•MVIP Enha nced Switch ing wi th 384x 384
channel ca paci ty (25 6 MVI P chan nels; 128
local channels)
•On-chip PLL for MVIP master/slave operation
•Local outpu t clock s of 2.04 8,4.09 6,8.1 92MH z
with programm abl e pola rity
•Local serial interface is programmable to
2.048, 4.09 6, or 8 .192M b/s wi th asso ciate d
clock outputs
•Additiona l con trol out put s tream
•Per-channel mess age mode
•Two independently progra mm able gro ups of up
to 12 framing signals each
•Motorola non -mul tiplexe d or Intel mu ltiple xed /
non-multip lexed mi crop roces sor interfa ce
•Medium si ze digi tal sw itch matr ices
•MVIP interface functions
•Serial bus co ntrol an d mon itoring
•Centralized voice processing systems
•Voice/Data multip lexer
ISSUE 2October 1994
Ordering Information
MT90810AK100 Pin PQFP
0 °C to +70 °C
Descript io n
Mitel’s MT90810 is a Flexible MVIP Interface Circuit
(FMIC). The MVIP (Multi-Vendor Integration
Protocol) compliant device provides a complete
MVIP compliant interface between the MVIP Bus
a wide variety of processors, telephony interfaces
and other circuits. A built-in digital time-slot switch
provides MVIP enhanced switching between the full
MVIP Bus and any combination of up to 128 full
duplex local channels of 64kbps each. An 8 bit
microprocessor port allows real-time control of
switching and programming of device configuration.
On-board clock circuitry, including both analog and
digital phase-locked loops, supports all MVIP clock
modes. The local interface supports PCM rates of
2.048, 4.096 and 8.192Mb/s, as well as parallel DMA
through the microprocessor port.
Enhanced Switch
Data Memory
Connection Memory
Timing and Clock Control
(Oscillator and Ana lo g & Digital PLLs)
Microprocessor Interface
ALEA[0:1]DREQ[0:1] DACK[0:1]
Figure 1 - Functional Block Diagram
Framing Sig na ls
MT90810Preliminary Information
Figure 2 - Pin Connections
Preliminary InformationMT90810
Pin Description
Pin #NameDescri ptio n
58, 60, 63, 67, 70,
72, 74, 77
59, 61, 64, 68, 71,
73, 75, 78
80, 82, 83, 85LDO[0:3]Local Output Seria l Str eam s (Output ). Serial data streams
87, 88, 89, 90LDI[0:3]Local Input Seri al Streams (TTL Input). Serial data stream s
4CSToControl ST-BUS Output (Output). This is a 1.024Mb/s outpu t. The
54C2oMVIP C2 signal (Outp ut). ST-BUS 2.048MHz clock. This pin is
53SEC8KMVIP SEC8K signal (CMOS Input/Output). A secondary 8kHz signal
91EX_8KAExternal 8k Hz input A (TTL Input).
92EX_8KBExternal 8k Hz input B (TTL Input).
DSo[0:7]MVIP DSo Stre am s (Bid irectional CMO S ). 2.048M b/s serial dat a
streams conforming to ST-BUS serial data stream specifications.
DSi[0:7]MVIP DSi Str eams (Bidirectional CMOS ). 2.048M b/s serial dat a
streams conforming to ST-BUS serial data stream specifications.
programmabl e to 2.048, 4.096 or 8.192 Mb/ s data rat es.
programmabl e to 2.048, 4.096 or 8.192 Mb/s data rates.
state of each bit in this stream is determined by the CSTo bit in
connection memory high.
MVIP F0 signa l (CMOS Input/Output). ST-BUS 8kHz framing signal
MVIP C4 signal (CMOS Input/Output). ST-BUS 4.0 96M Hz clock
automatically set to high im pedance when it is not driven.
used either as an input source to the on-chip digital PLL or as an
output to t he M V IP b us .
94FRAMELocal Frame Output Signal (Output). This 8kHz framing signal has a
duty cycle and period equal to the MVIP F0
95CLK88MHz Local Outpu t Clock (Output ). This is a 8MHz clock.
97CLK44MHz Local Outpu t Clock (Output ). Thi s 4MHz cloc k has a duty
cycle and period equal to the MVIP C4
98CLK22MHz Local Outpu t Clock (Output ). Thi s 2MHz cloc k has a duty
cycle and period equal to the MVIP C2 signal.
