•Parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel
conversion of up to 1536 full duplex channels or
3072 time-slots
•Serial port data rates selectable between 2.048,
4.096 or 8.192 Mb/s
•Provides a mechanism for a double buffer
function to be implemented in external memory
•24 serial I/O lines programmable in different
modes: 12 in/12 out at 8.192 Mb/s (1536 full
duplex channels) or 24 bidirectional line modes
for 2.048 and 4.096 Mb/s
•Provides a bidirectional 8-bit parallel port
operating at 16.384 or 32.768 MByte/s for direct
interface to external memory (dual port)
•Provides an external 13-bit output address bus
for direct connection with an 8K-position dual
port memor y
•JTAG boundary scan
•Fast access to ST-BUS, SCSA, MVIP, and
H-MVIP serial backplanes
•Voice processing cards for Computer Telephony
Integration (CTI)
•Video and teleconferencing bridge cards
•Fast DSP access to serial TDM buses
DS5026ISSUE 2August 1998
Ordering Information
MT90210AL100 Pin PQFP
-40 to +85°C
The MT90210 is a 100-pin device used to interface a
parallel bidirectional 8 bit bus to 24 time division
multiplexed (TDM) serial streams. The device is
configured to perform simultaneous parallel-to-serial
and serial-to-parallel conversion with the capability
of handling up to 3072 channels, 1536 on the
transmit and 1536 on the receive direction.
Depending on the operation mode selected at the
mode pins, the individual 64 Kb/s channels on the
serial links may be configured as inputs or outputs.
The data on the parallel bus is in a format suitable for
interfacing with a dual-port RAM. Depending on the
data rate selected by the MD0-MD2 input pins, serial
data is clocked in and out on the serial streams at
either 2.048, 4.096 or 8.192 Mb/s.
27TDOBoundary Scan Test Data Output.
29RDinRead P0-P7 input clock. This input is used by the MT90210 to sample b ytes coming in at
30OEserSerial Port Output Enable (Input). On the parallel-to serial conv ersion direction, this input
Serial Lines 0-7 (TTL compatible with internal pullups in the range 25 - 125kΩ).
Bidirectional, time division multiplexed serial streams. According to mode selected by
MD0-2 inputs, distinct data rates can be selected at the serial port. In mode 3, these lines
are configured as inputs only. In modes 1, 2, 4 and 5, these lines become bidirectional.
Serial Lines 8-15. See description for S0-S7 above. In mode 3, S8-S11 are inputs and
S12-S15 are outputs. In modes 1, 2, 4 and 5 these are bidirectional lines.
Serial Lines 16-23. See descripton for S0 - S7 above . F or mode 3, these lines are outputs
and operate at 8.192 Mb/s rates. When operating in modes 1, 2, 4 and 5, these lines are
the parallel port P0-P7 lines. Typically, the user should connect CKout to this input.
is used by the MT90210 to know which time-slots on the serial output streams will be
placed in high-impedance. This input is sampled synchronously along with the parallel
input data before the parallel-to-serial conversion takes place. When low, output serial
channels are actively driven. When set high, the output bus drivers are disabled.
Preliminary InformationMT90210
Pin Description (continued)
31SCLKSerial Port Clock (input). The SCLK clock is used to control the serial port operation in
modes 1,2,3 and 4. Depending on the operation mode selected at the MD0-MD2 inputs,
this input can accept 4.096 (MD2-0=000), 8.192 (MD2-0=001) or 16.384 (MD2-0 =010 and
011) MHz clock. In mode 5, this input is ignored.
32HC4H-MVIP C4. This is a 4.096 MHz clock utilized in modes 4 and 5 to maintain compatibility
with existing MVIP-90 systems. It is utilized to sample the fr ame pulse input (F0i). Not used
in Modes 1 - 3.
33TDIBoundary Scan Test Data Input.
34TMSBoundary Scan Test Mode Select.
35TCKBoundary Scan Test Clock.
36TRSTBoundary Scan Test Reset.
37F0iFrame Synchronization Signal (TTL compatible input). This input signal establishes
the frame boundary for the serial input/output streams.
