Night vision device MINOX NV 351
New MINOX night vision device provides safety at the night
Pr od uc t I nf or mat Io n
INOX binoculars and spotting scopes are extremely po-
pular thanks to their very high quality. They offer top
The new MINOX NV 351 comes with case and batteries and
is available from specialist dealers from March 2011.
performance with a very respectable cost/benefit ratio. With
its new model NV 351 MINOX is introducing another powerful
product into the range of night vision devices.
From twilight into the deep night when the human eye and
high-power binoculars reach their optical limits the MINOX
NV 351 night vision device has a decisive advantage: its stateof-the-art illuminator technology shows up objects that are
otherwise not perceived by the eye of the viewer. Whether
for night-time expeditions, observation for hunting purposes
and game management or just for one’s own personal safety.
Durable, reliable and safe:
•2,5 x magnification
•High-power illuminator
•Range up to 70 meters
•Lightweight, compact and handy
•Robust and reliable
•Tripod socket
Leads the way in the darkness
The light-amplifying illuminator of the MINOX NV 351 provides perfect orientation at night and a clear image – even
if there is no moon and just the brightness of stars. With a
2.5 x magnification and a range of up to 70 meters it is even
possible to pick up far-off objects in the night. The NV 351 also
accommodates for people wearing glasses with an eyepiece
designed to show the entire field of view.
Particularly light and compact the NV 351 allows noise-free
Technical Data NV 351
Front lens diameter
Exit pupil
Viewing distance approx. 70 m
Focusing range
Diopter compensation
Power supply
Operating temperature
Order number
Design, features, supply and price are subject to change. Product Information Order number.: 99398 (d)(e) 03/11/JK
2,5 x
40 mm
15 mm
1 m to infinity
+4 bis -4 dpt
Lithium Battery CR 123 A
-30° C to +50 ° C
170 x 79 x 50 mm
approx. 335 g
and discrete observation – and just using
one hand. Thanks
to its robust and
weatherproof design
it stands up to any
weather conditions
and temperature fluctuations from –30° to
+50° C.
Walter-Zapp-Str. 4
D-35578 Wetzlar, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 6441 / 917-0
Fax: +49 (0) 6441 / 917-612
E-mail: info@minox.com