MITEL MT9042AP Datasheet

Global Digital Trunk Synchronizer
Preliminary Info rmatio n
Provides T1 and E1 clocks, and ST-BUS/GCI framing sign als loc ked t o an in put refe renc e of either 8 kHz (fram e pulse ), 1.54 4 MH z (T1) , or
2.048 MHz (E 1)
Meets AT & T TR62411 and ETSI ETS 300 011 specificatio ns for a 1.544 M Hz (T1), or
2.048 MHz (E 1) in put refe renc e
Provides Time Interval Error (T IE) corre ction to suppress input refe renc e rearran gem ent transient s
Typical unfiltered intrinsic output jitter is
0.013 UI peak -to- peak
Jitter attenuation of 15 dB @ 10 Hz, 34 dB @ 100 Hz a nd 5 0 dB @ 5 to 40 k Hz
Low power CM OS tech nolog y
Synchronization and timing control for T1 and E1 digital transmission links
ST-BUS clock and f rame pulse s ource s
Primary Trunk Rate Converters
ISSUE 1 June 1994
Ordering Information
MT9042AP 28 Pin PLCC
C to +85°C
The MT9042 is a digital phase-locked loop (PLL) designed to provide timing and synchronization signals for T1 and E1 primary rate transmission links that are compatible with ST-BUS/GCI frame alignment timing requirements. The PLL outputs can be synchronized to either a 2.048 MHz, 1.544 MHz, or 8 kHz reference. The T1 and E1 outputs are fully compliant with AT & T TR62411 (ACCUNET and ETSI ETS 300 011 intrinsic jitter and jitter transfer specifications, respectively, when synchronized to primary reference input clock rates of either 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz.
The PLL also provides additional high speed output clocks at rates of 3.088 MHz, 4.096 MHz, 8.192 MHz, and 16.384 MHz for backplane synchro­nization.
Automatic State
Figure 1 - Functional Block Diagram
Interface Circuit
C3 C1.5 C16 C8 C4 C2 F0o FP8-STB FP8-GCI
MT9042 Preliminary Information
C1.5 GTi
5 6 7 8
9 10 11
12 13 14 15 16 17 18
262728 25
Figure 2 - Pin Connections
Pin Description
Pin # Name Description
1V 2 TRST TIE Circuit Reset (TTL compatible). When HIGH, the time interval error correction circuit is
3 SEC Secondary Referen ce In put (TT L comp atible). This input (either 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, or
Negative Power Supply V oltage. Nominally 0 Volts.
alternately establishing the phase differe nce betwee n the PRI and SEC ref erence input s, depending upon which input is selected as input for PLL synchronization. This information is used to generate a virtual reference for input to the PLL. When LOW, the time interval error correction circuit is bypassed.
2.048 MHz as controlled by the input frequen c y selection pins) is used as an alternat e reference source for PLL synchronization.
4PRIPrimary Reference Input (TTL compatible). This input (either 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz, or 2.048
MHz as controlled by the input frequency selection pins) is used as the primary reference source for PLL synchronization.
Positive Supply Voltage. Nominally +5 volts.
6MCLKoMaster Clock Oscillator Output. This is a CMOS buffered output used for driving a 20 MHz
7MCLKiMaster Clock Osc illato r Input. This is a CMOS input for a 20 MHz crystal or crystal
oscillator. Signals should be DC coupled to this pin.
8 FP8-GCI Frame Pulse Outpu t (CMOS com p atib le). This is an 8 kHz output framing pulse th at
indicates the start of the active GCI-BUS frame. The pulse width is based upon the period of the 8.192 MHz synchronization clock.
Frame Pulse Outpu t (CMOS com p atib le). This is an 8 kHz output framing pulse th at indicates the start of the active ST-BUS frame. The pulse width is based upon the period of the 4.096 MHz synchronization clock. This is an active low signal.
10 FP8-STB Fram e Puls e Outpu t (CMOS comp atib le ). This is an 8 kHz output framing pulse th at
indicates the start of the active ST-BUS frame. The pulse width is based upon the period of the 8.192 MHz synchronization clock.
11 C1.5 Clock 1.544 MHz (CMOS compatible). This ouput is a 1.544 MHz (T1) output clock locked
to the selected reference input signal.
12 C3
Clock 3.088 MH z (CMOS compa tibl e). This output is a 3.088 MHz output clock locked to the selected reference input signal.
Preliminary Information MT9042
Pin Description (continued)
Pin # Name Description
13 C2 Clock 2.048 MHz (CMOS compatible). This output is a 2.048 MHz (E1) output clock
locked to the selected reference input signal.