38-40MD2-MD0 Operation Mode Bits 0-2 (Input). Selects the data rate for the time division, multiplexed
serial streams. 2.048 (mode 1, MD2-0=000), 4.096 (mode 2, MD2-0=001) or 8.192 (mode
3, MD2-0=010) Mb/s data rates are available. When MD2-0 are set to 011 (mode 4), the
MT90210 operates in mixed data rates mode where S16-23 operate at 8.192 Mb/s and the
remaining serial streams run at 2.048 Mb/s. In mode 5 (MD2-0=100), the MT90210
operates as per mode 4 but the device will accept a differential clock reference at 16.384
MHz at pins C16+ and C16-.
42C16+Serial P ort Clock Input.In mode 5 (MD2-0= 100), this is a 16.384 MHz diff erential signal.
Note used in Modes 1 - 3.
43C16-Serial Port Clock Input. The complement to C16+.
45TDReserved - Do not connect.
46IDDTNConnect to Ground.
47PLLVSSPLL Ground Input.
48LP2Loop Filter Input. An external RC circuit is required at this input, refer to Figure 10.
49LP1Loop Filter Input. An external RC circuit is required at this input, refer to Figure 10.
50PLLAGND PLL Analog Ground output. Provides ground to PLL loop filter, refer to Figure 10.
51PLLVDDPLL Power Input. +5V
52RSTRESET. A low on this pin resets the device.
53PCLKParallel Port Clock Input. CKout must be connected to this input.
54CKoutInternal VCO Output Signal. Output of internal PLL frequency multiplier. In mode 1 the
frequency is 16.384 MHz, for the other modes the frequency is 32.768 MHz. Must be
connected to PCLK only.
56R/W1Read/Write Output 1. This output signal toggles low for the last half of a memory write
cycle indicating valid data.
57R/W2Read/Write Output 2. This output is low f or memory read operations and high for memory
write operations.
MT90210Preliminary Information
Pin Description (continued)
70StrobeStrobe Output. This output is typically connected to the Chip-enable input of the external
75- 77,
91RBCRead Data Block Complete (output). A transition on this output is used to notify the
94WBCWrite Data Block Complete (Output). A transition on this output is used to notify the
Parallel Input/Output Data Bus. This 8 bit data bus is a bidirectional parallel port used to
perform 8-bit transactions between the MT90210 and the external dual port RAM. Data is
clocked in and out of the P0-P7 parallel port according to Figures 22 and 23.
dual port RAM. It is kept low during all read cycles, stays high during inactive periods and
goes low for the last half of a memory write cycle.
External Memory Address Outputs A0-A12. These 13 address output lines are provided
by the MT90210 to allow a direct connection to an external dual port RAM.
external CPU that the MT90210 has finished reading the contents of one entire 125µs
frame from the external dual port memory (e.g.; from addresses 0000h to 0FFFh in modes
3, 4 or 5). Whenever RBC toggles , the MT90210 starts reading the next half of the memory
(addresses 1000h to 1FFFh) while the local CPU updates the first half with more data to
be sent. RBC toggles every 125µs. When this signal is low, the MT90210 is reading the
lower memory block.
external CPU that the MT90210 has finished writing the contents of one entire 125µs
frame into the external dual port memory (e.g; from addresses 0000h to 0FFFh in modes
3,4 or 5). Once WBC toggles, the local CPU can access the Dual port memory to get the
data while the MT90210 writes the contents of the next 125µs frame into the other half
(addresses 1000h to 1FFFh) of the dual port memory. WBC toggles every 125µs. When
this signal is low, the MT90210 is writing to the lower memory block.
63, 71,
78, 86,
92, 99
41, 55V
17, 23,
60, 65,
69, 74,
88, 93,
Supply Input. +5V.
Supply Input. +5V.
Preliminary InformationMT90210
Functional Description
The MT90210 is a 100-pin device that converts
incoming serial telecom streams of 2.048, 4.096 or
8.192 Mb/s on to an 8-bit parallel bus, and converts
input data on this parallel bus to the outgoing serial
telecom links. The device is configured to perform
simultaneous parallel-to-serial and serial-to-parallel
MT90210 interfaces up to 24 bidirectional serial data
streams to a byte oriented parallel port for access by
a dual-port RAM. It contains an address generator
for parallel port read and write operations directly to
an external dual port memory. A single MT90210
device can handle up to 3072 channels, 1536 on the
transmit and 1536 on the receive direction.
Depending on the operation mode selected at the
mode pins (MD0-MD2), the 64 kb/s serial telecom
channels may be configured as inputs or outputs.
The data on the parallel bus is in a format suitable for
interfacing with popular dual port memories.
