MINOLTA-QMS QMS, Crown Document Option Commands Reference Manual

Crown Document Option Commands
The following a re trade marks or regis tered tr ademark s of thei r resp ective o wners. Ot her product names mentione d in this manual may also be trademarks or regist ered trademar ks of their respecti ve o wner s. Reg ist ered tr ad ema rks are re gi ste red i n t he Unit ed S tate s P at ent a nd Trademark Office; some trademarks may also be registered in other countries. The MINOLTA­QMS logo, Crown, and the Cr own logo ar e register ed trademar ks of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc., and PS Executive Seri es is a tr ad ema rk of MINO LTA-QMS, Inc. PostScript is a tradema rk of Ad ob e Systems Incorpo rated fo r a pa ge descrip tion la nguage and may be reg istered i n certai n jurisdictions. Th roughout t his manual, “Post Script Level 2” is used to refer to a set of capabilities de fined b y Adobe S ystems f or its PostScr ipt Level 2 page descrip tion la nguage. These capabilit ies, amo ng other s, are implemen ted in this prod uct thr ough a MI NOLTA-QMS­developed emulat ion th at is compa tible w ith Ado be's Pos tScrip t Level 2 languag e. Ado be/ Adobe Systems Incorporated. 3Com, 3+Open/3Com Corporation. Aldus, Aldus PageMaker, Aldus FreeHand/ Aldus Co rporatio n. Appl e, Appl eTalk, EtherTalk, LaserWriter, LocalTalk, Macintosh, TrueType/Apple Computer, Inc. VIN ES/Bany an. Comp uServe /H & R Block. DE C, DECnet, VMS/Digi tal Equipm ent Corpora tion. Phone NET/Faral lon Computi ng, Inc. Hewle tt­Packard, HP, PCL, HP-GL, LaserJet/Hewlett-Packard Co. IBM PC, Token-Ring/International Business Machines Corporat ion. Inte l/Inte l Corporat ion. Micr osoft, MS -DOS/Micros oft Corporation. Novel l and Ne tWare/Novell, Inc . Quark XPress/Quark , Inc. TOPS /Sun Microsystems, Inc. UNIX/UNIX Systems La boratories.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded sof tware included wit h your print system is Copyrighted © 2001 by MINOLTA- QMS, In c. All R ights Res erved. This sof tware m ay not be repro duced, modi fied, displayed, transfe rred, or copied in any form or in any mann er or on an y media, i n whole or in part, without the ex press written permission of MI NOLTA -QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 2001 by MINOLTA-QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobil e, AL
36618. All Rights Reserved. This ma nual may not be copied in whole or in part, nor transferred to any other media or lang uage, without the exp ress writt en perm ission of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.
Products Covered by this Manual
This manual desc ribes Doc ument Op tion C ommands(DOC s) th at are u sed on a variet y of Crown printers. Therefo re, no t all Do cument Op tion Comm ands and not a ll printe r feat ures discussed herein necessar ily apply to any one printer.
Refer to your printer document ation for a l ist of DOCs th at are sup ported on you r printer, then use this manual for informat ion about the comman ds.


Document Option Commands ............................................................................5
Introduction 6 Printer Compatibility 6 Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP) 7 Using DOCs 7 DOC Statement Syntax 8 Accessing Printer Features 11 Sample DOC Prologue 13 Command Summary 15
Header and Trailer Pages ....................................................................................19
Introduction 20 Chapter Organization 20 DOC Statement Syntax 21 Printing Header Pages 22 Printing Trailer Pages 25 Header/Trailer Information Commands 27
Document Control Commands 30 Sample Prologue 32
Selecting Printer Features ...................................................................................35
Introduction 36 Printer Compatibility 36 Chapter Organization 37 DOC Statement Syntax 38 Printing Commands 39 Paper Handling Commands 43 Page Layout Commands 46 Sessions 72 Emulation Command 80 Printer Resolution, Quality, and Color Commands 80
Selecting Emulation Features .............................................................................83
Introduction 84 Chapter Organization 86 DOC Statement Syntax 87 HP-GL Emulation Commands 88 HP PCL4 Emulation Commands 91 HP PCL5 Emulation Commands 93 HP-PCL 5e or 5c Emulation 98 PostScript Emulation Commands 111 LN03 Plus Emulation Commands 111 PostScript Level Commands 113 Lineprinter Emulation Commands 114 CCITT Group 3 and 4 118 CALS 122 TIFF 123
Bin Assignments .................................................................................................125
Printer Bin Assignments 126
Document Option