100, 1, 2, 3, 5, 20,
33, 46, 57, 69, 81,
6, 7, 8, 9, 14, 28,
39, 51, 62, 76, 84,
35, 36, 37, 38, 42,
43, 44, 45
FGA[0:11]Frame Gro up A framing sign al s (Output). Programmable framing
signals. The frame gro up outp uts are determ ine d by mode bit s in the
frame register to be either programme d output s, out put drive enables
for DSo, or output framing pul se s for use with local serial dat a
FGB[0:11]Frame Gro up B framing sign al s (Output). Programmable framing
signals. The frame gro up outp uts are determ ine d by mode bit s in the
frame register to be either programme d output s, out put drive enables
for DSi, or output framing pulses for use with local serial data streams.
Chip Reset (Schmitt Input). This active low reset clears all internal
registers, connection memory and data memory
AD[0:7]Microprocessor Address/Data Bus (Bidirecti onal TT L).
Microprocessor access to internal registers, connection and data
In non-multiplexed mode: data bu s.
In multiplexed mode: multiplexed address and data bus.
MT90810Preliminary Information
Pin Description
Pin #NameDes cri ptio n
32, 34A[0:1]Microprocessor Address (TTL Input).
In non-multiplexed mode: address to FMIC internal registe rs
In multiplexed mode: unuse d (leave unconnecte d ).
29ALEMicroprocessor Address Latch Enable (TTL Inp ut). Selects the
microprocessor mode.
In Intel multiplexed mode, the falling edge of this signal is used to
sample the address.
31ERRError Status (Output). This pin is asserted high if either a clock error
/ [DS]Read/Data Strobe (TTL Input).
/ [R/W]Write\ Read/Write Strob e (TTL Input).
Microproc esso r Bus Chi p Select (TT L Input). Th is active low input
enables microprocessor access to connection and data memor y and
internal registers.
In Intel mode (RD
as output.
In Motorola mode (DS
enable read and write operati on.
In Intel mode (WR
as inputs.
In Motorola mode (R/W
bus D[0:7] during a microprocessor access.
]Ready/Data Ackno wl ed ge (Open Drain Outpu t).
In Intel mode (RDY), this output acts as IOCHRDY. A 10K pull up is
In Motorola mode (DTACK
successful data bus transfer. A 10K pull up is required.
(loss of C4b
), this active low input configures the data bus lines
), this active low input operates with CS to
), this active low input configure s the data bus lines
), this input controls the direct ion of the data
), this active low output indicates a
clock), DMA overrun condition or PLL unlock occurs.
49, 50DREQ[0:1]DMA Request (Output). When DM A operation s on the device are
enabled, thi s pin requests t ransf e rs for DMA read s/writ es f rom /to the
47, 48DACK
10TCKJT AG Input Clock (TTL Input). Maximum recommended clock rate is
11TDIJT AG Seri al Inp ut Data (TTL Input). If not used, this pin should be left
[0:1]DMA Acknowledge (TTL Input). When DMA operations on the device
are enabled, this pin receives acknowledgement for DMA reads/writes
from/to the device.
16 MHz. If not used, this pin should be left unconnecte d.
Preliminary InformationMT90810
Pin Description
Pin #NameDescri ptio n
12TDOJT AG Serial Output Data (Output). If not used, this pin should be left
13TMSJTAG Mode Control Input (TTL Input). If not used, this pin should be
left unconnected.
17X1/CLKINClock Input Pin/ Crystal Oscillator Pin1.
18X2Crystal Oscillator Pin 2 (Input). If X1 is clock input, this pin should be
left unconnected.
22PLL_LOPLL Loop Filter Output. (Output 6mA drive).
23PLL_LIP L L L oo p Filte r Inp u t. (1 µA Low level/High level Input current).
21VCO_VSSGround for On-chip VCO.
24VCO_VDD+5 Volt Power Supp ly for On-chi p VC O.
15, 40, 65, 86VDD[0:3]+5 Volt Power Supply.
16, 41, 52, 66,
79, 93
VSS[0:5]Ground .
