The control pan el has four indicator li ghts and one button.
Error (amber)
Toner empty (amber)
Paper empty (amber)
Ready (green)
Action key
Error LED
ON:A Fatal Err or has occurred
BLINKING:A recoverable error has occurred
Toner Empty LED
ON:The imaging cartridg e is empty
BLINKING:The imaging cartridge is almost empty
Paper Empty LED
ON:The selected paper tray is empty
Ready LED
ON:The printer can receive print jobs
BLINKING:The printer is warming up
OFF:The printer is off line
Action Key
Press this key if an error should occur in order to have the current condition
of the printer displayed through the LED.
1-4PagePr o 4100W
Indicator Lights
The four i ndicator li ghts tur n on, off, or blink i n combinati on to let you k now
the current status of the printer. You can find out details of the printer’s
status by check ing th e info rmatio n that a ppear s on your comput er scr een.
Action Key
The LED display will change as you press the Action key.
The appearance of this icon through out this manual indi cates
when you need to press th e Acti on key.
Examples of the messages that can be displayed by the LED are
presented on th e fol lowing page.
PagePro 4100W1-5
When the Ready LED is on
LED DisplayDescriptionResponse Required
InitializingPower on, initializing.
Warming UpPrinter is warming up.
ReadyPrinter is ready and able to
1-6PagePr o 4100W
LED DisplayDescriptionResponse Required
Power SavePrinter has entered the
Power Save Mode.
Paper EmptyThe paper supply of one of
the trays is empty.
Size MismatchThe wrong size of paper has
been detected in Tray 1,
Tray 2 or Tray 3.
Press the Action key to see
which tray is out of paper.
For details, see page 6-12.
Load the specified size of
paper into the appropriate
tray or press and hold the
Action key for about 10
seconds until all of the LED’s
are on to cancel the print job,
see page 3-4.
PagePro 4100W1-7
LED DisplayDescriptionResponse Required
Wait ActionPress the Action key in the
event of a paper size error or
when operating in the
manual mode.
Toner LowThe imaging cartridge is low
on toner but printing is still
Press the Action key.
Printing will begin.
Ready a new imaging
cartridge. For details, see
page 5-1.
No Cassette/No TrayNo Cassette:
The casstte for Tray 2 or
Tray 3 is not in place.
No Tray:
A print job was sent using the
Tra y 2 or T ray 3 set ti ng in t he
printer driver, even though
Tray 2 or Tray 3 is not
installed on the printer.
Press the Action key to see
which cassette is not in place
(see page 6-12).
Press the Action key to see
which tray is not in place
(see page 6-12).
1-8PagePr o 4100W
When the Error LED is on
LED DisplayDescriptionResponse Required
Paper Size ErrorThe paper-size setting of the
printer driver does not match
the size of paper that has
been detected in the tray.
Paper MisfeedA paper misfeed occurred
near the Multipurpose tray,
Tray 2, Tray 3, Manual
feeding tray, Lower-duplex
unit, Drum unit, Fuser or
Upper-duplex unit.
Load the correct size of
paper or cancel the print job
(by pressing the Action key)
and change the paper-size
setting in the driver
(see page 3-4 and see page
Press the Action key to see
where the paper misfeed
occurred. For details, see
page 6-16.
Replace Imaging CartridgeThe imaging cartridge is out
of toner.
Replace the imaging
cartridge. For details, see
page 5-1.
PagePro 4100W1-9
1-10PagePro 4100W
2Setti ng-up
2.1Installation Precautions
Note the f ollo wing i mportant preca utions when select ing a l ocatio n for the
printer and when connecting it to a power sour ce.
Selecting a Location for the Printer
A proper location helps to ensure that your printer provides you with the
long service life for which it is designed. Dou ble-check to make sure that
the location you select has the foll owing characteristics.
Choose a location that is well-ventilated.
Make sure there is no chance of ammonia or other organic gases
being generat ed in the area.
The power outlet you plan to connect to should be nearby and
Make sure that the printer is not expo sed to direct sunlight.
Avoid areas in the di rect airflow of air conditioners, heaters, or
ventilators, and areas subjected to temperatur e and hum idity
Choose a sturd y, level surf ace where the pr inter will not be exposed t o
strong vibration.
Keep the pri nter a way from any obj ects t hat m ight b lock i ts heat ven ts.
Do not locate the pri nter near curtains or other combustible objects.
Choose an area where there is no possibility of the printer being
splashed wit h wa ter or other liquid s.
Make sure that the surrounding area is clean, dry, and free of dust.
PagePro 4100W2-1
Power Source
The following are the power source requirem ents for this printer.
Power source: 220 - 240 V at 50 - 60 Hz
Voltage fluctuation: Within 220 - 240 V ±10%
Frequency fluctuation: Within ±0.3%
Use a power source with mini ma l vol tage and frequency f luctuation.