MINOLTA-QMS printers offer a wide range of features for designing and printing documents. Applications and printer emulations (such as PostScript, HP-GL, HP PCL) differ in their ability to access some of the printer’s features. The Document Option Commands (DOC) provide a way to access pri nter f eature s that are not acc essib le by your application or the printer emulation.
Document Option Commands provide a quick and convenient way to access printer features. By using Document Option Commands instead of individual printer language commands, one driver can support all languages or emulations used by the printer.
If you are a system administrator, use your host network software to create customized queues for all users connected to the printer. Use Document Option Commands to generate personalized header pages or to activate special printer features for each user.

Characteristics of DOCs

Job related
Document Option Commands are relevant to the formatting of documents.
Human readable
No special programming skills are necessary to use Document Option Commands.
Emulation transparent
Document Option Commands are recognized, interpreted, and stripped from the data stream before the print job is interpreted by the emulation.

Printer Compatibility

Printer features vary on each printer. For example, some of our printers may have a built-in stapler. Document Option Commands designed to access stapler features would not work on a printer th at does not hav e a sta pler. The purpose of this manual is to provi de an overall context for Document Option Commands used with any printer. Refer to your printer documentation for a list of Document Option Commands supported and new Document Option Commands designed to use the partic ular feature s of your printe r . Ref er to this manual for general examples of how to use Document Option Commands.
Document Option Commands6

Emulation Sensing Processor (ESP)

Using a form of artificial intelligence, ESP technology analyzes incoming file data from any of the printer’s interfaces. ESP technology selects the appropriate printer language from those installed on the printer and processes the print job, freeing the user from the need to change printer switch settings or send software commands to accommodate different printe r emulations.

Using DOCs

When using Document Option Commands, the print job consists of a DOC prologue attached to the emulation page descriptions. The prologue consists of text statements that provide information for the header and trailer pages, and Document Option Commands that specify how the job is to be processed and printed.


All DOC prologues begin with %! symbols on the first line. Each DOC statement begins with two percent signs (%%) as the first characters on a line. Next, a unique keyword follows with any optional arguments to the next line. Each line is limited to 255 characters. Spaces in the DOC statement are allowed only between keywords and arguments.

DOC Statement Example

%%IncludeFeature: duplex(on)
Unique Keyword Double Percent Signs
Argument Attribute Argument
Document Option Commands 7

DOC Prologue Example

%! %%Title: A Sample Document for the printer %%For: Corporate Communications %%Date: 08/21/00 12:30:00 %%IncludeFeature: duplex(on) %%End Comments Actual text of print job...
Note that alphabetic case is important for keywords. Use the following rules for all keywords.
All keywords are lowercase except for the first letter of each “word.” For example:
%%Title; %%IncludeFeature.
All arguments are lowercase except where specified.

DOC Statement Syntax

Document Option Commands have the following syntax:
Syntax Indicator Keyword
Indicator Keyword An indicator that a Document Option Statement follows. Indicators are %%. The command name. Typical examples of indicators and keywords are
%%Title: %%CreationDate: %%IncludeFeature: %%EndComments
Lowercase command that causes action to occur with the print job or printer function.
Attributes specify settings for the command. For example, the paper size attribute of the that is to be used for the print job:
%%IncludeFeature: input (letter)
%%IncludeFeature: input
command specifies the paper size
 Mixed case commands must be typed exactly as shown.
Document Option Commands8

Syntax Conventions

(...) Parentheses are explicit separators that must be entered as shown in the com-
mand syntax. One space (hex 20) is recommended for separation before and after the parentheses.
< ...> Attributes or values withi n < > brac kets are option al variabl es. Do no t inclu de the
brackets. [...] Items within square brackets are optional variables. {...} Parameters or values within curly braces may be repeated one or more times.
Do not include the braces. ::== logical equate symbol | logical OR function Spacing Spacing may be used to separate multiple commands and/or arguments on a
single line.


