The following are registere d trademarks of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.: Q MS, the M INOLTAQMS logo, Crown, Crow nNet, and magic olor.
Minolta is a trade mark of Mi nolta Co., Ltd. Other product n ames mentio ned in this
guide may also be trademark s or registered tra d emarks of their respec tive owner s.
MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. reser ves the ri ght to mak e changes to this guid e and to th e
equipment describe d herein without notice. Con siderable effort has been m ade to
ensure that this guide is free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, MINOLTAQMS, Inc. makes no wa rranty of any kind including, bu t not limited to, any implied
warranties of merchanta bility and fitness for a particular purpo se with r egard to this
guide. MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. assumes no res ponsibility for, or liability for, errors
contained in th is guide or for incidental, spec ial, or consequential damages arising
out of the furnishing of this guide, or the use of this guide in operating the equipment,
or in connectio n with the p erforma nce of the equi pment when so operated .
Registering the Printer
Mail (Americas only)—Fill out and send in the r egistration card e nclos ed in your
Internet—Go to and follow the instructions
given there.
Software Utilities CD-ROM—Follow the instruction s on the CD- ROM.
If you followed all the steps in the Installation Guide that came with your
printe r, then the printer is properly set up, connected to your computer,
plugged in, turned on, and ready to receive the system software, drivers, and
utilities on the Software Utilities CD-ROM.
Put the CD-ROM in your computer’s CD-ROM drive and the MINOLTA-QMS
AutoInstaller begins the installation process.
Automatic System Software Update
The AutoInstaller locates the file containing the system software on the
SoftwareUtilities CD-ROM and, if it is a newe r version th an th e one that is
currently on the printer, automatically downloads it to the pr i nter.
Operator intervention is required to prevent the system software
If y ou attempt to download a previous version of system software, an error
page prints stating “Low Release Level.” This prevents an older version of
system software from being downloaded over a newer version.
The system software update aborts without operator intervention if the
system software on the CD-ROM is the same as, or older than, the one
currently installed on the printer controller.
If you are installing new system software, you may have to wa it up to
10 mi nu tes for the update. Do not interrupt the proces s .
Drivers and Utilities
The printer driver and additi onal s oftwar e on the Software Utilities CD-ROM
can b e installed on P C , M acintosh, and othe r co m puters using any of the
Windows Me
Windows 98
Windows 95 (B minimum)
Windows XP
Windows 2000
Windows NT4
Macintosh OS 9 (version 9.2.1 or
higher) or X (version 10.1.4 or
NetWare (Versions 5 and 6)
Software Utilities CD-ROM2
Drivers and PPDs
Manual installat io n instructio ns are prov ided in the rea dme files on the
Software Utilities CD-ROM in case you need them.
PostScript 2/3
Windows NT4
PCL 6 Driver
Macintosh PPDs PostScript Printer Descripti on (PPD)
Windows PPDsThese PPD files allow you to install the
Linux PPDsThese PPDs can be used with
These drivers give you access to all of
the printer’s features, including
finishing and advanced layout
This driver gives you access to all of
the printer’s features, including
finishing and advanced layout. It also
includes support for Arabic, Greek, and
Hebrew fonts and font sets.
files allow you to configure options
such as memory and informs the
computer what options and features
are available.
printer for a variety of platforms,
drivers, a nd a pplications.
third-party Linux print filters that use
“Insta lli n g Printer
Drivers and Utilities,
Environments” on page
“Insta lli n g Printer
Drivers and Utilities,
Environments” on page
Readme on the
Software Utilities
Readme on the
Software Utilities
Readme on the
Software Utilities
Instruc tions
Crown Print
Monitor + for
This Windows utility provides an efficient
method for transporting print jobs
directly to a MINOLTA-QMS printer via
the TCP/IP protocol.
This util ity pr ovides the ability to
download fonts and overlays to the
printer’s hard disk. It also allows you to
download fonts to printer memory.
Readme on the
Software Utilities
Readme on the
Software Utilities
Software Utilities CD-ROM
Net Care
NDPS Gateway
Network Setup
These tables allow you to match printed
colors to scr een color s. Provided f or use
with PostScript High resolution printing
(1200x1200 dpi).
