Mitsubishi Electric DX-PC25EA Operation Manual

DX-PC25EA Ver.1.0
– For Windows® 98SE – – For Windows® Me – – For Windows® 2000 –
– For Windows® XP –
This operation manual is important to you. Please read this before using the software.
End User Software License Agreement
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation and the third party as original development company reserve all the intellectual property rights to this Software for DX-PC25EA (“Software”) and its associated operation manual (“Operation Manual”). Mitsubishi Electric Corporation grants user (“User”) a limited non-exclusive license and right under this Agreement (“Agreement”) to use this Software.
User may not reverse engineer, de-compile, or disassemble this Software, except and only to the extent that such activities are expressly permitted by this Agreement and any applicable law.
Unauthorized reproduction, copying, sale, import, export, use, or leasing of either this Software or its Operation Manual by User, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited by this Agreement and Copyright Law.
Software specifications, Software design, and the contents of this Operation Manual are subject to change without notice to User.
This Software is designed to play, display, copy, and save digitally recorded audio and video data. Unauthorized copying by User of copyright protected audio and video data is not permitted under this Agreement or Copyright Law.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability for privacy violation or copyright infringement or any intellectual property violation by User incurred from transfer of audio or video data by the User during the use of this Software.
Mitsubishi Electric Corporation assumes no responsibility or liability to User for damages or demands of any kind incurred during use of this Software.
The copyright holder of this software is Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. Mitsubishi assumes no responsibility for damages or demands or the like relating to the damages incurred during use of this software in the manner not permitted by the relevant software license agreement. Both this software and this instruction manual are subject to change without notice for improvements. Reverse engineering and alternations of this software are prohibited. Take precautions when handling copyright-protected audio-video.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. (The official name of Windows is Microsoft Windows operating system.) IntelliMouse is either registered trademark or trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United State and other countries. This software is partly based on the work of the Independent JPEG Group. All other company names and product names appearing herein are the property of their respective owners.
- Windows 98SE is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition.
- Windows 2000 is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional.
- Windows Me is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows Millennium Edition.
- Windows XP is an abbreviation of Microsoft Windows XP.
©2003 Mitsubishi Electric Corporation. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction ....................................... 5
1.1 Product features .................................. 5
1.2 System requirements .......................... 5
1.3 Compatible DVR .................................. 6
2. Set-up .................................................6
2.1 Installation ........................................... 6
2.2 Uninstallation ....................................... 6
2.3 Starting and exiting .............................. 6
3. Display and operation of the
main window..................................... 7
3.1 Video window ...................................... 7
3.2 Operation panel ................................... 8
3.3 Information panel ............................... 10
3.4 Search panel ..................................... 11
3.5 Status bar .......................................... 12
3.6 Shortcuts menu ................................. 12
4 File menu .......................................... 13
4.1 Folder command ............................... 13
4.2 Media command ................................ 13
4.3 Save As command ............................ 14
4.4 Convert command ............................. 14
4.5 Print command .................................. 16
5. Edit menu ......................................... 17
5.1 Copy command ................................. 17
6. Search menu.................................... 17
6.1 Comment/Find Next commands ........ 17
6.2 Previous Alarm/Next Alarm
commands ....................................... 17
6.3 Alarm List command .......................... 17
6.4 Time command .................................. 17
7. Operation menu............................... 18
7.1 Playback/Stop/Reverse Playback/ Forward Search/Reverse Search/ Field Advance/Field Reverse/
Rewind commands .......................... 18
7.2 Eject commands ................................ 18
8. Bookmarks menu ............................18
8.1 Save with the bookmark command .. 18
8.2 Bookmark 1 - 30 commands ............. 18
8.3 Bookmark A and B commands .......... 18