Depending on the data rate selected by the MD0MD2 input pins, serial data is clocked in and out on
the serial streams at either 2.048, 4.096 or 8.192
Mb/s, as shown in Figure 6. A mechanism for
implementing external double buffering is provided
by the Write Block Complete (WBC) and Read Block
Complete (RBC) output pins. Double buffering the
data allows the processor to independently access
an entire frame of data in the external memory while
the MT90210 reads or writes the complementary
frame in the memory. For e xample , in mode 3 (Figure
4), during the first frame the MT90210 will read and
write in to the first half of the memory space (Block
0) and during the second frame the MT90210 will
read and write in to the second half of the memory
space (Block 1). Within each block the transmit data
and receive data are separated and located at fixed
address locations. The operation of WBC and RBC is
shown in Figures 7a and 7b.
On the external memory port side, the device
performs 8-bit wide operations with a cycle time of
30 or 61 ns. The parallel port operates at 16.384
MByte/s (for mode 1) or 32.768 MByte/s (for modes
2,3,4 and 5). To create the high speed clock required
to manage the byte operations at the parallel port, a
built in PLL multiplies the serial port input clock
(SCLK) by a factor of two or four depending on the
mode. In all operation modes, the user should
connect the PLL CKout to PCLK input.
A separate input pin, Output Enable serial (OEser
pin 30), may be used to selectively tristate individual
64Kb/s serial links. By using a 9-bit external dual
port RAM and connecting the ninth bit to OEser as
shown in Figure 9, the processor may disable an
individual channel by setting the ninth bit for that
channel in the transmit (TX) portion of the current
block. The remaining 8 bits for this channel may be
any value since they are ignored by the MT90210
when the ninth bit is 1. To avoid contention on the
serial bus, it is recommend that the user configure all
serial streams as inputs at start-up. This may be
done by setting all OEser bits to 1 in the TX por tions
of both memory blocks. In mode 3, the serial streams
are permanently configured as 12 inputs and 12
outputs, and the state of OEser is ignored.
An Overview of CTI bus protocols
Multi-Vendor Integration Protocol (MVIP) provides a
coherent approach to building solutions for
worldwide markets by merging computing and
communications technologies under one open
architecture. MVIP ensures inter-operability among
telephone-based resources (such as trunk
interfaces, voice, video, fax, text-to-speech, speech
recognition) for use within a computer chassis in an
individual or networked configuration. H-MVIP
addresses the need for higher telephony traffic
capacity in individual computer chassis. H-MVIP
defines three major items that together make a
useful digital telephony transport and switching
environment: the H-MVIP digital telephony bus with
up to 3072 "time-slots" of 64 Kb/s each; a bus
interface with digital switching that allows a group of
H-MVIP interfaced circuit boards to provide
complete, flexible, distributed telephony switching;
and a logical device driver model and standard
software interface to a logical model.
Operating Modes
The MT90210 device can operate in one of five
modes appropriate for different application needs.
Mode selection must be done while the device is in
reset (RST low and a valid clock applied to the PCLK
input). These modes are explained in the following
Mode 1: The serial input/output format conforms to
the ST-BUS requirements when the data rate is
2.048 Mb/s (see Figure 6). Serial port clock (SCLK)
is 4.096 MHz. The on-chip PLL produces a phase
locked 16.384 MHz clock (CKout) from the SCLK
input. In this data rate operation, the 24 serial lines
(S0-23) become bidirectional links at 2.048 Mb/s.
The ST-BUS is a time-division multiplexed serial bus
with 32, 8-bit channels per frame. Frame boundaries
are delineated by the frame pulse. Figure 3 depicts
MT90210Preliminary Information
how the data from the serial port is mapped into the
external dual port memory.
768 bytes
for TX
24 bidirectional streams at 2.048Mb/s
768 bytes
for RX
768 bytes
for TX
768 bytes
for RX
1536 bytes
for TX
24 bidirectional streams at 4.096Mb/s,
or 12 in / 12 out at 8.192Mb/s
Address outputs used: A0-A12
1536 bytes
for RX
1536 bytes
for TX
1536 bytes
for RX
MODES 2 & 3
Address outputs used: A0-A11;
A12 always zero.
unused memory space
Figure 3 - Dual Port RAM Memory Map for
Mode 1
Mode 2: When the device is configured for
4.096 Mb/s data rate operation, each of the 24 timedivision multiplexed serial streams is made up of 64
channels. In this data rate operation, the 24 serial
lines (S0-23) become bidirectional links at
4.096 Mb/s. Serial por t clock (SCLK) is 8.192 MHz.
The on-chip PLL produces a phase locked 32.768
MHz clock (CKout) from the SCLK input. Figure 4
depicts how the data from the serial port is mapped
into the external dual port memory.
