Mirion Technologies SPARTA User Manual

Special Monitors
Spectroscopic Particulate Activity Monitor
ronmental monitoring of the aerosols. It is a detection
and identi cation monitoring station for alpha, beta
and gamma radioisotopes.
The ambient air is sampled from the environment
using a vacuum pump and particulates are trapped
on the  lter paper. Detectors are facing the  lter. The
signal resulting is then processed by the software to a
volume activity and to perform gamma spectrometry.
A double silicon detector performs the gamma com-
pensation and a radial  n grid limits the scattering
of the alpha particles (static compensation) which
facilitates the compensation of the radon and thoron
solid progenies by the processing algorithms (dyna-
mic compensation).
Static and dynamic compensation of the radon and
thoron solid progenies
Alpha and beta particulate measurement
Gamma spectrometry (up to 10 regions of interest)
Outside use (Hardwired, Ethernet, or Wireless data
Temperature regulator (heat, fan and heat tracing)
• Environmental monitoring
• ABPM 201L: alpha beta particulate monitor
• LPDU: local processing and display unit
• SPIR-Ident: spectroscopic portal monitor
• MASS2: maintenance and set-up software
• SAMS: spectrum acquisition and manipulation
radiation monitoring systems
A Mirion Technologies Division
Special Monitors
Radiation detected: alpha, beta and gamma
Detector: dual large area silicon and LaBr3 scintillator
Typical energy windows: Alpha: 2 MeV to 10 MeV Beta: 80 keV to 2.5 MeV Gamma: 30 keV to 3 MeV
Typical measurement range: Alpha: 10
(2.7 10
Beta: 1 to 3.7 10
(2.7 10
to 3.7 10+6 Bq/m
to 10-4 μCi/cc)
to 10-4 μCi/cc)
Long term temperature: -10°C to +40°C
(+14°F to +104°F)
Humidity: suitable for outside use
Wind: <24 km/h
SPARTAWizard: launch of the overall software system
SPARTALive: exchanges and display management
SPIRServer: MCA server
SPIRExpert: gamma spectro setup and display
SPIRGuard: watchdog
SPARTAReplay: display of recorded data
MGPNetMP: LPDU server
MASS2: LPDU setup
SAMS: alpha and beta spectro display
Standard  ow rate: 37.5 l/min
Dimensions (without stack): 1300 mm x 1250 mm x
800 mm (51.2 in x 49.2 in x 31.5 in)
Dimensions (with stack): 2850 mm x 1250 mm x
800 mm (112.2 in x 49.2 in x 31.5 in)
Panel PC
Ethernet connection
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
Route d’Eyguières FR-13113 Lamanon France
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc
5000 Highlands Parkway Suite 150 Smyrna, GA 30082 USA
T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59 F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Since norms, speci cations and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for con rmation of the information given in this publication.
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T +1 770 432 2744 F +1 770 432 9179
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