Miranda Intuition XG, Intuition-XG-e, Intuition-XG-3U-e, Intuition-XG-Dual-e Configuration Manual

w w w . m i r a n d a . c o m
Conguration Guide
Advanced HD/SD graphics co-processor
Intuition XG
Vertigo Suite v.4.5
Intuition XG
Configuration Guide
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© 2009 Miranda Technologies Inc. All rights reserved.
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Please read the following terms and conditions carefully. By using the Intuition XG Configuration Guide, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
Miranda Technologies Inc. hereby grants permission and license to owners of the Intuition XG and Vertigo Suite to use their product manuals for their own internal business use. Manuals for Miranda Technologies Inc. products may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, for any purpose unless specifically authorized in writing by Miranda Technologies Inc.
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Document Identification
Title: Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Part number: M848-9002-450
Software version: Vertigo Suite v.4.5
Last revised: December 22, 2010
Accessing the most recent updates for this guide
The information, illustrations, and screen shots contained in this guide reflect the feature set and functionality of the Intuition XG that were released for version 4.5 of the Vertigo Suite. Since Miranda is always improving the performance and enhancing the features of its products, the printing schedule for this guide does not always keep pace with the software release schedule. As such, if you have a software version newer than 4.5, certain features may not be documented in this printed guide. Therefore, we recommend that you visit Miranda’s T access any updates to the documentation. Click the V
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Intuition XG Configuration Guide i
ii Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 1-1
Intuition XG’s standard and optional features....................................................................................1-2
Intuition XG system integration.......................................................................................................... 1-6
Upstream branding using the Intuition XG......................................................................................... 1-7
Intuition XG’s licensing requirements ................................................................................................ 1-8
Application licensing errors........................................................................................................... 1-9
File formats supported by the Intuition XG ......................................................................................1-10
Image file formats ....................................................................................................................... 1-10
Cel Animation file formats........................................................................................................... 1-10
Clip file formats........................................................................................................................... 1-11
Audio file formats........................................................................................................................ 1-12
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware .......................................................................... 2-1
Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-e) .................................................................................................. 2-2
Front panel components (Intuition-XG-e)...................................................................................... 2-3
Rear panel components (Intuition-XG-e)...................................................................................... 2-5
Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e)............................................................................... 2-8
Front panel components (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e) .................................................................. 2-9
Rear panel components (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e)................................................................. 2-11
Intuition XG’s signal path and rendering processes ........................................................................ 2-16
Video input/output channels ....................................................................................................... 2-17
Audio input/output channels ....................................................................................................... 2-18
Ancillary data processing............................................................................................................ 2-19
Clip Player and media storage.................................................................................................... 2-19
Graphics processing ................................................................................................................... 2-20
Intuition XG’s Desktop Applications & Tools.................................................................... 3-1
Intuition XG’s desktop - device identification ..................................................................................... 3-2
Intuition XG Control Panel and XG Dashboard ................................................................................. 3-3
Xplay - Playout control application..................................................................................................... 3-5
Device Manager............................................................................................................................ 3-6
Automation Configuration ............................................................................................................. 3-8
Xplay’s Automation settings.......................................................................................................... 3-9
Vertigo Command Shell................................................................................................................... 3-10
Windows Explorer............................................................................................................................ 3-12
Embedded Xmedia Server Control Panel................................................................................... 3-13
XPublish Agent Control Panel ....................................................................................................3-16
Data Server Control Panel.......................................................................................................... 3-17
Intuition XG Portal - Intuition XG’s Remote Configuration Tool...................................... 4-1
Accessing and logging into the Intuition XG Portal............................................................................ 4-2
Overview of the Intuition XG Portal’s menu commands .................................................................... 4-4
Remotely shutting down the Intuition XG device ............................................................................... 4-6
Restarting the Intuition XG device remotely ...................................................................................... 4-7
Intuition XG Configuration Guide TOC-1
Table of Contents
Viewing the processes running on the Intuition XG device ................................................................4-8
Configuring Intuition XG’s network settings........................................................................................4-9
Specifying the Intuition XG device’s hostname ................................................................................4-11