Mode 3: When the device is configured for 8.192
Mb/s data rate operation, each of the 24 timedivision multiplexed serial streams is made up of 128
channels. In this mode, bidirectional operation on the
serial port streams is not provided and the MT90210
is set in a 12 in / 12 out configuration and the OEser
input is ignored. Streams S0-S11 are configured as
inputs, and S12-S23 are configured as outputs.
Serial port clock is 16.384 MHz. The on-chip PLL
doubles this clock to produce a CKout clock of
32.768 MHz. Figure 4 depicts how the data from the
serial port is mapped into the external dual port
memory. Figure 12 and Table 3 show the write and
read operations on the parallel port at the frame
unused memory space
Figure 4 - Dual Port RAM Memory Map for
Modes 2 and 3
Mode 4: The MT90210 is configured such that the
24 serial streams are bidirectional and split into two
different functional groups: (i) streams S0-S15
operate at 2 Mb/s rate (512 timeslots), (ii) S16-S23
operate at 8.192 Mb/s rate (1024 timeslots). Memory
mapping for mode 4 is described in Figure 5. For
compatibility with legacy MVIP timing, mode 4
provides an additional clock input at 4.096 MHz
(HC4 input pin) which allows the device to detect
frame sync pulse (F0i) with a typical width of 244 ns.
In mode 4, the 16.384 (SCLK) and 4.096 (HC4) MHz
clocks should be in sync according to H-MVIP
specifications. The on-chip PLL doubles SCLK to
produce a CKout signal of 32.768 MHz. Figure 13
and Table 4 show the write and read operations on
the parallel port at the frame boundary.
Mode 5: Identical operation as per mode 4 with the
difference that the 16.384 MHz clock is a differential
signal received at the two input pins, C16+ and C16of the MT90210 device. The differential clock is
needed to eliminate distortion in the clock signal
passing through a ribbon cable as per H-MVIP
specification. The SCLK input is not used in this
mode. Memory mapping for mode 5 is depicted in
Figure 5.
timeslots can be tri-stated by setting the OEser input
pin high during a specific parallel channel timeslot.
Note that when operating in bidirectional mode, the
MT90210’s I/O buffers on the serial port are
permanently at high impedance and the control of
contention on the serial bus has to be done by the
user through the OEser input pin. In modes 1, 2, 4
and 5 all of the transmit channels on the serial port
side are copied back to the memory interface. This is
true only in bidirectional modes (i.e., modes 1, 2, 4
and 5). Note that only the transmit (output) channels
are copied back to the memory and that the input
channels remain unaffected.
For a specific time-slot sampled at the external
memory parallel interface, the respective OEser
input pin must be in the desired state; i.e., the
sampling of the OEser input is synchronized with the
parallel byte read at the P0-P7 lines.
device at the parallel interface for
modes 1, 2, and 3
Figures 8, 12, and 13 depict the parallel port READ
and WRITE operation of the MT90210 device. The
state of the signals R/W1, R/W2 and Strobe defines
a valid Read or a valid Write operation. During a
valid READ operation the signals Strobe and R/W2
stay LOW while the signal R/W1 is always HIGH. For
the valid WRITE operation the signal R/W2 always
stays HIGH while the signals R/W1 and Strobe
toggle. Table 3 represents the sequence of events as
depicted in Figure 12 during the last channel at the
end of an ST-BUS frame. The MT90210 device
repeats the same sequence of operation during the
entire frame. For example, during channel 127 at the
end of an ST-BUS frame the MT90210 will write
channel 126 (streams 0 to 11) and read from channel
1 (streams 12 to 23) of the next frame as shown in
Table 3. Note that there is a two channel difference
between a write and a read sequence. In mode 1
and mode 2, the MT90210 device performs a group
of writes and a group of reads separated by 8 PCLK
periods, while for modes 3, 4 and 5 they are
separated by 4 PCLK periods.