%%IncludeFeature: orientation (<rotation>) <rotation> ::== Portrait | Landscape | portrait | land­scape
 Unless noted, all parameters not shown in
or within < > or { }, must be typed
exactly as shown in the syntax.
 Mixed case commands must be typed exactly as shown.

About the DOC Prologue

The DOC prologue is attached to the beginning of a print job either by the person who is sending the job to the printer, or by a host system print queue. The follo wing rul es apply to DOC prologues:
Every DOC prologue must begin with a si ngle “comment li ne.” (Comment l ines begin with %! and include all subsequent characters up to the first newline character encountered.) If a comment line is not on line 1 of the prologue, the printer (or host software) assumes that no pr ologue is in the cu rrent print job. (If you have subseque nt lines containing valid Document Option Commands, the commands may be ignored or cause unpredictable results.)
Document Option Commands 9
All DOC statements are s pecif ied by t wo p ercent si gns (%%) as t he fi rst c harac ters o n a line. The statements consist of a unique keyword and any optional arguments up to the next newline (linefeed). Use space characters only for the separation of keywords and arguments. Do not use a space to separate the %% characters from the keywords or at the beginning of a line . Keywords ar e case s ensit ive; t ype them exa ctly as shown in this manual.
All Document Option Commands for a print job must appear in the prologue at the beginning of the job and must follow one another. The prologue terminates when the system recognizes a line that does not begin with %% or when it encounters the
When a Document Option Command is used more than once in a pr int job, the first
instance takes precedence. When multiple files, each beginning with their own Docu­ment Option Commands, are conc atenat ed tog eth er as a single p rint j ob, only t he com­mands listed first tak e effe ct unless a job. Note that a jobs can be delimited by the minators. The
command can be used at the beginning of a subjob. Sub-
command must be included with each set of Document
command is also included in the print
command or by e mulation spec ific job ter-
Option Commands that you want t o be evaluated and used. For mor e i nfo rmat io n, se e Chapter 3, “Selecting Printer Features” .
When different Document Option Commands set conflicting attributes for print jobs, the first command takes precedence.
You may place comment lines (%!) anywhere in the prologue. The printer ignores all comment lines.
Printing attributes that are not specified by Document Option Commands are determined by printer default settings.
Unrecognized or unsuppor ted Documen t Option Commands are ignore d. Unrecogni zed or invalid arguments to Document Option Commands are also ignored.

DOC Statement Line Constraints

The statement lines have constraints concerning line length and line endings:
Statements (on a single line) must be less than or equal to 255 characters in length, excluding line termination characters.
Document Option Commands10
All lines must end with a carri age re turn c haract er (he x 0D), a l ine fe ed char acter (hex 0A), or a carriage return/lin e feed combination (hex 0D, hex 0A).

Continuation Lines

In some cases, you may want to use a DOC statement containing more than 255 characters. Continuation lines can be added by beginning each additional line with %%+. For example, continuation lines might be used in the following manner:
%! %%Title: A Sample Document for the printer %%For: Corporate Department %%Date: 12/25/00 12:35:00 %%IncludeFeature: duplex (on) collate (on) %%+numcopies (10) %%+inputbin (1)outputbin (2)input (letter) %%EndComments Actual text of print job...

Accessing Printer Features

The %%IncludeFeature keyword includes arguments for selecting printer features.
%%IncludeFeature: argument (attributes
In this case, o ne of the Doc ument Optio n Comm ands that s elec t printe r fe atures .
Chapter 3, “Selecting Printer Features” tells you how to use Document Option
Commands to access printer features.
The variables for the s pe ci fied c ommand. Attributes includ e on , off, and alphanu-
meric names and values. The value must be enclosed in ( ).
More than one argument may be included in a
argument (attributes)...]
) [
DOC statem ent, but the statement must not exceed 255 characters per line. Use continuation lines that begin with %%+ if your
statement exceeds the 2 55 characters-per-line
limit. For more information on accessing printer features through the
DOC statement, see Chapter 3, “Selecting Printer Features” on
page 35.
Document Optio n Commands 11

