Appendix A
Parallel interface A-3
Port pin assignment A-3
Parallel interface connection A-4
Serial interface A-5
Changing the serial interface configuration A-5
Changing the jumper connector setting A-6
Serial port pin assignment A-8
Parallel interface connection A-9
RS-232C interface voltage levels A-9
Connector configurations A-10
RS-232C protocol A-11

Parallel interface
The printer uses a bi-directional parallel interface for high-speed data transmission for the host
computer. This interface includes the buffers which are compatible with the IEEE 1284 standards.
The parallel interface provides support for the ECP and nibble modes in this standards.
Printer interface
Parallel interface
Port pin assignment
The pins of the parallel interface connector carry the signals listed below.
No. Terminal Signal No. Terminal Signal
1 nStrobe (STBIN1/2*) 19 Ground GND
2 Data1 (PAD0) 20 Ground GND
3 Data2 (PAD1) 21 Ground GND
4 Data3 (PAD2) 22 Ground GND
5 Data4 (PAD3) 23 Ground GND
6 Data5 (PAD4) 24 Ground GND
7 Data6 (PAD5) 25 Ground GND
8 Data7 (PAD6) 26 Ground GND
9 Data8 (PAD7) 27 Ground GND
10 nAck (ACKOUT) 28 Ground GND
11 Busy (BUSYOUT) 29 Ground GND
12 PError (PERROR) 30 Ground GND
13 Select (SELECT) 31 nInit (INIT*)
14 nAutoFd (AUTOFD*) 32 nFault (FAULT*)
15 Not defined NC 33 Not defined Pull-up (1kΩ)
16 Logic ground GND 34 Not defined NC
17 Chssis ground (GND) 35 Not d efined Pu ll-up (1kΩ)
18 Peri-logic H (VCC) 36 nSelect In (SELECTI*)
*: Negative logic
**: Maximum rated current for pin 18 is 0.25A (fused).
***: Pin 17 is grounded through a chip bead or a chip resistor
FS-1750/FS-3750 Series

Parallel interface connection
Detailed descriptions of the parallel interface signals follow.
Signal Meaning
Printer interface
Parallel interface
Strobe* [nStrobe] (Pin 1)
Data 0 [1] to Data 7 [8] (Pins 2 to 9)
Acknowledge* [nAck] (Pin 10)
Busy [Busy] (Pin 11)
Paper Empty [PError] (Pin 12)
On-Line [Select] (Pin 13)
Auto-Feed [nAutoFd] (Pin 14)
+5V DC (pin 18)
Prime [nInit] (Pin 31)
Error* [nFault] (Pin 32) When the high-speed parallel line control is on (FRPO O2=2), this
Auxiliary output 1 (Pin 33) This signal line is not used.
Power Ready (Pin 35) This signal is high when the printer's power is on.
Select In [NSelectIn] (Pin 36) This signal is used in some versions of the Centronics interface to
A negative-going Strobe* pulse causes the printer to read and latch
the data on the Data 0 [1] to Data 7 [8] signal lines.
These eight signals form the data byte sent from the host computer to
the printer. Data 7 [8] is the most significant bit.
This negative-going pulse acknowledges the previous character
received by the printer. Acknowledge* pulses are sent only when
Busy is low.
This signal is high when the printer is busy and low when it is able to
accept more data. Every high-to-low transition is followed by an
Acknowledge* pulse.
This signal goes high when the printer runs out of paper.
This signal is high when the printer is on-line and low when the
printer is off-line. It goes low when the upper unit is raised, or when
the ON LINE key is pressed to set the printer off-line.
- The Paper Empty and On-Line signals are not used unless
enabled by the FRPO command (O2 parameter).
This signal is used in the Epson version of the Centronics interface to
receive a carriage return. In high-speed mode, it is used as an
This line is connected to the printer's +5V DC line (+5V±0.5V, 250
mA maximum, fused).
This signal is used in the standard Centronics interface to enable the
computer to reset the printer. It is ignored by the printer.
line returns error status.
enable the computer to force the printer on-line. In high-speed mode,
it is used as an interrupt.
FS-1750/FS-3750 Series