Active Dosimetry - Software
Operational Dosimetry Software Dedicated
to Medical Environment
Regulatory dose records over calendar periods•
Tracking of legal dose limits•
Permanent security clearance checks (medical/•
Permanent tracking through dashboard with •
automatic alerts based on :
- Worker dosimetric activity
- System operation
Automatic mail capabilities•
Self-monitored system ●
Easy to use (Web access to essential information) ●
Automatic EMAIL capabilities ●
Complying with regulations ●
Low cost ●
Integrated database ●
Consultation of worker data through Web (IE) ●
Standard LAPTOP or desktop PC platform ●
Possibility of remote network reader ●
Reader: LDM 210, LDM 220, LDM 2000, LDM 3000•
Dosimeters: DMC2000S, DMC2000X, DMC2000XB, •
health physics
A Mirion Technologies Division

Active Dosimetry - Software
Self-monitored system
Easy to use (Web access to essential information) ●
Automatic email to RP person with doses and ●
corresponding data extraction
Automatic loading of alarm thresholds upon activation ●
Graphic display by the worker of his last 30 days upon ●
Customization of the dose and dose rate alarms ●
according to the position occupied or task code used.
Real-time check of dosimeter activation authorization ●
(medical security clearance, dose limit exceeding)
Temporary or permanent dosimeter assignment ●
Schedule board for: ●
automatic alert for any deactivation in the presence of a ○
dose or dose rate alarm or prealarm
automatic alert when a worker comes close to one of ○
his dose limits (con gurable)
reader connection/link loss ○
active dosimeter followup ○
Provisions for ins tallation of additional readers on the
same PC or readers on other PCs of the network
Web consultation station ●
Dosimetric Sheet for a Worker
Individual dosimetry management: ●
cumulative totals over the following periods: 1 ○
month, 3 months, 1 year (calendar), 365 days
(sliding), 5 years
daily dose history ○
Report printing: ●
summaries: individuals, groups of individuals, ○
over a selectable period
Collective dosimetry summary per work code ●
Data extraction capability ●
Windows® 2000 or XP operating system ●
Microsoft SQL Server Express® integrated database ●
RS 232C or USB reader link ●
Basic con guration: 1 PC with DB and reader head and ●
1 PC for consultation purposes through the Web
Dosimeter Return: Statistics Display
Daily dose history per task
ory pe
Health Physics
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) Inc
5000 Highlands Parkway
Suite 150
Smyrna Georgia 30082
T +1.770.432.2744
F +1.770.432.9179
Since norms, specifi cations and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for confi rmation of the information given in this publication.
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