Mita-Kyocera FS5900C Electrical Circuit Description

6. Electrical Circuit Description

6.3 Basic engine functions

This section presents a general functional overview of the engine system of the printer. It was intended to provide a comprehensive knowledge on basic functions that the engine system performs during printing. The following printer functions are covered:
• Engine controller system
• Main logic controller system
• Power supply system

6.4 Engine controller system

The engine controller provides control over all print engine activities. It drives laser depending on the video data transmitted from the main controller, provides control over the devices for paper transportation, such as motors, clutches, solenoids, the heater lamp, the eraser, etc., and collects information given by the sen­sors.
The engine controller is also responsible for the following systems, explained step by step through the fol­lowing pages:
6.4.1 Configuration memory
The engine controller us es a fl ash me mory to st ore the user-selected parame te rs f or confi gurin g th e pri nt er. The flash memory is driven by +5 V power and designed to stand rewriting operations of at least 100,000 times at an identical address.
6.4.2 High-voltage generator
The engine controller produces clocks (HVCLK1 and HVCLK2) and apply programmed divisor to generate high-voltage outputs for main charging. The clock oscillation can be toggled on and off by the engine control­ler CPU.
The engine controller generates analog outputs that control the high voltage potential generated by the high voltage unit. The high voltages unit uses the combination of this analog output and an on/off control signal to control its generation of the high voltage o utput.
6.4.3 Laser scanner control
In order to activate the laser scanner, the engine controller does the following tasks:
• Generation of laser timing
• Polygon motor activation (start-up and stabilized states)
• Monitoring laser beam paths
6.4.4 Polygon motor control
The output frequency signal to the polygon motor is generated by the engine gate array as it divi des the engine system clock (18.0762 5 MHz).
The revolution of the polygon motor (N) = 10*f, where f is the clock frequency (2519.7 Hz) = 25,197 rpm. As the laser beam reaches the beam detector sensor, the sensor board generates the horizontal synchro sig-
nal (NBDLD*). This signal makes the engine gate array consequently turn the video output signal (N VIDEO*) and the APC signal (NADJUST*) low which respectively activate the laser light and the APC con­troller.
The engine CPU attempts to detect the horizontal synchronization signal so that the laser diode is normally triggered. If the horizontal synchronization output is not found after the laser driving current control (N ENABLE*) is set low, the engine CPU reco gni zes it as th e fail ure on the laser driver b oar d and gi ves the E 3 error.

