Minolta Magicolor 2200 User Manual

magicolor 2200 DeskLaser User’s Guide
The following are registered trademarks of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.: QMS, the MINOLTA-QMS logo, and ma gi colo r.
Proprietary Statement
The digitally encoded software included with your printer is Copyrighted © 2000 by MINOLTA­QMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This software may not be reproduced, modified, displayed, transferred, or copied in any form or in any manner or on any media, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.
Copyright Notice
This manual is Copyrighted © 2000 by MINOLTA-QMS, Inc., One Magnum Pass, Mobile, AL
36618. All Rights Reserved. This document may not be copied, in whole or part, nor transferred to any other media or language, without written permission of MINOLTA-QMS, Inc.
Manual Notice
MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. reserves the right to make changes to this manual and to the equipment described herein wi thout notice. Considerable effort has been made to ensure that this manual is free of inaccuracies and omissions. However, MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. makes no warranty of any kind including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose with regard to this manual. MINOLTA-QMS, Inc. assumes no responsib ility for, or liab ility f or, errors contai ned in this man ual or for incid ental, spe cial, o r consequential damages arising out of the furnishing of this manual, or the use of this manual in operating the equipment, or in connection with the performance of the equipment when so operated.
Registering th e Printer
—Fill out and send in the registration card enclosed in your shipment.
Interne t
—www.minolta-qms.com/support/prodreg (US only)


1 Replacing Consumables
Consumable Life Expectancies .......................................................................2
Replacing Consumables ...................................................................................2
Ordering Consumables 3
Replac i n g T o n e r C a r t r i d g e s ........................ .............. ................... .............. ....3
Toner Cartridge Life 4 Toner Cartridge Handling 5 Toner Cartridge Replacement 5 Refilled Toner Cartridges 7
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack ......8
Removing the Used Waste Toner Pack 9 Removing the Used OPC Drum Cartridge 12 Removing and Installing the Laser Lens Cover 13 Installing the New OPC Drum Cartridge 14 Installing the New Waste Toner Pack 16
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit .....................................17
Replacing the Fuser Unit 17 Replacing the Transfer Roller Unit 21
Replacing the Fuser Oil Roller .....................................................................24
Replacing the Transfer Belt ..........................................................................26
2 Using Media
Introduction .....................................................................................................34
Media Handling...............................................................................................34
Media Ty pes ... .............. .................... .............. .......................... ................... ....35
Plain Paper 35 Letterhead and Memo Media 35 Thick Stock 36 Envelopes 37 Labels 37 Postcards 38 Transparencies 38
Loadin g M e d i a ...... .............. .................... .............. ......................... ................40
Autoduplexing 40 Upper and Optional Media Trays 41 Multipurpose Tray 44 Printing Envelopes from the Multipurpose Tray 46 Printing Area 47
Media S to r a g e...... .............. .................... .............. ......................... ..................47
3 Printer Driver Configuration
Introduction .....................................................................................................50
Confi g uring the Pr i nter D riv er .......... .................... .............. ................... ......50
Windows Me/98/95 Configuration Methods 50 Windows 2000/NT 4.0 Configuration Methods 52
32-bit SuperDriver Setup ...............................................................................55
Printer Driver Controls for Windows Me/2000/NT4/98/95 55 Configuring Paper Options 56 Configuring Page Layout Options 63 Configuring Image Options 70 Configuring Device Options 74 Information on the About Tab 75
Sharing th e Printer ....................... .......... .......... .......... ..................... .......... ..... 7 5
Using the Crown Print Monitor ....................................................................76
Components 76
4 Maintaining the Printer
Introduction .....................................................................................................80
Printer Care.....................................................................................................80
Updati n g Sy stem Software............ .............. .................... ............. ..................83
Downloading Methods 83 System File 83 Downloading the System File via Ethernet (TCP/IP) 84 Downloading the System File via Parallel 87
Future U p da tes......... ........ .............. .................... .............. ......................... ......88
5 Troubleshooting
Introduction .....................................................................................................90
Printing a Sample Page ..................................................................................90
Preventing Media Jams .................................................................................90
Automa tic Jam Recovery.......... .................... ........ ........ ....... .............. ............91
Understanding the Media Path......................................................................92
Media Tray 92 Multipurpose Tray 93 Duplex Unit (optional) 93 5-bin Mailbox (optional) 93
Contents iii
Clearing Media Jams .....................................................................................94
Handling Media Jams by Location 94 Clearing Misfeed (Upper or Optional Tray) Jams 95 Clearing Misfeed (Multipurpose Tray) Jams 96 Clearing Inner Jams, Outer Jams, and Drum Jams 97 Clearing Jams from the Output Tray 104
Solving Problems with Media Jams............................................................105
Solving Ot h e r Pro blems .. .......... .................... .......... .......... ........... ...............107
Solving Pr o b l e ms with Print i ng Quality. .................... .......... ........... .......... .111
Status, Error, and Service Messages...........................................................121
Status and Error Messages 122 Service Messages 126
Additional Assistance ...................................................................................127
6 Installing Other Accessories
Introduction ...................................................................................................130
Installing a Lower Feeder Unit (LFU).............................................. .... ......130
Installing a Duplex Unit ................................ ............ .......... ..... ........ .......... ..136
Installing an Optional 5-bin Mailbox...................................... ...... .... ...... ....142
BuzzBox .........................................................................................................148
What's in the Kit? 149 Installing BuzzBox 149 Using BuzzBox 150
Antistatic Protection ....................................................................................151
Dual In-Line Memory Module ....................................................................151
Installation 152
Media Trays...... ........ ........ ........ ........ .............. .................... ............. ..............153
Crown Conversion Kit..................................................................................153
Printer Stand/Cabinet .................................................................................. 153
7 CrownView
Setting up the Printe r Web Page.................................................................157
Determining the Printer Name 157 Setting Up Your Browser Software 157
Printer Summar y Page.................................................................................161
Consumable Status Pa g e ........ .......... .................... .......... ........... ...................162
Engine Pa g e.......... ........ ........ ........ .............. ......................... .................... ......163
Mail Pag e.......... ........ ........ ........ ........ .............. ......................... .................... ..164
Network Page ................................................................................................165
SNMP Page........ .......... .......... .................... .......... .......... ........... .................... .16 6
8 Repacking the Printer
Storing the Printer........................................................................................168
Relocating Your Printer...............................................................................168
Repacking the Printer ..................................................................................169
What's Involved? 169 Remove the Cables 170 Remove the Fuser Oil Roller 170 Remove the Toner Cartridges 170 Remove the Waste Toner Pack 171 Remove OPC Drum Cartridge 171 Remove Transfer Belt 171 Remove the Duplex Unit 171 Remove the 5-bin Mailbox 171 Remove the Lower Feeder Unit 172 Repack the Printer 173
A Technical Specifications
Requirements ................................................................................................176
Space Requirements 176 Power Requirements 177 Location Requirements 177
Contents v
Engine and Controller Specifications ......................................................... 180
Engine 180 Print Speed—Simplex 180 Print Speed—Autoduplex 180 General 181 Controller 181 Electrical 182 Environmental 183 Physical 184
Print M edia ........ ........ ........ .............. .................... .............. ......................... ..184

