Mirion Technologies SPIR-Quanta User Manual

Health Physics Division
Liquid or Solid Sample Contamination Measurement
SPIR-Quanta is a system based on the SPIR-Ident
product line technology, which provides reliable and
sensitive identication, and quantication of gamma
Low detection limits are achieved through Marinelli
geometry, large 3’’x3’’ NaI scintillator and lead shielding.
Measurement protocols are predened or user
customized. Predened protocols include nuclear
accident contamination with Cs137, Cs134, I131
concentration measurement.
Very high sensitivity due to large detector size, Marinelli
beaker geometry and algorithm capability
Lead enclosure for 1 and 2 liters Marinelli beakers
Very robust processing against false positive
Simple procedure
Preset and user denable protocols
Auto energy calibration
Customized protocols are possible over a wide library
covering applications for nuclear installations, dismant-
ling/decommisioning and medical radionuclides release
The PC software allows easy and step by step measu-
rement process. The measurement sheet lists identied
radionuclides, related quantication in activity unit.
Transportable size and weight make it convenient to
use on the eld. Only a laptop with an Ethernet port is
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
SPIR-Quanta uses a 3”x3” NaI(Tl) detector, coupled to a spectrometric base to generate spectra from the samples contained in a Marinelli beaker placed inside of a 30mm thick lead shielded enclosure.
The spectrometer is controlled via Ethernet by the SPIR-Quanta software that runs on a standard PC.
SPIR-Quanta accomodates standard Marinelli beakers:
1l beaker: 133N-E + L-5 cover
2l beaker: 233N-E + L-6 cover
The SIA/Identpro algorithm provides a multiple ROIs analysis plus an iterative process that progressively eliminates low condence level candidates. The quantication is then based on the net area estimation of the main peak of the intended isotopes. The two steps process avoids false positive by rst checking the presence of the intended isotope and so makes the device very robust in particular to variation of the natural isotopes concentration within the sampled material. Issues like interferences between Radium daughter and Cesium are solved.
The operation is interactive and guided by the user interface. User-dened pop-ups are generated at each step to instruct the user. Basically, the operation is simple, no writing nor calculation is needed. Preset protocols are provided and may be user customized. The successive steps are: energy auto-calibration, background acquisition and samples acquisition.
Performances has been widely evaluated using actual and MCNP generated spectra for various intended isotopes and various material.
Typical limits of detection in water of Cs137, Cs134, Co60 for a 10 minutes measurement are below 10Bq/l. Limits of detection depend on sample material, on sample natural radio-nuclides content and on ambient background.
of Cs134
and Cs137
sample and background
spectra close
to the limit of
Detector : 3”x3” NaI(Tl) Resolution: 7.5% typical (Cs-137) Spectrometer: digital MCA, high throughput, 1024 channels, 25 keV to 3 MeV, Ethernet link Energy stabilization: within 1% Range of measurement: 3 to 1000000 Bq/l or Bq/kg Temperature range: 0°C to 45°C External dimensions (base included): 43 cm x 28 cm x 56 cm (w x d x h) weight: <75 kg
SIA Identification and related quantification
Detection Quantication
Medical 18F, 51Cr, 67Ga, 99Mo, 103Pd, 111In,
NORM 40K, 226Ra + daughters, 232Th +
Industrial 22Na, 57Co, 54Mn, 60Co, 75Se,
SNM 233U, 235U, 238U, 239Pu, 241Pu,
Nuclear Accident
Other H(n-g), Bremsstrahlung Pb X rays,
123I, 125I, 131I, 133Xe, 153Sm, 201Tl
133Ba, 137Cs, 152Eu, 154Eu, 166Ho, 192Ir, 207Bi, 228Th (232U), 241Am
131I, 132I, 133I, 133Xe, 134Cs, 137Cs 131I, 134Cs, 137Cs
511keV, Unknown
18F, 51Cr, 67Ga, 111In, 123I, 131I, 153Sm, 201Tl
40K, 226Ra + daughters, 232Th + daughters
22Na, 54Mn, 57Co, 60Co,133Ba, 137Cs, 241Am
Step by step guidance
Step by step results
Health Physics Division
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc 5000 Highlands Parkway Suite 150 Smyrna Georgia 30082
T +1.770.432.2744 F +1.770.432.9179
Since norms, specications and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for conrmation of the information given in this publication.
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA Lieu-Dit Calès, Route d’Eyguières F-13113 Lamanon
T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59 F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) Oy
P.O. Box 506 FIN-20101 Turku
T +358 2 468 4600 F +358 2 468 4601
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 49 DE-22761 Hamburg
T +49 (0) 40 851 93-0 F +49 (0)40 851 93 256
Mirion Technologies Shanghai Branch
Room 801, 78 Jiangchang San Lu, Zhabei District Shanghai 200436
T +86 21 6180 6920 F +86 21 6180 6924