IC for Headphone Stereos MM1006
Electrical Characteristics
(Except where noted otherwise,Vcc=3.0V, f=1kHz)
Item Symbol Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units
Consumption current I
CC VIN=0V 5 10 mA
Preamp unit (Ta=25
Open-circuit gain G
VO Vo=
10dBm, RL=∞, f=100Hz 72 dB
Closed-circuit gain G
VC Vo=
10dBm 40 42 44 dB
Maximum output voltage Vom THD=10% 0.30 0.45 V
Total harmonic distortion ratio THD V
OUT=400mW, VOUT=
10dBm 0.05 0.5 %
Output noise voltage Vno
=0V, Rg=2.2kΩ, BPF=30Hz~20kHz
150 300 µA
Crosstalk between channels C · T Rg=2.2kΩ 30 dB
Output voltage with preamp off Vooff V
50 dB
Output resistance with preamp off Rooff 10 kΩ
Input resistance with preamp off Rioff 10 kΩ
Measurement conditions: Preamp off pin: Open
1: Preamp off pin: Connect to VCC
Power amp unit (Ta=25°C)
Voltage gain Gv P
OUT=5mW 26 28 30 dB
Voltage gain difference between channels
Gv VR1, 2=max. 0 2 dB
Maximum output power I Pom1 THD=10%, R
L=32Ω 20 28 mW
Maximum output power II Pom2 THD=10%, R
L=16Ω 30 mW
Total harmonic distortion ratio THD P
OUT=5mW 0.6 2.0 %
Output noise voltage Vn Rg=10kΩ 0.25 1.0
Crosstalk between channels C · T POUT=5mW 40 50
Ripple rejection RR 100Hz, 100mVp-p4050dB
Noise of preamp + power amp Vnto V
IN=0V, Rg=2.2kΩ, VR1, 2 : max. 6 9
Measurement conditions: RL=16Ω
Motor speed control unit (Ta=25
Consumption current IMC I
M=0mA 3.0 5.0 mA
Startup current IMS 500 mA
Reference voltage Vref Between RML
ADJ pins 0.72 0.80 0.87 V
Reference voltage fluctuation I Vref1 V
CC between 2.0 and 5.0V
2 0.05 %/V
Reference voltage fluctuation II Vref2 I
M between 25 and 250 mA 0.01
Reference voltage fluctuation III Vref3 Ta between -10 and 50°C 0.01 %/°C
Current coefficient K 323843
Current coefficient fluctuation IK1V
CC between 2.1 and 5.0 V 0.5 %/V
Current coefficient fluctuation II K 2 I
M between 25 and 250 mA 0.05
Current coefficient fluctuation III K3 Ta between -10 and 50°C 0.02 %/°C
Leakage current on forced off IML 200 µA
Input resistance on forced off Ricon 37 kΩ
Measurement conditions: I
M=100 mA Motor: M25E-5 (Mitsumi model)
2: Voltage fluctuation between motors