Replacing Consumables


Consumable Life Expectancies

The stated life expectanc y of each con sumable is based on printing under specific operating conditi ons, such as media type, number of color planes, page size, and page coverage (@ normal 5% covera ge of letter /A4-size media) . The actual life expectanc y will vary depending o n these and other printing variables, incl uding continuous or intermittent printing, higher than normal coverage, ambient temperature, and humidity.

Replacing Consumables

Failure to follow ins tructions as outlined in the your warran ty.
The following messages indi cate that a consumable needs to be replaced:
Item/Message Display This item needs replaci ng by user after... Page Reference
Fuser oil roller
Fuser unit/t ransfer roller kit
OPC drum kit (OPC drum, laser lens cover, waste toner pack)
message window (after up to 21,000 sin­gle-sided continuous monochrome or 7,500 continuous col or pages, or 7,000 int erm ittent monochrome or 5,0 00 int ermittent color pages). Heavy coverage, intermittent print­ing, and dif fer ent media types can use up oil at an accelerat ed rate, reducing fuser oil roller life.
100,000 single-sided pages maximum at an equal mix of bla ck and 4-co lor page s, all with 5% coverage of each color; however, fuser unit life is coverage and media dependent).
Up to 30,000 continu ous m onochrome or 7,500 continuous four-color pages, or 10,000 intermi ttent [one-page jobs] mono­chrome or 5,000 intermittent [one-page jobs] color pages. Other factors also aff ect OPC drum kit component l ife.
User’s Guide
could result in voiding
“Replacing the Fuser Oil Roller” on page 24
“Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer R o lle r Kit” on page 17
“Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack” on page 8
Consumable Life Expectancies2
Item/Message Display This item needs replacing by user after ... Page Referenc e
Transfer belt
*A a black-only, single-sided ( simplex) print job makes one pass, and a two-color (duplex) print job makes four passes. A si ngle-sided color OPC drum, since most col or print jobs use all f our tone r color s. A two-s ided col or page may consi st of up to eight passes of the OPC dru m, since most color print job s use all four toner colors . Stated consumable lif e is expressed at 5% in simplex lett er/A4 pages. A duplex page is equivalent to two simplex pages.
The number of sheets/f aces printed shown on the startup page dif fers from the number of sheet s/ faces printed statistics in CrownVi ew. The numbers on the startup page refer to number of sheets / faces printed during the lifetime of the printer. The numbers in CrownView r efer to the number of sheets/faces printed to date during the current consumables tr acking period.
(also called an
Approximately 6,000 single-sided pages per cartridge—bl ack, yellow, magenta, cyan at 5% coverage of each color.
100,000 single-sided images (1:1 color/ monochrome printing).
) is a single
(also called a
of the OPC drum (one toner col or). For example,
) consists of fo ur passes of the
“Replacing Toner Cartridges” on page 3
“Replacing the Transfer Belt” on page 26
Ordering Consumables
Choosing the right consumabl es for your magicolor 2200 DeskLaser printer not only increases its relia bility and performance, but also minimizes the risk of damage.
For example, only MINOLTA-QMS toner cartridges are designed to meet the exact specifications of your MINOLT A- QMS printer, giving maximum performance, efficiency, and long life.
T oner cartr idges and other consumables for the magicolor 2200 DeskLaser are available from your local vendor or Q-SHOP (www.q-shop.com). See the Service & Support Guide for the telephone number of the MINOLT A-QMS office nearest you for information on ordering.

Replacing Toner Cartridges

Characters and images are created in your laser printer thr ough a proc ess tha t applies t oner to the photosensiti ve (OPC) drum (whic h functions like photogr aphic film). Your printer
Replacing Toner Cartridges 3
uses four toner cartridge s: black, yellow, magenta, and cyan. Handle the toner cartridges carefully to avoid spil ling toner inside the printer or on yourself.
 The carbon-parti cle tone r is nontoxic. If you get toner on yo ur hands, wash t hem i n cool