These color profiles provide support for
host-based color management systems
including Microsoft ICM 2 for Windows,
Apple ColorSync, CorelDRAW, Kodak
KCMS, Adobe Photoshop 5 and others.
This installer automatically places all
needed print-related components, such
as a PostScript Printer Description
(PPD) file, color profiles, screen fonts,
and registration information, in the
correct loc ations on your system and
allows you to use your printer with
Macintosh OS 9 (version 9.2. 1 or higher )
or X (version 10.1.4 or higher).
This uti lity, designed with administrator s
in mind, is a powerful tool, allowing
centralized management of network
printers. It is available for Windows and
UNIX platforms. Refer to the
PageScope Net Care Manual in PDF
format on the Documentation CD-ROM.
UNIX Host Software, com patible with a
variety of UNIX platforms, all ows for the
customization of UNIX-based queues
and filters for the specific features of the
Crown printer.
The NetWare interface allows NetWare
users to manage printers from a central
This utility provides basic configuration
functions for network printers using
TCP/IP and IPX protocols.
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Readme on the
Softw a re Utilities
Software Utilities CD-ROM4
Installing Printer D rivers and Utilities,
Windows Environments
Arabic and Hebrew versions of the drivers and utilities must be
installed manually. For manual installation instructions refer to the
readme file on the Software Utilities CD-ROM.
Insert the Software Utilitie s CD-ROM in your CD-ROM dr ive.
If the CD-ROM does not start automatically, double-click setup.exe
in the root directory.
In the first window, click Next.
In the next window, click Printer Setup.
Choose the method by which the PC and printer are connected.
Follow the instructions on the screen.
On the Printer Options screen, use the check boxes to print a test page,
make the new printer your default, set printer properties and printing
preferences, or update printer firmware (also called printer system
Be sure the check t he Up date Print er Firmware box. It’ s very i mportant
to update the printer firmware the first time you install the printer.
On the last screen, choose Finish.
This returns you to the Main Menu screen, where you can register your
printer , r eview dr iver o r util ity documentati on, or purch ase suppl ies onlin e.
When you are finished, exit fr o m the Installer.
When the system software installation is complete, remove the CD-ROM
from your CD-ROM drive and store it in a safe place.
Installing Printer D rivers and Utilities,
Macintosh Enviro nm e nts
Some Notes to Consider
In the following sections, we assume that you are installing the software
for the first time.
The current version of Macintosh OS X has limited support for PPD
(PostScript Printer Description) files. Although MINOLTA-QMS printers
can be used with Macintosh OS X, not all advanced printing features are
available. Advanced printing features are still available under Macintosh
OS 9.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Windows
You can connect to your printer by
A USB cable
A crossover Ethernet cable
Ethernet patch cables and an Ethernet hub
MINOLTA-QMS developed a PostScript Printer Description (PPD) file for the
magicolor 3300. This PPD works with the Macintosh Operating System’s
PostScript printe r dr iv e r (L a serWriter) to prov ide s uppor t fo r the features on
the magicolor 3300, such as print resolution and media sizes.
Macintosh O S 9—PPDs and Util ities Inst allat ion
OS 9 Step 1. So ftware Installatio n
Insert the Software Utilitie s
CD-ROM in your Macin-
tosh’s CD-ROM drive.
If this screen does not
appear , double-clic k the
icon on your Macintosh
Double-click the Install icon.
Follow the instructions on
the screen to install the
magicolor 3300 PPD and
After the PPD and utilities installation is comple te , choose Quit.
When the system software installation is complete, remove the
CD-ROM from your CD-ROM drive and store it in a safe place.
OS 9 Step 2. C r eating a Desktop Pri n ter
USB Connection
Plug one end of the USB cable into the Macintosh and the other into
the printer’s USB port.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Macintosh6
Locate the Desktop Printer Utility.
If you cannot locate it on your Macintosh hard disk, it can be found on
your Macintosh’s system CD-ROM.
Double-click the Desktop Printer Utility icon to open the application.
