Mirion Technologies Emergency Kit User Manual

health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division
Emergency Kit for radiation protection applications
Portable Survey Meters
 rst responder kit for radiation protection applica-• tions radioactivity survey, monitoring and alarming• contamination survey, monitoring and • alarming personal dose recording and online alarming• easy to use instruments with pre-• programmed alarm functions all packed in a compact and rugged carrying case• compatible with: RDS-30, RDS-80, RAD-60, DMC • 2000S, X and XB, SOR/R and SOR/T
for radiation protection applications
The Emergency Kit provides the necessary instruments for personal dose monitoring and for the survey of radioactivity in the environment.
The Kit contains a radiation survey meter, a surface contamination monitor and con guration software for both meters as standard, all packed in a rugged transport case. The instruments are preprogrammed with an alarm threshold for high radiation situations. This allows the fast introduction of the easy to use instruments in the case of an emergency. The instruments automatically give a high volume audible alarm if the alarm threshold is exceeded .
Optionally the kit can be complemented with up to  ve electronic dosimeters.
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc 5000 Highlands Parkway Suite 150 Smyrna Georgia 30082 USA T +1.770.432.2744 F +1.770.432.9179
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
BP 1 F-13113 Lamanon France T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59 F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) Oy
P.O. Box 506 FIN-20101 Turku Finland T +358 2 4684 600 F +358 2 4684 601
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 49 D-22761 Hamburg Germany T +49 40 85193 0 F +49 40 85193 256
Emergency Kit for radiation protection applications
Portable Survey Meters
RDS-30 Radiation Survey Meter Radiation detected: gamma and X-ray from 48 keV to 1.3 MeV
Dose rate measurement range: from 0.01 µSv/h to 100 mSv/h or from 1 µrem/h to 10 rem/h• Dose measurement range: from 0.01 µSv to 1 Sv or from 1 µrem to 100 rem• Dose rate linearity: ± 10 % ±1 digit within the range of 0.1 µSv/h to 100 mSv/h or • 10 µrem/h to 10 rem/h Energy response: ± 30 % over the range of 48 keV - 1.3 MeV• Angular response: ± 25 % within ± 45 % from the calibration direction at 48 keV
RDS-80 Surface Contamination Meter
Radiation detected: alpha >2 MeV, beta
>100 keV, gamma and x-rays from 5 keV to 1.3 MeV
Measurement range: surface contamination 1 to 100 000 cps or 0.01 to 100 000 Bq cm
Alarm levels: freely adjustable alarm levels for contamination level• Cps linearity: ±15% ±1 digit within the range of 10 to 100 000 cps, the Bq/cm2 display is calcu-• lated from cps values by multiplying with Isotope coe cient
RAD-60 personal Alarm Dosimeter Radiation detected: gamma and X-rays
Detectors: energy compensated Si-Diode• Dose rate measurement range: 5 µSv/h - 3 Sv/h or 0,5 mrem/h - 300 rem/h• Dose measurement range: 1 µSv - 9.99 Sv or 0.1 mrem - 999 rem• Energy response: Hp(10), 60 keV - 3 MeV, better than ±25%, up to 6 MeV, better than ±35• Alarm thresholds: seven preset values each for integrated dose and dose rate, manually select-• able by push-button
DMC Electronic Dosimeters Alarming dose rate meter
Dose measurement range: 1µSv - 10 Sv• Dose rate measurement range: 0.1µSv/ - 10 Sv/h • HP(10) 50 keV - 6 Mev
SOR/R and SOR/T Ambient and Residual X and Gamma: same as DMC2000S
Hands-free with the XOM reader even through NBC clothing• Waterproof• Shock proof• EMP and TREE resistant
-20°C or –40°C with Li-SOCL2 battery• Flash Gamma and Neutron (SOR/T version only