MITS 8800b-sm, 8800b-dm User Manual

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Date Pages
Initial Release
Section £M£
Part I. Introduction and Operator's Guide
1. Introduction to This Manual . . . . 3
2. Introduction to the Standard System 4
3. Using This Documentation Package 10
Part II. 8800b Turnkey Computer
1. Introduction 15
2. Theory of Operation 21 2-1. General 23 2-2. CPU Board .26 2-3. Turnkey Module .29
3. Advanced Operations 37 3-1. The Front Panel 39 3-2. The Turnkey Module 40 3-3. AUTO-START 54
3-4. Miscellaneous Options 55 3-5. The Power Supply 57
4. Troubleshooting Hints 59
4-1. Introduction 61 4-2. Preliminary Considerations 61 4-3. CPU 62 4-4. Turnkey Module 62
Part III. Minidisk System
1. Introduction 67 1-1. MITS Altair Minidisk System Description ... 69 1-2. Specifications 69
2. Theory of Operation 73 2-1. General 75 2-2. Logic Circuits 75 2-3. Schematic Referencing 75
2-4. Minidisk Block Diagram 80 2-5. General System Operation 81 2-6. Minidisk Controller Block Diagram 82
2-7. Address Select Circuit 87 2-8. Index/Sector Circuit 88
2-9. Read Circuit 91 2-10. Status Circuit 94 2-11. Disk Enable Circuit 94
2-12. Write Circuit 96 2-13. Disk Function Control Circuit .101 2-14. Head Stepping 103 2-15. Disk Disable Timer 104
2-16. Move Head Status 104 2-17. Head Status 105 2-18. Enable Interrupts 105
3. Preliminary Checkout .107 3-1. Disk Enable Test 109
3-2. Altair Minidisk Controller Timing
Test Points 110
3-3. Altair Minidisk Test Programs 123
A. Altair 8800b Bus Assignments 125
B. Minidisk Programming 129
Intel 8080 Microcomputer System User's Manual 143
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1. Introduction 1-1. Introduction to this Manual
The 8800b-sml and -dmare integrated computer systems that include
the Altair 8800b Turnkey microcomputer along with either one
two (dm) Altair Minidisk mass storage units.
The 8800b Turnkey computer includes the system power supply, the Central Processing Unit (CPU) with the 8080A microprocessor and a Turnkey Module board. The Turnkey Module is a multi-function board that includes IK bytes of random access memory (RAM), provisions for up to IK bytes of read only memory (PROM) (including the Minidisk Boot Loader PROM) and a. serial input/output port (SI0) for connecting the computer to a terminal. Part II of this documentation package documents the 8800b Turnkey computer. Section 1 is a description of the components of the Turnkey computer, and Section 2 is a brief summary of its theory of operation. Section 3 is an advanced operation manual which details procedures for expanding and modifying the standard system. Section 4 is a brief guide to troubleshooting the electronics of the computer.
The Minidisk mass storage subsystem consists of one or two Minidiskk drives, a drive controller and an interface card for connecting the disk
system to the computer. These are all described in Part III of this
documentation package. Section 1 is a listing of the specifications of
the Minidisk subsystem. Section 2 is a summary of the theory of
operation and Section 3 is a description of procedures for initial
checkout and fault diagnosis.
The Appendices include a description of the Altair bus, instructions for converting the power supply for use with 230 volts AC, a listing of the Minidisk Boot Loader PROM and aids for programming the Minidisk
system in machine language.
Finally, the Intel 8080A Mtcrocomputer System User's Manual details
the structure, timing and instruction set of the 8080A microprocessor.
It also gives technical information about some of the CPU's auxiliary
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1-2. Introduction to the Standard System
The standard 8800b-sm or -dm system consists of the 8800b-sm or -dm
TM -
computer and either a Teletype or Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) terminal. This section shows how to assemble such a system from its components and how to load and run BASIC on the assembled system.
A, Setting up the system. Carefully lift the computer unit from its packing case and place it on a hard, flat surface. Leave enough space on all sides so that the flow of cooling air is not impaired, Do not connect the power cord until the terminal has been installed.
Remove the protective tabs from the Minidisk drives following the directions printed on the tabs.