Only use an outlet that is rated for the voltage capacity specified for
this printer.
Be sure to plug the power cor d all the way i nto the outlet. The outlet
should be loc ated near th e printer and be ea sily acces sible so you can
unplug the power cord imm ediately if necessary.
Make sure the outl et you use is visible, and not hi dden behind the
printer or any other object.
If any other ele ctrical equi pment is plugg ed into the same out let, make
sure that the capacity of the outlet is not exceeded.
If you use an extensi on cord, m ake sure i ts capaci ty is gr eater than the
power consumpti on of the printer. Using an extension cord with a
lower capaci ty cr eates the danger of fire.
Never use a multiple socket to connect other appliances or machines
to the same outlet being used to power the printer.
Always ground the pri nter t o guard a gainst th e danger of elect rica l shock.
To ground the printer, connect the grou nding wire to the ground term inal
of the electri cal out let you are pl ugging in to or to a gro unding con tac t that
complies with local electric al st andards in your area.
Never connect the groundi ng wire to a gas pipe, the grounding wi re for
a telephone, or to a water pipe.
2-2PagePr o 4100W
Space Requirements
Be sure to provi de sp ace aroun d the pr i nter as indi cated b elow, t o e nsure
easier printer operation, paper and toner replacement, and mainten ance.
24-3/4" (632mm)
or more
* 29-1/2" (746mm)
or more
** 34-1/4" (867mm)
or more
" (15 0 mm)
or more
*** 11-3/4"
or more
(1,028mm) or more
*** 46-1/2"
(1,178mm) or more
11-3/4" (300mm)
or more
(600 mm)
or more
* When equipped with an optional second cassette unit.
** When equipped with an optional third cassette unit .
*** When equipped with an optional duplex unit.
(300 mm)
or more
or more
33" (836mm)
or more
PagePro 4100W2-3
2.2Operational Precautions
Note the following important precautions whenever using the printer.
Operating Environment
The following describes the operating environment required when using
the printer.
Temperature: 10°C to 35°C (50°F to 95°F) with fluctuation of 10°C
(18°F) per hour
Humidity: 15% to 85% with fluctuation of 20% per hour
The following describes precautions for using the printer.
Never turn the printer off or open any of its covers during a print
Never place flamm able gasses, liquids or objects that gener ate
magnetic forces near the printer.
When unplugging th e power cord, always grasp the pl ug and never
pull on the cord. A damaged cord creates the dan ger of fire or
electrical shock.
Never touch the power cord when your hands are wet. Doing so
creates the dan ger of electrical shock.
Always unpl ug the p ower cord bef ore movi ng the pr inter . Fai lure t o do
so can damage the power cord, creat ing the danger of fi re or electri cal
Always unplug the power cord if you do not plan to use the printer for
a long time.
Never try to remove any secured panel or cover. The interior of the
printer contains high-voltage circuitry which creates the danger of
electrical shock when exposed.
Never try to modify t he pri nter. Doing so creates the danger of fire or
electrical shock.
Never place a ny hea vy obje cts on t he powe r cord, pull on it or bend i t.
Doing so creates the danger of fire or electrical shock.
Always make sure t he printer is not placed on the elect rical cor d or the
communications cables of any other electrical equipment. Also make
sure that cords and cables do not get into the pr inter’s mechanism.
Any of these conditions create the danger of malfunction and fire.
Always take care so t hat paper clips, staples, or ot her small pi eces of
metal do not get into t he printer through it s vents or other openings.
Such objects create the danger of fire or electrical shock.
2-4PagePr o 4100W
Do not allow water or other liquids to spill on or near the pri nter. Fire
or electrical shock can occur should water or liquid come int o contact
with the printer.
Should liquid or any piece of metal accidently get inside the pr int er,
immediatel y turn it off, unplug the power cord, and cont act your dealer.
Failure to take this immediate action creates the danger of fire or
electrical shock.
Whenever the pri nter emits unusual ly high amounts of heat, smoke,
an unusual odor , or noise, immediatel y turn it off, unplug it, and contact
your dealer. Failure to take this immediate action creates the danger
of fire or elect ri cal shock.
Be sure to locate the pr int er in a well-ventilat ed location. A minimal
amount of ozone i s generated duri ng normal operat ion of this print er.
Because of this, an unpl easant odor may resul t when the printer is
used for extensi ve print ing in a poorl y venti lated a rea. For comfort able,
and safe operat ion, be sure to locate the printer in a well-ventilated
PagePro 4100W2-5
Printer Supplies
Note the foll owing precautio ns when handlin g printer supplies such as t he
imaging cartri dge, and paper.