Specifying the Intuition XG device’s Date & Time settings...............................................................4-12
Logging off of the Intuition XG Portal................................................................................................4-13
Dashboard - Intuition XG’s Local Configuration Software .............................................. 5-1
About the Dashboard..........................................................................................................................5-3
Starting Dashboard.............................................................................................................................5-4
An overview of the Dashboard’s interface components .....................................................................5-5
Dashboard’s menus and buttons........................................................................................................5-6
Device List ..........................................................................................................................................5-8
Loading and refreshing the device list ...........................................................................................5-9
Saving the device list .....................................................................................................................5-9
Restarting a device in the device list ...........................................................................................5-10
Monitoring the status of a device.................................................................................................5-10
Removing a device from the device list .......................................................................................5-10
Device Discovery Tool......................................................................................................................5-11
Performing a Manual Device Discovery.......................................................................................5-13
Performing an Automatic Device Discovery ................................................................................5-14
Device Profile page ..........................................................................................................................5-15
Device Settings tabs and configuration pages .................................................................................5-17
Device settings buttons................................................................................................................5-18
General page...............................................................................................................................5-19
Resolution page...........................................................................................................................5-21
Live Window page .......................................................................................................................5-23
Clips page....................................................................................................................................5-25
3D Engine page...........................................................................................................................5-27
Logging page...............................................................................................................................5-29
Hardware Settings > Genlock page.............................................................................................5-31
Hardware Settings > Video page.................................................................................................5-34
Hardware Settings > Audio page.................................................................................................5-36
Hardware Settings > Ancillary page.............................................................................................5-38
Hardware Settings > Watch Dog page ........................................................................................5-41
Licensing page.............................................................................................................................5-42
Audio Mixing Profiles dialog box.......................................................................................................5-43
Contact Us............................................................................................................................ 6-1
Contact Miranda Technical Support ..............................................................................................6-1
Contact Miranda Technologies Inc. ...............................................................................................6-1
TOC-2 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
The Intuition XG graphics co-processor significantly extends the graphics and clip playout capabilities of master control switcher systems, like the Imagestore 750 or NV51000MC, by feeding the HD/SD fill/key inputs. It’s ideal for playout of the most advanced data-driven, channel branding and promotional graphics, including: “Coming up next” and episodic promos. The Intuition XG provides multi-level character generation plus animation/still and clip playout with multi-channel audio.
The following sections of this configuration guide describe the Intuition XG’s features, capabilities, and system integration:
“Intuition XG’s standard and optional features” on page 1-2
“Intuition XG system integration” on page 1-6
“Upstream branding using the Intuition XG” on page 1-7
“Intuition XG’s licensing requirements” on page 1-8
“File formats supported by the Intuition XG” on page 1-10
Further chapters provide descriptions of the Intuition XG’s hardware and software components:
“Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware” on page 2-1
“Intuition XG’s Desktop Applications & Tools” on page 3-1
Most Intuition XG devices are installed and configured by qualified network administrators or Miranda’s Integration Specialists using the Intuition XG Portal and Dashboard software interfaces. While we do not recommend that users change the Intuition XG’s settings, the following chapters provide detailed descriptions of each of the Intuition XG settings:
“Intuition XG Portal - Intuition XG’s Remote Configuration Tool” on page 4-1
“Dashboard - Intuition XG’s Local Configuration Software” on page 5-1
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-1
Intuition XG’s standard and optional features
The Intuition XG is available in three (3) standard models:
Intuition-XG-e A single channel graphics co-processor, generally used
upstream of a master control switcher like the Imagestore 750 or NV5100MC.
Video In A
1RU chassis with a single power supply unit.
1 HD/SD video input, 1 HD/SD (Fill & Key) output
A powerful, HD/SD character generator which allows the playout of virtually unlimited layers of animated text and dynamically updated text.
1 TB RAID1 storage for up to 200 hours of video/audio clips and simultaneous playout of multiple clips
Playout of up to eight (8) layers of animated and still graphics templates for the most advanced branding and promotional effects.
SD output as NTSC or PAL
HD output as 1080i, 720p or 480p
VANC + VBI extraction processing and insertion or VAnc/VBI pass through.
Full automation control by serial, Ethernet and/or GPI commands.
Out A
Intuition-XG-3U-e A single channel graphics co-processor, generally used
upstream of a master control switcher like the Imagestore 750 or NV5100MC.
Video In A
Out A
3RU chassis with redundant power supply unit.
1 HD/SD video input, 1 HD/SD (Fill & Key) output
A powerful, HD/SD character generator which allows the playout of virtually unlimited layers of animated text and dynamically updated text.
