Q Surround Processor MM1454
Q Surround Processor
Monolithic IC MM1454
This is an analog IC virtual surround processor that faithfully reproduces the sound algorithm developed by Q
SOUND Labs, Inc.
In particular, when a stereo signal (L/Rch) encoded by Dolby Pro Logic is input to this IC, a virtual rear speaker
is created spatially, and this allows reproduction of realistic, 3-dimensional sound from two speakers, without
the addition of another speaker.
Q Xpander technology allows deep, spatially wide sound for input of normal stereo signals, as well.
Virtual Dolby sound is a system developed by Dolby Labs, Inc. that reproduces realistic Pro Logic sound
with just two front left and right speakers, so there is no need for the additional two rear speakers and
center speaker normally required for Pro Logic sound.
Dolby and Dolby Surround are registered trademarks of Dolby Laboratory Licensing Corporation.
The Q Surround virtual processor (MM1454) was developed by Mitsumi Electric, and has not received the
certification or authorization of Dolby Laboratory.
Mitsumi Electric has no business ties or other relationship with Dolby Laboratory.
1. Virtual rear speakers allow reproduction of 3-dimensional sound through only two speakers when a Pro
Logic encoded source is input.
2. Also reproduces wide sound for a normal stereo source.
3. 2ch input - 2ch output.
4. Few external parts due to use of the active filter created using Mitsumi's bipolar technology.
5. Low noise design Q Surround ON: 15µVrms
OFF: 10µVrms
6. Simple structure results in small size and low cost.
1. TV, VCR
2. Audio equipment
3. Computer monitors
4. Active speaker systems
Absolute Maximum Ratings
Item Symbol Rating Unit
Storage Temperature T
Operating Temperature T
Power Supply Voltage V
Input Voltage V
Output Voltage I
Allowable loss Pd 350 mW
CC max. 13 V
IN max. 0
O max. 10 mA
40~+125 °C
20~+75 °C
Recommended Operating Conditions
Item Symbol Rating Unit
Q Surround Processor MM1454
Operating temperature T
Operating voltage V
Power supply fall times
Electrical Characteristics
Item Symbol Measurement Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit
Current consumption I
Voltage gain Q Surround 1 Gqs1 SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW2 : B TP1 8.5 9.5 10.5 dB
Voltage gain Q Surround 2 Gqs2 SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW2 : B TP2 4.0 5.0 6.0 dB
Voltage gain Q Surround 3 Gqs3 SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW3 : B TP2 8.5 9.5 10.5 dB
Voltage gain Q Surround 4 Gqs4 SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW3 : B TP1 4.0 5.0 6.0 dB
Voltage gain bias 1 Gby1
Voltage gain bias 2 Gby2
Input voltage amplitude (1) V
Input voltage amplitude (2) V
Total higher harmonic
distortion Q Surround
Total higher harmonic
distortion bias
Output noise voltage Q Surround
Output noise voltage bias Vnoby
R-L channel balance Cb
B/Q pin voltage (H) Vbyph
B/Q pin voltage (L) Vbyp1
B/Q pin voltage (H) Ibyph
B/Q pin voltage (L) Ibyp1
DET pin voltage (H)
DET pin voltage (L) Vdetl
Input resistance R
Power supply voltage
removal rate Q Surround
Power supply voltage
removal rate bias Vbyp=0V TP1, TP2
Crosstalk (1) Ct1
Crosstalk (2) Ct2
7 TVOFF 0.1~1.0 S
(Except where noted otherwise, VCC=9V, Ta=25°C, Vbyp=5V, SW1,2,3: A)
CC 16 22 mA
Vnoqs BW=20~20kHz, A Curve TP1, TP2 15 35
IN TP3, TP4 21 30 39 kΩ
OP 4.5~12.0 V
SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz Vbyp=0V
SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz Vbyp=0V
(a) SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW2 : B
(b) SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW3 : B TP1, TP2
(a) SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW2 : B
(b) SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW3 : B
BW=20~20kHz, A Curve
SG1, SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz
Vbyp=0V SW2, 3 : B TP1, TP2
SG3 : 100mVrms, 100Hz SW1 : B
SG3 : 100mVrms, 100Hz SW1 : B
SG1 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW2 : B
SG2 : 0.75Vrms, 1kHz SW3 : B
20~+75 °C
SW2 : B TP1
SW3 : B TP2
1 SW2, 3 : B TP1, TP2 0.75 0.9 Vrms
2 SW2, 3 : B TP1, TP2 0.35 0.45 Vrms
3 2.1 V
4 0.7 V
5 Vbyp=5V TP5 350 µA
6 Vbyp=0V TP5
8 Vbyp=0V TP1, TP2
9 Vbyp=0V TP1, TP2
7 TP6 8.5 V
7 TP6 0.7 V
TP1, TP2
TP1, TP2
TP1, TP2
10 1dB
10 1dB
0.1 0.3 %
0.03 0.15 %
10 25
1.0 0 1.0 dB
80-65 dB
85-70 dB
85-70 dB
85-70 dB