The first window prompts you to select the type of desktop printer you
would like to create.
Select Printer (USB), and select OK.
Choose the Change button in the PostScript Printer Description section. In the resulting window, select the magicolor 3300 PPD, and
choose Select.
Choose the Change but ton i n the USB Pr in ter Selecti on sect ion. I n the
resulting window, select the magicolor 3300, and click
EtherTalk Connection
You can connect via Ethernet in either of two ways:
Plug one end of a crosso ver Etherne t cable into the Mac intosh and
the other into the printer’s Ethernet port.
Use Ethe r n et p a tc h c a b les a n d an Ethe rn e t hub. P lu g one end of
each patch cable i n to th e hub, then plug the other end of one into
the Macintosh and the other end of the second into the printer’s
Ethe rnet port.
Open the Chooser and select LaserWriter.
When your printer boots up, it fin ds a defaul t zo ne. If your ne twork has
more than one zone and you want to use a different zone, use the
Interface/Ethernet/Ethertalk/Name and Zone menus on the printer
control panel to specify the new zone.
The Name and Zone menus allow you to identify 1 zone with a
name up to 32 characters long. (Up to 16 characters can be
entered in each of the two menus). You cannot use these two
menus to identify two zones. Trailing spaces are not considered
part of t he zone name. All stan dard printabl e ASCII character s are
valid except the @ and ' symbols. The names are case sensitive.
Choose Create and then Set-Up.
LPR Connection
You can connect via Ethernet in either of two ways:
Plug one end of a crosso ver Etherne t cable into the Mac intosh and
the other into the printer’s Ethernet port.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Macintosh
Use Et hernet patch ca bl e s a nd an E th ernet hub. Plug one end of
eac h patch cabl e into the hub, then plug the other end of one into
the Macintosh and the other end of the second into the printer’s
Ethernet port.
Locate the Desktop Printer Utility.
If you cannot locate it on your Macintosh hard disk, it can be found on
your Macintosh’s system CD-ROM.
Select Printer (LPR), and select OK.
Type in the IP Address and use the same address for the Queue
name. Click OK.
Choose Create.
Name the printer with the IP Address or a descriptive name.
OS 9 Step 3. System Software
Insert the Software Utilitie s
CD-ROM in your Macintos h’s
CD-ROM drive.
If this screen does not
appear , double-clic k the
icon on your Macintosh
Double-click the Resources
Double-click the
System_Code folder, and
then locate the system software file ( where system is the
Drag the system. ps icon and dr op it o n the magi color 3 300 pr inte r icon
on your desktop to perform the system software upgrade.
Note: If your p ri nter’s system software version is later than the
version on the CD-ROM that you are downloading, an error page
will print on the printer. In this case, go to step f. You do not need
to upgrade the printer’s system softwar e.
When the system software installation is complete, remove the
CD-ROM from your CD-ROM drive and store it in a safe place.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Macintosh8
Macintosh O S X—PPDs and Utilit ies Installation
OS X Step 1. Software Installation—Automatic
Insert the Software Uti lities
CD-ROM in your Macintosh’s
CD-ROM drive.
If this screen does not appear,
double-click the MINOLTA-QMS
CD-ROM icon on your
Macintosh desktop.
Double-click the Install icon.
The installer uses the
path Hard Disk Name/Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/
Resources/ for PPDs and the path: Hard Disk Name/Library/Fonts/ for fonts.
Follow the instructions on the screen to install the magicolor 3300
PPD and utilities.
After the PPD and utilities installation is complete, choose Quit.
OS X Step 2. Creating a Printer Queue
Connect the printer to the computer using a USB or Ethernet
For USB, plug one end of the USB cabl e into t he PC and t he other into
the matching printer port.
For Ethernet, you can connect in either of two ways:
Plug one end of a crosso ver Etherne t cable into the Mac intosh and
the other into the printer’s Ethernet port.
Use Ethe r n et p a tc h c a b les a n d an Ethe rn e t hub. P lu g one end of
each patch cable i n to th e hub, then plug the other end of one into
the Macintosh and the other end of the second into the printer’s
Ethe rnet port.