Avoid storing printer supplie s in t he fol lowing locations:
Areas subjected to direct sunlight. Additionally, the imaging
cartridge mu st be pr otected from fluorescent light.
Areas exposed to open flame.
Areas subjected to high humidity.
Areas subjected to large amounts of dust.
Keep paper that has bee n removed from its wrapper, but not yet
loaded onto the pri nter tray, in a sealed plastic bag and store it in a
cool, dark location.
Only use imaging cartridges that are expressly specifi ed for this
Keep supplies out of the reach of childre n.
Should your ha nds becom e soil ed with toner , immediat ely wash t hem
with soap and water.
Whenever you remo ve the imaging cartridge from the printer ,
immediatel y wrap it wi th a cloth t o prot ect i t fr om o verexpos ure t o l ight.
2-6PagePr o 4100W
See the Quick Guide for Installation and Reference printer before
Set-up the printer according to the following instructions.
Always use a shielded interfa ce cable. Use o f an un shielded c able can
result in radio interference with data.
Keep all the boxes and pack ing material s that the printer comes in for
later use when transporting the printer
Installing the Face-Down Tray
With both hands, gently bend the face-down tr ay inwards and insert one
of its tabs into its holder on the upper portion of the printer. Continue to
bend the face-down tray so that it curves enough for the second tab t o fit
into its holde r and release the tray into position.
PagePro 4100W2-7
Installing Tr ay 1
1 Using the left and right slots in the pri nter as guides, gently push
Tray 1 unti l i t cannot be inserted any further (as shown in the
2 Attach the tray cover onto Tray 1.
2-8PagePr o 4100W
Connecting the Power Cord
1 Make sure tha t th e printer’s power swit ch is in the O (Off) position.
2 Connect one end of the power cord that com es with the printer to t he
power cord socket . Plug the other end into a power outl et.
PagePro 4100W2-9
Loading Paper
1 Remove the tray cover from Tray 1.
2 Open all three of the paper size guides.
2-10PagePro 4100W
3 Place the p aper st ack o nto the tray, prin t-si de up . Secure the st ack b y
adjusting the paper size guides .
A maximum level mark on the paper size guide shows how high you
can stack paper on Tray 1. Make sur e th at paper i s stacked no higher
than th is mark .
4 Replace the tray cover onto Tray 1.
PagePro 4100W2-11
Turning On the Printer
After connecting the printer to a power outlet, press the power switch to
turn it on.
Turning on the print er causes all the indicat ors on the control panel to light,
which indicates that the printer is warming up. In about 23 seconds only
the ready indicator remains lit, indicating that the printer is ready to print.
Initializing Warming Up Ready
The printer aut omat ically en ters a powe r sav ing mode i f it recei ve s no
print commands for about 15 minutes. Whenever the printer receives
a print command while in t he power savi ng mode, it st arts to warm up
again and takes about 23 seconds before it is ready to print.
2-12PagePro 4100W
Connecting to a Computer
1 Make sure that the printer and the computer you are connecting it to
ar e b oth turned off .
2 Connect one end of the interface cable to the par allel port of the
3 Connect the othe r end of the cabl e to the parallel connector on the
back of the printe r. Secure the cable usi ng the two cli ps on the parallel
For cable specifications and pin assignments, see page 7-4 of this
User’s Manual.
PagePro 4100W2-13
This section desc ribes the opt ional item s that are avail able for this pr inter:
Memory SIMM(s), Duplex Unit, Second Paper Cassett e Unit , Thi rd Paper
Cassette Unit, and the Network Interface Card.
SIMM (Single In-line Memory Module)
Many errors caused by data overload can be avoided by installing
additional mem ory into the printe r.
This printer comes with 2 MB of memory. You can increase memory
capacity to up to 16 MB by installi ng an optional 8 or 16 MB SIMM into the
memory connector located inside of the printer.
Memory capacity can be increased to 16 MB by installing a 16 MB
SIMM into the printer. The successful installation of the expansion
memory can be confirmed by displayi ng the Printer In formati on in the
Printer Status Display. For details, see page 4-53 “Displaying Printer
Installat ion of an optional SIMM will inc rease the memory capacity of
your printer. However, the memory of the optio nal SIMM will not be
combined with the ini tial 2 MB that came with the print er.
2-14PagePro 4100W
Installing the Optional SIMM
Electric shock hazard!
Do not remove any co ver of the pr inter that is not direct ly spec ifi ed for
remo va l in th e Us er ’s Manual.
1 Turn off the printer and unplug the power cord.
2 Disconnect the parallel cable from the printer.
3 Press the top cove r rel ease button and open the top cover.
4 Using a screwdriver, loosen and remove the two screws that secure
the exterior si de cover to the printer.
PagePro 4100W2-15
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