Device Over view
Mitel’s MT90810 is a MVIP compliant device. It
provides a complete, cost effective, MVIP compliant
interface between the MVIP Bus
of processors, telephony interfaces and other
circuits. The FMIC supports 384 full duplex, time
division multiplexed (TDM), channels. These
channels are divided into 256 full duplex MVIP
channels and 128 full duplex local channels. The
sample rate for each channel is 8kHz and the width
of each channel is 8 bits for a total data rate of
64kbits/s per channel.
The FMIC’s internal clock circuitry includes both an
analog and a digital PLL and supports all MVIP clock
modes. The device can be configured as a timing
master whereby an external 16.384MHz crystal or
4.096, 8.192 or 16.384MHz external clock source is
used to generate MVIP clock signals. The device can
also operate as a slave to the MVIP bus,
synchronizing its master clock to the MVIP 4MHz
bus clo c k .
The device’s local serial interface supports PCM
rates of 2.048, 4.096 and 8.192Mb/s, per channel
message mode, an additio nal c ontrol s tre a m, as wel l
as parallel DMA through the microprocessor port.
Furthermore, the FMIC’s programmable group of
output framing signals and local output clocks may
be used to provide the appropriate frame and clock
pulses to drive other local serial buses such as GCI.
A microprocessor interface permits reading and
writing of the data memory, connection memory and
all internal control registers. The Connection and
and a wide variety
Data memory can be read and updated while the
MVIP bus is active, that is, connections can be made
without interrupting bus activities.
Functional Description
The FMIC provides for switching of data from any
input channel to any output channel. This is
accomplished by buffering a single sample of each
channel in an on-chip 384 byte static RAM. Samples
are written into this data RAM in a fixed order and
read out in an order determined by the programming
of the conn e ct i on m e mory. An input shift re gis te r a n d
holding latch for each input stream make up the
serial to parallel conversion blocks on the input of
the FMIC and an output holding register an shift
register make up the parallel to serial conversion
blocks on the output of the FMIC.
Data Memory
Data memory is a 384 byte static RAM block which
provides one sample of buffering for each of the 384
channels. An input shift register and holding latch for
each input stream make up the serial to parallel
conversion blocks on the input. Each input channel is
mapped to a unique location in the RAM, as shown
Table 18 - “Data Memory Mapping”.
Data memory can be read and written by the
microprocessor (See “Software Control” for further
details). Note that writing to data memory may be
futile since the contents will be overwritten by
incoming data on the serial input streams.
MT90810Preliminary Information
DC=0 for stream 0 channel 1
Connection Memory
Connection memory is comprised of a static RAM
block 384 locations by 12 bits. Each location in
connection memory corresponds to one of the 384
output channels. The mapping of memory location to
output channel is the same as the mapping of input
channel to data memory location and is shown in
Table 19 - “Connection Memory Mapping”.
The lower 8 bits of connection memory form
connection memory low byte as shown in Figure 10 “Connection Memory Low Byte”. The bits are defined
in Table 20, “Connection Memory Low Bits”.
The upper 4 bits of connection memory form
connection memory high (refer to Figure 11 “Connection memory high byte” ). Connection
memory low byte, together with the least significant
bit of connection memory high form an address to
point to in data memory. The location pointed to in
data memory provides the data for a given output
channel. The remaining three bits in connection
memory high are control bits. These bits perform
slightly different functions for MVIP and local
channels. The control bits in connection memory
high for MVIP streams enable/disable output drivers,
specify message or connection mode for individual
output channels, and determine the direction of the
DSi/DSo channel pair (see Table 21 - “Connection
Memory High Bits for MVIP channels” for further
details). The control bits in connection memory high
for local streams enable/disable DMA transfer,
specify message or connection mode for individual
output channels, and control CSTo timing (see Table
22 - “Connection Memory High Bits for Local
channels” fo r fu rth e r de ta il s) .
Connection memory can be read and written by the
microprocessor (see “Software Control” for further
details). When writing to connection memory, it is
necessar y to first w rite the low b its and th en t he h ig h
bits. The low bits are held in a temporary register
until the high bits are written. The comp lete write of
all 12 bits (to connection memory) is only performed
when the high bits are being written.
. . . . .
