This application enables you to comfortably and easily use the
scanner. The scanned documents can be edited in a drawing
editor, before they are collated in print jobs and the passed on
the KM-ICP for plotting.
The installation of the KM-SCANTOOL is very easy and comfortable:
To install the program, please proceed as follows:
1. Start Windows [2000/NT] as a user with administrator rights
and open Windows Explorer.
2. If Windows [2000/NT] was already started [with administrator rights], please quit all running programs or backup the
data stocks.
3. Place the KyoceraMita installation CD on your drive and wait
for “Autorun” opening the installation dialogue. If you have
switched off the autorun function on your PC change over to
Windows Explorer in the CD ROM directory and start
“autorunra.exe” in the first sub-folder “Autorun”.
4. The setup program will open the following dialogue “Setup
5. Choose the program to be installed and click once on the
button “Start Setup”.
6. Follow the instructions given by the setup program.
Start and quit program
•Start program
The installation program sets up its own program group with
program symbols towards the end of the installation. To start
KM-SCANTOOL, open it via the “Start“ bar or double click on its
program symbol.
After the program has been started, the program window, the
job editor and the scanner settings are opened.
• Quit program
You can either quit KM-SCANTOOL via the menu item “File Exit“ or with the usual Windows keyboard shortcut “ALT+F4“.
The program’s functions are now described in the following
Program Window
File Management
Loading drawings
Drawings are loaded using “Open File” on the menu. Your
drawings can have the following file formats:
• Windows / OS2 bitmaps ..........................................(*.bmp)
Multipage documents
KM-SCANTOOL allows you to load multipage documents. There
is no limit to the number of pages per document. Multipage
documents can be edited in exactly the same way as single
File information
Before you can begin with a possible change to the settings, you
can view a summary of all the currently loaded settings.
Click on the white “i” for information display in the “View” toolbar:
For most file formats you can only see the “Misc“ tab. It contains
e.g. the information about the file format, the drawing size and
used pens. If you open a Calcomp drawing, you can read on this
tab information about general settings (“Pen Source”, “Pen
Scale”, “Pattern Style” etc.) which you can change in the job
The tabs “Drawing” and “Pens” appear only, if you open a Calcomp drawing file. On the tab “drawing” you get the information about the file format, the drawing size, the used colors etc..
The tab “Pens” informs you of the pen settings. There can also
be two symbols which inform you of the setting status: The red
exclamation marks point out that the pen is used with several
pen sizes and only the last set pen size can be shown. The green
check shows, that a pen is used for the current drawing.
Saving drawings
Once you have made changes to your drawing, you save them
with the menu item “Save File” or with the standard Windows key
combination “CTRL+S“. Remember that the original version of
the file will be irretrivably overwritten.
Note: Remember that, when saving drawings, some
formats can only be read and not saved. The previous
chapter contains all the information you require for
loading and saving drawing formats.
KM-SCANTOOL can save in the following file formats:
• Windows / OS2 bitmaps ..........................................(*.bmp)
Loading settings
Before loading a drawing, you have the option of configuring
the way the drawing is presented in KM-SCANTOOL’s file view.
You open the loading settings from the menu option “Settings Load Settings” or by using the key combination Ctrl + R.
• Formats
Here you can specify whether the drawing is to be loaded into
KM-SCANTOOL’s File View in the original or in a different format. The format list contains all the formats you have preset in
“Settings - Options - Card - Formats”.
If one or more formats are missing, they can be added to the
program, at this point or any time later, using the option “New”.
To add new formats, proceed as follows:
Highlight the format in question in the right-hand list “Available
Formats”, and click on the option “Add”. This will insert the format into the “Available Formats” list. The formats required can
also be transferred directly to the list by double clicking the
Note: The “Add” option always adds the selected for-
mats to the end of the list. In contrast, “Insert” will add
a format to the list immediately above the format currently highlighted.
You repeat this process for each format you wish to use. You can
also enter a format more than once if, for example, you wish to
use a number of drawings with the same format but with different size and margin settings.
“Delete” enables you to remove a format from the “Available
Formats” list.
As soon as a format has been entered in the “Available Formats”
list, it can be edited straight away. To do this, highlight the format in question in the list. You can now change the name, the
format size and the margin settings. To save the setting changes,
click once on “Set”:
− Changing names
Names are changed in the box directly beneath the “Available
Formats” list.
− Changing margins
Margins are changed under “X” (left-hand margin) and “Y”
(top margin).
− Changing format sizes
Format sizes are changed under “DX” (page width) and “DY”
(page height).
− Units
Set the size units to “mm“, “inches“ or “pixels“, which apply for
all settings.
• Width and height
This function enables you, where necessary, also to change the
width and the height. The dimensions are in millimetres.