The computer is set at the factory to match the terminal shipped with it. Therefore, to install the terminal, it is only necessary to connect the computer and the terminal with the cable supplied with the terminal. The diagram below shows the 25 pin cable connectors and the matching connectors on the terminal and computer.
Figure 1-1. 25 Pin Cable Connectors
The power supply is protected by a 3 amp, slow-blow fuse mounted on the back panel of the computer. It should be replaced as necessary only by the same type of fuse. The power cord should be connected to a source of 115 volts, 50-60 Hz AC. (230 VAC operation is available as an option. See Appendix C).
After making sure the fuse is installed and the power cords for the terminal and computer are plugged in, insert the BASIC diskette
into drive zero.
To do this, open disk drive zero by pulling out on the door tab
(see Figure 1-2). Insert the edge of the diskette opposite the label into the drive with the label side toward the open tab. Push the diskette all the way into the drive and close the door tab.
Now, move the RUN/STOP switch on the front panel up to the RUN position and turn the power switch on. The power switch has three positions. At 12 o1clock, the unit is off and the key may be removed. At 3 o'clock, the power is on and the front panel switches are enabled. At 6 o'clock, the computer is on, but the front panel switches are disabled. In this position, the key may be removed.
With the power switch on, the Power indicator should light showing that the computer circuitry is receiving operating voltage from the power supply. If the Power indicator does not light, turn off the power switch and check the power cord and fuse.
Head Load Light Diskette Slot
Door Tab
Figure 1-2 Inserting the Diskette
B. Initializing BASIC. When the power is turned on, BASIC is
loaded into memory automatically. When it has been loaded, BASIC prints
on the terminal to begin the initialization dialog. This question asks the operator to specify the amount of memory to be used by BASIC programs.
Typing a number and carriage return reserves that number of bytes. Typing
just a carriage return directs BASIC to use all available read/write
memory. BASIC now prints
LINEPRINTER? The operator types a letter and carriage return to indicate the type of printer in use as follows:
Letter Printer
0 = LP80 C = C700 Q = Q70
If no printer is connected, any of the letters may be typed. If the
response is not 0, C or Q, however, BASIC asks LINEPRINTER? again.
BASIC now asks
In a system with 1 disk, the highest number is 0. With 2 disks, the highest number is 1. Typing just a carriage return is equivalent to typing 0.
Now BASIC asks the number of disk data files (random access and
sequential) to be open at one time:
The operator responds with the number of disk data files expected to be open at any one time. BASIC then-prints
Here again, the operator responds with the number of random access files expected to be open at any one time.
Now BASIC is initialized and prints the following messages:
BASIC is now ready for use.
At any time, BASIC may be reloaded simply by momentarily depressing
the START switch.
C. Initializing New Diskettes. Because the BASIC code takes up
so much diskette space, it is supplied on a "write protected" diskette.
This means that no programs or data may be saved on the BASIC diskette.
In addition to BASIC, the BASIC diskette includes two programs, PIP and STARTREK, which are available to users. Before they can be run, the BASIC diskette must be mounted (see section D below). Since the BASIC diskette is write protected, mounting it causes a DISK I/O ERROR, but the reading process is not affected.
The desired program may now be read from the disk and loaded into
memory. To do this, type the foil owing command:
LOAD "<program name>",<disk number>
where <program name> is the name of the desired program and <disk number>
is the number of the disk drive into which the BASIC disk was inserted
(usually zero).
To avoid inadvertant damage to the BASIC disk, type the following
UNL0AD<disk number>
where<disk number>is number that appeared in the LOAD command
Now the BASIC diskette may be removed and another diskette inserted
into the drive and mounted.
The program may be saved on the new diskette by typing the following command:
SAVE "<program name>",<disk number> where <disk number>is the number of the disk drive into which the new diskette was inserted.
Subsequent to saving the program, it may be run by typing the following
RUN "<program name^^disk rrumber>
where <disk number>is the number of the disk drive into which the diskette
bearing the program was inserted.
Do not attempt to write programs or data onto the BASIC diskette. This can result in FILE LINK ERRORS that can make the BASIC diskette unusable. Before writing anything on disk, unload and remove the BASIC diskette.
If the diskette has never been used it must be initialized before
it can be used. This is done by typing the following command:
DSKINI <disk number>
where disk number is the number of the disk drive on which the blank
diskette is loaded. The DSKINI command marks all the sectors on the diskette as being empty. BASIC reads these marks to determine sector boundari es.