DC=1 for stream 0 channel 29
Figure 3 - Per -chan nel Dir ectio n Co ntrol
Connection and Message Modes
In connection mode, the connection memory low
byte and the least significant bit of connection
memory high form a 9 bit address to point to in data
memory. The location pointed to specifies which
source/input channel to connect to the respective
output channel and stream. The same source
channel can be routed to various output channels,
thus providing broadcast facility within the switch.
In message mode, the connection memory low byte
is sent directly out the corresponding output channel
and stream. The least significant bit of connection
memory high is not used.
Direction Control Bit
The direction control (DC) bit in connection memory
high determines the direction of the associated DSiDSo channel pair. If the DSi or DSo channel is
programmed as an input, the corresponding DSo or
DSi channel will automatically be configured as an
output. Thus, there are always 256 MVIP input and
256 MVIP output channels or 256 full duplex MVIP
channels on the MVIP bus. Figure 3 - “Per channel
direction control” illustrates the use of DC bit for
direction control on stream 0 channel 1 and channel
29. When DC bit is set, DSo channel is output from
the FMIC and DSi is input to the FMIC. When DC bit
is cleared, the channel directions are reversed.
Timing and Clock Control
The FMIC clock control circuitry contains an on-chip
analog PLL (with external loop filter) which is
designed to phase lock to a 4.096MHz clock. The onchip VCO runs at eight times this rate yielding a
32MHz clock which is divided by two. The resulting
16.384MHz is used as the internal master clock of
the FMIC.
The input to the analog PLL can be selected from
among several different sources including, the MVIP
C4 clock which is used as the internal master clock
of the FM IC.
The on-chip digital PLL generates a 4.096MHz clock
which is phase locked to an externally generated
. . . . .
Preliminary InformationMT90810
16MHz Crystal
div 4
div 2
2, 6
1, 5
3, 7
External 8kHz
Jittery 4.096MHz
60ns peak jitter
div 4
Analog PLL
by 2
Figure 4 - Clock Control Functional Block Diagram
8kHz clock. The digital PLL state machine is clocked
at 16.384MHz. The digital PLL maintains lock by
occasionally dropping or repeating a 16.384MHz
clock period on the generated 4.096MHz clock.
Consequently, the 4.096MHz clock has jitter equal to
about 60ns. If the output of the digital PLL is chosen
as the input to the analog PLL, a slow loop filter with
a time constant greater than several 8kHz frames will
smooth out the jitter.
The clock oscillator pins X1 and X2 can be used with
an external 16.384MHz crystal or pin X1 can be used
directly as a clock input with X2 left unconnected.
When X1 is used as a clock input, the frequency of
the clock can be selected to be either 16.384MHz or
8.192MHz or 4.096MHz by changing the XCLK_SEL
bits i n the CLK_CNT L reg i ster.
The overall FMIC state machine from which all timing
is derived, is clocked by the 16.384MHz output of the
analog PLL, the device’s master clock. The state
machine controls all timing in the FMIC and has a
period equal to one MVIP frame (8kHz). This state
machine can either free run or synchronize to an
8kHz source such as the MVIP F0 signal or an
external 8 kH z reference .
Refer to Figure 4 - “Clock Control Functional Block
Diagram” for further details.
The operation of the PLLs and the state machine is
controlled by the clock control register as described
in Figure 6 - “Clock Control (CLK_CNTRL) Register”
and Tables 8 to 10. The clock circuitry (PLLs and
state machine) operates in eight different modes.
They are:
FMIC as Timing Master (Mode 0)
The FMIC is configured as the timing master
(CLK_CNTRL register cleared, PLL mode 0
selected) after reset. The external 16.384MHz input
is divided by four and used as the input to the analog
PLL so the internal master clock is phase locked to
the 16.384MHz oscillator. The FMIC state machine is
free-running and does not synchronize to any
external 8kHz source.
In this mode, the XLCK_SEL bits of the clock control
register can be programmed to accommodate an
8.192MHz or 4.096MHz external clock instead of the
default 16.384MHz.
The FMIC becomes MVIP master when MVIP_MST
bit is set in the Control/Status register. This mode
can be used when the FMIC chip is to become timing
master in a system which has no digital network
connections (T1 or E1).
FMIC as MVIP Slave ( M od e 4 )
When this mode is selected, MVIP C4
clock is
selected as the input to the analog PLL. The FMIC
internal master clock is then synchronized to the
MVIP bus timing. The FMIC state machine is also
synchroniz e d to the M VI P F0
framing signal.
