Mirion Technologies DLK 250 User Manual

radiation monitoring systems
A Mirion Technologies Division
DLK 250
Neutron Flux Instrumentation
DLK 250
The DLK 250 digital power distribution channel forms
part of the proTK™ product line. It has been desig-
ned for local neutron  ux distribution monitoring in
the power range in combination with self powered
neutron detectors. Hardware and software of the DLK
250 are designed and quali ed for applications at the
level of the reactor protection system.
• Operational process monitoring
Safety related signal processing for neutron  ux
distribution monitoring in the power range of
pressurized water reactors and research reactors
• Self-powered neutron detectors: e.g. WL 23215
• Digital signal processing channels: e.g. for wide
range or power range monitoring
Three or six signal paths per channel
Input currents of 1μA with differential ampli er
Suppression of  uctuations combined with short
response time
Digital calibration and offset compensation
Calculation of the mean value and generation of a
substitute signal for a faulty detector
Remote test signals for the inputs and simulation of the
output signals
Digital adjustable parameters, lockable and non volatile
RS232/485 data interface for calibration and data
Since norms, speci cations and designs are subject to occasional change, please ask for con rmation of the information given in this publication.
Mirion Technologies (MGPI) SA
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DLK 250
Neutron Flux Instrumentation
In-core self-powered neutron detectors
Signal cables to DLK 250: two coaxial cables per
detector, no limitation of length
Detector supply: not needed
Measuring range for the input current: 0,1 μA ... 1 μA
for full scale
Option: integrated transmitter for monitoring the fuel
output temperature
80C31/32 multi-processor system
Program memory: EPROM
Parameter memory: CMOS-RAM with integrated
Data interface: RS232 and/or RS485
Internal LC-display: 2 x 16 characters
Digital  lter for the suppression of signal  uctuations
Low pass  lter 1st order with tolerance-intervall-com-
parator for fast signal response
Signal  lter with adjustable time constant truly follow-
ing the mean value in the tolerance intervall ± ∆
Immediate step response in the range 0...1-∆
Simple and rugged algorithm
Neutron  ux for each detector position and average
neutron  ux signal
Calibrated to reactor power, e.g. 0 ... 125 %Pn
Substitute signal for a faulty detector
Analog outputs: 0/4 ... 20mA/600 Ω, insulated
Binary outputs: insulated relay change overs,
60V/0.5A or 125V/1A
DC power supply: 18 ... 33 VDC, approx. 1.6A at 24 V
Optional: AC power supply: 230 VAC or 115 VAC
+10%/-15%, approx. 40 VA
Operating temperature: 0 ... 70°C (32 ... 158°F)
for the main electronics
Mechanical vibrations: < 5 g, 5 ... 100 Hz
19” modular system according to IEC 60297
Rack size (W×H×D): 483 mm × 133 mm × 280 mm
(19 in x 5.2 in x 11 in)
Plug-in boards: 100 mm × 160 mm (3.9 in x 6.3 in)
DLK 250
front view