MH89760B Preliminary Information
Table 1. Master Control Word 1 (Channel 15, CSTi0)
Table 2. Master Control Word 2 (Channel 31, CSTi0)
Bit Name Description
7 Debounce When set the received A, B, C and D signalling bits are reported directly in the per
channel status words output at CSTo. When clear, the signalling bits are debounced for
6 to 9 ms before they are placed on CSTo.
6 TSPZCS Transparent Zero Code Suppression. When this bit is set, no zero code suppression is
5 B8Z S Bin ary Eig ht Zero Supp ressi on . When this bit is set, B8ZS zero code suppression is
enabled. When clear, bit 7 in data channels containing all zeros is forced high before
being transmitted on the DS1 side. This bit is inactive if the TSPZCS bit is set.
4 8kHSel 8 kHz Output Select. Whe n set, the E8K o pin is held high. Whe n clear, the E8Ko
generates an 8 kHz output derived from the extracted 1.544 MHz clock or C1.5i clock
(see Pin Description for E8Ko).
3 XC tl External Control Pin. When set, the XCtl pin is held high. Whe n clea r, XCtl is held low.
2 ESFYLW ESF Yellow Alarm. Valid only in ESF mode. When set, a sequence of eight 1’s followed
by eight 0’s is sent in the FDL bit positions. When clear , the FDL bit contains data input at
the TxFDL pin.
1 Robbed bit When this bit is set, robbed bit signalling is disabled on all DS0 transmit channels. When
clear, A, B, C and D signalling bits are inserted into bit position 8 of all DS0 channels in
every 6th frame.
0 YLALR Yellow Alarm. When set, bit 2 of all DS0 channels is set low. When clear, bit 2 operates
Bit Name Description
7 RMLOOP Remote Loopback. When set, the data received at RxR and RxT is looped back to OUTB
and OUTA respective ly. The data is clocked into t he device wit h the extracted 1.54 4 MHz
clock. The device still monitors the received dat a and outpu ts it at DSTo. The device
operates normally when the bit is clear.
6 DGLOOP Digital Loopback. When set, the data input on DSTi is looped around to DSTo. The
normal received data on RxR and RxT is ignored. However, t he dat a input at DSTi is still
transmitted on OUTA and OUTB. The device frames up on the looped data using the C1.5i
5 ALL1'S All One’s Alarm. When set, the chip transmits an unfram ed all 1's signal on OUTA and
4 ESF/D4 ESF/D4 Select. W hen set, the device is in ESF mode. When clear, the device is in D3/D4
3 ReFR Reframe. If set for at least one frame and then cleared, the chip will begi n to search for a
new frame position. Only the change from high to low will cause a reframe, not a
continuous low level.
2 SLC-96 SLC-96 Mode Select. The chip is in SLC-96 mode when this bit is set. This enables input
and output of the F
bit pattern using the same pins as the facility data link in ESF mode.
The chip will use the same framing algorithm as D3/D4 mo de. Th e user must insert the
valid F
bits in 2 out of 6 superframes to allow the receiver to find superframe sync, and
the transmitter to insert A and B bits in every 6th frame. The SLC-96 FDL completely
replaces the F
pattern in the outgoing S bit po sition. I nacti ve in ESF mod e.
1 CRC/MIMIC In ESF mode, when set, the chip disregards the CRC calculation durin g synchroniza tion .
When clear, the device will check for a correct CRC before going into synchronization. In
D3/D4 mode, when set, the device will synchronize on the first correct S-bit pattern
detected. When this bit is clear, the device will not synchronize if it has detected more than
one candidate for the fram e ali gnm ent pat te rn (i.e. , a mimic ).
0 Maint. Maintena nce M ode. When set, the device will declare itself out-of-sync if 4 out of 12
consecutive F
bits are in error. When clear, th e out-of -s ync thresh old is 2 errors in 4 FT
bits. In this mode, four consecutive bit s follo wing an errored F
bit are examined.