The MVIP_MST bit in the Control/Status register
should never be set when the device is in mode 4 as
the FMIC is entirely sl a ve to the M VIP bus t im ing .
MT90810Preliminary Information
Frequency, log scale (Hz)
Figure 5 - Jitter Transfer Function of the Analog PLL
FMIC as MVIP Mast e r (Mode 1,2, 3)
In modes 1 through 3, the output of the device’s
digital PLL is selected as the input to the analog PLL.
The source to the digital PLL is selected as either
SEC8K, EX_8KA or EX_8KB depending on the
particular mode (1, 2 or 3) chosen.
In these modes, the FMIC state machine is not
synchronized to the external 8kHz input selected,
that is, the state machine output 8kHz FRAME and
signals may not be phase aligned with the
external 8kHz input but will always be frequency
In modes 1, 2 and 3, the external clock X1 must be
16.384MHz. This is required for proper operation of
the digital PLL.
The FMIC becomes MVIP master when MVIP_MST
bit is set in the Control/Status register.
FMIC as MVIP Mast e r (Mode 5,6, 7)
In modes 5 through 7, the output of the device’s
digital PLL is selected as the input to the analog PLL.
The source to the digital PLL is selected as either
SEC8K, EX_8KA or EX_8KB depending on the
particular mode (5, 6 or 7) chosen.
In these modes, the FMIC state machine is
synchronized to the external 8kHz input selected,
that is, the state machine output 8kHz FRAME and
signals are phase aligned with the external 8kHz
input as well as frequency locked. Here lies the
difference between these modes (5, 6 and 7) and the
above mentioned modes (1, 2 and 3). In these
modes, the external 8kHz input signal is used to
synchronize the FMIC state machine.
Series 1
In modes 5,6 and 7, the external clock X1 must be
16.384MHz. This is required for proper operation of
the digital PLL.
The FMIC becomes MVIP master when MVIP_MST
bit is set in th e C o nt ro l/Status regi st er.
PLL Jitter Performance
To measure the intrinsic jitter of the analog PLL, the
FMIC is set to slave mode, slave to a clean MVIP C4
clock (no jitter). A resulting jitter of 0.004UI p-p is
measured on the C2o clock.
The jitter transfer function of the analog PLL, which
is the ratio of the output jitter to the input jitter, is
shown in “Figure 5 - Jitter Transfer Function of the
Analog PLL” . The measurements are made with a
controlled sinusoidal jitter modulating the MVIP C4
To measure the intrinsic jitter of the two PLLs
combined, the FMIC is set to master mode, slave to
a clean external 8kHz clock SEC8K (no jitter). A
resulting jitter of 0.206UI p-p is measured on the C2o
Jitter transfer function of the digital PLL and analog
PLL combination is determined primarily by the
digital PLL. The digital PLL is essentially a digital
sampler which samples on the nearest rising or
falling edge of its 16MHz clock and therefore has a
60ns jitter on the output.
Please note that the digital PLL and analog PLL
combination may not meet some international
standards for jitter performance. In cases where
strict idle jitter specifications must be met, an
external custom PLL may be required and the
internal analog PLL should be disabled (refer to PLL
Diagnostic section for further details).
Preliminary InformationMT90810
Local Output Clock Control
The FMIC provides four output clocks which are
always driven off of the device. The FRAME output
clock has a duty cycle and period equal to the MVIP
signal. The CLK2 and CLK4 output clocks are
identical to th e MVIP C2 an d C 4
The CLK8 output provides a 8.192MHz clock. The
frame pulse and output clocks may be used to
provide framing and clocking signals to serial
interfaces other than ST-BUS, such as, GCI bus.
Timing diagrams and parameters are provided in
Figures 19 and 20 along with the associated table.
The local output clock control register is defined in
Table 11 - “Local Clock Control (LOC_CLK)
Register”. The register allows the user to program
the polarity of the four local output clocks. In
addition, the register contains four read-only bits
which indicate the logic levels on EX_8KA, EX_8KB,
Local Serial Interface
The local serial interface is implemented on 4 input
pins LDI[0:3 ] an d fo ur ou tp u t pin s L DO[0:3]. It can b e
programmed in one of four different configurations by
setting the appropriate bits in the SER_MODE
register (refer to Figure 7 - “Serial Mode
(SER _M O DE ) Reg ist er ” ).