1-2 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
1 TB RAID1 storage for up to 400 hours of video/audio clips and simultaneous playout of multiple clips
Playout of up to eight (8) layers of animated and still graphics templates for the most advanced branding and promotional effects.
SD output as NTSC or PAL
HD output as 1080i, 720p or 480p
VANC + VBI extraction processing and insertion or VAnc/VBI pass through.
16 embedded audio channels
Discrete AES audio channels - up to 8 in and 16 out
Full automation control by serial, Ethernet and/or GPI commands.
Intuition-XG-Dual-e A dual channel graphics co-processor, generally used
upstream of a master control switcher like the Imagestore 750 or NV5100MC.
Out A
Video In A
Video In B
Out B
3RU chassis with redundant power supply unit.
2 HD/SD video input, 2 HD/SD (Fill & Key) output
A powerful, HD/SD character generator which allows the playout of virtually unlimited layers of animated text and dynamically updated text.
1 TB RAID1 storage for up to 400 hours of video/audio clips and simultaneous playout of multiple clips
Playout of up to eight (8) layers of animated and still graphics templates for the most advanced branding and promotional effects.
SD output as NTSC or PAL
HD output as 1080i, 720p or 480p
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-3
The following options are available on Intuition XG devices:
VX-ClipPlayer Clip Player
VANC + VBI extraction processing and insertion or VAnc/VBI pass through.
16 embedded audio channels per SDI stream
Discrete AES audio channels - up to 8 in and 2 x 16 out
Full automation control by serial, Ethernet and/or GPI commands.
The Clip Player is an internal codec package for playing out multi-format video clips. See “Clip Player and media storage” on page 2-13 for more information about the Clip Player option.
VX-Audio-e Audio Processing
The discrete audio I/O card allows the Intuition XG to capture, process and output discrete audio. The number of discrete audio I/O channels depends on the model of Intuition XG:
Intuition-XG-e => None
Intuition-XG-3Ue and Intuition-XG-Dual-e => 8 in / 16 out
See “Audio input/output channels” on page 2-11
for more information.
VX-GPI-8-e GPI card
The GPI card allows for control of the Intuition XG via GPI triggers. The card allows for up to 8 GPI in and 8 GPI out. See “GPI Card Connector” on
page 2-8 for more information about the GPI card option.
VX-EAS EAS Text Integration (EAS Plugin and EAS Software Panel)
High quality EAS text and audio can be played out with the Intuition XG processor, using templates which integrate channel branding graphics for a consistent on-air presentation.
Only available for the Intuition-XG-3U-e and Intuition-Dual-e models.
1-4 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
VX-RS422-2-e 2 port RS-422 card
The RS-422 card provides an interface upon which the Intuition XG can communicate with automation systems. See “RS-422 Connectors” on page
2-6 for more information.
Only available for the Intuition-XG-3U-e and Intuition-Dual-e models.
VX-TC-e Time Code card
The Time Code card allows you to lock the Intuition XG’s system clock to an external timecode. See “Time Code Card” on page 2-6 for more information about the Time Code option.
Only available for the Intuition-XG-3U-e and Intuition-Dual-e models.
VX-2TB-UPG 1 TB RAID-10 Expansion option (2 x 1TB)
Increases the usable storage from 1TB to 2TB. See “Clip Player and media
storage” on page 2-13 for more information.
Only available for the Intuition-XG-3U-e and Intuition-Dual-e models.
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-5
Intuition XG system integration
Figure 1-1 demonstrates that the Intuition XG can be fully integrated with the Miranda’s Imagestores or 3rd party master control switchers, the Vertigo Suite, playout automation, and media management systems.
Automation controlled
Master Control
Program Video Input
Video/ audio routing
Media Management
SDI input A
SDI input B
Media Transfers
PCS & PresStation
Master Control Switcher & Branding
Video IN
Graphics co-processor
Program Output
(ingest & publish)
Graphics Preparation
Photoshop, Premiere Xstudio Xbuilder or Final Cut
After Effects Plugin
Centralized Asset Management
Figure 1-1. The Intuition XG integrates with master control switchers and the Vertigo Suite products
1-6 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Upstream branding using the Intuition XG
With its powerful rendering engine, the Intuition XG is able to generate and deliver sophisticated multi-layered branding graphics as HD/SD fill and key inputs to master control switchers, like the Imagestore 750 or NV5100MC.