• Proportional scaling
The value x shown in this box represents the ratio of “width = x
times height”. After activating this value, you can only alter the
figures shown above it for the width. The height will then be
automatically adjusted; in other words the drawing is scaled in
proportion. This facility is useful for example when you know that
a drawing is just a little too large for the size of the paper it is to
be printed on. In this event, you simply activate “Proportional
Scaling”, and reduce the figure slightly in order to maintain the
correct proportions for the print-out.
In addition, you can also adjust the width and height resolution:
dpihorizontal resolution
lpivertical resolution
• Mirror
Here you determine whether the drawing is to be shown mirrored or not:
Show drawing not mirrored
Show drawing mirrored horizontally
Show drawing mirrored vertically
Show drawing mirrored around x and y axes
• Rotate
Here you determine whether the drawing is to be shown rotated
or not:
Show drawing not rotated
Rotate drawing through 90° to the left
Rotate drawing through 180°
Rotate drawing through 90° to the right
Auto rotate - rotate drawing as specified in the
associated vector file
Note: These settings refer primarily to the display in the
view. If you also wish to print the drawing out as shown,
you must select the format setting “Original” in the
plotter dialogue.
Driver Management
Loading the drivers
Reloading the scanner driver will very rarely be necessary. It
could prove necessary for example if the unit has been switched
off, or if a fault has made a shut-down necessary. In order to
inform the program that the equipment is again ready for operation, load the driver using the menu option “Settings - Reload
Scanner”. KM-SCANTOOL will then open the appropriate dialogue box on the left-hand side of the screen.
The same situation could occur with regard to the plotter and
folder drivers, in which case you would need to reload them using the option “Settings - Reload Plotter”.
Configuring the plotter
Sometimes it may be necessary that details of the plotter have to
be entered as described in the relevant Operating Instructions.
For this purpose, open the plotter configuration by clicking once
on the button “Capabilities” below the plotter dialogue on the
left side:
• Maximum Size
Enter the maximum printed width and length that the plotter can
handle. “DX” is the printed width, “DY” the length.
• Trays
List, or subsequently enter, all the output bins that the plotter
makes available. As a rule, this will be a maximum of 4, sometimes even 6 bins.
• Name
Here you can allocate a unique name to each bin: for example
“Bin 1 Paper” or simply “Paper” etc. The name allocated should
conform to the details that you have entered in the control field
of the plotter.
• Width/length
In these two fields, you enter the printed width and length which
can be sent to the current bin.
• Media
In this field you enter the medium with which the current bin is
loaded - paper, vellum, film.
• Type
Here you enter whether the current bin has a roll or a single
sheet feeder.
Allocating SSL paths
As you select “KM-ICP“ as the plotter, you must inform KMSCANTOOL of the spool path in order for it to be able to save
the jobs to the correct directory.
To do this, click on the toolbar button “Options” below the plotter dialogue on the left side.
In the “Options” window, you must first enter the SSL spool path
from the KM-SCANTOOL view, and the path from the KM-ICP
“SSL path as SCANTOOL sees“ means that KM-SCANTOOL
must know where it is to send the SSL jobs.
“SSL path as ICP sees“ means which directory KM-ICP should
regularly look for new print jobs.
As both programs presumably will be running on different computers and connected across a network, the allocated names will
be different for each computer. In this context, the following
should be observed:
Note: We recommend that, when naming the paths,
the UNC (universal naming convention) be employed in
order to ensure a uniform view from all computers.
Archive Management
With KM-SCANTOOL it is possible to generate index data for
external archive systems, which it then imports. In order to use
this facility, two basic steps are required in setting it up:
1. In “Options”, the presets for “Archive“ must be entered. To
do this, open the “KM-SCANTOOL Options”. Change to the
“General” card, activate “Archive“ in the “Scan ...“ field and
enter your “Archive Scan Settings“.
2. All the file data must be entered in the “Database Registra-
tion” screen. It will be noted that an entry does not have to be
made in every box. This will be determined by your field configuration in the DES file.
The “Database Registration” screen has exactly those entry boxes
that you defined with the descriptive database file (*.DES). The
screen could for example look like this:
These entries are separated in the SDF file by a separating character, which you specify, and, in addition, for each drawing are
given a name which is automatically compiled using the current
In the following two sections you can see what presets are necessary and how you can set up the boxes for the Database Registration screen.
Specifying presets
If you wish your scanned drawings to be available to an archive,
enable the “Archive“ field before starting scanning.
In addition, KM-SCANTOOL requires the following additional
preset information:
• SDF name and path
After scanning, KM-SCANTOOL creates an archive file ending
with *.sdf, which you can import for example into an archive
management program. The SDF file created can however be
used for any database system. If an SDF file already exists, each
new drawing will add to it until you start a new archive file by
allocating a new name.
Note: KM-SCANTOOL only adds to the archive files.
The importing system is therefore responsible for removing the files.