%%IncludeFeature Command Example

This example specifies orientation, margins, input bin, output bin, copies, duplexing, and collation:
%%IncludeFeature: orientation (portrait) %%+margins (3600 7200 3600 3600) inputbin (Letter) %%+outputbin (1) numcopies (5) duplex (on) %%+collate (on)

DOC Prologue Terminator

The %%EndComments command terminates the DOC pro logue and signal s the beginning of the print job's data. All data after the %%EndComments command is handled by the selected emulation. The command syntax is
This command should be used only to prevent further processing of Document Option Commands. The DOC prologue is also terminat ed when a line is encounter ed that does not begin with %% or %! characters.
Document Option Commands12

Sample DOC Prologue

The prologue shown below uses all the header and trailer page Document Option Commands described in chapter 2 as well as the %%IncludeFeature command described earlier in this cha p t er. The figure on the next page sho ws t h e hea der pa ge t ha t r es ult s fr om this prologue. (The printer and product names shown on header and trailer pages vary depending on the product.)
%! %%Title: Little Boxes %%For: Corporate Communications %%Routing: Mail Stop 5440 %%Date: May 1, 2000 %%Creator: Line Editor %%CreationDate: May 1, 2000 %%CopyRight: Copyright 2000 %%Version: Version 1.0 %%IncludeFeature: header (on) trailer (on) %%+emulation (postscript) numcopies (2) %%EndComments /Times-Roman findfont 30 scalefont setfont
/square {newpath 0 0 moveto 90 0 lineto 90 90 lineto 0 90 lineto closepath fill 6 92 moveto (A Box) show }def
Document Optio n Commands 13
Little Boxes
For:Corporate Communications Routing: Mail Stop 5440 Date:May 1, 2000 Creator:Line Editor
6100 Print System
Document Option Commands14

Command Summary

The following is a list of Document Option Commands

Header/Trailer Page Commands

Header page %%IncludeFeature: header Trailer page %%IncludeFeature: trailer Save job for reprinting %%Retain

Header/Trailer Information Commands

Accounting information %%ChargeNumber: Copyright statement %%CopyRight: Application used %%Creator: Date and time created %%CreationDate: Current date %%Date: Owner %%For: Host computer %%Host: Routing information %%Routing: Title %%Title: Version and Revision %%Version:

Document Control Commands

Document formatting options %%IncludeFeature: Page order command %%PageOrder: Document number of pages %%Pages: Ending the prologue %%EndComments: Job boundery command %%EndOfDocument: End of document command <ESC>%-12345x Subjob boundery command %%Sessions Job completion email notification %%Notify

Document Formatting

Print background images %%IncludeFeature: background Booklet printing %%IncludeFeature: booklet Print borders %%IncludeFeature: border Collate prin t job %%IncludeFe ature: collate
Document Optio n Commands 15
Color separation command %%IncludeFeature: colorseparation Color model command %%IncludeFeature: colormodel Duplex print jobs %%IncludeFeature: duplex Select emulation %%IncludeFeature: emulatio n Select paper %%IncludeFeatu re: input Logical margins %%IncludeFeature: margin Media type command %%IncludeFeature: mediatype New Layout command %%IncludeFeature: newlayout Select number of copies %%IncludeFeature: numcopies Stacker offset command %%IncludeFeature: offset Select orientation %%IncludeFea tu re: orie nt ati on Select output bins %%IncludeFeature: output Number up printing %%IncludeFeature: pagegrid Offset logical page %%IncludeFeature: pageoffsets Logical page orientation %%IncludeFeature: pageorientation Print page range %%IncludeFeature: pagerange Scale logical page %%IncludeFeature: pagescaling Logical page size %%IncludeFeature: pagesize Select print mode %%IncludeFeature: quality Set printer resolution %%IncludeFeature: resolution Set staple mode %%IncludeFeature: st aple

HP-GL Emulation Commands

Select enhanced resolution %%IncludeFeature: enhanced Expand plot %%IncludeFeature: expand Select original paper size %%IncludeFeature: size Select pen width and color %%IncludeFeature: pen Select plotter %%IncludeFeature: plotte r Scale the image %%IncludeFeature: scaling

