HBS-Compatible Driver and Receiver MM1007
Absolute Maximun Ratings
Item Symbol Ratings Units
Operating temperature T
Storage temperature T
Bias voltage V
B max.
0.3~+41 V
Power voltage V
CC max.
0.3~+7 V
Allowable loss Pd 450 mW
Recommended power supply voltage range V
CCOP 4.75~5.25 V
Recommended bias voltage range V
BOP 8~40 V
Operating power supply voltage range V
CCOP2 4.5~5.5 V
Electrical Characteristics
(Except where noted therwise, Ta=25
C, VCC=5V, VB=30V, Ftransmit=10kHz (DUTY=50%))
Item Symbol Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Power supply current I
CCO No signal (7-8PIN=H) 7 10 mA
Power supply current I
CCON In transmission FL=10k, RL=36Ω 65 75 mA
Bias current pin 3 I
BO No signal (7-8PIN=H) 220 350 µA
Bias current pin 3 I
BON In transmission FL=10k, RL=36Ω 1.5 2.2 mA
Transmission output voltage V
TO Both pins 10 and 11 3.8 4.2 4.6 VP-P
Transmission waveform symmetry
VTR VTO1/VTO2 0.75 1.0 1.25
Reception sensitivity V
RS 0.65 0.75 0.85 VP-P
Noise resistance VRN Level at which no errors are output 0.55 VP
Input impedance RIN Both pins 14 and 15 25 36 46 kΩ
Transmission delay time 1 T
d1 cf. transmit/receive waveform diagrams 0.2 µS
Transmission delay time 2 T
d2 cf. transmit/receive waveform diagrams 0.4 µS
Transmission delay time 3 T
d3 cf. transmit/receive waveform diagrams 0.7 µS
Transmission delay time 4 T
d4 cf. transmit/receive waveform diagrams 1.0 µS
Reception output H voltage V
Reception output L voltage V
ROL 0.5 V
Transmission waveform LOSS1 V
TLS1 H level input voltage 4.5 V
Transmission waveform LOSS2 V
TLS2 L level input voltage 4.5 V
H level input voltage V
LIH 2.4 V
L level input voltage V
LIL 0.8 V
H level input current I
LIH VIN=2.4V 10 µA
L level input current I
300 µA
When a negative voltage is applied to pins 10 and 11, there should be no abnormal operation of internal
circuits between 0 and 6V. However, if a negative voltage exceeding
6V is applied, thyristor operation may
result, so it is recommended that an external clamping diode be added.