User’s Manual
The 88-RMB2 (ROM Basic Turnkey Module) provides MITS Extended Cassette
Basic programming language in Read Only Memory (ROM). Basic is located in
the upper 16K of main memory, addresses 48K through 64K (140000 through
177777 octal). This frees up the lower 48K for the user’s Basic programs.
An automatic startup circuit causes the computer to begin executing Basic
at 140000 (octal) when system power is first applied and after a Reset.
In addition to Basic in ROM, the 88-RMB2 has system functions that allow
the 8800b Turnkey Module to be eliminated.
A serial asynchronous input/output port on the 88-RMB2 interfaces the
system console (or any terminal) to the computer. Most standard baud
rates are available, as well as both RS-232 or TTL signal configurations.
The port can interrupt on input or output. The I/O port addresses are
fixed at 020 and 021 (octal).
The 88-RMB2 provides the signals to the Attaché or 8800bt front panel for
the control switches “STOP/RUN” and “START”, and the system indicators,
1) HLT (HALT), 2) I/O (INPUT/OUTPUT), 3) INTE (Computer interrupts
enabled), 4) INT (Interrupt request) and PWR (+5V Power OK).
The 88-RMB2 also provides sense switch input at port address 377 (octal).
Firmware......... Extended Cassette Basic in Read-Only Memory (16K bytes)
(8 2K/* ROM IC’s)
ROM Address: 140000 (octal)
Auto-start....... Fixed address: 140000 (octal)
Activation: Power-on or Reset
Serial I/O Port.. Configuration: RS-232 or TTL
Baud Rate: 110, 300, 1200, 4800, 9600
Fixed I/O Address: 020 and 021 (octal)
Sense Switches... Eight data switches read from I/O port 377 (octal)
Power............ 1 amp at +8V
40 mA at ±18V
Physical......... 5” x 10” printed circuit board
1 slot required