In serial configuration one, the data rate is set to
2Mb/s. Each input stream is associated with a serial
input pin and each serial output stream is associated
with a serial output pin. There are 32 channels per
In serial configuration two, the data rate is set to
4Mb/s. Local streams 0 and 1 are multiplexed onto
input and output pins LDI[0] and LDO[0] and streams
2 and 3 are multiplexed onto input and output pins
LDI[2] and LDO[2]. There are 64 channels per pin
and the streams are multiplexed onto the pins as
shown in Table 12 - “SER_CNFG bits (control
configuration of local serial streams)” .
In serial configuration three, the data rate is set to
8Mb/s. All four local streams are multiplexed onto
pins LDI[0] and LDO[0]. There are 128 channels per
pin and the streams are multiplexed onto the pins as
shown in Table 12 - “SER_CNFG bits (control
configuration of local serial streams)” .
In serial configuration four, the data rate is set to
2Mb/s for streams 0 and 1 and 4Mb/s for streams 2
and 3. Streams 0 and 1 are associated with serial
pins LDI/O[0] and LDI/O[1], respectively. Streams 2
and 3 are multiplexed onto pin LDI[2] and LDO[2].
The str e am s a r e m u lti p lex ed ont o t he p in s as s how n
in Table 12 - “SER_CNFG bits (control configuration
of local serial streams)” .
and DACK1 input pins of the device.
clocks, respectively.
Programmable Framing Signals
The FMIC provides two groups of independently
programmable output framing signals:
FGA[0:11] group A output framing signals are
programmed by frame start register A
(FRMA_STRT) and frame mode register A
(FRMA_MODE). FGB[0:11] group B output framing
signals are programmed by frame start register B
(FRMB_STRT) and frame mode register B
The framing signals may be used to drive serial
buses interfaces other than ST-BUS.
The functional characteristics of a group of framing
output signals is controlled by MODE bits in the
frame mode register. Table 13 - “Frame Group Mode
bits” defines the various modes.
In mode 0, the frame group output depends on the
status of bits in the frame start and frame mode
registers. The values of the bits in frame start
register x (x is either A for group A or B f or group B)
are driven out on pins FGx[0:7] and the values of bits
0 to 3 in frame mode register x are driven out on pins
FGx[8:11]. This mode is selected after device reset
when all bits in both registers are cleared.
In mode 1, the first four outputs of the frame group
FGx[0:3] are available for programmed output as in
mode 0. The other 8 outputs of each frame group are
available as output drive enables for the MVIP DSI/
DSO channels within the streams. FGA4 to FGA11
outputs correspond to output drive enables for the
MVIP DSo channels within streams 0 to 7,
respectively. For example, if only two DSo channels,
0 and 2 on stream 0, are enabled then the
corresponding channels 0 and 2 on FGA4 will be
pulled low and the remaining channels will be left
high. Similarly, FGB4 to FGB11 outputs correspond
to output drive enables for the MVIP DSi channels
within strea m s 0 to 7 , re s pectively.
In mode 2, frame groups A&B are programmed as
output framing pulses for use with the local serial
data streams (refer to Figure 16 - “Frame Pulse
Timing for Mode 2” for further details). The position
of the first framing signal in a group is determined by
an 11 bit quantity. The quantity is the FMIC state
number (the number of 16MHz clock cycles during
one frame) minus one. The lower eight bits of this
quantity are located in the frame start register, and
the upper three bits are located in the frame mode
register.The width of the framing signal is determined
by the state of the FRM_TYPE bit in the frame mode
register and can be either a single bit cell time or 8
bit cell times. All framing signals in the same group
(A or B) follow each other sequentially, that is, the
first FGx[ 0] is as serted then exactl y 8 bit ce ll times
later FGx[1] is asserted and so on until the last
MT90810Preliminary Information
framing signal in the group is asserted. The distance
between consecutive frame pulses within a frame
group can be one 2, 4 or 8Mb/s channel time and
can be specified by two bits in the frame mode
Mode 3 is identical to mode 2 except the polarity of
the framing pulses is logically inverted.
Refer to Tables 13 to 16 for details on the frame start
and frame mode registers.