6.5 Safety interlock

For safety purpose, and in order for the product to conform to the safety standards required by the U.S. FDA and several European regulations (IEC 825), the printer is facilitated with safety interlock. Safety
FS-5900C Service Manual
interlock is provided by microswitches that work in conjunction with the right side cover, left side cover, and front covers.
If either of these covers is open, the 24V DC input is cut off except at the following areas, ceasing the laser emission in LSU:
•PSU fan
• Fuser/toner developers fan
• IC29 (Vcc), IC30 reference voltage controller Those circuits including the fan motor drivers, high voltage controller, and the fuser controller are deacti-
vated. The laser emission is also deactivated while the imaging unit is removed from the printer for maintenance,
etc., because the 5V DC input for the la ser driver board i s cut off. If the either of the covers mentioned above is opened during the imaging unit is remov ed from the printe r, the enable signal from the laser diode driver is automatically disabled by means of software.
6.5.1 The engine gate array
The engine gate array is a supplementary device to the engine CPU. It is a 208-pin CMOS-type QFP type that has the internal blocks of function ality as shown below.
6. Electrical Circuit Description
Gate Array (IC3 )
IC3 serves in the major functions of the printer engine. Pins and their definitions for this gate array is dia­grammed as follows.
Gate Arra
Address (Low) A7-0 VCLK16 Video Clock
CPU Interface
Toner Empty Sensor
Power Supply Unit
Toner Developer Drive
Motor (Sleeve Motor)
Toner Developer
Toner Developer Selector/
Paper Eject Unit
Feed Unit
Dta/Address (Low) D7-0 VD3-0 Video Data
Address (High) A16-8 HSZ
Write WR
Address Strobe ASTB UPSZ2-0 Cassette Detection Sensor
Vertical Interrupt INTVS UPEMP Cassette Empty
Horizontal Interrupt INTHS
SRAM Chip Selec t CSWSRAM CLBPS Cleaning Blade Posittion
Program ROM Chip Select CSPROM
Left Side Door Open DOPNPF MMCLK Extemal Clock
Front Cover Open DOPNFR MMP/S Motor Start/Stop
Toner Empty Detection Signal B(C,M,Y)TECLK
Toner Empty Sensor Control B(C,M,Y)TECTL CHGNOT No Charger
System Clock VCLK64
Reset RS T HVLD Data Load
Fuser Lamp Control FSRCTL HVDATA Data
Motor Start/Stop SLMP/S STRCTL Second Transfer Voltafe Control
Extemal Clock SLMCLK FTRCTL First Transfer Control
Main Motor Speed
Detection Signal
Drive Unit
Fuser Fan
Fuser Unit
Paper Feed Motor
M.P.T Pickup Roller Movement Sensor MPPKUP
Sleeve Clutch Control B(C,M,Y)SLVCTL HPS Transfer Roll Postition
Fuser Fan Error CFMDERR
Fuser fan Control CFMDCTL OPS OPC Postion
Thermistor Open THOPNCK ERSCTL Eraser LED Control
Temperature High THHIGHCK
No Fuser FSRNOT OZMCTL Ozon Fan Control
Motor Start/Stop FMP/S
Extemal Clock FMCLK VIDEO Video Data
Main Motor Speed
Detection Signal
Toner Developer Sensor Signal B(C,M,Y)CMPS PSEL Laser Power Select
Cam Motor Drive Signal B(C,M, Y)CMCTL BDLD B ea m Detect
Paper Ejection/Exit Sensor EXITSEN 1, 2
Output Paper Tray Sensor EXITFULL SCNCTL Control Signa l
Switchback Solenoid Drive Signal FUDCTL SCNCLK Extemal Clock Signal
Duplex Solenoid Power Coltrol DPXSOL 1
Solenoid Power SOLPWR SCNLK Lock Detection Signal
Paper Detection Signal MPPSEN CFMPERR PSU Fan Error
M.P.T Paper Feed Motor MPNA PTLCTL Pre-transfer LED Control
Drive Signals MPB
Transfer Roller Control TRUDCTL OPSCLK Serial Clock Signal
Registration Roller Control RE GCTL OPSLD Data Load Signal
Pickup Control UPUCTL OPMCTL Option Paper Feeder Motor Control
No Paper Feeder Unit PFUNOT PFMSET 1 Option Feeder Motor Speed Control
Transfer Roller Cam Sensor TRRPS 01PCTL Upper Option Cassette Pick Up Con-
Paper Empty Sensor UPNOT 02PCTL Lower Option Cassette Pick Up Con-
Registration Sensor REGSEN
Duplex Top Sensor TOPSEN Duplex JAM Sensor DJAMSEN Duplex Fan Control DPXFAN
Duplex On Control DPXUON Duplex Off Control DPXUOFF
Duplex Fan Error DPXFNS
SLMLD STRSEL Second Transfer Contro l Select
FMLD ENABLE Laser Enable
MPNB OPSRDD 0, 1 Serial Data Signal
CLBCTL Cleaning Blade Control
