Active Dosimetry - Software
Health Physics Dose Management Software
The DOSISERV software is an individual and collec-
tive dosimetry management software. It is used to:
Manage all the data related to the workers in •
controlled area (civil status/companies/dose limits)
Collect the data recorded by the electronic dosi-•
meters by using the dosimeter readers (also named
«reading terminal»)
Check and grant controlled area accesses prior to •
start-up of the electronic dosimeters.
Real-time self access with threshold customization ●
Tasks and group of tasks management ●
Radiation work permit management ●
Areas, sub-areas and group of areas management ●
Worker and company access criteria customization ●
Worker data customization ●
Of cial dose calculation customization for various ●
legislation compliance
Neutron electronic dosimeter compliance
Health physics equipments management ●
Automatic dose recovery after network failure ●
Compatible with LDM 2000, LDM 3000 on Ethernet •
Compatible with DMC 2000S, GN, XB, X and •
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division

Active Dosimetry - Software
Automatic acquisition of readers data:
Area and sub-area access control ○
(readers can drive access control devices)
Sub-area dosimeter acquisition mode ○
Worker/dose real-time tracking ○
Automatic dose retrieval after network failure ○
Real-time worker verifi cation and dosimeter alarms ●
customization when self issuing dosimeter:
Identi cation ○
RWP, task authorization ○
Area authorization ○
Worker access criteria veri cation ○
Entry-exit memory and visit assessment: ●
Anomaly detection ○
Missing entry/exit assessment powerful algorithm ○
Individual dosimetry management ● :
Operational dosimetry recording ○
Of cial dosimetry recording ○
Entry and exit log ○
Security management: ●
Password protected access ○
Custom user pro le creation ○
Layout screens limitations per pro le ○
Data access lters per pro le ○
Encrypted Client/Server communication ○
Operating system and database: ●
Client: Windows XP/2000/2003 ○
Easy client installation with no additional software ●
Server: Windows XP/2000/2003 Database installation ○
required: Oracle (10g), SqlServer (2005) TCP/IP
Extensions, Options ●
Additional workstation ○
Connexion to Teleview, telemetry software for ○
automatic worker data display
Remote-maintenance ○
Redundant disks/processor ○
RS 232/485 communication extensions ○
Collective dosimetry management: ●
Per area and area group ○
Per task and task group with pre-assignment or task ○
code entry
Health physics equipment management: ●
Assigning equipments to workers ○
Tracking for unreturned equipment ○
Checking validity ○
Dosimeter calibration check at access ○
Report printout: ●
Individual, task, area, company reports ○
Company mail ○
Full or selective events log le ○
System setup: ●
System & reader con guration ○
Network & site topology (topology memorizing) ○
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc
5000 Highlands Parkway
Suite 150
Smyrna Georgia 30082
T +1.770.432.2744
F +1.770.432.9179
Health Physics
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
BP 1
F-13113 Lamanon
T +33 (0) 4 90 59 59 59
F +33 (0) 4 90 59 55 18
Daily dose history per task
ose hist
Mirion Technologies (RADOS) Oy
P.O. Box 506
FIN-20101 Turku
T +358 2 468 4600
F +358 2 468 4601
r tas
Mirion Technolgies (RADOS) GmbH
Ruhrstrasse 49
DE-22761 Hamburg
T +49 (0) 40 851 93-0
F +49 (0)40 851 93 256
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