All the framing signals FGA[0:11] and FGB[0:11] are
available in the 100 pin PQFP package.
Delay through the M T9081 0
Switching delay through the FMIC is dependent on
input and output stream, source and destination
channel, as well as, I/O data rate. A summary of
throughput delay values for the device is provided in
Table 1, “Throughput Delay Values” . The minimum
delay achievable in the MT90810 depends on the
data rate selected for the streams. When switching
from a slower input data rate to a faster output data
rate, the minimum delay is set by the faster output
data rate and the maximum delay is set by the
slower input data rate. When switching from a faster
input data rate to a slower output data rate, the
minimum delay is set by the slower output data rate
and the maximum delay is set by the faster input
data rate .
Input - Output
2.048 - 2.048Mb/s 2 x 2Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 2 x 2Mb/s t.s.
4.096 - 4.096Mb/s 3 x 4Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 5 x 4Mb/s t.s.
8.192 - 8.192Mb/s 5 x 8Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 11 x 8Mb/s t.s.
2.048 - 4.096Mb/s 3 x 4Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 2 x 2Mb/s t.s.
2.048 - 8.192Mb/s 5 x 8Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 2 x 2Mb/s t.s.
4.096 - 2.048Mb/s 2 x 2Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 5 x 4Mb/s t.s.
8.192 - 2.048Mb/s 2 x 2Mb/s t.s. 1 fr. + 11 x 8Mb/s t.s.
Throughput Delay
Table 1 - Throug hp ut Delay Values
t.s.=timeslot is used synonymously with channel
fr.=125µs frame
2Mb/s t.s.=3.9µs
4Mb/s t.s.=1.95µs
8Mb/s t.s.=0.975µs
Initialization of the MT90810
The RESET pin should be hold low during
initialization and power-up to ensure that all internal
registers and connection and data memories are
Microprocessor Interfa ce
The FMIC is configured and controlled via a
microprocessor interface. The microprocessor
interface consists of the combined address/data bus
AD[0:7], address bits A[0:1], the chip select bit CS
the RD
and WR signals, the address latch enable
(ALE) signal and the RDY signal. If ALE is tied to
VSS, the interface acts as an Intel nonmultiplexed
interface with the AD[0:7] bus carrying only data and
pins A[0:1] serving as the address lines. If ALE is
tied to VCC the interface acts as a Motorola
nonmultiplexed interface using A[0:1] as address
lines with RD
becoming DS and WR becoming R/W.
If ALE is active (switching during accesses), the
interface acts as in Intel multiplexed interface with
the AD[0:7] bus carrying both address and data and
the A[0:1] pins unused. The RDY signal acts as
IOCHRD Y in Intel mode an d as DTACK
in Mo torola
In all modes the FMIC decodes four read/write
registers in the microprocessor’s address space
according to Table 2, “FMIC I/O Addresses”.
0 [00]MCS - Master Control/Status R egiste r
1 [01]LAR - Low Address Register
2 [10]AMR - Address Mode Register
3 [11]IDR - Indirect Data Register
Table 2
- FMIC I/O Addresses
The microprocessor interface provides read and
write access to all the registers. When the
microprocessor performs a read or write to the
registers, the microprocessor cycle is a fast cycle (In
Intel mode, the RDY bit is not pulled low, and in
Motorola mode, DTACK
is asserted immediately).
When the microprocessor performs a read or write to
data memory or connection memory, the
microprocessor cycle is a slow cycle (In Intel mode,
the RDY is pulled low until the cycle is complete, in
Motorola m od e D TACK
is not asserted until the cycle
is complete).
Software Control
The FMIC control registers as well as the connection
memory and data memory are accessible through
indirect addressing.
To perform a write operation to an indirect location,
the Low Address Register (LAR) and Address Mode
Register (AMR) registers must first be initialized. The
lower 8 bits of the indirect address are written to the
LAR, and then the upper bit of the indirect address
along with the appropriate bit settings to select the
Preliminary InformationMT90810
memory and auto increment/decrement mode is
written to the AMR. Finally, the write operation is
performed when data is written to the Indirect Data
Register(IDR). Similarly, to perform a read operation
from an indirect location, the LAR and AMR must be
initialized and then the data can be read from the
Data memory can be read and written by the
microprocessor. This is accomplished by first
initializing the LAR and AMR register to select data
memory and then either reading from or writing to
the Indire ct D a ta R e gis te r.