Only new, blank diskettes need to be initialized. Using DSKINI on a diskette that contains files destroys all the files. DISKINI should, therefore, be used with extreme caution. The DSKINI process takes about 2 minutes per diskette. When it is finished, BASIC prints OK.
D. Mounting Diskettes. To ready a diskette for reading or writing,
type the
owing command:
MOUNT <disk number>
Omitting the disk number causes all disks in the system to be mounted.
After a few seconds, BASIC prints
to indicate that the disk is ready for use.
Before removing a mounted disk from a drive, type the following
UNLOAD <disk number> Omitting the disk number unloads all mounted disks.
E, Diskette Specifications and Care. The 8800T sm and dm use 5 1/411, hard-sectored diskettes. Diskettes are available from MITS (Part number 102501) or may be purchased from any Altair Computer Center.
The notch on the side of the diskette engages a switch in the drive which enables the write circuitry. Covering the notch with a piece of tape makes writing on the diskette impossible. The BASIC diskette is protected in this manner.
Unprotecting the BASIC diskette can cause destruction of the BASIC interpreter. DO NOT remove the BASIC diskette protection tab.
Several handling precautions will maximize the life and usefulness
of diskettes and drives.
1. Return diskettes to their storage envelopes when they are not in use. Do not leave them in the drive.
2. Keep diskettes away from magnetic fields. Fields may be caused by fluorescent lights, transformers or large pieces of magnetizable materials.
3. Mark the diskette label only with felt tip pen. Do not use ball point pen or pencil.
4. Keep dust, and other particulate matter away from diskettes.
5. Keep diskettes away from excessive sunlight and heat.
6. Never touch the diskette surface (through the head access window) or attempt to clean it.
F. Miscellaneous Information. Since the address of the Mini-Disk
controller is the same as the standard size floppy disk controller
(88-DCDD) the standard size disk drives may not be used in the 8800T-sm
or-dm system.
A timing circuit in the Mini Disk Controller turns off the drive motor 6.4 seconds after the last access operation to minimize drive wear.
1-3, Using this Documentation Package
The remainder of the documentation in this package contains reference
material for operating and maintaining the components of the system.
Three commonly encountered situations which require the use of this reference material are 1) expansion of the system memory, 2) adding or modifying input/output peripheral equipment and 3) adding special
purpose PROM functions. The procedures for making these modifications are sketched below along with references to more detailed information.
The references are either to the manuals or to the page numbers in this
documentation package in which the information may be found.
Before working on the inside of the computer case make
sure the power is off and the power cord disconnected from the
To remove the case cover, remove the two bolts in the upper corners of the back panel. Then slide the cover back and lift it off.
To remove a card, pull straight up on both ends of the card. Carefully remove any cable connectors when the board is free.
To insert a card, connect the necessary cables and position the board so the edge connector is down and the component side of the board is to the right as viewed from the front of the unit. Insert the card into the card guides and slide it
straight down until it makes contact with the connector at the bottom of the slot. Apply firm, steady pressure to the upper edge of the card until the board seats in the connector. The top edge should be flush with the top of the card guides.
A. Expanding Memory. System memory expansion is accomplished by
adding memory boards or replacing them with boards of higher capacity. Use the following procedure to make these changes:
248C67A 20
1) Set the addresses of the new boards (memory board manual).
2) Insert the boards in the chassis
10 ).
3) Change the address of the RAM block on the Turnkey Module board, if necessary to avoid conflicts with the new memory addresses (p. 40 ).
B. Modification of Input/Output Arrangements. Input and output
arrangements can be changed either by adding new peripheral devices
(terminals, mass storage, printers, etc.) along with their associated interface boards or by changing the device connected to the Turnkey Module SIO port.
1) If a new interface board is being installed, set the port address, data transfer rate (or baud rate) and signal type
(interface board manual).
2)Install all necessary cables and insert the board in the chassis
(interface board manual and p. 10).
3) If the SIO port is to be connected to a different device or
otherwise changed, set the desired address, data transfer rate and
s ignal
type (p. 42ff).
4) If the new device is to be the console terminal for BASIC
or DOS, set the sense switch on the Turnkey module board to conform to the device (p. 41 and BASIC or DOS manual).