Figure 1-2
demonstrates that the master control switcher’s ability to switch between two video sources is conserved and the clean video feed is simultaneously pushed through the master control switcher and the Intuition XG. Feeding the video signal into the Intuition XG allows you to produce even more sophisticated branding events using dynamic DVEs, like picture-in-picture and squeeze-and-reveal transitions. If for some reasons the Intuition XG were to go down, graphics insertion would be lost, but the video signal is conserved without interruption since the video feed continues to run through the master control switcher. Note that for the video signal to be synchronized, you must specify a video frame delay on the master control switcher (see V
Video IN A
Video IN B
Clean Feed
IDEO FRAME DELAYS in the Imagestore 750 documentation).
Keyer 1
Keyer 3Keyer 2 Keyer 4
Fill &
Video OUT
Figure 1-2. The Intuition XG provides advanced branding capabilities to master control switchers
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-7
Intuition XG’s licensing requirements
For the Intuition XG device to operate in its full capacity, the following application licenses must be installed and activated on the Embedded Xmedia Server that is hosted by the Intuition XG device:
XGHD 4.5 The Intuition XG requires an HD application license to output at HD resolutions. An
HD application license also allows the Intuition XG to output at SD resolutions.
PLAY 4.5 The Intuition XG uses a local copy of the Vertigo Suite’s Xplay application as a media
player. This application must have a valid software license installed to operate. See
page 3-5
for more information about Xplay.
EVICE 0.0 An Xmedia Server Device license is associated to each device object in the system.
Therefore, each device added to the Device Manager requires its own device license.
UDIO 4.5 The Intuition XG requires a license to output voice overs and clip audio.
LIP 4.5 The Intuition XG requires a license for clip playback. See page 2-13 for more
information about the Clip Player.
You can verify that the appropriate licenses are installed and activated on the Intuition XG using either the L
ICENSE MANAGER (figure 1-3).
ICENSE TAB on the Embedded Xmedia Server’s Control Panel or Xplay’s
Embedded Xmedia Server Control Panel The License Manager in Xplay
Figure 1-3. A list of the application licenses currently installed on the Intuition XG
Once the required licenses are installed on the Embedded Xmedia Server, you must also verify that the licensing information can be properly communicated to the Intuition XG device. This communication is performed by the settings on Dashboard’s L (see “Licensing page” on page 5-42).
1-8 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Application licensing errors
For the convenience of on-air devices, the Intuition XG will not lose any functionality if it is missing one or more application licenses. When the Intuition XG detects that a user is trying to use a feature that is not licensed (i.e. running Intuition XG without a proper application license or playing a clip without a clip license), an error message window appears informing you that the device is running without a valid license (figure 1-4
Figure 1-4. An error message appears if Intuition XG is not properly licensed
If the Intuition XG’s licenses are properly installed on the Embedded XMS Control Panel, but Dashboard’s L listing in the T
ICENSING setting are not properly specified, the Intuition XG’s Dashboard
ASK MANAGER will indicate No Application License (figure 1-5).
Figure 1-5. The Intuition XG’s Task Manager indicates a license error
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-9
File formats supported by the Intuition XG
The Intuition XG is a fully software based clip/image/media reader, which allows for a significant amount of flexibility with regards to media formats. However, to ensure optimal generation and playback, the following topics make recommendations regarding which media formats are preferred:
“Image file formats” on page 1-10
“Cel Animation file formats” on page 1-10
“Clip file formats” on page 1-11
“Audio file formats” on page 1-12
Image file formats
As the Vertigo Suite handles static image file format conversions, the Intuition XG supports several image formats (listed below).
For optimal results however, we recommend that you use TARGA (.TGA) 32 BIT UNCOMPRESSED.
The Intuition XG supports the following image formats:
BMP (.bmp)
GIF (.gif)
JPEG (.jpg)
Portable Network Graphics Format (.png)
Photoshop (.psd) [Note: the image will be flattened to a single layer.]
RGB (.rgb)
TIFF (.tif)
Truevision TARGA Format (.tga)
Oxtel Image Format (.oxt)
Cel Animation file formats
As the Vertigo Suite handles static image file format conversions, the Intuition XG supports several cel animation formats (listed below).
For optimal results however, we recommend that you use a sequence of TARGA (.TGA)
BIT UNCOMPRESSED files (i.e. bug_00001.tga to bug_09999.tga).
