2010 Lancer Sportback
T H E S P O R T S C A R T H AT ’ S I N T O W H A T E V E R Y O U ’ R E IN T O
“Mitsu’s Sportback gives
North America’s best
looking small car its
hottest variant.”
Winding Road Magazine
Everything your lifestyle requires, including the fun.
With European styling and generous cargo space,
the all-new Lancer Sportback is changing the shape
of performance. Who says roomy can’t perform and
look great too? Lancer Sportback proves it can.
That’s just one of the ways it’s different for a reason.

Why it’s different for a reason
T H E 2 0 1 0 M I T S U B I S H I L A N C E R S P O R T B A C K
Beyond its spacious cargo hold and sporty European inuenced
styling, the Lancer Sportback offers all the great performance and
safety features its respected family is known for. That means
available TC-SST, AWC, seven standard airbags1 and a 40GB HDD
navi/music ser ver, for unlimited fun on the road.
La nc er Sp or tback RA LL IA RT in Oc tane B lue
RA LL IA RT w it h TC-SST a nd AWC Up to 52.7 Cubic Fe et of Cargo Sp ac e MIVEC E ng in es Full-Col or Mu lti- In fo rm at io n Disp lay Seven S ta nd ard Ai rb ag s