HP PCL 4, 5e and 5c Emulation Commands

Enable scalable fonts %%IncludeFeature: scalablefonts Install object %%IncludeFeature: install Remove object %%IncludeFeature: remove Remove resource %%IncludeFeature: removeresource Select default font %%IncludeFeature: font
Document Option Commands16
Select default font ID %%IncludeFeature: fontid Select symbol set %%IncludeFeature: symbolset Set carriage return to CR+LF %%IncludeFeat ure: criscrlf Set linefeed to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature: lfiscrlf Set number of lines per inch %%IncludeFeature: linesperinch Set point size %%IncludeFeature: pointsize Resource %%IncludeFeature: resource

Lineprinter Emulation Commands

Select font for current job %%IncludeFeature: font Set point size for current job %%IncludeFeature: pointsize Specify character map type %%IncludeFeature: map Number lines %%IncludeFeature: number Set tabs %%IncludeFeature: tabs Set linefeed to CR+LF %%IncludeFeature: lfiscrlf Set carriage return to CR+LF %%IncludeFeat ure: criscrlf Set formfeed to CR+FF %%IncludeFeature: ffiscrff Wrap lines %%IncludeFeature: autowrap Set number of lines per page %%IncludeFeature: linesperpage Set margins %%IncludeFeature: lpmargins Set orientation %%IncludeFeature: lporientation

PostScript Emulation Commands

SC 200 to set PostScript protocol %%IncludeFeature: parpsprotocol

CCITT Groups 3 and 4 Commands

Start decompression %%ImageData Set encoded byte flag %%EBAMode Set end of block %%BlockEnd Set line end %%LineEnd Eject page %%PageEnd Set image position %%ImagePosition Invert image %%InvertImage Set dpi for image expansion %%DPI Set data compression %%Compression Reverse bits %%BitReverse
Document Optio n Commands 17
End print job %%JobEnd Set image size %%ImageSize Set image rotation %%Rotation Set image location on page %%SourceImageOrigin Set image location in source %%SourceImagePosition

LN03 Commands

Identify product %%IncludeFeature: product Control line wrap %%IncludeFeature: autowrap Specify default paper size %%IncludeFeature: paper_size Control transformation poi nt %%IncludeFeature:
paper_size_override Adjust image horizontally %%IncludeFeature: xorigin Adjust image vertically %%IncludeFeature: yorigin Set power-up configuration %%IncludeFeature: reset_override

CALS Commands

Automatic rot ation of image %%I ncludeFeature: autorotati on Automatic scaling of image %%IncludeFeature: autoscaling

TIFF Commands

Automatic rot ation of image %%I ncludeFeature: autorotati on Up or down scaling of i mage %%IncludeFeatur e: autoscaling Automatic selection of paper size %%IncludeFeature: sheetsel Annotation %%IncludeFeature: annotation Reverse image control %%IncludeFeature: reverse Control disk scratchfile size %%IncludeFeature: scratchfile Set annotation tag number %%IncludeFeature: tag
Document Option Commands18
Header and Trailer Pages


Header and trailer pages are separator pages that identify each print job and help users sort out print jobs in the printers output bin. A “header” page prints before the first page of a print job. A “trailer” page prints after the last page of a print job. Use the Document Option Commands in this chapter to turn header/trailer pages on or off and to customize the information displayed on them.

Chapter Organization

Use this table to go to the command or information included in this chapter.
For information on... Go to...
DOC statement syntax “DOC Statement Syntax” on page 21 Header pages “Printing Header Pages” on page 22 Trailer pages “Printing Trailer Pages” on page 25 Header/Trailer commands “Header/Trailer Information Commands” on page 27 Printing document title “Document Title” on page 27 Printing document host “Document Host” on page 27 Printing document owner “Document Owner” on page 28 Printing document routing “Routing Information” on page 28 Printing time of document “Printing Time” on page 28 Printing application used “Application Used” on page 28 Printing document copyright date “Copyright Date” on page 29 Printing document accounting “Charge Number” on page 29 Printing document version “Version Number” on page 29 Printing document creation date “Creation Date” on page 29 Controlling page order “PageOrder Command” on page 30 Controlling number of pages “Pages Command” on page 30 Selecting job options “IncludeFeature Command” on page 31 Ending the DOC prologue “EndComments Command” on page 31 Header prologue example “Sample Prologue” on pag e 32
Header and Trailer Pages20

