FCC type acceptance r equir ments pro hibi t sales of amplifiers operatin g
below 144 MHz with internal RF sensing circuits that place the
amplifier in a t ransmit mode. Because of tho se rules. this amplifier is
not shipped with an internal RF activate d relay system.
You are, as a licensed amateur radio operator, allowed to make those
modifications yourself.
external control line for the internal rela ys. If the pre-amplifer is turne d
on, and transmitter power is applied without an external relay control
line, pre-amplifier will be damaged.
If you have any questions about the operation of this amplifier, contact
Mirage at (601) 323-8287 before attempting to use this amplifier.
connect this amplifier to a radio without connecting an

A-1015-G Instruction Manual 6 Meter R.F. Amplifier
The Mirage A-1015-G is the next generation of Power Amplifiers for 6 meters. New
features make it the most useful and versatile amplifier available. Features include
automatic power shut-down circuitry for protection against high antenna VSWR, high
temperature and excessive R.F. power input. A newly designed GaAsFET receive preamp provides high gain and low-noise amplification for weak signal applications. The
pre-amp includes an attenuator to reduce signal output level. This is useful in preventing
Receiver Overload and subsequent Intermodulation Distortion caused by strong signals.
Provisions are made for automatic or remote (external) keying, and for remote control of
all front panel functions using the Mirage RC-1 Remote Control Unit. The Mirage A1015-G is capable of FM, SSB, and CW operational modes.
Frequency Range........................................50 to 52 MHz
R.F. input power (Drive)............................1.0 to 15 Watts
R.F. output power....................................... 150 Watts with 10 Watts drive
Duty Cycle.................................................. Intermittent (ICAS)
Modes......................................................... FM, SSB, CW
Receive Pre-amp ........................................GaAsFET, Gain 21/15 dB-Nominal.
Noise figure less than 0.6 dB.
1 dB compression point greater
than -13 dBm input (Nominal).
VSWR Power Shut-down point ................. 3:1 approximately
R.F. input Power Shut-down point............. 18 Watts Nominal
Temperature Power Shut-down point ........175 Degrees F.
Keying........................................................ Remote (external).
Input/Output Impedance............................. 50 ohms
R.F. connectors........................................... SO-239 (UHF)
Remote keying connector...........................RCA phono
Remote control connector .......................... 6 pin Molex
Supply voltage............................................ 13.8 VDC (for full R.F. power output)
Supply current............................................ 18-22 amps (nominal)
Fuse ............................................................Low voltage, fast blow
Physical Dimensions.................................. 12 x 3 x 5 1/2 inches
Type acceptance......................................... Type acceptance under FCC Rules, part 97