14 C4
Clock 4.096 MHz (CMOS compatible). This output is a 4.096 MHz output clo ck locked to the selected reference input signal.
15 V
Negative Power Supply Voltage. Nominally 0 Volts.
16 C8 Clock 8.192 MHz (CMOS compatible). This output is an 8.192 MHz output clock locked to
the selected reference input signal.
17 C16 Clock 16.384 MHz (CMOS compatible). This output is a 16.384 MHz output clock locked
to the selected reference input signal.
18 V
Positive Supply Voltage. Nominally +5 volts.
19 GTi Guard Time Input (TTL Level Schmitt Trigger). This TTL level Schmitt trigger input is
used to determine the threshold level of the RC generated (guard) time const ant. Thi s function filters out unwanted rearrangeme nts bet ween the PRI and SEC reference input signals.
20 GTo Guard Time Output (CMOS compatible). This is a CMOS buffered output used to drive the
external RC generated (guard) time constant circuit.
21 LOSS2 Reference Loss Indicator - 2 Input (TTL compatib le). This input, in conjunction with
LOSS1, comprises a set of signals which control the event driven state machine when the PLL is operating in AUTOMATIC mode (see Ta ble 4 ).
22 LOSS1 Reference Loss Indicator - 1 Input (TTL compatib le). This input, in conjunction with
LOSS2, comprises a set of signals which control the event driven state machine when the PLL is operating in AUTOMATIC mode (see Ta ble 4 ).
23 MS2 Mode Select - 2 Input (TTL co mpati bl e). This input, in conjunctio n with MS1, select s the
PLL mode of operation (i.e.,NORMAL, HOLDOVER, FREERUN, or AUTOMATIC; see Table
24 MS1 Mode Select - 1 Input (TTL co mpati bl e). This input, in conjunctio n with MS2, select s the
PLL mode of operation (i.e., NORMAL, HOLDOVER, FREERUN, or AUTOMATIC; see Table
25 RSEL Input Reference Select (TTL compatible). When LOW this input selects PRI as the
reference input signal, and when HIGH, selects SEC as the reference input signal (see Table
26 FSEL2 Frequ enc y Select - 2 Input (TTL com p ati ble ). This input, in conjunction with FSEL1,
selects the frequency of the input refere nce source (i.e., 8 kHz, 1.544 MH z, or 2.048 MHz; see Table 3).
27 FSEL1 Frequ enc y Select - 1 Input (TTL com p ati ble ). This input, in conjunction with FSEL2,
selects the frequency of the input refere nce source (i.e., 8 kHz, 1.544 MH z, or 2.048 MHz; see Table 3).
28 RST
Reset (TTL compatible). This input (active LOW) puts the MT9042 in its reset state. To guarantee proper operation, the device must be reset after power-up. The time constant for a power-up reset circuit must be a minimum of five times the rise time of the power supply. In normal operation, the RST
pin must be held low for a minimum of 60 nsec to reset the
MT9042 Preliminary Information
Functional Description
The MT9042 is a fully digital, phase-locked loop designed to provide timing references to interface circuits for T1 and E1 Primary Rate Digital Transmission links. As shown in Figure 1, the PLL consists of an input reference selection circuit (MUX), a Time Interval Error corrector (TIE), and a PLL that employs a high resolution Digitally Controlled Oscillator (DCO) to generate the T1 and E1 outputs.
The MT9042 accepts two reference clock inputs, primary (PRI) and secondary (SEC) both connected to independent external reference sources, eit her of which can be selected as reference for synchronization by the reference select (RSEL) input. The selected reference signal is then regenerated by the TIE correction circuit and passed as a virtual reference to the PLL. The TIE correction circuit will limit phase jumps (as specified by AT & T TR62411 and ETSI ETS 300 011) during rearrangement between the external reference clocks. This virtual reference is then used by the PLL for synchronizing the output signals.
Modes of Operation
The MT9042 can operate in one of two modes, MANUAL or AUTOMATIC, as controlled by mode select pins MS1 and MS2 (see Table 1). In MANUAL mode, the user is responsible for switching references during NORMAL operation, as well as forcing the PLL into FREERUN or HOLDOVER states.
When AUTOMATIC mode is selected, operation is controlled by an internal state machine. Under state machine control, input reference selection is automatically based upon the input levels of LOSS1 and LOSS2.
MS2 MS1 D escription of Operation
0 0 NORMAL (manual mode) 0 1 HOLDOVER (manual mode) 1 0 FREERUN (manual mode) 11AUTOMATIC MODE
The interface circuit on the output of the DCO generates 1.544 MHz (C1.5), 3.088 MHz (C3 MHz (C2), 4.096 MHz (C4
), 8.192 MHz (C8), 16.384
MHz (C16), and three 8 kHz frame pulses F0o
), 2.048
, FP8-
STB, and FP8-GCI.