DOC Statement Syntax

Document Option Commands have the following syntax:
Syntax Indicator Keyword
Indicator Keyword An indicator that a Document Option Statement follows. Indicators are %%. The command name. Typical examples of indicators and keywords are
%%Title: %%CreationDate: %%IncludeFeature: %%EndComments
Lowercase command that causes action to occur with the print job or printer function.
Attributes specify settings for the command. For example, the paper size attribute of the %%IncludeFeature:input command specifies the paper size that is to be used for the print job:
%%IncludeFeature: input (Letter)
 Mixed case commands must be typed exactly as shown.

Syntax Conventions

(...) Parentheses are explicit separators that must be entered as shown in the com-
mand syntax. One space (hex 20) is recommended for separation before and after the parentheses.
< ...> Attributes or values withi n < > br ackets are option al vari ables . Do not inc lude the
brackets. [...] Items within square brackets are optional variables. {...} Parameters or values within curly braces may be repeated one or more times.
Do not include the braces. ::== logical equate symbol | logical OR function Spacing Spacing may be used to separate multiple commands and/or arguments on a
single line.
Header and Trailer Pages 21


%%IncludeFeature: orientation (<rotation>) <rotation> ::== Portrait | Landscape | portrait | land­scape
 Unless noted, all parameters not shown in
or { }, must be typed exactly as shown in the syntax.
 Mixed case commands must be typed exactly as shown.

Printing Header Pages

Use the or off and to specify the paper input bin for the header page.)
Syntax <setting>
argument with the “%%Inc ludeFeature ” command to turn header page s on
off (
disable document header page)
on (
enable document header page) |
file (
enable header page for current subjob only)
onfile (
enable document header page and header page for current subjob only)
<physical> <input_bin> |
<physical> <logical> |
<physical> |
<input_bin> |
<physical> ::==
Letter | Legal | Ledger | Executive | A5 | A4 | A3 | B5 | B4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | manualfeed | * |
depending on the maximum number of bins
0 may indic ate manual feed
* indicates current default input bin and other bins of the same size.
or within < >
(<setting> [<source>] )
upper | lower |
other defined name
Header and Trailer Pages22
Default Notes
The paper sizes are dependen t on the printer. For information on the paper siz es
supported by your printer, see your printer documentation.
The number and names of paper input bins may vary on each printer. See
“Printer Bin Assignments” in appendix A for the names of input and output bins
on printers.
%%IncludeFeature: header (on Letter) %%IncludeFeature: header (on Letter 1) %%IncludeFeature: header (on 1) %%IncludeFeature: header (on Letter upper) %%IncludeFeature: header (on upper)
Use the optional
argument to select the input bin for the header page paper. See
“Printer Bin Assignments” in appendix A for input bin name assignments for your printer.

Information Included on the Header Page

The header page lists information specified in the Document Option Commands. The values for %%For: and %%Title: are printed in large bold type at the top of the page, and the rest are listed in smaller type in the bottom half. Here is a list of the information provided by the header page:
printer name
selected interface
job identification
title (%%Title)
submitting computer (%%Host)
job owner (%%For)
routing message (%%Routing)
start time (%%Date)
application used (%%Creator)
creation time (%%CreationDate)
Header and Trailer Pages 23
copyright date (%%CopyRight)
accounting information (%%ChargeNumber)
version number (%%Version)
job submission time
job start time
number of sheets printed
printer product name/logo

Header page example

The following is an example of a DOC prologue for a header page:
%! %%Title: Your Header Page %%For: Marketing %%Routing: MKTG-4032 %%Date: Today %%Creator: Line Editor %%CreationDate: Yesterday %%CopyRight: Copyright 2000 %%Version: Version 3.9 %%IncludeFeature: header (on) trailer (on) %%+emulation (postscript) numcopies (3) %%EndComments
Header and Trailer Pages24