C. Adding Special PROM Functions. The Turnkey Module has sockets for up to four 256 byte PROM chips. These PROMs can be used to store any programs or data that must be permanently retained. Several pre-programmed PROMs are available for the 8800 series microcomputers including a Turnkey PROM Monitor and a multi-purpose bootstrap loader for loading programs from paper tape and cassette. In addition, user­written programs can be retained in PROM for use in dedicated applications. To install these PROM functions, use the following procedure:
1) Set the address of the Turnkey Module PROM block to the first location of the IK byte block that includes the address of the new PROM (p. 40, PROM documentation).
2) Insert the new PROM in the proper socket on the Turnkey Module board. The first address of the first PROM socket is the address set in step 1. The first address of the second socket is the Board address plus 256 and so on (p.40).
3) Set the starting address of the new program in the AUTO-START switches, if the program is to be executed automatically when the power is turned on or when the START switch is actuated. Note that the Turnkey Module is supplied with the Mini Disk Boot Loader PROM at the AUTO-START address to automatically load BASIC or DOS. Changing the PROM or AUTO-START addresses will disable this feature
(p. 54).
A Turnkey PROM Monitor is a good investment for an ex­panded system. The Monitor allows examination and modi­fication of any memory location from the terminal. It lets the operator dump the contents of any range of memory loca­tions and transfer control of the computer's execution to any address. Putting the Monitor at the AUTO-START address allows the Monitor to be entered at any time, simply by actuating the START switch. This provides a useful reset
function for BASIC programs. If a programs hangs in an infinite loop or an impossible I/O function, reentering the Monitor with the START switch and jumping to location zero
causes BASIC to print OK and await further instructions.
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The Altair 8800b Turnkey computer is housed in a standard Altair sys-
tem case and contains the following elements:
-Power supply and motherboard assembly
-CPU board with the 8080A microprocessor
-Turnkey Module with memory and I/O circuitry
-Front panel board
The heart of the computer is the Central Processing Unit (CPU) board
(Figure 1-2) which holds the 8080A microprocessor and its associated cir­cuitry. The 8080A performs all the logical and arithmetic computations for the system. It also supplies control and status signals for the other system components. Other circuitry on the CPU board provides clock signals and synchronization functions.
The Turnkey module (Figure 1-3) is a general support board for the
Turnkey system which includes memory, I/O and AUTO-START control. The memory
section has IK bytes of random access memory (RAM) and positions for up to
IK bytes of read-only memory (ROM). Random access memory stores information
that can be read, written or changed at will. RAM is volatile, however,
and information is lost when power is interrupted. Programmable Read-only memory (PROM) is non-volatile. Information in PROM is always present whether
the power is on or not. Thus, PROM can store programs and data which must
be permanently retained. The computer cannot write information into PROM, however. A special PROM programmer must be used to do this, although factory­programmed PROMs are available for some widely used functions.
The serial Input/Output channel (SIO) connects the parallel data bus
in the computer to serial input/output devices, such as Teletypes, CRT terminals, modems, etc. The SIO may be configured to accommodate a variety of terminal
types and speeds to match virtually any serial I/O arrangement.
The AUTO-START feature is the key to the Altair 8800b Turnkey computer's ease of operation. When the computer's power is turned on or the START switch is actuated, the AUTO-START logic forces the computer to execute the instruc­tion at a pre-selected address in PROM. The address could be the beginning of a series of instructions to load a program from an I/O device, the start of a monitor program or a dedicated application program.
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Front Panel switches (Figure 1-4) include the power switch, which provides system security as well as turning the power on or off, and switches that start and stop execution of programs. Indicators on the Front Panel monitor the computer system's operation.
Power, data, addresses, status and control signals and miscellaneous pulses are carried by the system bus on the motherboard. The bus is fully parallel, meaning that all signals are available to all boards plugged into the motherboard's sockets. This allows for easy and quick system expansion. The motherboard can accommodate the CPU and Turnkey Module boards plus up to 16 additional boards.
The Power Supply provides all the power voltages required by the Altair 8800b Turnkey system components. The supply has enough capacity to allow expansion of the sytem by addition of as many I/O and memory boards as will fit in the system case.
Front Panel Switches and Indicators
Figure 1-4
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