1+5 V
12+12 V
The two connectors at the right side of the pr inter a re mo un ted on th e con nect board . These con nectors derive engine signals. For pin assignments, refer to
page6- 5.
7DE OH #91#6## <&0:54
2+24 V
8+5 V
The printer automatically executes its self-diagnostic test when it is p owered up (displaying
When the printer locates the error with a specific item, it calls for operator*s attention by showing the appropriate message on the operator panel display.
The diagnostic test is done on the following systems simultaneously:
Flowcharts on the following pages show the order and the items diagnosed in each system.
For details on how to react to the results of diagnostics, refer to section Service errors on page 6-
Each error message has a priority over the others. Thus, if two or more erro r messages are give n
simultaneously, the error message having the highest priority is shown. The priority is as follows (from the highest to the lowest):
User-recoverable errors do not normally require a service call unless the suggested remed y does
not solve them. The instructions below indicate how to respond to problems indicated by the
operator panel symbolic indicators and by the panel display.
6LGH#FRYHU#2SHQOpen the side cover, then close tightly.
3DSHU#IHHG#XQLW#2SHQOpen the paper feed unit, then close tightly.
)DFH0GRZQ#WUD\#SDSHU#IXOOThe face-down tray has become full (approx. 250 pages).
$GG#SDSHUAdd paper to the paper cassette or multi-purpose tray.
6HW#SDSHU23UHVV#&217,18(Add a sheet of paper to the multi-purpose tray (manual
/RDG#SDSHU#SDSHUVL]HThe paper size does not match. The size of the paper in the
3DSHU#MDPOpen the top cover or the paper feed un it and correct the
:DUQLQJ#ORZ#PHPRU\The printer’s internal memory is running low due to the
FlashingThe printer has run low on toner. The toner should be
replaced as soon as possible.
LitInstall a new toner kit. See chapter 1.
Fast flashingThere is a paper jam. There is a possibility tha t paper may be
jammed at the point i ndicated by flashing, open and remove
any jammed paper.
Slow flashingThe paper has run out in the paper cassette or multi-purpose
tray. Please insert paper.
LitThis indicates either the current paper feeder or the paper
output point.
FlashingThe printer has insufficient memory available or the printer
is warming up (Pleasewait). Conf irm the message indicated
on the message display.
LitNote the maintenance message on the message display and
consult Table
Remove all printed pages from the face-down tray. When
the printer senses that the face-down tray is empty again, it
will continues printing into the face-down tray.
mode), and press the CONTINUE key.
cassette is different to the size specified by the appl ication
software or by PRESCRIBE II. Either put paper of the specified size into the cassette. See Section 1.4.If the CONTINUE key is pressed, printing will be resumed. However, if
more than one sheet is to be printed, the same message will
again be displayed from the second sheet onward. It is also
possible to abandon printing by pressing the CANC EL key.
paper jam (or paper mis-feeding in the cassette). See Section
number of fonts and m acro s down load ed. Pr int a st atus pag e
to see how much us er m emo ry is lef t, an d t ry del eti ng un necessary fonts and macros. See the PRESCRIBE II DELF and
DELM commands explanation in the programming man ual
5HSODFH#7RQHU2&OHDQ#SULQWHU Replace the toner container using a new toner kit. The
5HSODFH:DVWH0#WRQHU#ERWWOHReplace the old waste tone r bottl e with the n ew one whic h is
0LVVLQJ#:DVWH0WRQHU#ERWWOHInstall the waste toner bottle. The printer does not operate
0(025<#&$5'#HUU2,QVHUWDJDLQ The memory card is accidentally removed from the pr inter’s
,QVHUW#WKH#VDPH#0(025<#&$5' You have inserted the wrong memory card when the Inserta-
)RUPDW#HUURU#0(025<#&$5'This message appears when the printer is in the ready state
:DUQLQJ#EDWWHU\#0(025<#&$5' This message appears when the printer is in the ready state
Replace the toner container usi ng a new toner kit. See Section
printer does not op erat e when th is m essage is disp la yed . S e e
Please clean the inside of the printer. See Sect i on ...This
message will be displ a yed when replacing the toner container after the message ReplaceTonerCleanprinter has been
displayed. After cleaning the inside of the printer, press the
CONTINUE key and the printer will be ready for printing.
included in the TK-20/TK-20H toner kit. The message will
also be shown if the waste toner bottle has become full. The
waste toner bottle should be rep laced when the message display eventually shows TonerlowTK-20Cleanprinter.
when this message is displayed.