Locate and double-click the Print Center utility to open it.
In the Printer List window, choose Add Printer.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Macintosh
In the resulting window, select from USB, AppleTalk, or LPR to match
your printer connection.
USB—The magicolor 3300 appears in the window.
AppleTalk (for Ethernet connection)—Select the zone and scroll
through pri nter c hoices. The magi color 3300 appe ars in the c hoice l ist .
LPR—Enter the IP Address. If the “Use Default Queue on Server” box
is checked, click it to unselect it. Type in the IP Address again for the
Queue name.
Choose the Printer Model popup menu to select the magicolor 3300
PPD, and choose Other.
Browse to Library/Printers/PPDs/Contents/Resources/en.lproj.
The first two letters of the folder name are an abbreviation for
the language. If you prefer another language instead of
English, you can pick a different .lproj folder.
Select the magicolor 3300 PPD. Click Choose and then click Add.
The Printer List opens again.
Double-click on the printer you just created to open the Print Queue
OS X Step 3. System Software
If it’s not already there, insert the Software Utilities CD-ROM in your
Macintosh’s CD-ROM drive.
Double-click the CD-ROM icon to
display its contents.
Note: Unlike Macintosh OS 9,
it is not necessar y to inst all the
magicolor 3300 PPD and
utilities before upgrading the
printer system software in
Macintosh OS X.
Double-click the Resources icon.
Double-click the System_Code folder, and then locate the system
softw are file ( where system is the filename).
Drag the icon and drop it into the Print Queue window you
opened in Step 2, Letter H. This performs the system software
When the system software installation is complete, remove the
CD-ROM from your CD-ROM drive and store it in a safe place.
Installing Printer Drivers and Utilities, Macintosh10
For UNIX and NDPS installation, refer to the readme files on the Software
Utilities CD-ROM. For NetWare installation, check the Answer Base at
For Linux PPD and PDQ installati on, refer to the read me file s o n the Software
Utilities CD-ROM. This readme includes basic information about PDQ,
XPDQ, CUPS, and XPP connections and instructions for installing them.
Using Media
This chapter provides information on handling, selecting, and storing media.
Getting Started
“How do I take care of media?” page 17
“What should I watch out for when handling media?” page 19
“What sizes of media can I use?” page 21
“What Is the imageable (printable) area” page 22
“What is the differenc e between a nonprintable
and nonguaranteed area?”
Print Quality
“Why have different print qualities?” page 24
“Which print quality is the best?”page 24
“How do I select the print quality?” page 26
Med ia Types
“What are the media types supported?” page 25
“What is the difference betwee n ‘glossy plain’ paper and ‘coated
“How do I select the media type?” page 26
Other In formation
“How do I prepare and load the media?” page 33
“How do I manually duplex?” page 44
“How do I autoduplex?” page 44
“Where can I order MINOLTA-QMS-app roved media o r get
more information?”
page 22
page 26
page 45
Using unsupported me dia such a s ink jet pa per or coated color
transparencies will result in damaging the printer and voiding your
Media Storage and Handling
How do I take care of media?
Keep media on a flat, level surface in its original wrapper until it is time to
load it.
If media has been removed from its wrapper, place it in its original packaging
and store in a cool, dark place.
When storing media, avoid
Moisture, excess humidity
Keep media between 30% to 65% relative humidity. Toner does not
adhere well to paper where it has become wet.
On the other hand, media that has been stored for a long time without
staying in its packaging may dry up too much and also cause jamming.
Direct sunlight
Excess heat (up to 86° F/30° C)
Leaning media against other objects or placed in an upright position
Before purchasing a large quantity or special media, do a trial printing with
the same media and check print quality.
What should I watch out for when handling media?
Do not use the media types listed below. These could cause poor print
quality, media jams, or damage to the printer.
