring new images via the communication mode), only active cameras can be selected; the buttons for inactive cameras will not respond. Buttons for cameras currently recording are displayed in red. Furthermore, display can be shifted to full-screen sequential display by canceling all selections.
2 x 2 Shifts display into 4-camera mode. Repeated clicks will cycle display as follows: 4a -> 4b -> 4c -> 4d -> 4a… The initial settings for 4a – 4d are, from the top left field to the right: 1 – 4, 5 – 8, 9 – 12, 13 – 16.
3 x 3 Shifts display into 9-camera mode. Repeated clicks will cycle display as follows: 9a -> 9b -> 9a… The initial settings for 9a – 9b are, from the top left field to the right: 1 – 9, 1 + 2 + 10 –
4 x 4 Shifts display into 16-camera mode. The initial settings are, from the top left field to the bottom right: 1 – 16.
Bookmark Activates the bookmark function saving the image into the PC’s memory. The image info is lost when PC is turned off.
Playback speed adjustment slider By dragging the mouse on the slider underneath the buttons, playback speed can be increased up or decreased down. Using “Fast” (the default setting), images from each device will be renewed at the device’s maximum speed. “Slow”, on the other hand, adds roughly a 3-second wait to each frame shown at maximum speed. The slider provides 100 adjustment steps between Fast and Slow. (A playback speed is adjusted by changing the transfer rate in the operation of internal. )
The Operation Panel can be displayed or hidden using the Information Panel command in the View menu.
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