Mirion Technologies RTM661-440 User Manual

RADOS RTM661/440
Clearance Monitor
CheckPoint:Waste™ family
RADOS RTM661/440
Clearance Monitor Premium Class
The RADOS RTM661/440, a member of the Premium
class of the RADOS CheckPoint:Waste™ family
of monitors, is designed for the reliable release
measurement of various objects such as tools, waste
bags or brief cases.
Its fast, integral gamma measurement is based on the
use of gamma plastic scintillation detectors in line with
modern PC based counting electronics.
• Proven measurement methodology
• Various available options enhance the operation
• A number of operating modes
• Real time multitasking operating system QNX
• Designed for performance in nuclear environments
The system is based on an industrial personal
computer. Extremely robust, real time and multi-
tasking Unix-based operating system, designed
for highest performance in process control with an
intuitive graphical user interface for greatest ease of
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
Health Physics Division
RADOS RTM661/440
Clearance Monitor
CheckPoint:Waste™ family
Overview of Features
Proven measurement methodology in accordance with the rules for free release of material
• total gamma activity measurement using large-volume plastic scintillation detectors in a
4π measurement geometry
• taking into account all relevant nuclides, even if only one is measurable - ngerprint technique
(nuclide vector)
• integrated weight cells
• activity statements can be related to surface and weight
• background reduction due to measured material self-shielding taken into account
• automatic adaptation of measurement time in accordance to DIN 25482 part 1
Easy operation and clear display of measurement values
• graphic display of activity distribution, including the display of activity position as deviation
from average value in %
• calibrations linked to measurement material (shielding effect, geometry effect, background
reduction, weight, clearance levels) - unlimited number of selectable materials
• display of measurement value in Bq, Bq/g, Bq/cm² (nuclide related with optional nuclide
ngerprint module), weight, material and type
• printer record (optional: label printer)
• large objects can be measured with open door
Real time multitasking operating system QNX
• software with graphical user interface, calibration tool, various optional service applications
(detector test etc.)
Designed for performance in nuclear environments; painted mild steel housing, easily decontaminated.
Customer Benefits
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc
5000 Highlands Parkway
Suite 150
Smyrna Georgia 30082
T +1.770.432.2744
F +1.770.432.9179
Easy handling and maintenance of monitor for quick and routine proof that
• items to be removed from controlled area temporarily or permanently are “clean” of radioactivity
• waste activity is below clearance level
PC based data management
• quick and stable operation through use of industry standard operating system
• ability to network
• various interfaces and optional software add-ons
• TCP/IP ability
A number of operating modes and options allow tailoring of instrument behavior to specic user experience.
RADOS RTM661/440 monitors have been proven over many generations of RADOS free release monitors.
The RTM661/440 monitor of the CheckPoint:Waste™ family is the ideal monitor
• to supplement whole body contamination monitors at the exit points from controlled areas
in nuclear facilities
• to support small scale, free release of waste materials.
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
Lieu-Dit Calès
Route d‘Eyguières
F-13113 Lamanon
T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59
F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Mirion Technologies
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T +358 2 4684 600
F +358 2 4684 601
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T +49 40 85193 0
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Mirion Technologies Shanghai Branch
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Shanghai 200436
T +86 21 6180 6920
F +86 21 6180 6924
Since norms, specications and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for conrmation of the information given in this publication. © Copyright 2008, All rights reserved. For trademark and registered trademark information. The copyright in this work is the exclusive property of Mirion Technologies (RADOS) GmbH and is protected under the laws of Germany and other countries worldwide.