Do not use media that is
Coated with a processed surface (such as carbon paper, digitally
glos s-coate d m e d i a , hea t-sensit i v e paper, heat-pressure paper,
heat-press transfer paper); colored paper that has been treated
Special media designed specifically for inkjet printers
Media that has already been printed on
An inkjet printer
A monochrome or color laser printer or copier
A heat-transfer printer
Another printer or fax machine
Wet or damp
Media Storage and Handling
Folded, creased, em bossed, warped, or wrinkled
Perforated, three-hole prepunched, or torn
Too slick, too coarse, too textured
Different in texture (roughness) on the front and back
Too thin or too thi c k
Stuck together with static electricity
Composed of foil or gilt; too luminous
Cold water transfer paper
Heat sensitive or cannot withstand the fusing temperature (between
316° F/158° C and 356° F/180° C, depending on the media)
Irregularly shaped (not rectangular or not cut at right angles); not uniform
in size
Attached with glue, tape, paper clips, stapl es, ribb ons, hook s, or but ton s
Any other media that is not approved
Use media that is
Suitable fo r plain- paper l aser printers, such as standard or recycl ed o ffice
What should I watch out for when loading envelopes?
Do not use envelopes that have
Sticky flaps
Tape seals, metal clasps, paper clips, fasteners, or peel-off strips for
Transparent windows
Too rough of a surface
Material that will melt, vaporize, of fset discolor, or emit dangerous fumes
Been presealed
Use envelopes that are
Common office envelopes with diagonal joints, sharp folds and edges,
and ordinary gummed flaps
Approved for laser printing
Printed on the front address side only
Media Storage and Handling16
What should I watch out for when loading labels?
Do not use label sheets that
Have labels that easily peel off
Have the ba cki ng sheets that have peeled away or have exposed
Labels may stick to the fuser, causing them to peel off and media jams to
Are precut
Do not use
OK to use
Shiny backed paper
Use label sheets that are
Recommended for laser printers
Paper cut into labelsFull page labels
What should I watch out for when loading postcards?
Do not use postcards that are
Designed for inkjet printers
Preprinted or m ulticolored (may result in printer jamming)
Use postcards that are
Jap an e se Po st Off ice sta n da rd postcards (3.9x5.8" [100x148 mm]) recommended for laser printers
What should I watch out for when loading transparencies?
Use only the MINOLTA-QMS-approved transparencies. Check (click on Answer Base) for currently
approved media. To order approved transparencies, go to
Media Storage and Handling
Do not use transparencies that
Are coated, such as transparencies designed for m ost color printers
Have static electricity that will cause them to stick together
Use transparencies that are
Monochrome, uncoated transparencies (also known as OHP film)
Refer t o p age 31 for in fo rmation about t he recommended
General Notes about Media
If you’re printing simplex pages, load the media printing-side down in the multipurpose tray, but printing-side up in the other trays. Th e top of t he sheets of
media should be toward the back of the printer.
Often, an arrow on the media package label indicates the printing side of the
media. If you can’t determine which side of the media to print on, remove the
media from the tray, rotate the stack 180°, turn the stack over, and then place
it back in the tray.
Do not allow media to go above the fill limit mark inside the tray or the
media may not be fed correctly.
Media Trays
PrinterUpper (standard) tray500
Input Feeder
Input Feeder
NotesYou may rename these trays for your convenience. See the
Media TraySheet Capacity
for Le tter/A 4 sized Media
Optional Tray (1x500)50 0
Optional Tray 1 (2x500)
Optional Tray 2 (2x500)
CrownBooks in PDF on the Software Utilitie s CD-ROM for
more information.
(500 sheets each)
Media Storage and Handling18
Media Sizes and Print Area
What si z es of medi a can I use?
Your printer supports full-color printing on all approved media sizes.
Kai 167.28x10.24185.0x260.0 ****MYes
Kai 325.12x7.28130.0x185.0 ****MYes
Legal8.5x14.0216.0x356.0 ****U/M/HYes
Letter8.5x11.0216.0x279.0 ****U/M/HYes
Letter Transp. 8.5x11.0216.0x279.0 TransparencyU/M/HNo
Statement5.5x8.5140.0x216.0 ****MYes
* The multip urpose tray media typ e set in the printer dr iver overrides the media type
set in the printer’s conf iguratio n menu.