MMLD Main Motor Speed Detection Signal
HVERR High Voltage Error
HVCLK Cl ock
DEVCTL Development Bias Control
CHGCTL Scorotron Charger Control
CIKNOT Color Imaging Uni t Detection Signal
OZMERR Ozon Fan Error
ADJUST Laser Power Adjust
Print Control
Video Interface
Voltage Control
Ozon Fan
Cleaning Blade
Laser Scanning Unit
Polygon Motor
Main Motor
High Voltage Unit
Accumulator B el t home Detecting Signal
Option Paper Feeder
FS-5900C Service Manual
Pin assignment
Pin assignment for the engine gate array is table on the followi ng pages. The device in Remarks column means those which the signal is forwarded to.
Note that only the pins with meaningful assignment ar e shown below and those for the power line and ground are excluded.
Engin Gate Array Pin Asignment
Pin No Name I/O Description Termination
1GND 2GND 3 NVCLK16 O Video Clock 4 OPIN0 I GND 5OPOUT16 O Open 6 OPIN1 I GND 7NVD0 I Video Data 0 8 OPIN2 I GND
9NVD1 I Video Data 1 10 OPIN3 I GND 11 NVD2 I Video Data 2 12 OPIN4 I GND 13 NVD3 I Video Data 3 14 UPSZ0 I Default Cassette Size Detection 15 UPSZ1 I Default Cassette Size Detection 16 UPSZ2 I Default Cassette Size Detection 17 UPEMP I GND 18 ITCM O Open 19 CLBPS I Int. Transfer Cleaning 20 NMMLD I Main Motor Lock Detection 21 MMPS O Main Motor Start Pulse 22 MMCLK O Main Motor Clock Output 23 CHGNOT I Charger Installation Detection 24 HVERR I HV error status 25 NHPS I Int. Transfer Home Position Detection 26 GND 27 Vdd 28 OPS I OPC Home Position Detect 29 SLSTPB I Pull-up 30 ERSCTL O Discharger Control 31 HVLD O D/A Data Load (High Voltage Unit) 32 NHVCLK O D/A Shift Clock (High Volta ge Unit) 33 HVDATA O D/A Serial Data Output (High Voltage Unit)
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6. Electrical Circuit Description
Pin No Name I/O Description Termination
34 PSPSEL O Open 35 FTRSEL O Open 36 DEVCTL O Dev. Bias Control 37 STRCTL O Second Transfer Bias 38 FTRCTL O First Transfer Bias 39 STRSEL O Second Transfer Bias Select 40 CHGCTL O Charger Output Control 41 OPOUT1 O Open 42 NCIKNOT I CIK Installation Detect 43 OZMERR I Ozone Fan Error 44 OZMCTL O Ozone Fan Control 45 OPOUT2 O Open 46 OPOUT3 O Open 47 OPOUT0 O Open 48 OPIN5 I Duplex Top Sensor 49 OPIN6 I Duplex Jam Detect 50 NVIDEO O NVIDEO 51 GND 52 GND 53 Vdd 54 NC 55 ENABLE O Laser-on Enable 56 ADJUST O Laser APC 57 NPSEL O Laser Output Select 58 OPOUT4 O Sensor Power Control 59 OPOUT5 O PSU Fan Control 60 OPOUT6 O Not Used 61 OPOUT7 O Duplex Fan Control 62 OPOUT8 O Duplex ON Control 63 OPOUT9 O Duplex OFF Control 64 OPOUT10 O Open 65 OPOUT11 O Duplex Solenoid Contr ol 66 DIPSE0 I GND 67 DIPSE1 I GND 68 OPPUT12 O Open 69 OPOUT13 O Open 70 OPOUT14 O Open 71 CFMPERR I PSU Fan Error 72 NMANUSEN I GND 73 CTECLK I Cyan Toner Gauge (Reception)
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FS-5900C Service Manual
Pin No Name I/O Description Termination
74 BTECLK I Black Toner Gauge (Reception) 75 YTECLK I Yellow Toner Gauge (Reception) 76 MTECLK I Magenta Toner Gauge (Reception) 77 OPOUT15 O Not Used 78 Vdd 79 GND 80 VCLK64 I Base Oscillation Clock Input 81 OPIN7 I Duplex Fan Error 82 NCTECTL O Cyan Toner Gauge (Emitter) 83 NMTECTL O Magenta Toner Gauge (Emitter) 84 NYTECTL O Yellow Toner Gauge (Emitter) 85 NBTECTL O Black Toner Gauge (Emitter) 86 LCDE O Not Used 87 NLEDSET O Not Used 88 LCDRS O Not Used 89 NKEYRD Not Used 90 24VCTL O Not Used 91 DOPNFR I Front Door Status Detection 92 DOPNPF I Left Door Status Detection 93 NCSPROM O Program ROM Chip Select 94 OPIN8 I CIK Charger Detection 95 NFSRCTL O Fuser Control 96 OPIN9 I GND 97 NBOLD I HSYNC Detection 98 OPIN10 I GND 99 NSCNLK I Scanner Motor Lock Detection
100 SCNCTL O Scanner Motor Control 101 OPIN11 I GND 102 SCNCLK O Sca nner Motor Clock Output 103 NC 104 Vdd 105 GND 106 GND 107 A0 O Address 0 108 D0 1 O Data 0 109 SLMP/S O Sleeve Motor Control 110 NSLMLD I O Sleeve Motor Lock Detection 111 SLMCLK I O Sleeve Motor Clock Output 112 CSLVCTL I O Cyan Clutch Control 113 YSLVCTL I O Y ellow Clutch Control
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