8.4 Repeat between A and B command .. 18
9. View menu ....................................... 19
9.1 Operation Panel/Status Bar/
Information Panel commands .......... 19
9.2 Quick Zoom command ...................... 19
9.3 Recorder Status command ................ 19
9.4 Picture Size command ...................... 19
9.5 Options command ............................. 20
9.6 Smoothing command ........................ 20
9.7 Audio command ................................. 20
9.8 Camera command ............................. 21
9.9 Overlay command ............................. 21
10. Zoom function ............................... 22
10.1 Specification of the magnification .... 22
10.2 Specification of the area to be
magnified ......................................... 22
11. Network menu................................ 23
11.1 Connect command........................... 23
11.2 Disconnect command ...................... 23
11.3 Add recorder command ................... 23
11.4 Recorder list command .................... 25
11.5 Renew info command ...................... 25
11.6 ALM Notification command .............. 25
11.7 Control commands........................... 27
11.8 Config command.............................. 32
12. Special search function ................ 45
13. Help menu ...................................... 47
13.1 Help command ................................ 47
13.2 About command .............................. 47
14. Appendices ....................................47
14.1 Restrictions ...................................... 47
14.2 Networking ...................................... 48
1. Introduction
Mitsubishi DX-PC25EA is viewing software designed for DX-TL2530E or DX-NT430E Digital Video Recorder (“DVR”). With this software, you can view surveillance pictures that are recorded on PC­compatible media such as Compact Flash Card, CD-R/RW, and DVD. In combination with DX-TL2530E or DX-NT430E digital recorder, you can set and operate the recorder and load recorded pictures and the latest picture from the recorder using the communica­tion function.
1.1 Product features
- Display of pictures from all the cameras connected with the DVR
- Playback of the data recorded in FSM2 format, and playback of the recorded data that are copied to other media (within the range Microsoft Internet Explorer applies.)
- Playback of the data recorded on the SCSI copy media in FSMS2 format
- Display of the recording date and time, title, alarm type, and comment
- Comment search, date and time search, alarm index search, and alarm list display and search
- Zoom-in display of still picture
- Camera switching function, and multi-screen (16-split, 9-split, and 4-split) display function
- Printing by Windows-supported printer
- Bookmarking function, and A-B repeat playback function
- Audio playback function (except under certain conditions)
- Saving of still picture in bitmap or JPEG format, and conversion of still picture into AVI format
- Simultaneous playback during recording, latest picture loading, picture download by specifying the section (via network)
- Remote control and remote setting of the digital recorder (via network)
- PTZ camera control (via network)
- Firmware updating function (via network)
- Alarm notification receiving function
1.2 System requirements
To use DX-PC25EA, you need:
- IBM PC/AT-compatible with Intel Pentium processor or Intel Celeron processor (500 MHz or faster)
- Microsoft Windows 98SE, Windows Me, Windows 2000, or Windows XP
- RAM of 256 MB or more
- Video card and monitor with 1024 pixels by 768 lines (XGA) or more (recommended) and 32,000 colors for display
- Drive that can read CD-R discs
- Free hard disk space of 200 MB or more at the time of installation
- Free hard disk space for the swap depending on the swap size at the time of collective conversion
- SCSI adapter supporting WINASPI32 and SCSI-2 such as Adaptec AHA-2940 Series and SlimSCSI (only when SCSI-connected peripheral devices are used.) With Windows 2000 and Windows XP, WinASPI must be installed in advance for playback on SCSI-connected devices. For installation of WinASPI, please read the instruction manual of Adaptec SCSI board.
- Windows-supported sound adaptor such as SoundBlaster
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.01 Service Pack 2 or later (Prior installation is required.)
- NIC that operates correctly under the condition satisfying the above-mentioned requirements (Required when the communication function is used.)
2. Set-up
2.1 Installation
To install DX-PC25EA, first start SETUP.EXE contained in the provided CD. Follow a series of instructions that appears on the screen, and the software will be installed automatically. The default directory for installation is C:/Program Files/DX-PC25EA.
2.2 Uninstallation
To uninstall DX-PC25EA, display the [Add or Remove Programs] dialog box by selecting from [Control Panel] and select DX-PC25EA to delete. Alternatively, select the [Uninstall DX-PC25EA] command from the [Start] menu and follow a series of instructions that appears on the screen.
2.3 Starting and exiting
DX-PC25EA is registered in the [Start] menu after the completion of installation. To start the pro­gram, select DX-PC25EA from the [Start] menu, and the main window will appear on the screen.