Printing Trailer Pages

Use the
page argument to tur n trailer pages on or off and to specif y the paper input
bin for the trailer page:)
Syntax <setting>
off (
disable document trailer page)
on (
enable document trailer page
onerror (
errorsonly (
lations and display only the errors information
file (
enable trailer page for current subjob only
onfile (
<physical> <input_bin> |
<physical> <logical> |
<physical> |
<input_bin> |
<physical> ::==
Letter | Legal | Ledger | Executive | A5 | A4 | A3 | B5 | B4
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | manualfeed | * |
depending on the maximum number of bins
0 may indic ate manual feed
* indicates current default input bin and other bins of the same size.
(<setting> [<source>] )
) |
enable document trailer page when errors are reported by emulations)
enable document trailer/error page when errors are reported by emu-
) |
) |
enable document trailer page and header page for current subjob only)
Default Notes
upper | lower |
The paper sizes are dependen t on the printer. For information on the paper siz es
supported by your printer, see your printer documentation.
The number and names of paper input bins may vary on each printer. See
“Printer Bin Assignments” in appendix A for the names of input and output bins
on printers.
other defined name
Header and Trailer Pages 25

Information Included on the Trailer Page

The trailer page lists information specified in the Document Option Commands. The values for %%For: and %%Title: are printed in large bold type at the top of the page, and the rest are listed in smaller type in the bottom half. Here is a list of the information provided by the trailer page.
printer name
selected interface
job identification
title (%%Title)
submitting computer (%%Host)
job owner (%%For)
routing message (%%Routing)
start time (%%Date)
application used (%%Creator)
creation time (%%CreationDate)
copyright date (%%CopyRight)
accounting information (%%ChargeNumber)
version number (%%Version)
job submission time
job start time
number of sheets printed
printer product name/logo
The trailer page also lists any errors generated by the printer while processing or printing your document. Use the generates an y errors. Use the
argument to print the trailer page only if the printer
argument to prin t an error list (no other trailer
page information) only if the printer generates any errors.
Header and Trailer Pages26
Use the optional
argument to select an input bin for the trailer page paper. See
“Printer Bin Assignments” in appendix A for input bin name assignments for your printer.

Trailer page example

Trailer page commands are used exactly like header page commands. Refer to the header page example “Header page example” on page 3-6.

Retaining a Print Job

This statement can be used to save the print job for later printing. See the Crow nBook for additional information about using the Proof-then-Print feature.
Syntax <type> <submitter> Default
Up to 16 alphanumeric characters that identify the submitter and/or job.
type> <submitter

Header/Trailer Information Commands

Document Title

This statement can be us ed to print the title of the document on header and trailer pages.
Syntax <text> Default

Document Host

This statement can be used to print the name of the host from which the document is transmitted.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.
Header and Trailer Pages 27

Document Owner

This statement can be used to print the name of the person or system account originating the document.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Routing Information

This statement can be used to pr int the owner 's intero ffi ce mailing ad dress or other ro uting information.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Printing Time

This statement can be used to print the current date.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Application Used

This statement can be used to print the document creator. This is usually the name of the document composition software.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.
Header and Trailer Pages28

Copyright Date

This statement can be used to print the document copyright statement.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Charge Number

This statement can be used to print the document accounting information for the job.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Version Number

This statement can be used to print the version and revision numbers of a document or resource.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.

Creation Date

This statement can be used to print the date and time the document was created.
Syntax <text> Default
Any alphanumeric string up to 80 characters long. Anything longer is truncated.
Header and Trailer Pages 29

Document Control Commands

These commands can be used to output of the document and formatting characteristics of the job.

PageOrder Command

This is used to control the order of pages in the document file or data stream which in turn may be used by the pri nt system to reorde r the page s to take adv antage of special e ffe cts or features.
Syntax <setting>
<setting> ::== Asend | Descend
Ascend — pages are in ascending order beginning with page on and increment-
ing to the highest page number.
Descend — pages are in descending order starting with the highest possible
page number and decrementing to page one.
no default

Pages Command

This statement defines the number of vir tual pa ges tha t the doc ument wil l image. Th is can be different fr om the number of physica l p age s t he engine prints This i s u sed to determine the odd or even boundary when duplexing.
Syntax <numpages> Notes
Any integer up to 7 digits
Any value greater than 7 digits will be truncated.
The value <numpages> must be set to the actual number of pages in the docu-
ment for descending job streams.
Header and Trailer Pages30
+ 104 hidden pages