The Intuition XG supports the following cel animation formats:
Targa (.tga)
Oxtel Animation Format (.oxa)
Oxtel Intuition Animation Format (.oxi)
Via Format (.via)
1-10 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Clip file formats
The Intuition XG’s long-form clip playback capability is suitable for program content, commercials, and promotional interstitial. The following identifies the Intuition XG’s currently recommended and supported clip formats.
For graphics clips, we recommend the following formats:
- QuickTime MOV: Animation Codec, Single Track Multi-channel Audio, 24 bit, 48Khz
- Targa Sequence: 32-bit uncompressed (with Alpha) Upon ingest, they will be transcoded into our Vertigo Animation Format (.vaf) before playback.
Recommended clip formats:
Extension: (.mpg, .mpeg)
Codec: MPEG2 (IBP)
Recommended Bit Rate: SD@9Mbps; HD1080i@19-25Mbps
Max. Bit Rate: 50Mbps
Audio Codec: MPEG Audio Layer 2/Layer 3/AAC (16 bit, 48Khz)
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Stereo
MXF Wrapped MPEG (IBP)
Extension: (.mxf)
Codec: MPEG2 (IBP)
Recommended Bit Rate: SD@9Mbps; HD1080i@19-25Mbps
Max. Bit Rate: 50Mbps
Audio Codec: PCM (Uncompressed 16/20/24 bit or AES3)
Audio Codec: MPEG Layer 2/3/AAC (16 bit, 48Khz)
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Max 8
AVI (Window Media 9)
Extension: (.wm9)
Codec: WM9 (Simple, Main Profiles)
Max. Bit Rate: 8 Mbps
Audio Codec: Windows Media Audio/Pro/Lossless
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Max 8
Support for MPEG2 bit rates higher than 25Mbps is possible, but this can have an impact on graphics performance, especially on dual-channel models, and must be qualified by our testing.
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 1-11
Supported clip formats:
MPEG (I-Frame)
MXF Wrapped MPEG (I-Frame)
Extension: (.mpg, .mpeg)
Codec: MPEG2 (I-Frame)
Max. Bit Rate: 50 Mbps
Audio Codec: MPEG Audio Layer 2/Layer 3/AAC (16bit, 48Khz)
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Stereo
Extension: (.mxf)
Codec: MPEG2 (I-Frame) (SD D10/IMX)
Max. Bit Rate: 50 Mbps
Audio Codec: PCM (Uncompressed 16/20/24bit or AES3)
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Max 8
Extension: (.mxf)
Bit Rate: Depends on Codec
Audio Codec: PCM (Uncompressed 16/20/24bit or AES3)
Audio Tracks: Single
Audio Channels: Max 8
Audio file formats
The Intuition XG passes embedded audio channels through with the video, while discrete audio is only available on the Intuition XG-3U-e and Intuition XG-Dual-e models (page 2-18 Also note that any audio processing (e.g. adding voice-overs, sounds, audio ducks, etc.) requires the Vx-Audio-e option.
The Intuition XG supports the following audio formats:
Wave (.wav)
1-12 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Depending upon the model, the Intuition XG device is either a 1 RU or 3 RU rackmount chassis. The following sections describe the hardware components associated with each model of the Intuition XG:
“Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-e)” on page 2-2
“Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e)” on page 2-8
Despite the physical difference in chassis size and hardware options, each model of the Intuition XG follows the same theory of operation as a graphics co-processor (see “Intuition
XG’s signal path and rendering processes” on page 2-16 for more details).
Intuition-XG-e A single channel (fill + key) output graphics co-processor in a
1 RU chassis.
A single or dual channel (fill + key) output graphics co­processor in a 3 RU chassis.
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 2-1
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-e)
The Intuition XG-e is a single HD/SD channel playout server (1 HD/SD video input, 1 HD­SDI Fill + Key output) that incorporates the Vertigo XG graphics engine to rendering advanced graphics. Physically, the Intuition XG is a 1RU rackmount playout server with a single power supply unit and 1 TB of storage.