To exit the program, go to the [File] menu and select [Exit].
- Operation is not always guaranteed under any environment that satisfies the system requirements above.
1.3 Compatible DVR
- DX-TL2530E
- DX-NT430E
- This manual describes operation of 16-ch digital recorder.
- With 4-ch digital recorder such as DX-NT430E, this software may not operate in a manner consistent with descriptions herein regarding the number of channels (or number of screens). For example, the [4x4] and [3x3] buttons don’t work.
- With media recorded by a digital recorder that has no multiplexer, the multiplexer function (or function related to the [Camera] command of the [View] menu) doesn’t work.
3. Display and operation of the main window
Main window
3.1 Video window
The video window in the split screen display mode is shown below.
Example of 16-split screen
In the split screen display mode, the camera number shown on each split screen changes from green to yellow to indicate that the picture on that split screen has just been updated.
When you click the primary mouse button (or the left button in the standard setting) on any of the split screens, the display mode will change to the single screen display mode and the picture on the split screen you clicked will be stretched to fill the entire screen.
Operation panel
Video window
Information panel
Search panel
Status bar
When you click the secondary mouse button (or the right button in the standard setting) on any of the split screens, the following menu will appear.
For details of the [Copy] command, please refer to Section 5.1 “Copy command” ( page 17).
By selecting the [Assign] command and a camera number, you can assign the selected camera number to the split screen you clicked. The assigned camera number will be saved in the registry and appear on that position from the next start of the program. When the [Save Layout] button is held down, the picture layout in the split screen display mode is saved and such layout is used from the next start of this software. When you select the [Reset] command, assignment of the camera numbers on all the split screens is initialized.
By selecting the picture quality level using the [Quality] command, you can change the quality of live pictures. However, only one person is authorized to change the picture quality per digital recorder. Therefore, you may not able to change the picture quality depending on your authority given at the time of connection.
When you select [Mode Out Control...], the [Mode Out Control] window will appear. For details of this function, please refer to Section 11.7.4 “Mode Out Control command” (
page 31).
- The refresh rate may decrease in the split screen display mode.
3.2 Operation panel
With DX-PC25EA, you can play back the pictures recorded by the DVR. Function of each button is described below.
Button Command Function
Rewind Click to jump to the head of the recorded data.
Reverse search Click to play the video in the reverse direction with a higher speed
than normal playback. The search speed changes from X1 to X2, X4, X8, and back to X1 at every press of this button. You can specify the number of fields skipped in search using in the [Op­tions] command in the [View] menu.
Reverse playback Click to play the video in the reverse direction.
Field reverse Click to display a still picture one field before.
Stop Click to stop playing back the video. Audio, if recorded, will be
played back after stop when the audio command has been enabled.
Field advance Click to display a still picture one field after.
Play Click to play the video in the forward direction.
Forward search Click to play the video in the forward direction with a higher speed
than normal playback. The search speed changes from X1 to X2, X4, X8, and back to X1 at every press of this button. You can specify the number of fields skipped in search using in the [Op­tions] command in the [View] menu.
Bookmark Click to save the picture being displayed on the screen as a
Renew Info. Click to load the latest information while communicating with the
Live Click to load the latest picture while communicating with the
recorder. (Audio isn’t reproduced during this loading process.) If the recorder isn’t on, the picture stored in the memory that was being displayed when the recorder was turned off last time is displayed.
Device Use to select a device to play. (Default: Main)
Position slider Shows the position of the picture in the video sequence.
The indication by the position slider is based on the volume of the recorded data, not on the time. Note that the position slider doesn’t work nor appear on the screen while DX-PC25EA while in communication.
Button Command Function
to Camera number Click to activate the camera corresponding to the number of the
button to display the picture from such camera. When more than one camera is selected in the single screen display mode, pic­tures from those cameras are switched alternately.
4Multi Click to change to the 4-split screen display mode. The display
pattern changes from 4a to 4b, 4c, 4d, and back to 4a at every press of this button. In the default setting, 4a consists of channel 1-4, 4b of channel 5-8, 4c of channel 9-12, and 4d of channel 13-16.
