8. Preventative Maintenance
8. Preventative Maintenance
8.1 General
Regularly scheduled cleaning is not necessary for this printer. However, if the printer experiences frequent
media jams, clean the pickup rollers.
8.2 Recomme nded Tools
The following tools are recommended.
1. Toner Vacuum Cleaner 5. Cotton swabs
2. Suction Bulb (air blower) 6. Imaging unit cover
3. Cleaning water 7. Isopropyl alcohol (grea t er than 90% pure)
4. Lint-free wipes
8.3 Recommended Cleaning
When performing maintenance, clean the inside of the printer according to the following.
1. Turn off the printer.
2. Remove the i maging unit.
Whenever the imaging unit is removed, always keep it covered to prevent damage from light
Do not touch the OPC belt or accumulator belt.
3. Remove the toner developers, the fuser and the media cassette.
4. Slide out the paper feeder.
5. Clean the accumulator belt home position sensor with a dry cotton swab.
6. Clean all printer rollers, except the second bias transfer roller , with alcohol-dampen ed wipes only. Never
apply alcohol on the second bias transfer roller.
7. Clean the laser window with puffs of air from the suction bulb.
Alternately, the window can be vacuumed clean.
8. Wipe off the pre-exposure lamp cover and the pre-transfer lamp cover with a lint-free wipe.
9. Vacuum the interior of the printer.
10.Carefully clean the area surrounding the second bias transfer for impacted toner.
a. Remove the second bias transfer roller.
b. Tap on the cleaning roller cover to knock the toner loose from that area.
c. Vacuum the toner.

FS-5900C Service Manual
8.4 Maintenance Tables
8.4.1 User Maintenance
The following tabl e lists th e user repl aceable components. It also shows the symptoms that may res ult when
the appropriate component needs to be replaced.
Toner Developers
Color Imaging Un it
Front Panel Message Average L i fe* Symptom
Toner low (Colour)
(Change the color toner
developer soon.)
Replace Toner
(Change the color toner
developer now.)
Toner low TD-80K
(Change the black toner
developer soon.
Replace Toner TD-80K
(Change the black toner
developer now.)
Warning IU-81 Imaging
(Change the Imaging unit
Replace IU-81 Imaging
(Change the Imaging unit
10 K pages (CMY)* Uneven, streaky or
12 K pages (Black)* Uneven, streaky or
Monochrome 57 K pages
Color 14.25 K pages
Monochrome 60 K pages
Color 15 K pages
mottled color Faded or
missing color in a sing le
color. One or more
straight and even, vertical, light or dark
streaks in one color.
mottled color Faded or
missing color in a sing le
color. One or more
straight and even, vertical, light or dark
streaks in one color.
Dark vertical streaks
on the print Dark color
spots and streaks in all
A wide, light, horizontal
band in one plac e on the
page All colors are
faded; fine line detail
Fuser Unit**
Oil Supply Roll
Transfer Unit
Charg Corona Unit
Cleaning Pad
Warning FK-81 Fuser
Warning OS-81 Oil Supply roll
(These messages are displayed alternately. Change
the Fuser unit soon.)
Replace FK-81 Fuser
(Change the Fuser unit
Warning OS-81 Oil Supply roll
(Change the Oil supply roll
Replace OS-81 Oil Supply roll
(Change the Oil supply now.)
Warning TR-81 Transfer
(Change the Transfer unit
Warning MC-81
Main Charger
Warning CP-81
Fuser cleaning pad
57 K pages — Yes
60 K pages
14.5 K pages — —
15 K pages
80 K pages —
Monochrome 30 K pages
Colour 7.5 K pages
15 K pages •Ve rtical streaks on the
Dirk verfical streaks —
back side of paper
•Jam at “C” due to the
locked pressur e ro lle r