Mirage C-22-G Instruction Manual

C-22-G Instruction Manual R. F. Amplifier
The Mirage C-22-G is the next generation of Power Amplifiers for 220 - 225 MHz. New features make it the most useful and versatile amplifier available. Features include automatic power shut-down circuitry for protection against excessive R.F. power input. A newly designed GaAsFET receive pre-amp provides high gain and low noise amplification for weak signal applications. The pre-amp incl udes a selectable attenuator to reduce signal output level. This is useful in preventing Receiver Overload and subsequent Intermodulation Distortion caused by strong signals. The Mirage C-22-G is capable of FM, SSB, and CW operational modes.
Frequency Range.......................................................220 - 225 MHz
R.F. Input Power (Drive)...........................................0.4 - 4 Watts (5 Watts max.)
R.F. Output Power..................................................... 20 Watts with 2 Watts drive
Duty Cycle.................................................................Intermittent (ICAS)
Modes........................................................................ FM, SSB, CW
Receive Pre-amp ....................................................... GaAsFET, Gain 21/15 dB-Nominal.
Noise figures less than 0.6 dB. 1 dB compression point greater than -13
dBm input (Nominal)
R.F. Input Power Shutdown Point............................. In excess of 5 Watts nominal
Keying.......................................................................Automatic (R.F. sensing)
Input/Output Impedance............................................ 50 Ohms
R.F. Connectors......................................................... SO-239 (UHF)
Supply Voltage.......................................................... 13.8 VDC (for full R.F. power
Supply Current .......................................................... 4 Amps (nominal)
Fuse ...........................................................................Low voltage, fast blow. 7-1/2 Amps
Physical Dimensions.................................................3-1/2 x 2 x 7 inches
Weight.......................................................................1 1/4 pounds
The Mirage C-22-G may be mounted using the brackets supplied or simply placed in a convenient operating position. In either case, there must be adequate ventilation for the finned heat-sink. This generally means at least 1 inch clearance from the sink to any surrounding enclosure and an unobstructed flow from the front to the back of the sink. CAUTION: With extended use the heat sink becomes very hot. If it is necessary to extend the D.C. power leads, use wire of the same gauge in order to avoid a voltage drop
C-22-G Instruction Manual R. F. Amplifier
on your power leads. Use a minimum length of good quality 50 Ohm cable between the radio and the amplifier. The antenna system should have a VSWR of 1.5:1 or better for best performance. The receiving pre-amp gain is set to the high value at the factory. To switch to minimum gain move the DIP switch, which is located behind the left side cover where there is a 1/4" hole, to the "up" position. If desired, the transmit relay hold-in (hang-time) may be adjusted by adjusting the potentiometer located behind the hole on the right side of the amplifier.
POWER ON/OFF SWITCH .........................Turns the D.C. power ON or OFF.
SSB/FM SWITCH.........................................Selects relay time delay for the mode
of operation. The relay drop time is
lengthened for the SSB mode of
PRE-AMP ON/OFF SWITCH...................... Turns Pre-amp power ON or OFF.
POWER LED................................................Indicates that D.C. power is applied.
PRE-AMP LED............................................. Indicates that the pre-amp is turned
OVERLOAD LED........................................ Indicates amplifier shutdown due to
excessive R.F. drive power. Reset
by turning OFF then ON.
RADIO (SO-239).......................................... R.F. input from radio.
ANT (SO-239)...............................................R.F. output to antenna.
SSB DELAY................................................. This allows the R.F. relay "hang-
time" or delay to be adjusted to the
time desired.
PRE-AMP ATTENUATOR SWITCH .........Sets the pre-amp gain to full or
reduced value.
INPUT VSWR AND OUTPUT POWER..... These adjustments are made at the
factory and should not require field
PRE-AMP TUNING..................................... These adjustments are also made at
the factory for best gain and noise
figure performance. They should not
require field adjustment.
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