9Multi Click to change to the 9-split screen display mode. The display
pattern changes from 9a to 9b, and back to 9a at every press of this button. In the default setting, 9a consists of channel 1-9, 9b of channel 10-16,1, and 2.
16Multi Click to change to the 16-split screen display mode.
Save Layout Click to save the picture layout that is used when the 4-split or 9-
split screen mode is activated.
3.3.2 Image Information box
This box displays the recording data such as recording date and time, camera number, and comment, if any. In the split screen display mode, the information of the last refreshed pictures (or the pictures whose camera number is yellow on the video window) is displayed. During loading of the latest picture via network, only the camera numbers are displayed. When an alarm-recorded picture is displayed, a red dot appears to the right of the title [Image Information]. During loading of the latest picture via network, the red dot doesn’t appear.
Playback speed slider Click to adjust the playback speed. (Default: Fast)
When the slide is at the [Fast] position (default), pictures are refreshed at the highest refresh rate. At the [Slow] position, pictures are refreshed at intervals of the highest refresh rate plus 3 seconds per picture. You can adjust the playback speed in 100 steps between [Fast] and [Slow].
You can select whether to display or hide the operation panel. To select, go to the [View] menu and select the [Operation Panel] command.
You can operate the playback operetion buttons using the [Operation] menu, alternatively. You can operate the [Bookmark] button using the [Save with the bookmark] command in the [Bookmark] menu, alternatively. You can operate the [1] to [16] buttons, [2x2], [3x3], and [4x4] buttons using the [Camera] command in the [View] menu, alternatively.
3.3 Information panel
You can select whether to display or hide the information panel (and the search panel). To select, go to the [View] menu and select the [Information Panel] command.
3.3.1 Media Information box
This box displays the recording period of the selected medium. During playback of the recorded pictures via network, the names of the connected recorder and camera, recording period, and state of the recorder are displayed. During loading of the latest picture via network, the names of the connected recorder and camera and state of the recorder are displayed. When the connected recorder isn’t on, the recording period isn’t displayed. The media information is automatically renewed at fixed intervals (or every 3 minutes by default).
During loading of the latest picture via network
During playback of recorded data via network
During playback of copied data
EXT. DATA is displayed. (DX-TL2530E only)
When an alarm-recorded picture is displayed, a red dot appears.
3.3.3 Picture Size box
You can change the size of the picture by entering your desired magnification in %. The magnification range is from 25% to 800%.
For details of the zoom function, please refer to Section 10 “Zoom function” ( page 22).
3.4 Search panel
You can select whether to display or hide the search panel (and the information panel). To select, go to the [View] menu and select the [Information Panel] command.
3.4.1 Time Search panel ---- Time date search
you can search for a specific scene based on its recording date and time.
To search for a scene, just specify the date and time and then click the [Search] button. DX-PC25EA displays a picture recorded exactly at the specified time or around such time. While in communication, a picture recorded most close to the specified time on the specified day is retrieved. If there is no picture recorded on the specified day, nothing is displayed.
You can operate the time date search using the [Time...] command in the [View] menu, alternatively.
3.4.2 Alarm List panel ---- Alarm list search
When you click the [Show List] button, the following window will appear.
You can display your desired alarm picture by selecting the alarm from the list and clicking the [Search] button. You can save the alarm list as a tab-delimited text file by clicking the [Save...] button. You can sort the listed items based on your desired column by clicking the title of the column.
When a medium of FSMS-series format is used, the column of alarm type may not be displayed.
You can operate the alarm list search using the [Alarm List ...] command in the [View] menu, alternatively.
3.4.3 Index Search panel ---- Alarm index search
When you click the [<] (previous alarm) button or the [>] (next alarm) button, the alarm-recorded pictures are searched toward the oldest recorded picture or the latest recorded picture respectively. .
While in communication, the number of skipped alarms varies depending on the number of indexes determined on the recorder’s side.
You can operate the alarm list search using the [Previous Alarm...] or the [Next Alarm ...] command in the [View] menu, alternatively.