The following sections provide more information about Intuition XG’s hardware components:
“Front panel components (Intuition-XG-e)” on page 2-3
“Rear panel components (Intuition-XG-e)” on page 2-5
Chassis FORM: 1U rackmount chassis
EIGHT: 1.7” (43 mm)
IDTH: 17.2” (437 mm)
EPTH: 28.2” (716 mm)
Power consumption 1 x 1400W power supply
AC input: 180 - 240V, 50 - 60 Hz, 7.2 - 9.5 Amp
2-2 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Front panel components (Intuition-XG-e)
The Intuition XG’s front panel features convenient access to the SATA hard drives, two USB ports, a CD/DVD ROM drive, two fans, and a control panel containing five LEDs and two buttons for system monitoring and operation. The table following the figure 2-1 the function of each LED and button.
Info. LED button button
USB 2.0
Connectors (2)
RS-232 Serial Port
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Reset Power On/OffPower L EDHDD LEDNIC 2 LED NIC 1 LEDUniversal
Control Panel LEDs & Buttons
Power Supply Unit
SATA Hard Drives
Figure 2-1. Intuition XG’s front panel components
The Universal Information LED is used to indicate fan failure, power failure, overheat condition, or to identify the unit within a large rack installation. The feature requires a motherboard that supports the Universal Information LED.
When this LED blinks red quickly, it indicates a fan failure and when blinking red slowly a power failure. This LED will be blue when used for UID (Unit Identifier). When on continuously red, it indicates an overheat condition, which may be caused by cables obstructing the airflow in the system or the ambient room temperature being too warm. See the table below for descriptions of the LED states.
Note: Deactivating the UID LED must be performed in the same way it was activated. (If the UID LED was activated via IPMI, you can only turn the LED off via IPMI and not with the UID button.)
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 2-3
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
NIC2 A flashing NIC2 LED indicates network activity on LAN2.
NIC1 A flashing NIC1 LED indicates network activity on LAN1.
HDD Indicates IDE channel activity.
OWER (LED) Indicates that power is being supplied to the system’s power supply units.
This LED should normally be illuminated when the system is in operation.
ESET The Reset button reboots the system.
OWER (BUTTON) This is the main power button, which is used to apply or turn off the main
system power. Turning off this button removes the main power, but keeps standby power supplied to the system.
2-4 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Rear panel components (Intuition-XG-e)
The Intuition XG’s rear panel features convenient access to the video card’s I/O connector, which provides 1 SD/HD SDI video input, 1 SD/HD SDI video output (Fill & Key), and a reference signal input. The rear panel also provides access to the graphics card connector, as well as various I/O ports (RS-422, USB, Ethernet...etc.).
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
The table following the figure 2-2 of the Intuition XG chassis.
SDI Video Card I/O Connector
USB 2.0 Connectors (2)
(Mouse & Keyboard)
Figure 2-2. The Intuition XG’s rear panel components
SDI Video Card I/O Connector
A breakout cable is used to connect the Video Card I/O connector to the SDI video input/output cables and the reference I/O. See “Video
input/output channels” on page 2-17 for more information about the
Intuition XG’s video input/output channel connections.
describes the function of each connector on the rear panel
IPMI Connector
(Not used)
Network Ethernet
Connectors (2)
VGA Connector
Serial RS-232 Port
Graphics Card Connectors (2)
(Only one connector used)
A/C Power Input
IPMI Connector Intelligent Platform Management Interface is a set of common
USB 2.0 Connectors The two (2) USB 2.0 connectors on the rear panel allow you to connect
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 2-5
interfaces to a computer system which system administrators can use to monitor system health and manage the system. IPMI operates independently of the operating system and allows administrators to manage a system remotely even in the absence of an operating system or the system management software, or even if the monitored system is powered off.
a mouse and keyboard to the Intuition XG device. These peripherals are required during the device’s initial configuration, which involves using the Intuition XG’s desktop applications, including Dashboard.
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Network Ethernet Connectors
The two (2) Network Ethernet connectors are teamed and allow you to connect the Intuition XG device to the Local Area Network (LAN).
NIC Teaming is a networking concept where multiple network adapters within a computer are combined in parallel to provide redundancy for the network interface. On an Intuition XG device, the two Local Area Connection network adapters are teamed together (connect 2 cables to the 2 NIC cards at the same time) to form a third virtual adapter. In the event of an adapter, cable or switch failure, the network interface fails over to the healthy adapter.
When the individual Local Area Network adapters are teamed together the individual Local Area Network adapters are not accessible or configurable. Only the teamed virtual adapter can be configured.
If you only have 1 cable connected, then the teaming will still be in effect but all traffic will be over that one cable. If that NIC fails, you will have to manually move the cable to the other NIC.