Functional operation of the MT90210
device at the parallel interface for mode
4 and mode 5
Table 4 represents the sequence of events when the
MT90210 device is operating at a mixed rate of
operation (mode 4 and mode 5) as depicted in Figure
13. The MT90210 device repeats the same sequence
of operation as shown in Table 4 throughout the entire
frame. In mode 4 and mode 5 the MT90210 device is
configured with 24 bidirectional serial streams and split
into two different rates: S0 to S15 operate at 2.048
Mb/s data rates (512 time-slots) and streams S16 to
S23 run at 8 Mb/s data rates (1024 time-slots). In this
mode, 12 writes are carried out during a parallel port
write cycle and 12 reads during a read cycle. Of each
group of 12, 8 are dedicated to the high-speed 8.192
Mb/s links, therefore four slots are available for the
2.048 Mb/s links. To process all the 16 streams
devoted for 2.048 Mb/s, four separate write or read
cycles are required (these slots are denoted with the
suffix "a", "b", "c", "d" in Figure 13). Each write or
read cycle will use four time-slots. For example, read
or write cycle "a" uses streams S0 to S3, read or
write cycle "b" uses streams S4 to S7, read or write
cycle "c" uses streams S8 to S11 and read or write
cycle "d" uses streams S12 to S15 (see Table 4).
There is a two channel difference between a read
and write sequence for 2 Mb/s data and an eight
channel difference for 8 Mb/s data.
MT90210Preliminary Information
Frame Boundary Established by F0i
(4 MHz)
(8 MHz)
(16 MHz)
Serial I/O
2 Mb/s
Serial I/O
4 Mb/s
Serial I/O
8 Mb/s
Ch. 31, Bit 1
Ch. 63, Bit 2Ch. 63, Bit 1Ch. 63, Bit 0Ch. 0, Bit 7Ch. 0, Bit 6Ch. 0, Bit 5
Ch. 127,
Bit 5
Ch. 127,
Bit 4
Ch. 127,
Bit 3
Ch. 31, Bit 0Ch. 0, Bit 7Ch. 0, Bit 6
Ch. 127,
Bit 2
Ch. 127,
Bit 1
Ch. 127,
Bit 0
Ch. 0,
Bit 7
Ch. 0,
Bit 6
Ch. 0,
Bit 5
Ch. 0,
Bit 4
Figure 6 - Serial Port Functional Timing
last write address
of frame n
address x
Ch. 0,
Bit 3
Ch. 0,
Bit 2
MT90210 finishes writing
data from frame n.
last read address
of frame n
address y
MT90210 will handle parallel port
transactions related to frame n +1.
MT90210 finishes reading
data from frame n.
MT90210 will handle parallel port
transactions related to frame n +1.
Figure 7a - WBC and RBC Output Transition
Preliminary InformationMT90210
125 us
Exclusive access of
Block 0
125 us
of both
Block 0
Block 1
Exclusive access of
Block 1
of both
Block 0
Block 1
tNA ~ 1 timeslot for modes 1, 2 & 3
tNA ~ 3 timeslots for modes 4 & 5
Exclusive access of
Block 0
Figure 7b - WBC and RBC operation in relation to accessing data from Block 0 and Block 1
Toggles only during
write data cycle
Changes state (high to low)
on every change of a block
of reads or block of writes
Low during read cycle,
high during inactive
periods and toggles
during write cycles
Note: The MT90210 device performs groups of writes and groups of reads separated by 4 inactive PCLK periods
for modes 3, 4 and 5. In mode 1 and mode 2, the write and read groups are separated by 8 PCLK periods.
Figure 8 - Parallel Port Functional Read/Write Operation
JTAG Support
Test Access Port (TAP)
The Test Access Port (TAP) provides access to many
The MT90210 JTAG interface is designed according
to the Boundary-Scan standard IEEE1149.1. The
standard specifies a design-for-testability technique
called Boundary-Scan Test (BST). A boundary-scan
IC has a shift-register stage or ‘Boundary-Scan Cell’
(BSC) in between the core logic and the I/O buffers
adjacent to each I/O pin. The BSCs can control and
observe what happens at each I/O pin of the IC. The
operation of the boundary-scan circuitry is controlled
test support functions built into the MT90210. It
consists of three input connections and one output
connection. The following connections form the TAP:
•Test Clock Input (TCK)
•Test Mode Select Input (TMS)
•Test Data Input (TDI)
•Test port Reset (TRST)
•Test Data Output (TDO)
by a Test Access Port (TAP) Controller.
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