Connection memory can be read and written by the
microprocessor. This is accomplished by first
initializing the LAR and AMR register to select high
or low connection memory and then either reading
from or w ritin g to th e IDR.
The indirect address can be programmed to autoincrement after reads or writes to the indirect data
register by setting bits 6 and 7 in the AMR
accordingly. The auto-increment occurs only when
the indirect address register points to either data
memory or the high byte of connection memory.
If auto-increment on read/write is enabled, and
connection memory is selected, then consecutive
reads/writes to the IDR will toggle between selection
of low to high then back to low byte of connection
memory and continue on toggling until the reads/
writes to IDR stop. Note that when reading/writing
connection memory with auto increment disabled,
the reads/w rites to IDR will toggle from low to high
byte connection memory once only.
Using the auto-increment feature, the connection
memory can be quickly initialized by resetting the
LAR and initializing the AMR for auto-increment on
write with connection memory low byte selected.
Writing a stream of bytes to IDR will then fill
connection mem ory. The first byte wr itten to t he IDR
will go to the low byte of the first connection memory
location. The memory space selection will be
automatically toggled to select connection memory
high. The second byte written to the IDR will then be
written to connection memory high of the first
connection memory location. The memory space will
automatically toggle back to the low byte connection
memory and the address pointer will be incremented
to prepare for writing to the next location in
connection memory. Similarly, the contents of
connection memory can also be read back quickly by
setting the auto-increment on read bit of AMR and
reading from the IDR continuously.
Writing to a data memory of connection memory
when the address register contains an indirect RAM
address of greater than 383 will cause unpredictable
DMA In te rf ac e
The DMA interface to the FMIC is accessible only
when the microprocessor int erface is in INTEL mode.
All 128 local channels can be DMA’ed out to/in from
external memory. MVIP channels can be DMA’ed by
switching to local channels.
The DMA_EN bit in the FMIC Control/Status register
enables DMA mode. This bit should be set only after
the desired local channels have been enabled for
DMA. The DMA_EN bit does not take effect until
after the beginning of the next MVIP frame. This
assures that when th e DMA transactio ns begin, that
they begin on a frame boundary.
An individual local channel is enabled for DMA by
setting the CE bit in connection memory high for that
channel. When a channel is enabled for DMA, both
input and output are enabled for DMA. The local
output data is also driven out on the programmed
serial output stream. It is not possible to enable input
without output or vice versa. If channels in time slot
0 are enabled for DMA, there will be no DMA
requests for those channels in the first frame after
DMA is enabled. Instead, setup and preparation for
the DMA will occur in th at first frame, in the times lot
preceding. DMA transfer will actually occur in the
second frame after DMA is enabled. It is, therefore,
recommended that channels in time slot 0 not be
enabled for DMA.
The DMA signals DREQ[1] and DACK
transfers for DMA reads from the FMIC while
DREQ[0] and DACK
writes to the FMIC. For every 2Mb/s timeslot where a
channel is enabled for DMA, the FMIC will assert
DREQ and wait for a DACK
controller. Upon receiving the acknowledgement,
, it would pr oceed wit h one DMA burs t tran sfer.
DMA read requests always occur at the beginning of
the 2Mb/s time slot during which, all channels
enabled for DMA in the timeslot will be DMA’ed out in
a burst, onto the local serial data stream. One burst
implies one DREQ cycle, whereby DREQ is held low
for the duration of the transfer. The maximum
number of 8 bit channels that can be DMA’ed out
during one burst is 4, since, regardless of the serial
interface mode, there can be only four 8 bit channels
per 2Mb/s time slot, whether it be one channel per
stream (on 4 streams) at 2Mb/s, 2 channels per
stream (on 2 streams) at 4Mb/s or 4 channels all on
one stream at 8Mb/s.
DMA write requests occur at the end of the 2Mb/s
time slot during which, all channels enabled for DMA
in the timeslot will be DMA’ed from the local serial
data stream. DMA write requests can also occur in
bursts of up to four 8 bit channels. The data for write
requests is actually staggered by one DMA request
for each stream. This means that the data written
[0] control transfers for DMA
from an external
[1] control
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