The total amount of data received by the printer exceeds the
printer’s internal memory. Try adding more memory (expansion RAM). Press the CONTINUE key to resume printing.
You can abandon printing by the CANCEL key.
The data transferred to the printer was too complex to print
on a page. Press the CONTINUE key to resume printin g.
(The page may bre ak in s ome pages .)Yo u can a ban don p rinting by the CANCEL key.Note: After this message has been
displayed, Page protect mode will be On. To maintain optimum use of memory dur ing printing, disp lay >Pageprotect
from the control panel, and re-select Auto.See the printerís
userís manual.
memory card slot during reading. If you continue reading the
memory card, insert the same memory card into the slot
again. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the
data.Note: We recommend that you follow the reading procedure from the beginning to ensure cor rect reading of th e
memory card.
gain message was display ed. Remove the wrong memor y
card from the printer’s memory card slot and insert th e correct memory card. The printer again reads it from the beginning of the data.
and the memory card is not formatted, and therefore cannot
be read or written. Follow th e pro ced ure on Se c tion ... to format the card.
and the battery in the m emory card is l ow. You can sti ll enter
the memory card mode, but the battery should be changed as
soon as possible.
This message appears when an error occurs during access to
the memory card using the PRESCRIBE II ICCD command
or from the printer’ s control panel (codes 09 and 11 only).
The error is indicated by one of the numbers ## listed under
the Memory card errors which follows.
>Read fonts FailedThe amount of memory availabl e for the fonts header parts
I/F occupiedThis message is displayed when you attempt to use the
Processing PAR FIT A4FIT (image FITting) flashes to indicate that a loss of raster
Processing PAR 600 A4ÍProcessing
PAR 300 A4
>Read fonts FailedThe amount of memory availabl e for the fonts header parts
of font is too small to load more fonts. Try de le tin g unn ecessary fonts and macros.
printer’s control panel to change the environmental settings
on the interface from which data are presently being
data occurred when the data was compressed to be fitted
within the currently available memory. Flashing FIT extinguishes automatically when the job times out; the printer
receives the next data from the host computer; or if you press
any key on the printer ’s control panel. Try adding more
memory in the printer to prevent this error.
Change of the resolution indicator from 600 to 300 (flashing) means that the job in 600-dpi resolu tio n wa s not able to
run within the currently available memory. The resolution
reverts to 600 dpi automatical ly whe n the job times out; the
printer receives the next data from the host computer; or if
you press any key on the printer’s control panel. Try adding
more memory in the printer to prevent this error.
of font is too small to load more fonts. Try de le tin g unn ecessary fonts and macros.
01SRAMCard size error (An attempt was made to write data of greater than 16 MB
02SRAMNo memory card inserted. Insert a proper memory card.
03SRAM/flashNon PCMCIA card. Replace the card with a PCMCIA card.
04SRAMNot RAM card. Use a SRAM-type card if you want to write data to an
05SRAMMemory card battery error. Replace the memory card’s internal battery
06SRAMMemory card protect error. Release the write protection on the memory
07SRAMNon-Kyocera format. Reformat the memory card using MODE SELECT
08SRAMPartition name error. Follow instructions given attempt in Chapter 2 to
09SRAMMemory card data full error (An attempt was made to write data exceed-
in size.). Reduce the size of the data to be wr itten fro m th e host co mpu te r
to 16 MB or less; or, a file name could not be found in the memory card.
memory card.
with a new one.
card when you write data to the memory card.
(See the printer’s User’s Manual).
properly name the destin ati on .
ing the capacity of the memory card). Abandon the writing operation on
the host computer first. Press CONTINUE key; when the message turns to
Waiting, press FORM FEED key (Ready).
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