Figur e 3 - PL L Blo ck Diag ra m
As shown in Figure 3, the PLL of the MT9042 consists of a phase detector (PD), a loop filter, a high resolution DCO, and a digital frequency divider. The digitally controlled oscillator (DCO) is locked in frequency (n x f
) to one of three possible reference
frequencies, configured using pins FSEL1 and FSEL2. Combined with the reference select input RSEL, the PLL is capable of providing a full range of E1/T1 clock signals synchronized to either the primary PRI or secondary SEC input. The loop filter is a first order lowpass structure that provides approximately a 2 Hz bandwidth.
Table 3- Operating M odes of the MT9 0 42
Manual Mode
In MANUAL mode operation, the input reference selection is accomplished through a 2-to-1 multiplexer, which is controlled by the RSEL input pin. As shown in Table 2, for MANUAL mode operation RSEL=0 selects PRI as the primary reference input, while RSEL=1 selects SEC as the primary reference input .
Mode RSEL Reference Input
Manual 0 PRI
Manual 1 SEC Automatic 0 state machine control Automatic 1 state machine control, but
treats SE C as primary and PRI as secondary
Ta ble 4- Reference Inpu t Selecti on of the MT904 2
There are three possible input frequencies for selection as the primary reference clock. These are 8 kHz, 1.544 MHz or 2.048 MHz. Frequency selection is controlled by the logic levels of FSEL1 and FSEL2, as shown in Table 3. This variety of input frequencies was chosen to allow the generation of all the necessary T1 and E1 clocks from either a T1, E1 or frame pulse reference source.
Preliminary Information MT9042
Automatic M o d e
In normal AUTOMATIC mode operation, the RSEL input is set to 0. This will allow the state machin e to control PLL operation and select the reference input based on the state of the LOSS1 and LOSS2 inputs (see state transitions in Table 4). If the PRI reference signal is lost (LOSS1 = HIGH, LOSS2 = LOW), then the PLL will enter HOLDOVER mode immediately and stay there for a time determined by the RC time constant connected to the Guard Time input (GTi, GTo).
R ()
Figure 4 - a) RC circuit for guard tim e,
b) exponential wavefo rm on GTi
When the primary reference signal has not been regained and the guard time has been exceeded, the reference will be switched to SEC. The time constant determined by the RC circuit connected to the GTi input provides the hysteresis on automatic switching between PRI and SEC during very short interruptions of the primary reference signal. The Guard Time, t response of an RC network. The capacitor voltage on the RC circuit is described by an exponential curve. When the capacitor voltage reaches the positive going threshold of GTi (typically 1.77 volts for Schmitt tr igger TTL inputs , see Figure 4) a logic HIGH level results. This causes the state m achine to move from the holdover state of PRI to the state of using SEC as the input reference. The following equation can be used to determine the Guard Time tgt:
, can be predicted using the step
------------------------ -
C (f)
The state machine will cont inue to monit or the LO SS1 input and will switch back to the PRI reference on ce the primar y reference becomes functional as indi ca ted by the LOSS1 input. A logic level HIGH on both the LOSS1 or LOSS2 inputs indicates that none of the external references are available. Under these circumstances, the PLL will be switched into the HOLDOVER state (within a specified rate of frame slip) until a fuIly functional reference input is available.
FSEL2FSEL1Input Reference Frequency
00 Reserved 01 8 kHz 10 1.544 MHz 11 2.048 MHz
Ta bl e 5 - Input Frequ ency S el ectio n of the MT9 042
Time Interval Error Correction Circuit (TIE)
The TIE correction circuit generates a virtual input synchronized to the selected primary input reference. After a reference rearrangement the TIE corrects the phase of this new reference in such a way that the virtual input preserves its phase. In other words, reference switching will not create significant phase changes on the virtual input, and therefore, the outputs of the PLL.
The TIE reset (TRST) aligns the falling edge of the current input with the falling edge of the primary input reference. When TRST is held LOW for at least 100 ns, the next falling edge of the reference input becomes aligned and passes through the TIE circuit without additional delay.
PLL Measures of Performance
To meet the requirements of AT & T TR62411 and ETSI 300 011, the following PLL performance parameters were measured:
locking range and lock time
slip rate in h oldove r m ode
free-run ac curacy
maximum time interval error and slope
intrinsic jit ter
jitter transfer function
output jitter spectrum
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