water or a neutral detergent. If you get toner on your clothes, lightly dust them off as much as possible. If some toner remains on your clothes, use cool, not hot wate r, to rinse the toner off, provided your clothing is washable.
If you get toner in your eyes, wash it out immediately and consult a doctor. Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) information can be found at www . minolta-qms.com (click on the Answer Base).
Toner Cartridge Life
A toner cartridge contains enough toner (yellow, magenta, cyan, or black) to print a maximum of 6,000 (@ normal 5% page coverage) letter/A4-size pages.
When toner runs low in a cartridge, indicates the toner color). It’s your option whether to continue printing; usually, parts of the page print lighter.
When toner is low, it’s sometimes helpful to take the cartr idge out of the printer and redistribute the toner by gently rocking the cartridge hor izontally side to side (as you do for a new cartridge) five or six times. Then rei nstall the cartridge.
The printer , approximately 100 pages after detecting that toner in a cartridge is low, displays continues even though the out-of-toner warning appears. However, the color gradually fades, so replace the toner cartridge as soon as possible.
in the message window (
displays in the message window (
indicates the toner color). Printing
Replacing Toner Cartridges4
Toner Cartridge Handling
Do not hold a toner cartridge vertically. Do not touch the toner roller surface or the protective shutte r . Th is could lower image quality.
Keep toner cartridges:
In their packaging until you’ re ready to install them In a cool, dry location away from sunlight (due to heat)
The maximum storage temperature is 95° F (35° C) and the maximum storage humid­ity is 80% without condensatio n.
Level during storage
Do not stand or stor e cartridges on their ends or turn them upside down; the toner inside the cartridges may become caked or unequally distributed.
Away from salty air and corrosive gases such as aerosols Away from disk drives and floppy disks
The magnets in the cartridges can damage stored data.
Toner Ca rtridge Replac eme n t
Check the message display to see what toner color is out.
Open the printe r ’s front cover.
Be careful not to spill toner on the inside of the printer’s front cover. Toner will fall from there into the upper media tray. If toner does fall onto the open cover, immediately wipe it with a dry, lint-free soft cotton clo th or swa b s .
Replacing Toner Cartridges 5
If the toner cartridge you want to replace is the one showing, go to step 5. If not, go to step 3.
Press the toner cartridge
carousel button and release the button
before turning the car-
ousel dial
counterclockwise until
it stops.
The carouse l rotates 90° and stops.
The toner cartridge carou­sel may start to turn auto­matically from the weight of the inserted toner cartridge. Make sure you have fully turned to the next slot before trying to insert another toner cartridge.
Repeat step 3 until the color to be replaced is visible.
Pull the release lever to eject the toner cartridge you are going to replace.
 Dispose of it properly according to your local regulations (do not dispose of it by
Remove the new toner cartridge from its shipping carton.
Replacing Toner Cartridges6
Distribute the toner inside the cartridge.
Holding a cartridge with both hands, gently shake it five or six times.
 Each toner cartridge has a colored end that
corresponds to a colored label inside the cartridge sl ots. Always install t he toner cartridge in the slot with a label of the same color.
Place the front e nd of the
toner cartridge insta lla­tion guides into the car­tridge inst allation rails on the cartridge carouse l.
Gently push the new car-
tridge into the printer. Close the printer’s front
cover. Check the status message
in the message window.
If a toner alert message is displayed, use the Ser­vice/Clear care menu to remov e it.
Refilled Toner Cartridges
Use of consumables not manufactured by MINOLTA-QMS may cause damage to your printer and void your warranty. If MINOLTA-QMS printer failure or damage is fou nd to be directly attr ibutab le to the use of non- MINOLTA- QMS consumables, MINOLT A-QMS will not repair the print er fre e of charge. In this case, standard time and materi al charges will be applied to service your print er for that particular failure or damage.
Replacing Toner Cartridges 7

Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack

The OPC drum is e xtremely sensitive to bright light and direct sunlight. Always leave it in its protective bag until you’re ready to install it. Any exposure to light should be avoided, or permanent damage could res ult. Any damage resulting from mishandling of the OPC drum will void the warranty of the OPC drum. Also, handle the cartridge carefully by its sides so you don’t touch the surface (the green part) of the drum. The drum is also extremely sensitive to hand oils and scratches, both of which reduce print quality.
When the OPC drum i s worn out, the mess age not print until the drum kit is replaced.
When you replac e the OPC drum cartridge after a message displays i n the me ssage w indow, the printer automatic all y r ec overs. Howe ver, the replac ed waste toner pack consumables monitoring syste m must be reset.
The three items below are include d in the OPC drum kit. If one needs replacing, replace all three items.
Waste toner pack OPC drum cartridge Laser lens cover
The OPC drum life is directly relate d to the number of rota tions of the drum. Longest drum life is achieved with continuous printing. Intermittent pr inting with small job size s requires cleaning rotations before and after each job, and subsequently will impact OPC life.
The steps are:
Removing the used waste toner pack
appears. The printer will
Removing the used OPC drum cartridge
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack8
Removing the laser lens cover Installing the las er le ns cover Installing the new OPC drum cartridge Installing the new waste toner pack
Removing the Used Waste Toner Pack
When the waste toner pack is nea rly full, the message “ appears. Prepare to replace the entire OPC drum kit.
Turn off the printer.
Open the printe r ’s front cover.
Carefully remo ve the wa ste to ner p ack using t he
Keep the waste toner pack upright so the toner does not spill.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack 9
Turn the two caps labeled “A” count erclockwise
and remove them.
T wist the two “A” cap s
onto the two holes labelled “A.”
Turn the caps clockwise to secure them.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack10
Remove waste toner pack
cap labeled “B” and insert it into hole “B.”
Dispose of the used
waste toner pack.
 Dispose of it properly
accor ding to your local regulations (do not dispose of it by burning).
Continue with replaci ng
the OPC drum cartridge.
Reinstall the new waste toner pack after replac­ing the OPC drum.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack 11
Removing the Used OPC Drum Cartridge
With the front cover
open, rotate the transfer belt unit left r elease le ver counterclockwise to the top (12 o’clock) position.
This raises the transfe r belt unit.
Hold the OPC drum car-
tridge handle with your left hand and carefully pull it out about 8 inches (20 cm).
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack12
Keep your left hand in
place and support the bottom of the drum with your right hand, then carefully pull the car­tridge toward you and remove it.
 Dispose of it properly
accor ding to your local r egulations.
Removing and Installing the Laser Lens Cover
Press on the laser lens
cover lock release lever and gently pull the laser lens cover toward you.
 Dispose of it properly
accor ding to your local regulations.
Remove the new laser
lens cover from the OPC drum kit box.
Do not touch the glass surface of the laser lens.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack 13
Place the front e nd of the
laser lens cover into its installation rail.
Carefully insert the laser
lens cover and make sure it is fully inserted.
If the laser lens cover is not proper ly in stalled, serious damage to the printer could result.
Installing the New OPC Drum Cartridge
Remove the new OPC drum cartridge from its
shipping box.
Keep the protective sheet on the cartridge. Do not touch the protective sheet on the photosensitive (green) surface or scratch the surface. This could lower image quality.
Make sure the transfer belt left release lever is still set to its top position (12 o’clock).
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack14
Hold the OPC drum car-
tridge level, pl ace t he front end of the OPC drum cartridge installa­tion guide into the instal­lation rail.
Carefully push the OPC
drum cartridge in.
The cartridge should slide easily into the printer. Don’t force it.
Press on the front handle
of the OPC drum car­tridge with one hand and hold the front handle of the OPC protective c over with the other hand.
Peel the protective cover
off (straight toward you).
 Dispose of it properly
accor ding to your local regulations.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack 15
Turn the left release lever o f the tran s fer belt
clockwise to its correct position (2 o’clock).
This lowers the transfer bel t. Also make sure the transfer belt right release
lever is set to its correct position (10 o’clock).
If the transfer belt left release lever is at its top position (12 o’clock) , t he waste toner pack cannot be installed.
Installing the New Waste Toner Pack
Remove the new waste toner pack from the drum kit box.
Insert the bottom of the waste toner pack into
its installat ion position in the print er. Insert the top of the waste toner pac k
into its installat ion position in the printe r until it is firmly seated .
Close the printer’s front cover.
If the waste toner pack is not cor rectly installed or the transfer belt right release lever is at its top position (12 o’clock), the front cov er cannot be closed.
Turn on the printer.
Check the status message in the message window.
If an OPC drum or waste toner alert message is displaye d, use the Service/Clear care menu to remove it.
Replacing the OPC Drum, Laser Lens Cover, and Waste Toner Pack16

Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit

The fuser unit is hot. When the top cover is opened, the fuser unit temperature drops gradually (one hour wait time). Do not replace the fuser oil roller until you are sure that the fuser un it has cooled down.
When the fuser is worn out, the message “ printer does not print. Replace the fuser kit.
The fuser kit includes the two ite ms below. When replacing the fuser unit, replace the transfer roller as well.
Fuser unit Tr ansfer roller unit
” appears, and the
Replacing the Fuser Unit
Turn off the printer.
Open the printer’ s top cover.
Rotate the two fuser oil roller lock levers to
release the fus er oil ro ller.
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit 17
Remove the fuser oil
Hold it by the green handle only.
Place the fuser o il roller
on a level surface.
Since the fuser oil roller removed here is to be installed in the new fuser unit, handle it with ca re. If you set the fus er oil rolle r on the tabl e, do it as sho w n in the illustration. Do not allow the roller surface to contact the table or get dirty. This could lower image quality.
Turn the rel ease levers to release the fuser unit.
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit18
Holding the fuser unit handle s, lift up
the unit.
 Dispose of it properly according to your local
Remove the new fuser from its shipping box.
Carefully lower the new fuser unit so that the two pins in the fus er unit installa tion
section go into the two instal lat ion holes in the fuser unit.
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit 19
Press down on the fuser
unit release lever s and rotate them .
This secure s the fuser unit.
If the fuser unit release levers are not set correctly, the fuser oil roller cannot be installed. Set the fuser unit release levers to the fixed position.
Reinstall the fuser oil
roller (removed in step 4).
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit20
Rotate the two oil roller lever s to loc k the oil
roller into place.
Close the printer’s top cover.
Check the status message in the message window.
If a fuser unit alert message is displ ayed, use the Service/Cl ear car e menu to r emove it. Check the release button to make sure the top cover is properly closed.
Replacing the Transfer Roller Unit
 If there is media in the multipurpose tray , remove it. Close the multipurpose tray.
Press the right cover release button and care-
fully open the right cover.
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit 21
Holding the two transfer
roller unit handles, remove the transfer roller unit.
 Dispose of it properly
accor ding to your local regulations.
Remove the new tr ans fer
roller unit from the fuser kit box.
Do not touch the surface of the transfer roller unit. This could lower image quality.
Place the new transfer roller unit on a level surface.
Lift up the two transfer roller unit handles.
Replacing the Fuser Unit and Transfer Roller Kit22
+ 170 hidden pages