3.5 Status bar
The status bar displays the explanation of the selected menu or button, the current playback mode, and the current display range.
You can select whether to display or hide the status bar. To select, go to the [View] menu and select the [Status Bar] command.
3.6 Shortcuts menu
When you click the secondary mouse button (or the right button in the standard setting) anywhere on the picture, the following shortcuts menu will appear.
For details of [Copy] command, please refer to Section 5.1 “Copy command” ( page 17). For details of [Picture Size] command, please refer to Section 9.4 “Picture Size command” ( page19). For details of [Assign] command, please refer to Section 3.1 “Video window” (
page 7).
When you select [Mode Out Control...], the [Mode Out Control] window will appear. For details of this function, please refer to Section 11.7.4 “Mode Out Control command” (
page 31).
4 File menu
4.1 Folder command
When you click the [Folder...] command in the [File] menu, the following window will appear. You can play back the video data contained in the folder.
Using this command, you can play back only the video data supporting the copy formats dedicated to Mitsubishi DVR, such as FSM1 and FSM2.
The FSM2-supported data are comprised of the following files as a rule. If any of these files is missing, operation and performance of the DVR are not guaranteed. Even when all of these files exist, data may not be played back depending on their type (for example, the data of which file was copied from another compact flash card cannot be played back), and operation and performance of the DVR are not guaranteed.
File configuration of FSM2-supported data
ALRM25 (Alarm list file) DEVC25 (Device data file) PIRT25 (Partition data file) SRCH25 (Search data file) ESRC25 (Extended search data file) TL001 (Video data folder) D00000.TLX (Video file)
D00001.TLX (Video file) D00002.TLX (Video file)
4.2 Media command
When you click the [Media...] command in the [File] menu, the following window will appear. You can select a medium from the window.
Using this command, you can play back only the video data supporting the copy formats dedicated to Mitsubishi DVR, such as FSMS and FSMS2.
Following data are listed on this window. The vendor ID and revision are obtained by the INQUIRY command via SCSI connection.
HA : Host adaptor No. (0- ), ID: SCSI ID (0-7), LUN: LUN No. (0- ), Vendor ID, Revision
4.3 Save As command
When you click the [Save As...] command in the [File] menu, the following window will appear, which allows you to save the currently displayed picture as either a Windows bitmap file (.bmp) or a JPEG file (.jpg).
The data about the picture are additionally shown in the margin under the picture.
4.4 Convert command
When you click the [Convert...] command in the [File] menu, the following window will appear.
Specify the recording period and the camera number and then press the [JPEG] or [AVI] button to convert and save the video data collectively.
- Collective conversion requires adequate free space in the physical memory and the hard disk for temporary files (within the system partition). The limitations of available memory space and hard disk space vary depending on your operating conditions. Perform conversion starting from a small file that requires only several seconds to be converted while checking the state of the memory and the hard disk.
- This function isn’t available while in communication.
To convert into JPEG file:
When you press the [JPEG] button, the following window for specifying the folder where the converted video data are saved will appear. When you press the [OK] button after specifying the folder, collective conversion will start and the window showing the progress of the conversion will appear.
When the conversion completes, [Generation of JPEG was completed successfully.] will appear.
The video data are saved as follows.
- A folder bearing the conversion start date and time in its name will be created in the folder you specified.
(Example) 09012005123456 : In the case of conversion performed at 12:34:56 on January 9,
- Serial-numbered JPEG files are created in the automatically created folder starting from “D00000.jpg”.
To convert into AVI file:
When you click the [AVI] button, the following window for setting the AVI file will appear.
[Image Size]----- Select the size of the picture contained in the AVI file among three choices below.
[Large] : 981 x 720 pixels, [Normal] : 654 x 480 pixels, [Small] : 327 x 240 pixels
[Frame Rate] ---- Select the speed to play back the AVI file among five levels from [Fast] to [Slow].
When you press the [Convert] button while this window is being displayed, the window for specifying the folder where the AVI file is saved will appear. When you press the [Save] button after specifying the folder, collective conversion will start and the window showing the progress of the conversion will appear. When the conversion completes, [Generation of AVI was completed successfully.] will appear.
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