** U=Upper (standard) media tray (500 sheets)
M=Multipurpose media tray (100 sheets)
H=High-capacity input feeder media trays (1x500 and 2x500 sheets)
*** Autodup l ex is avail abl e only on a magicol or 330 0 DN or on a magicol or 3300 wit h
an optional duplex kit installed.
****Choices are Plain Paper, Glossy Plain, Thick 2, or Thick 3. See “What media types
are supported?” on page 25. Thick 3 can be printed only from the multipurpose tray.
3.5 to 8.5 x
5.5 to 35.4
3.94x5.83100.0x148.0 PostcardMNo
88.9 to 215.9
x 139.7 to 900
Printer Driver*
Plain PaperMNo
Media Sizes and Print Area
What is the image able (printab l e) area
Each media size has a specific imageable area,
the maximum area on which the printer can print
clearly and without distortion.
This area is subject to both hardware limits (the
physical media si ze and the margins required by
the print er) and so ftware constrai nts ( th e amoun t
of memory available for the full-page frame
buffer). The imageable (printable) area for all
media sizes is the page size minus 0.157"/4 mm
from all edges of the media.
All media is fed in por trai t (short edge f irst ) ori entat ion, and all media i s
output to the 250-sheet output tray on top of the printer.
What is the difference between a nonprintable and a
nonguaranteed area?
There is a 0.157"/4 mm nonprintable border for all edges on all media sizes
and types. Only envelopes have a nonguaranteed area.
Print orientation is determined by your application.
A Non pr in ta ble area 0.157"/4 mm
B Nonguaranteed area*
C Guaranteed area*
* Varies with envelope type
Page Margins
Margins are set through your application. Some applications allow you to set
custom page sizes and margins while others have only standard page sizes
and margins from which to choose. If you choose a standard format, you
may lose part of your image (due to imageable area constraints). If you can
custom-size your page, use those sizes given for the imageable area for
optimum results.
Media Sizes and Print Area20
Image Alignment
If for any reason, you need to change the image alignment, you can do so in
several different ways:
Adjust the margins or page size through your app lication (recommended
Use the printer’s control panel (Administrat ion/Engine/Image Alignment
Use the PostScript translate and scale operators to reduce image size
and change its placement on the page (requires PostScript programming
Outp ut Tray
The single face-down output tray has a capacity of 250 sheets of 2 0lb
(75 g/m
printer (with an optional 1x500 HCIF installed) or 1,600 sheets of media (with
an optional 2x500 HCIF installed), but don’t forget the output tray has a limit.
) bond paper. It is possible to load up to 1,100 sheets of media in the
Try printing your data on a plain sheet of paper first to check placement.
All media is fed on the short edge.
Test a n y sto ck thic ker than 2 8 l b b ond (105 g/m²) to ensure that its
performance is acceptable. You should test the number of sheets of thick
stock a media tray can hold to ensure that its performance is acceptable.
Select Single User Mode or Network Mode (job modes) to specify
how media type requests are handled. For more information, refer to
the CrownBooks in PDF format on the Software Utilities CD-ROM.
In Single User Mode, you can select the media type and size from
the drivers. The driver will overwrite any settings on the printer.
In Network Mode, if special media is not selected in both the driver
and from the printer’s control panel, the printer uses plain paper
Select print quality to control the speed of printing, the fuser
temperature, and the amount of toner gloss.
Select the media type.
Why have different print qualities?
The specific print quality that is best depends upon your parti cular needs.
For example, you can control the the amount of toner gloss.
Which print quality is best?
Standard600x600 Full If getting your jobs printed in a
Quality1200x1200 Full If getting your jobs printed with
Fine1200x1200 Half If getting your jobs printed with
Dots per Inch
timely manner is most important.
more g lo ss and bett er quality is
most important.
more gloss and best quality is
most important.
How do I choose print quality?
In the Windows printer driver (Features tab, Resolution [DPI] option), select
You have the choice to customize the printing. For example, printing a glossy
(shinier) image on plain paper is less e xp e nsive, a nd you d on’t have to load
two media types in your trays.
Test any stock to ensure that its performance is acceptable.
+ 164 hidden pages
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