Allocate a name to the archive file and define the directory in
which the archive files are to be stored. The default directory is
• DES name and path
Here you enter the descriptive database file which determines
how the entry screen “Database Registration” is to be structured.
All the fields described in the DES file entered will be displayed
on the input screen.
The next step is to inform KM-SCANTOOL which directory to
look in for the DES file. The default directory is
“[LW]:\KyoceraMita\Scantool“, in which the standard DES file
“SCANTOOL.DES“ is located.
• Delimiter
Here you enter the character you wish to use to separate the
data records in the SDF file.
Creating descriptive database file
Before you can save data in an archive, a descriptive database
file with the extension *.DES must be set up in the program. You
can either use an existing DES file or create your own file.
Note: The file must always have the name and be
stored in the directory which you have previously entered a DES name and DES path during the setting up
DES files are in simple ASCII format. They can therefore be created with a conventional editor.
Rules for File Creation
It is easy to create files. You need only follow these eleven rules:
1. Every valid line begins with a “ = “.
Lines which start with any other character, will be ignored.
2. Comments and comment lines start with a semicolon “;“. All
the characters following a semicolon will thus be ignored.
3. Spaces are always ignored.
4. An archive box and its configuration always comprise so-
called “key words” and their values.
5. Key words must always be enclosed in equals signs (=).
6. An archive box is created with the key word =Name=.
7. An archive file is configured with the key word =TYPE=.
8. With the key word =FLAG= you have the option of deter-
mining the form in which data is entered and displayed in an
archive box.
9. You must define at least one unique primary key word in
each DES file.
10. No distinction is made between upper and lower case letters.
11. If a key word is used more than once, the word last entered will
overwrite the value of the existing one.
The following is an example of a valid archive box with its corresponding configuration:
With this example, you will have generated an archive box in
which the name of the operator is entered, which must not exceed a length of 20 letters. With the flags, you have specified
that the entry of the name is obligatory and that the entry will be
converted to upper case letters.
The following paragraph lists the key words that are available.
Description of the Key Words
There are five key words available to you, namely:
1. =NAME=for creating a new archive box
2. =TYPE=for configuring the archive box
3. =FLAGS=defines the form of an archive box
4. =HEIGHT=defines the height of an archive box
5. =PRIMKEY= provides a search key for working in
the archive
• =NAME=
With this key word, you generate an archive box in which you
enter a name:
=NAME=field name
You can select any name you wish as a “Field Name“. The following criteria must however be met:
1. Do not use accented letters (ä, ü, etc.)
2. Do not use special characters or symbols.
3. For separation use an underscore “_“ and not a space.
4. If possible, do not exceed 16 characters.
The acceptable name length is determined by the database
driver. It is recommended however that no more than 16
characters be used.
Once the NAME has been allocated for an archive box, the sequence of the corresponding configuration is immaterial. Allocation of the configuration is completed as soon as a new archive
box is described.
• =TYPE=
For each archive box a field type must be defined. This is
achieved by the key word
=TYPE=string, x255
Six definitions are available: string, date, integer, longint, logical, volume.
If the user is to be permitted to enter a string of characters in an
archive box, define the field type as a “string”. Additionally, the
permitted length of the string must be entered, prefixed with an
If, for example, you have the archive box with the name “Operator” into which the user may only enter his name with a
maximum of 20 characters, the syntax will be:
=TYPE=string, x20
The current date is entered by the program using the syntax
“DATE“. The field type can be extended by the following instructions:
→ day of the month
→ month of the year
→ year
In this example, the archive box will automatically have the date
displayed in the format < day.month.year >.
If you wish the field only to accept whole numbers, allocate the
type “integer“ to the field. When “integer“ is used, only whole
numbers in a limited range may be entered, e.g. from –32768
to +32767. For very lage numbers, the field type “longint“ is
The field type “integer“ contains no supplementary parameters.
=NAME=sequential number
If you wish to cover a larger range of numbers than is possible
with the field type “integer“, use a “longint“.
The “longint“ field type contains no supplementary parameters.
The field type is a toggle which will accept only two values, e.g.
yes/no, on/off, home/abroad:
=TYPE=logical, home/abroad
If you leave the space after “logical“ blank in the “TYPE“ command, the program automatically enters TRUE or FALSE.
With the field type “volume“, you instruct the program directly to
display the number in the archive box which has been automatically allocated to the record in question.
This field type contains no supplementary parameters.
The key word =FLAGS= serves to define the form of input and
display of an archive box. Should you wish to allocate several
flags to one archive box, you need only to add them, one after
the other, separated by commas. It is not necessary to repeat the
initial key word each time.
