Thank you for purchasing the Mitsubishi general-purpose
programmable controller MELSEC-A series.
Prior to use, please read this manual thoroughly and
familiarize yourself with the product.
(Read these precautions before using.)
When using Mitsubishi equipment, thoroughly read this manual and
the associated manuals introduced in the manual. Also, pay careful
attention to safety and handle the module properly.
These precautions apply only to Mitsubishi equipment. Refer to the
CPU module user's manual for a description of the PC system safety
These zSAFETY PRECAUTIONSz classify the safety precautions
into two categories: "DANGER" and "CAUTION".
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous
condition and cause death or serious injury if not
carried out properly.
Procedures which may lead to a dangerous
condition and cause superficial to medium
injury, or physical damage only, if not carried out
Depending on circumstances, procedures indicated by
may also be linked to serious results.
In any case, it is important to follow the directions for usage.
Store this manual in a safe place so that you can take it out and read
it whenever necessary. Always forward it to the end user.
[Design precautions]
z Configure a safety circuit external to the PC, so that the entire system
operates safety even if there is an external power error or if the PC is
z Do not bu ndle, or near the control cables and communicati on cables
with the main circuit and power cables. Keep them at least 100mm
(3.94inc h) away from such cables. N oise may cause malfuncti on.
[Installation precautions]
z Use the PC in the env iro nme nt g i ven in the ge ner a l spec if ica ti o ns of
the this manual. Using the PC outside the range of the general
specifications may result in electric shock, fire or malfunctioning. or
may damage or degrade the module.
z Insert the tabs at th e bot tom of th e mod ul e int o th e mou nt ing ho l es in
the base module before installing the module, and after tightening the
module fixing screws with specified torque. If the connector is not
property installed and tightened. If may result in malfunctioning, failure
or cause the module to lam out.
Tightening the screws too far may cause damage to the screw and/or
the module, resulting in fall out, short circuit or malfunctions.
z Do not direct ly touc h t h e modu le ’ s conduc t iv e part s o r el ect ro nic
components. Doing so could cause malfunction or fa ilu re i n t he
z Insert the wire breakage detection connector installation screw into the
mounting holes in the module, and after tightening the connector
installation screw with specified toque. If the connect or is not pro perty
installed and tightened, it may result in error detetion of wire breakage.
[Wiring precautions]
z Be sure to ground the shield wire with a special PC ground of Type III
or above. Not do ing so co uld r esu lt i n malf un ct io n.
z When wiring in th e P C, be su re t hat it is don e cor r ect l y by chec k ing t he
product's rated voltage and the terminal layout. Connecting a power
supply that is different from the rating or incorrectly wiring the product
could result in fire or failure.
z Tighten the termina l s crews with s pecified torque. Loose t erminal
screws may cause a short circuit, fire, or m alfu nct ion.
Tighteni ng the terminal screws too far may cause damage to the screw
and/or the module, resulting in short ci rc uit, o r m alfu nct ions.
z Be sure that cuttings, wire chips, or ot her fo rei gn matt e r do not e nt er
the modul e. Foreign matt er may start a fire or ca use failure or
z Be sure to fix communication cables and power cables leading from
the modul e by placing them in the d uc t or clamping them. Cabl es not
placed in the duct or without clamping may hang or shift, allowing them
to be accident al l y pul led, whic h may res ult i n a modu le ma lf unc t ion
and cable damage.
z When det ac hing the comm unication cable from t he module, do not pull
the cable portion. For cables with connectors, hold the connector at
the junction to the module, then detach it. For cables wit hout
connectors, first loosen the screw at th e ju nct ion, t h en detach t o th e
cable. Pul ling the c abl e po rt ion whi le it is con nec t ed to th e mod ul e
may cause a m alfunction or damage to the module and cable.
[Starting and maintenance precautions]
z Do not touch the terminal while the power is on.
It may cause malfunction.
z Make sure to switch all phases of the external power supply off before
cleaning or re-tightening the terminal screws. If you do not switch off
the external power supply, it will cause failure or malfunction of the
z Never disassemble or modify the module. This may cause failure,
malfunctioning, injury and/or fire.
z Make sure to switch all phases of the external power supply off before
mounting or r emov i ng t he m od ul e. I f y ou d o not s witc h of f t he e xt ern al
power supply, it will cause failure or malfunction of the module.
[Disposal precaution]
z When dis posing of this product, handle it as i ndustrial was te.
A1S62TCRT-S2 Heating-Cooling
Temperature Control Module
A1S62TCRTBW-S2 Heating-Cooling
Temperature Control Module with Wire
Breakage Detection Function
Mitsubishi General-Purpose Programmable Controller
User’s Manual