Mirion Technologies IRD-2000 User Manual

IRD 2000
Active Dosimetry - Calibrator
IRD 2000
Irradiator for Dosimeter Source Checking
This irradiator has been developed to be used by
The IRD 2000 is used for periodic control in NPPs,
Defense departments...with a capability of up to 90
dosimeters (one irradiator) to 150 units (double irra-
diators) per hour. This tool is a standard production
The IRD 2000 has the  exibility to also use a Sr 90
source to check the beta response in the DMC
2000XB in addition to the standard gamma response
Simultaneous checking of 3 or 6 dosimeters,
90 to 150 checks per hour.
Dosimeter source check or recalibration
Automatic operation:
- User operation limited to dosimeter insertion and removal
- Automated measurement acquisition
- Automated ef ciency calculation and load
Database with full traceability
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Cs shielded source, very low external radiation
Single or double irradiators on same PC
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
IRD 2000
Active Dosimetry - Calibrator
Checks response with/without recalibration
Results saved in the database with links to check ses- sions and irradiator calibration Date loading and discriminant display on dosimeter according to result
Checks per dosimeter, per session Calibrations Result printout Irradiator calibration assisted by Transfer-Standard dosimeter with automatic traceable acquisitions and calculation Radioactive source decay taken into account Selective access authorization with password and operator traceability
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Cs - 0.37 GBq source Delivered dose rate: 3 mSv/h approx. Total check length: 2 mins (dose 50 μSv) Total uncertainty (K=2) 6% (dose 100 μSv) Total uncertainty (K=2) 7% (dose 50 μSv) Capacity: 3 slots for DMC2000 per irradiator module
Max. check capability:
90 dosimeters/hour (1 irradiator module) 150 dosimeters/hour (2 irradiator modules)
5 cm (1.96 in) lead protection :
External dose rate: < 2.5 μSv/h at 0.3 m (11.81 in) Lockable shutter Dimensions (irradiator module): 350 x 443 x 529 mm (13.77 x 17.44 x 20.82 in) Weight: < 80 kg (176 lb)
One or two irradiators module
One control module comprising an LDM2000 reader and a speci c extension DOSICAL software (including database run-time) 1 set of cables Requires 1 standard PC with Windows 2000, XP or VISTA plus 1 printer
Irradiator calibration results
Detail of irradiator dose rate reference setting using 3 Transfer-Standard dosimeters:
3 measurements are displayed per dosimeter for each reference position. The software checks the coherence of the reference dosimeter results and suggests a reference rate per position which is then accepted or rejected by the operator. The reference rate history and calibration details are saved.
Information common to dosimeter batch Reference dose rates reminder
Operator dialog box
Check results: the three dosimeters are within tolerances (here, 15 %)
Health Physics Division
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc
5000 Highlands Parkway Suite 150 Smyrna Georgia 30082 USA T +1.770.432.2744 F +1.770.432.9179
Since norms, specifi cations and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for confi rmation of the information given in this publication.
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
BP 1 F-13113 Lamanon France
T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59 F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) Oy
P.O. Box 506 FIN-20101 Turku Finland
T +358 2 468 4600 F +358 2 468 4601
Mirion Technolgies (RADOS) GmbH
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T +49 (0) 40 851 93-0 F +49 (0)40 851 93 256