=TYPE=string, x20
=FLAGS=required, leftjust, upcase
There are 10 options open to you:
Requiredthe user must make an entry if the record is
to be saved
LeftJusttexts and numerals are justfied left in the ar-
chive box
RightJusttexts and numerals are justfied right in the
archive box
Centeredtexts and numerals are centred in the archive
LeftAligntexts and numerals are aligned to the left in
the archive box
RightAligntexts and numerals are aligned to the right in
the archive box
ShowOnlythe archive box is only displayed and cannot
be altered by the user
Hiddenthe archive box is not displayed and remains
hidden from the user in the background
The following four flags can only be used for strings
Upcasethe user’s text entry is converted to UPPER
CASE letters, and saved
Lowcasethe user’s text entry is converted to lower
case letters, and saved
IBMANSIthe text is converted from IBM to ANSI char-
ANSIIBMthe text is converted from ANSI to IBM char-
The conversion from one character set to another is of significance where data records have to be exchanged between different operating systems [e.g. DOS
↔ Windows] where the one
[Windows] text is save in ANSI and the other [DOS] in IBM format.
To define the height of an archive box, or the number of lines it
contains, use the syntax “=HEIGHT=“:
=TYPE=string, x200
The user can enter a description of the drawing in this archive
box extending over three lines but not exceeding 200 characters.
Within COPYBASE, the primary key is only of interest in conjunction with the naming of scanned drawings which are to be “prepared” for filing. See also “Settings - Options - Card General Scanner Archive”.
Each descriptive database file [*.DES] must contain at least one
unique primary key. In this context, the term unique means that
all the records in the archive must be clearly unambiguous in at
least one archive box. The simplest example of this would be the
sequential numbering of all records.
In addition, each archive can contain additional search keys
which, however, do not have to be unique.
For the primary key, you need the syntax “=PRIMKEY=“ which
designates an archive box which you have generated with the
key word =NAME=:
=PRIMKEY=drawing number
In this example ARCBASE indicates that the data records are
clearly distinguishable by the number in the “Drawing Number”
The following rule applies for the primary key: The sequence of
the entries after the syntax “=PRIMKEY=“ must move from the
“non-unique” to “unique” → from the sub-assembly, through
components, to the component number!
Example of a database description
The above screen would have to be described with the following
DES file:
=NAME=creation date
=TYPE=string, x15
=PRIMKEY=drawing no.,page no.,revision no.
Filing Drawings
There are two ways in which a drawing can be filed. Either you
load the drawing and file it manually using the corresponding
option, or you file the drawing shortly after scanning it.
Manually filing drawings
Here, you file a drawing “manually” on the pop-up menu:
1. Open the options with “Settings - Options“ and change to the
card “General”.
2. Allocate the file record a name with the extension *.SDF and
type in the directory in which the record is to be stored.
3. Tell KM-SCANTOOL which descriptive database file (*.DES) is
to be used to structure the entry screen and in which directory
this file is located.
4. Load the required drawing.
5. Open the database entry screen with the option “File - to Archive“ or with “CTRL + A“.
6. Enter your data and save it by clicking on “Save”.
If you wish to archive several drawings, repeat steps 4 to 6.
All the drawings will be written to the same SDF file. If you
wish to create a new SDF file, enter a new name under Options.
Filing drawings after scanning
If you wish to file drawings immediately after scanning them, the
following steps are necessary:
1. Before starting scanning, activate the drawings you wish to
file in Options. To do this, open Options with “Settings - Options” and change to the card “General”.
2. Activate the selection “Archive“ in the sector “Scan …”.
3. Allocate the archive file name with the extension *.SDF and
enter the directory in which the file is to be saved.
4. Tell KM-SCANTOOL which descriptive database file (*.DES) is
to be used to structure the entry screen and in which directory
this file is located.
5. Start scanning by placing the drawing in position and clicking
on the scanning toolbar button
6. As soon as the scanning process has been completed and the
drawing appears in the file view, the database entry screen
will automatically be opened so that you can enter your details for filing the drawing you have just scanned.
7. If you scan in further drawings, the database entry screen will
automatically be opened as soon as each individual scan has
been completed.
Before starting work, you should complete all those presets
which remain unchanged until you specifically wish to alter them.
The presets are entered in three windows and relate to a number
of features which include the format Calcomp, adaptation of the
print formats and the general settings for scanning and plotting.
The window for the Calcomp presets can be opened with the
option “Settings - Formats - Calcomp”.
In addition to the attributes of the 16 Calcomp pens, this window
is used for setting additional attributes such as pen size and
color factors.
Creating or changing configuration files
If you wish to create a new Calcomp configuration file (*.ccf),
simply start entering the presets and save them in a file. If you
wish to change an existing file, load it with the toolbar button
If you have clients with very specific settings, you can set up individual files here and save them under unique names. This enables you to carry out special client orders rapidly and at any
“Pen” Card
The pen attributes are set on the card “Pen”:
+ 55 hidden pages
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