Serial RS-232 Port The two (2) RS-232 connectors provide two control ports upon which
the automation system’s serial cables are connected. It is through this connection that the automation system communicates and controls the Vertigo XG using automation protocol commands.
VGA Connector This VGA connector is disabled since the Intuition XG’s graphics card
connector allows you to connect to a monitor to view the Intuition XG desktop.
2-6 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Graphics Card’s DVI Connectors
The graphics card’s DVI connectors allow you to connect the Vertigo XG device to DVI monitor. The monitor is only required during the device’s initial configuration, so as to display Vertigo XG’s desktop applications, including XG Dashboard.
Note that although there are two (2) DVI connectors, the Vertigo XG can display to only one monitor. Therefore, it does matter which of the two connectors the monitor’s cable is connected to.
Use the adapter (below) if you would rather connect a VGA monitor.
Power Supply The power cord connects to Intuition XG’s 1400 W power supply. See
the specifications listed on page 2-1
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 2-7
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Hardware overview (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e)
Physically, the Intuition XG-3U-e and Intuition XG-Dual-e are 3RU rackmount rendering platforms that incorporate redundant fans, three power supplies, and 1 TB RAID-1 enabled storage (optional 2 TB RAID-10 expansion).
The Intuition XG (3U & Dual) features easy frontal access to the SCSI drives, two UBS ports and a control panel featuring LEDs and buttons for system monitoring and operation (see
page 2-9
supply modules, six PCI expansion slots which contain the video, audio, and graphics cards, and various I/O ports (USB, COM1, VGA, Ethernet...etc). See page 2-11 details about the Intuition XG’s rear panel components and connectors.
The following hardware options are also available to enhance the performance and capabilities of the Intuition XG:
VX-RS422-e (2 port RS-422/485 PCI card)
VX-GPI-8-e (GPI card)
VX-TC-e (Time Code card)
VX-2TB-UPG (1TB RAID10 expansion drive)
for more details). The rear panel also provides convenient access to three power
for more
Chassis F
Power consumption 3 x 380W power supply
ORM: 3U rackmount chassis
HEIGHT: 5.2” (132 mm) WIDTH: 17.7” (450 mm) D
EPTH: 25.5” (648 mm)
AC input: 100 - 240V, 50 - 60 Hz, 14/7 Amp
2-8 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
Front panel components (Intuition-XG-3U-e / Dual-e)
The Intuition XG’s front panel features convenient access to the RAID-1 hard drives, two USB ports, a CD/DVD ROM drive, and a control panel containing six LEDs and three buttons for system monitoring and operation. The table following the figure 2-3 the function of each LED and button.
RAID-1 Hard Drives
USB 2.0
Connectors (2)
Figure 2-3. The Intuition XG’s front panel components
Indicates a power supply module has failed. This should be accompanied by an audible alarm. A backup power supply module will take the load and keep the system running, but the failed module will need to be replaced. This red LED should be off when the system is operating normally.
VERHEAT / FAN FAIL When this red LED flashes, it indicates a fan failure. When it is constantly
illuminated (solid on), it indicates an overheat condition, which may be caused by cables obstructing the airflow in the system or the ambient room temperature being too warm. Check the routing of cables and make sure that all fans are present and operating normally. You should also check to make sure that the chassis covers are installed properly. Finally, verify that the heatsinks are installed properly. This LED will remain flashing or on as long as the above mentioned conditions exist.
LAN2 A flashing green LAN2 LED indicates network activity on LAN2.
Intuition XG Configuration Guide 2-9
Overview of the Intuition XG’s Hardware
LAN1 A flashing green LAN1 LED indicates network activity on LAN2.
CTIVITY This flashing amber LED indicates IDE channel activity.
OWER INDICATOR (LED) Indicates that power is being supplied to the system’s power supply units.
This green LED should normally be illuminated when the system is in operation.
MUTE (ALARM RESET) Press the Mute button to silence the buzzer alarm, which is activated by a
signal received from the SCSI drive backplane. After silencing the alarm, you should then press the button again to reactivate the alarm function.
ESET The Reset button reboots the system.
OWER BUTTON This is the main power button, which is used to apply or turn off the main
system power. Turning off this button removes the main power, but keeps standby power supplied to the system.
2-10 Intuition XG Configuration Guide
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