1. Introduction ....................................... 5
1.1 Product features .................................. 5
1.2 System requirements .......................... 5
1.3 Compatible DVR .................................. 6
2. Set-up .................................................6
2.1 Installation ........................................... 6
2.2 Uninstallation ....................................... 6
2.3 Starting and exiting .............................. 6
3. Display and operation of the
main window..................................... 7
3.1 Video window ...................................... 7
3.2 Operation panel ................................... 8
3.3 Information panel ............................... 10
3.4 Search panel ..................................... 11
3.5 Status bar .......................................... 12
3.6 Shortcuts menu ................................. 12
4 File menu .......................................... 13
4.1 Folder command ............................... 13
4.2 Media command ................................ 13
4.3 Save As command ............................ 14
4.4 Convert command ............................. 14
4.5 Print command .................................. 16
5. Edit menu ......................................... 17
5.1 Copy command ................................. 17
6. Search menu.................................... 17
6.1 Comment/Find Next commands ........ 17
6.2 Previous Alarm/Next Alarm
commands ....................................... 17
6.3 Alarm List command .......................... 17
6.4 Time command .................................. 17
7. Operation menu............................... 18
7.1 Playback/Stop/Reverse Playback/
Forward Search/Reverse Search/
Field Advance/Field Reverse/
Rewind commands .......................... 18
7.2 Eject commands ................................ 18
8. Bookmarks menu ............................18
8.1 Save with the bookmark command .. 18
8.2 Bookmark 1 - 30 commands ............. 18
8.3 Bookmark A and B commands .......... 18
8.4 Repeat between A and B command .. 18
9. View menu ....................................... 19
9.1 Operation Panel/Status Bar/
Information Panel commands .......... 19
9.2 Quick Zoom command ...................... 19
9.3 Recorder Status command ................ 19
9.4 Picture Size command ...................... 19
9.5 Options command ............................. 20
9.6 Smoothing command ........................ 20
9.7 Audio command ................................. 20
9.8 Camera command ............................. 21
9.9 Overlay command ............................. 21
10. Zoom function ............................... 22
10.1 Specification of the magnification .... 22
10.2 Specification of the area to be
magnified ......................................... 22
11. Network menu................................ 23
11.1 Connect command........................... 23
11.2 Disconnect command ...................... 23
11.3 Add recorder command ................... 23
11.4 Recorder list command .................... 25
11.5 Renew info command ...................... 25
11.6 ALM Notification command .............. 25
11.7 Control commands........................... 27
11.8 Config command.............................. 32
12. Special search function ................ 45
13. Help menu ...................................... 47
13.1 Help command ................................ 47
13.2 About command .............................. 47
14. Appendices ....................................47
14.1 Restrictions ...................................... 47
14.2 Networking ...................................... 48